Endless Journey: Infinite Realms Chapter 437 Star Fi- Armor!

Chapter 437 Star Fi- Armor!

"Is there another problem again, Alexander?"

"No. there’s no problem. Just shut up and let me stay quiet." Black Alex replied to Wisteria. His whole demeanor, which appeared be nearing the foul side since earlier, just continued to worsen he longer that Wisteria was with him. "Continue talking, and I will call the Abyss to end you here."

"...Something is wrong with you. Definitely." This was all that Wisteria could say as she once more retreated from Black Alex. "I mean, just look at the kids. Even they were scared of approaching you. "


"What? Are you going to tell me that you will also call the Abyss to end these kids?" Wisteria retorted as she noticed the wide berth made by her students around Black Alex. "Go on, try doing that."

If it were before, her students will usually flock around Alex like bees around honey. But right now, none of these students had the courage to approach ’Alex’, as if the current him was too terrifying even for the usually oblivious kids.

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"Tsk." Black Alex said nothing to this comment, as he went back on his surly mode.

"I really have to put up with this guy? This freaking s**ks... Why can’t he be like the white one and the kid? They’re much-more behaved..." Wisteria could be heard mumbling to herself as he shook her head. Right now, her gaze was focused on White Alex and Kid Alex, who unlike Black Alex, were actually close to her students.

White Alex could be seen giving the students some kind of candy, while Kid Alex was shyly interacting with the other kids.


The way that these two were able to bond with the students were leagues better compared to Black Alex, and this just made Wisteria treat the two with warmness. Of course, she was still suspicious of these two.

"I don’t know what is going on here, but these three must be trying to do something with these kids..." Wisteria muttered to herself as she let out a sigh. She then began walking towards White Alex while he clutched her hand.

"Hm? You’re approaching me? Is there anything that you need, Miss Wisteria?" White Alex, who still looked immaculate in his white attire, slowly said as he gave Wisteria a brilliant smile.

Some of the kids smiled brightly after seeing this, as if the smile of this man was something that was enough to satisfy them.

Wisteria ignored the effects of his smile as she continued to approach White Alex.

"So, why are you and that kid here?" Wisteria asked after she stopped a few feet away from White Alex. Her foot was squarely planted on the ground at thiss point, with her body busy on accumulating her Symbolist and Celestial Powers. "Are you perhaps here... for something that your brother wanted?"

"Oh, we were just here becaues of an accident, Miss Wisteria." White Alex replied as he raised one of his fingers.

"An accident? Really?"

"We might look suspicious to you, but you should remember that the Dao is something that you cannot understand." In face of Wisteria’s suspicion, White Alex kept his normal face as he talked to her. "If the Dao wanted us to meet here, then that is something that you cannot fathom or even stop. So instead of fighting against this moment, you should just accept it, as this is what the Dao wants."

"Hmph, Dao my ass. Just spit it all up already!" In face of White Alex’s winding and confusing words, along with Black Alex’s taciturn and rude behavior, Wisteria was unable to keep her calm at all.

"I’m really sorry that we are making you act like this. But just like what I said before, everything that happens here is because of the Dao. So if something happens here, there’s no way that you can stop it, even with your suspicion. Your preventive measures... will just be useless." White Alex replied ’apologetically’.


"That is why, I have to apologize to you in advance already." White Alex continued to say. "What will happen from here will hurt, but it will be for the best for everyone here..."

"Hurt? Wait, are you-"

"Go to sleep already, Miss Wisteria. We still need you for the ritual later." White Alex nonchalantly muttered as he pulled out a sword out of thin air.


The sword, which was as thin as paper and as wide as a bamboo stick, let out a gentle and soothing presence after it was revealed.

This sword, which appeared to be a meek object to anyone that sees it, began to shake as it let out a sonorous hum in the air.


This sound, which has the quality of a lullaby, quickly spread itself inside the room. Nothing was able to stop this sound from spreading out, not even Wisteria, who at this point waa using numerous Symbols to stop the sound from moving.

"F**k! What the hell is this?"

Under Wisteria’s panicking and angered eyes, each one of her students immediately crumpled to the ground once they heard the sound. Even those who tried to use their powers to make fight against the sound all failed, as they eventually faded out.

In the end, all of Wisteria’s students had fallen asleep, with their snores showing how comfortable they are right now.

Wisteria, who was unable to stop this from happening, could only stare at White Alex malevolently.

"Oh... now that’s a look that a cultivator should not have." White Alex said as he waved the sword casually. "You heart... must not be tainted in order for you to become a cultivator. If you let that heart demons consume you, then you will be nothing but dust in front of the Dao."

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Once these kids were incapacitated, the sword stopped humming as its peaceful demeanor disappeared.

The sword then let out a lofty and domineering aura at this point, with its blade turning blood-red. A hint of bloodlust could be felt coming out of the sword as these changes happened, something with made Wisteria tense her body.

After the sword revealed its new form, White Alex pointed it at Wisteria, who was already fuming from everything that White Alex did.

Judging by the fluctuations surrounding her body, Wisteria appeared to be ready to fight. And she did not hide this fact, especially now that White Alex was pointing this sword at her.

"So you knocked the kids out. What’s next? Will you try to knock me out too?" Wisteria slowly said as she assumed a fighting stance. She lowered her hips until it was perpendicular to the ground. She then lowered her elbows, with hands pointing squarely at White Alex. She kept her head and legs straight in this stance, making her look like someone who was ready to fight with a horse stance. "Go on, try that to me. Let’s see if you have the power to subdue me..."

She then let out a roar, which manifested a silvery, metallic armor that quickly shot itself towards her.

This armor, which had 70 glowing points embedded on it, has covered Wisteria’s body in an efficient fashion.

