Endless Journey: Infinite Realms Chapter 445 The Daily Lives of Mythical Prisoners

Chapter 445 The Daily Lives of Mythical Prisoners

"We obtained freedom for a short amount of time, but what happened to us after that? We were captured once more, and we were imprisoned again. This time, on a different cage... Sigh, what a joke our life has been." A massive, blue skinned humanoid hummed as he shook his body.

Chains, which were the size of trains, kept this blue humanoid from moving too much. This being could only hiss in frustration as he struggled to move against the chains, which held steadfast no matter what he did to break them.

"Hmph! The only life who had been a joke here is you!" The one who said these words was a green skinned creature, whose body was just as large as the blue humanoid. He appeared to be extremely unhappy as he talked to the blue humanoid, which is made more obvious by his next words. "Tsk, if it weren’t for you, I, the great Peina, could have been totally free already! It’s your f**king fault that we are imprisoned here!"

"You! How could you slander me like that? How could you do this when I was the one who tried to help you!" The blue humanoid snarled as he lunged at his green companion. "You little s**t. If you just did not surrender to the enemy quickly, then we should not be here!"

"F**k you Lingo. You are just bitter because you failed." The green being, who called himself as Peina, mumbled in reply as he tried to bite the blue humanoid. Peina’s body however was also wrapped in chains, which made it impossible for him to attack.

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"Failed? At least I tried to do something. Unlike you, who just let things happen!" The blue humanoid, who had been called as Lingo, replied back angrily as the chains on him rattled. "You are lucky that you are talented. Because if you were not, then your lazy ass could have brought you your death already!"

"My death? Haha! Many have tried to kill me, yet they have all failed! Do you think a paltry emperor like Emperor LItch can kill me? Hmph, there’s no way that he can kill the great Peina easily."

"That’s because Emperor Litch is busy extracting power from us. Of course he cannot kill us. We are his livestock, and we are doomed to be his exploits forever.." Lingo mumbled as he averted his gaze away from Peina.

Even if the lighting in this room was dim, one can still notice the exhaustion and hopelessness in Lingo’s eyes, which coupled with his chained body, made his situation appear more and more helpless.

".." Peina had no reply to this, as he too had the same hopelessness in his eyes.

"After we were freed by the Travelers from those moons, I thought that we would be able to have our revenge against that man. But no, that’s not what had happened on us." Lingo muttered as he began rocking his body back and forth. "We were instead re-captured by Emperor LItch and his generals. And now we were brought in this place, where they squeezed out our power every single month This life.. this is not the one that I want to have. Why.. why did this happen to us?"

"F**k that Emperor! Ugh, as long as I have the chance to kill him, I will crush him immediately into a pulp!" Peina shouted in indignation as he began pounding on the floor.

"Boom boom boom!"

The floor appeared to be made up of powerful materials, as none of Peina’s crushing blows were able to make a dent on the floor. The poor green humanoid can only grunt in frustration in face of the unbreakable floor, with each one of his blows eliciting more and more enraged reaction from him.

"F**k!!! I cannot even vent my rage in this place! F**k this! I... I will really kill our captors once I get free! Argh!!! I will make them pay for tormenting me like this!"

"Peina! Shut the hell up. Can’t you see I am sleeping here!" Out of nowhere, a third voice interrupted the conversation between Peina and Lingo.

This voice sounded feminine, although some hits of aggressiveness could be felt from it.

Both Peina and Lingo shivered as they heard this voice, with their bodies seizing up in fear.

"Hmph, you two are just so lively, that you’re fine with waking me up with your voices. Isn’t that just hilarious for you?" The feminine voice continued to ask as Peina and Lingo did their best to not look at its speaker. "Heh, tell me if you find your actions funny. Because I don’t find it humorous at all.."

"Um miss Adjudicator. We were just having a minor argument. It’s nothing serious. You can go back to sleeping already if you want..." Lingo began to say in a terrified tone as he addressed the owner of the feminine voice. "We did not mean to wake you up..."

"Wake up my ass! I am busy trying to communicate with the Holy Order Plane, and you, you just interrupted it! Do you know how angry I am right now? Hah, you don’t know! So don’t you try to make yourself look innocent here!" The owner of the feminine voice said as she began to stand.


Even if the feminine speaker was also chained, she appeared to be much more domineering compared to Peina and Lingo.

Her body, which was twice the size of Lingo, loomed all over the area as she fully reached her standing height.

Multiple pairs of wings, which all glowed in a resplendent manner, spread out behind the feminine speaker, which made her appear both holy and beautiful.

These wings tried their best to flap, but the chains wrapped on them prevented them from making any substantial moves.

It was at this point that the feminine speaker stopped moving, as she swiveled her head towards Lingo and Peina.

Her beautiful face only had pure rage as she stared at Lingo and Peina, as if their existence was something that was enough to anger her.

Lingo and Peina did nothing to fight back against this angry gaze, as they only continued to shrink away from her.

