Endless Journey: Infinite Realms Chapter 443 Being pent-up is not a good feeling....

Chapter 443 Being pent-up is not a good feeling....

"Miss Natalia, a little walk with me won’t hurt you. On the contrary, you might even enjoy it..." In front of a luxuriously dressed Alina, a man with a handsome face began talking to her in a soothing tone.

This man had the appearance that many females adores, and yet Alina only gave him a blank stare after hearing his offer.

"Sorry, but I am busy eating. Maybe next time, if the food is bad." Alina replied as she stuffed her mouth with three spring rolls. "Nom nom nom. The food here is just so good, that I can’t stop eating."

"But Miss Natalia-"

"She said she doesn’t want to go with you. Can’t you understand that?" Professor Frances, who was donning her disguised appearance, said in a loud voice as she glared at the handsome man. "My friend here is not interested on sissies like you, so scram!"

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"What? Are you going to fight me? You know who I am, right?" Professor Frances abruptly said as she interrupted the handsome man. "Now, if you don’t want to be like those stupid people, you better back off!"

"Tsk, you two are just newbies, and you already act like this? Hmph, let’s see how long you will last in the industry..." The handsome man could be heard mumbling these words as he walked away from Alina and the professor. Dejection and rage was present on his face, but due to the presence of the crowd around him, the handsome man seemed to be forcing himself to look calm.

"What an ass. You clearly don’t want him, and now he’s saying that we are acting obnoxious? He’s delusional." Professor Frances snorted as she gobbled one of Alina’s spring rolls. "Hmm... this is actually good. Did they use genetically modified meat to make this? Or is it just traditional livestock..."

"Professor, I don’t think you should let your mind wander like this. You know that we have a mission here..." Alina muttered in a low tone as she gave the professor a small nudge. "This party will only last until 6 pm, so we should make the best of it! Otherwise, our chance will to obtain the items will be lost!"

"Hmph, you say that, but you still enjoy gobbling up the food here. Isn’t that just your way of getting distracted?" Professor Frances shot back as she shook her head. "I mean, look at the crowd. Even if they are celebrities like us, almost none of them are approaching us. They look scared by your eating habits..."

"I don’t care if these celebrities take notice of me. What I care more about is on how will we succeed on obtaining the items." Alina replied as she tore off a portion of her fried chicken with her teeth. This made her look slightly uncivilized, which led to some light titters from the nearby people.

"...Fine. So you don’t care about your appearance at all. Sigh... how did we even manage to become famous in just a month with this kind of attitude?" The professor said in lamenting tone as she stared discreetly as the people around her.

"All these people around us are celebrities who had an impact in the entertainment industry for some amount of time already. Most of them had been working for at least a year before they were recognized as real celebrities. But for us two? We only needed at least three weeks to reach their level. No matter which way you look at this, its just weird..."

"Don’t be confused. You know that in Alex’s favorite world, internet celebrities also exist. He just copied what they did and he made us do it. That’s the reason we became instantly famous." Alina quickly said as she swallowed her portion. "And we became so famous that we were actually invited in this place..."

"I think I won’t listen to Alex next time anymore. His plans are just.... Too f**king weird, even for someone like me." Professor Frances muttered as she shook her head.

"But it was Alex’s weird plan that brought us to this exclusive museum, so I guess his plan is worth it."

"Hah, this will be only worth it once we actually get the items..." The professor replied scathingly as she looked around her once more.

This time around, what she observed were not the celebrities around her.

Instead, she looked at the security measures installed all around the area.

"This museum, which was established by an extremely rich businessman, is a place where almost all the exotic and rare artifacts from the Calamity Era were gathered." Professor Frances said as she counted the cameras affixed on the walls. "Due to the rarity and value of the artifacts in this museum, a lot of importance and care were made in order to keep this museum safe from thieves or other criminals..."

"Only the rich and extremely famous can be allowed to enter the museum, and even with that, those guests still have to follow rules once they’re inside." Alina muttered as she filled up her wine glass. "No touching of the items, no taking pictures of the items, and most importantly, no using of powers inside this museum..."

"Those who disobeys that three rules, especially the third one, will get punished in a swift and quick manner." The professor concluded as she stopped moving her eyes around. "Many have broken these rules already, and all of them, without any single exception, had been punished accordingly."

"...This strictness is the reason why this mission will be hard for us." Alina mumbled as she did her best to maintain her disguise. "With the strength that I have right now, there will be nothing that can stop me from grabbing the items that we need. But at the moment that I start stealing them, our enemies will surely discover our presence. That... will be bad news for us."

"We can get the items, but we have to face numerous enemies that will try to kill us after. Now, isn’t that just a great f**king way to die?" The professor snarled as she began to wiggling her fingers.


"There’s a lot of guards here, although none of them has the power to beat us. There are also machinery and traps installed all around the items, that are meant to deter powerful thieves. But with your Sixth Stage Power, you can easily destroy them." The professor said as she gobbled a piece of taco. "The only problem that we have are the sensors outside the museum...."