None of Wisteria’s weak points were exposed under this armor, with even her eyes covered by it.

At the instant that her body and the armor fused together, Wisteria let out another roar.

This time around, this roar was accompanied by the appearance of a halberd, which Wisteria grabbed with her armor clad hands.

This halberd had 10 glowing points embedded on its body, which began to blink in conjunction to the glowing points on Wisteria’s armor.

A illusory dragon suddenly manifested itself at this point, appearing right behind the armored Wisteria.

This dragon, although it appeared to be just an illusion, still had a life-like feeling to it that anyone who sees this dragon might think for a split-second that it was real!

This dragon began to bare its fangs as it melded itself with Wisteria’s armor and halberd. This process happened in just an instant, and before anyone else could notice it, the dragon has already disappeared, with its body now residing inside the armor and the halberd.

It was only at this point that the changes on Wisteria stopped. Her final form, which took her approximately 1 second to complete, was that of a woman wearing a draconic armor and a reptilian sword.

Wisteria, in all ways, appeared to be both terrifying and valiant in her new form, which seemed to have spurned her confidence.

"I know that I will be ending up crossing swords with Alexander. But to think that I will actually fight against his relatives is something that I did not think of." Wisteria said in a muffled tone as she shifted her body. "I hope that you are just as strong as what I expected. Becase if not, then all my suspicions will just be wasted..."

Her armor moved silently and fluidly with each of her movements, showing how perfectly made this armor was. Combine this efficiency with the raw power contained in the armor, and one can definitely say that Wisteria was ready to decimate any of her opponents right now.

"That armor sure looks nice. Is that the result of the mixture of Symbolist Power and Celestial Power?" White Alex commented nonchalantly as he stared at Wisteria’s new appearance. Even if his overall power appeared to be lower compared to the current Wisteria, there was no fear in his eyes as he just regarded her with curiosity.

"Hmph, this is a Star Armor. Only a person that can use both Celestial and Symbolist power can manifest and use this weapon." Wisteria replied with a sneer as she hefted her halberd. "You should know that using this armor is something that I don’t like to do. Especially against Alexander, since he is the one that helped me out with my debt. But since you had decided to attack me, you left me with no choice but to defend myself. Surely Alexander can understand this once I explain it to him later."

"From the way that you talked you are making it appear as if Alexander is not here." White Alex commented as his sword dipped lightly. "If you think that Alexander is not here, then congratulations, you are right. But don’t think that just because Alex is not here, that you can win against me. Especially when there are three of us inside this room..."

"Hmph, you think that you, that kid and that broody Alexander look-alike can beat me? If Alexander was here, then maybe he can give me a good fight. But for you three? Hmph, one swing of my halberd is enough!" Wisteria blurted out as she lowered her halberd. Even if her face was hidden by her armor, it was obvious from her voice that she is highly confident.

"If it were me and Kid Alexander who will fight you, then it is highly possible for you to win. After all, the both of us were only strong enough to fight Third Stage Beings..." White Alex replied as he observed the lowered halberd. "But you cannot say the same thing about Black Alex. He is someone... who you cannot hope to beat with your current state!"

"Him? That black one? Heh, even if he is stronger than you, I can definitely feel that he is not a threat." Wisteria lazily said as her head swiveled towards Black Alex. "Just look at him! He-"

Whatever boast Wisteria was going to say was stuck in her throat when she saw Black Alex’s appearance.

His surly face and dark clothes were completely unseen at this point.

Instead of seeing these usual things, what Wisteria saw was a fully-armored Black Alex, who was just standing on his spot with a nonchalant attitude.

His whole body was covered with an obsidian armor, which had 100 glowing points embedded on its surface. These points, which appeared to be larger and brighter compared to the ones on Wisteria’s armor, were letting out a shrieking sound that sounded like it came from a nightmare.

An illusory, tentacled abomination then materialized behind Black Alex as the shrieking sounds continued to intensify. This abomination only lasted for around a second, as it was immediately absorbed by the obsidian armor.

Once this absorption was done, the shrieking sounds disappeared, as if they never existed at all. The armor then began to roil as multiple tentacles sprouted of its joints, something which made Wisteria take back a step.

As more and more tentacles sprouted out of the obsidian armor, the clearly surprised Wisteria can only jump away from Black Alex as she began questioning what she was seeing.

"What the hell? How can you have a Star Armor too?" Wisteria hissed as she placed herself at the farthest corner of the room. There was a hint of desperation in her tone as shrunk herself nearer to the wall, making her look somewhat pathetic compared to Black Alex. "And why is that armor much stronger compared to mine! This... this must be a trick!"

"A Star Armor is an armor forged by using the powre of both the Symbolist and a Celestial. Once the armor was formed, its creator will use the Stellar Essence inside the armor to form a connection with a Divine Being." Black Alex, who had been silent since earlier, began to talk as his armor continued to change shape.

"By using the power of a Symbolist, a contract can be forged between that Divine being and the user of the Star Armor. If the contract was successfully made, then the user of the Star Armor can borrow a portion of that Divine Being’s power. In your case, you forged a contract a dragon. That dragon might be from the Dragon God Plane or some other place. I don’t care where that dragon really is. The only thing that I know is that you are confident because of that dragon’s power."

"But you’re unlucky that you met me. My Star Armor... was forged and had a contract with the Abyss Plane itself. This kind of armor... is not something that your paltry suit can fight against." Black Alex continued to say, with each of his words seemingly able to knock the breath out of Wisteria. "If you still want to fight me with everything that I said, then come here and fight me. But you must know that you are facing against the Abyss this time. If you try to fight the Abyss, the Abyss will not be merciful to you..."

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