"Miss Adjudicator. You are an angel, so maybe you can spare some mercy for us?" Peina hastily said as he saw the angel’s murderous gaze. "We are just the only divine beings here, so maybe you can allow us some reprieve?"

"Reprieve? Hmph, in case you have forgotten it, you two are the reason that we are captured here! If I did not join your little crusade before, then I should have returned to the Holy Order Plane already! Argh! It’s you two who ruined my plans! And now, you want me to stop from beating you up? Hah, as long as we are here, I will not stop beating you up!" The winged angel said these words with so much vindication that Lingo and Peina were unable to retort at her.

They can only brace their bodies as the angel lunged at them.

Due to the way that her chains were used on her, the angel appeared to have the highest mobility among the three of them.

This allowed her to easily approach Peina and Lingo, who were both limited in their movements.

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This discrepancy also allowed the angel to easily beat the two up.

"The last extraction of my power happened last week, so I am in a pretty bad mood today. So just stay still there and allow yourself to be my punching bags!" The angel declared as she began kicking Lingo’s torso.

"Ah!" Lingo, who was unable to use any of his powers, could only cry in pain as the angel began attacking him. He tried pleading for her to stop, but the enraged angel did not heed any of his words.

She continued to kick and punch Lingo, whose body was already limp from all the beatings that he got.

"Oh.... Please have mercy on me." This was all that Peina could say as he watched Lingo’s plight. His green face now had a shade of white in it, making him look particularly sick.

"Hmph, don’t worry about this guy. You should be worried about yourself." The angel said as she landed one more kick on Lingo’s head. "Peina, you pissed me off more today, so you will receive more beating from me!"

"What? But I did not even do anything bad to you for the past week!"

"My mood is bad. That’s just it."

"...What have I even done to get a fate like this?"

"Hmph, at the very moment that you surrendered to Emperor Litch, you were already doomed to have this fate." The angel retorted as she left the limp Lingo on the floor. She then casually sauntered towards Peina, who did nothing but stare blankly at her.

He did not retreat or react badly like Lingo, which made it appear as if he was accepting his fate.

"Good. That’s just how I want you to act. Now continue acting like that once I start kicking you." The angel said as she raised her foot, which was stained with blue blood. "If you make even just the smallest sound, I will double your punishment! Do you understand that?"

"..." Peina nodded his head quickly and soundlessly, expressing his agreement with the angel’s words.

"Good. At least you can follow my instructions." It was at this point that the angel began to swing her foot towards Peina’s body.

Her strike was both powerful and efficient, making her kick appear lethal.

Due to the chains that she was wrapped in, this angel was also unable to use any of her powers. But with the stance that she used to attack, the kick that she just sent out can easily break a bone or two on Peina’s body.

Peina of course knew this, but he did not dodge this kick.

He only closed his eyes as he waited for the start of his punishment, which could last for 5-10 minutes, depending on the angel’s mood.


But before the angel’s full-powered kick could land on Peina’s chest, a surge of golden light filled the whole place, which effectively caught the attention of the two.

"Hm?" The angel quickly retracted her foot as she looked around her warily. This golden light evoked both a sense of awe and anger from the angel, which had been felt by Peina too.

These two were unable to continue what they were doing as they stared at the source of the golden light, which turned out to be a young man who was floating right on the entrance of the room.

His appearance made the angel and Peina tense up, as they did not expect this person to appear here.

"Long time no see, Miss Adjudicator and Peina. I see that your situation is not good right now." The young man said in a carefree tone. "And Lingo, what the hell happened to you? Why are you beaten up like that?"

"Urgh.. s... ks..."

"Okay. Don’t try speaking now. It’s just making me feel sick." The young man hurriedly said as he made a cutting motion with his fingers. "Don’t even move from your spot, ok? Just let me... do my deed, and you will be alri-"

"Traveler Alex, is that you?" Peina said as he interrupted the young man’s monologue. His eyes were now filed with hope as he stared at the golden young man, as if he was the messiah that he was waiting for.

"Well yes, you can say that I am Traveler Alex." The golden man hesitantly said as he tilted his head. "Or more specifically, I am a portion of Traveler Alex. But still, I am also Traveler Alex, so-"

"Please save us! Oh great Traveler! I will do anything for you, as long as you free us out of this hell! Please, please have mercy on us!" Peina suddenly said as he began supplicating in front of Golden Alex. "If you want me to be your servant, I will be doing it! Just... just free us right now, and we won’t betray you!"

"Are you sure that you will do everything for me?" Golden Alex replied as a small smile appeared on his face. "You will really do anything for me, as long as I free you three?"

"Yes, I swear that, Traveler Alex ! I swear it with my life!"

"Good. Good. Good. I just have the right plan that you three can do. Hehehe, since you have promised to follow me, then this plan of mine will surely work. Hehehe...."

Peina was not sure why, but he began to feel a slight fear after he made his promise with Golden Alex. But with the desperate situation that he is in right now, Peina ignored this sliver of fear.

After all, there’s nothing worse that can happen to him, right?

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