"Even if I use my dimension manipulation to its limits, those sensors will still be able to inform our enemies about my presence." Alina replied as she lowered her head. "So just like what I said earlier, stealing will be easy, but escaping will be a different matter altogether."

"F**k. With the way that the things are going here, there will be no way for us to steal the items. It will just be too risky for us!" Professor Frances snarled once more as she speared a nearby chicken with her fork. She gave no mercy to the chicken as she smothered it with her fork, which turned it into shredded pieces of flesh.

"If we steal the items, we will reveal ourselves to the enemies. That... is something that will surely derail Alex’s plans. So as much as possible, we should not let that happen." Alina said wistfully as she let out a sigh. Her current appearance did not exactly match her mannerisms, although Alina did not seem to care too much about it.

"Hmph, if there’s something that will distract our enemies, then everything will be great." Professor Frances said in a disdainful tone, which made her sound like she was not optimistic with what she was saying. "But with the way that this f**king situation is going, I think that there’s nothing that can distract the-"

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It was at this moment that the battle between Delia and Sir Xote happened.

Even though the museum that Alina and Professor Frances were in was situated below the ground and was protected with many shields, the shockwaves from the sudden clash were still able to affect the museum.

"Rumble..." The whole museum shook as the battled between Delia and Sir Xote went on, which elicited a panicked reaction from the celebrities.

All of them crouched on the floor as they clumped closer to the guards, who appeared to be only not surprised with what happened.

It was these guards’ calm attitude tht managed to soothe the crowd’s worries, although all of them still stayed low to the floor.

"Alina! This is our f**king chance to steal the items! Should we do it already?" Professor Frances, who had also crouched on the floor, hissed at Alina as the latter assumed the same pose as her. "You can feel it, right? Two Sixth Stage Beings are fighting right now! That is a great distraction for us! Maybe you can steal the item without catching too much attention..."

"No. Not yet." Alina replied as she raised her hand. Her eyes were narrowed at this point, as if she was trying to deduct something. "The time is not yet ripe."

"Huh? What are you-"

"One battle is not enough. There must be more battles before I can consider it as a sufficient distraction." Alina muttered as she put her hands down. "So we won’t make a move yet. We have to wait until the situation outside spirals out of control. Only when that happens that we will make a move."

"Hah? So you’re just going to wait? Are you even sure that the situation outside will be more chaotic? What if the battle right now is the only chaotic thing that will happen? If that’s the case, then waiting here will be a waste!" Professor Frances said urgently as she grabbed Alina’s sleeves. "Come on, you f**king know that things might return to normal already. Let’s just steal the items now and make a run for it!"

"Professor... I assure you. Things will get more chaotic here." Alia replied as she gave the professor a smile, which on her current face, appeared to be both ghastly and murderous. "Just wait."


These confident words by Alina had managed to calm the professor down, and she was left with no choice but to wait alongside her.


1 minute later...

2 minutes later...

3 minutes later....

4 minutes later...

5 minutes later...

6 minutes later...

"What the hell?" This was all that Professor Frances could say after 6 minutes have passed by. Her previously calm face had beads of sweat on it, as she and Alina were able to observe the ridiculous things that happened outside.

"Queen Mother turned herself back to her tree form, while Alex split himself into 5? And these 5 parts of him are now fighting numerous powerhouses? F**king hell, this is really the definition of chaotic..." Professor Frances muttered to herself as the museum began to shake more from the additional things that had happened.

Alina did not look as surprised as the professor, as instead of panic, only a delighted expression can be seen on her face.

"Hmm...since Alex and Queen Mother had revealed themselves already, then I guess it is fine if I reveal myself too. After all, what Alex did is his declaration of war... There’s no way that I will be left out here." Alina said in a triumphant tone as she quickly stood up from her place.

This action of hers drew some attention among the crowd, including the guards who warned her to just stay down.

Alina ignored all of them as she summoned her katana, which she deftly grabbed with her right hand.

"Hoooh... ever since I gained my Virtual Body, I was not able to use it on its full capacity. But now that things are like this, I think that I have the chance to go all-out already." Alina said as bits of her power began to leak out of her body.

"Miss! I said stay down! If you don’t listen to me, we will arrest you!" The guards said threateningly as they pointed their weapons at her.

Numerous symbols arrays and celestial constellations were flaring dangerously right in front of Alina, although the said woman were not fazed in front of these weapons.

She only pointed her katana calmly at the guards surrounding her, with her face holding no signs of fear or panic.

"I am sorry to say this, but this whole place is mine from now on." Alina suddenly said as a massive, human-like figure appeared behind her. "Whoever tries to stop me will be in a lot of pain, so please, just stay down on the floor. If you don’t listen to me, I will be forced to hurt all of you."

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