Endless Journey: Infinite Realms Chapter 488 Blood-stained Memories, Part 5

Chapter 488 Blood-stained Memories, Part 5

Pain. Pure pain.

That was what Anatta felt as she regained her consciousness.

Her body refused any of her commands to move, as they only responded by giving her more pain.

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"Argh s**t! This hurts!!!!"

Her eyelids felt like they were attached on some lock, as Anatta found herself unable to open her eyes at all. This, combined with the feeling of drowsiness that is assaulting her, almost brought Anatta to the brink of unconsciousness once more. It was only the pain that kept her awake, although Anatta was not happy on continuing to feel this pain.


With her closed eyes, Anatta realized that her body was in no perfect condition at all. Whatever happened with the explosion that knocked her out must have led her to become like this, an incapacitated woman that is at mercy of anything hostile nearby.

The only reason that Anatta was not panicking now was because she was more worried about her body, which at this point, has still not responded on her pleas to move.

"Urgh... There’s no denying this, all of my limbs are already busted. I can’t control them at all, and all I feel is pain when I reach out to them..." Anatta thought as she struggled to take breath. Since her eyes were still resisting her attempts to be opened, Anatta was still unsure about the overall condition of her body, but since she was still alive, then maybe her injuries were not that bad at all.

"Since I can still breathe and my mind is still working, then that means that my vital organs are still safe. But how long can I last in this state..."

As time passed by, Anatta was able to regain her calm. She knew that panicking will be of no help at all, as panicking will just make her condition worse. Staying calm is the key, although Anatta was not sure on how being calm can help her out from her predicament.

"Since I have suffered multiple injuries, then that means that I am bleeding heavily now. Bleeding heavily means that I am losing blood quickly, which is not a good thing for me...." Anatta thought as her ears heard the sound of blood dripping from her wounds. "Even with my longevity medicines, I will still die if I lost around 90% of my blood... I’m not sure on how long it will take for me to lose that much blood, but I will certainly reach that point!"

Once she had reached this conclusion, Anatta’s calm façade began to slowly break as she realized the fate that she was about to face.

Whether Anatta liked it or not, she will be dying in the next few minutes, and there’s nothing that she can do in order to prevent it!

"F**k! I must do something to prevent this from happening! I... I cannot just die from blood loss here! But what can I do, when I am paralyzed like this? Call for help? Heh, I can’t even move my eyes, much less my mouth!"

If Anatta can laugh in despair, she could have already done this at this point. But with her injures, the best that she could do was to cough up blood, something that just worsened her condition.

"Wait... am I really going to die here? No, this must be a joke... I... I cannot be dying like this! I still have a lot to do! I-"

"Oh thank goodness you’re still alive Doctor Anatta. I was worried you will be dead." Out of nowhere, an apathetic, but also smug-sounding voice was suddenly heard by Anatta. "At first I thought you were already dead, but then I saw you breathing! Hehehe, you’re really lucky Doctor Anatta..."

This voice naturally stopped Anatta from her thoughts, as she realized that there was someone who had seen her now.

And from the looks of it, this person also knew Anatta, which was proven by the fact that she was called by the newcomer with her proper title!

"Tsk tsk tsk, your body is in a bad condition now, Doctor Anatta. But you’re lucky the falling rocks did not crush your torso. If it were, then you’d be already dead..." The owner of the voice said as Anatta heard the sounds of rocks being shifted away from her.

"Falling rocks? Oh, so the ceiling must have collapsed after I lost my consciousness..." Anatta thought to herself as she felt the pressure on some of her limbs disappear. "Oh, so the reason I can’t move my limbs was because they were crushed by rocks... that’s good to know."

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"Yosh, your body is in a really bad shape, Doctor Anatta. But I think that you can still last until the medical team arrives." The owner of the voice said as Anatta now felt a pair of hands grabbing her body. "I don’t know if you’re conscious, but let me apologize for touching your body right now. I just have no choice but to carry you, since there are not stretcher around..."

Pain assaulted Anatta’s body once more as she felt herself being lifted off the ground, with the hands grabbing her applying pressure directly on her body.


If it weren’t for the warning that the speaker just gave her, then Anatta could have fainted instantly from this new pain. Good thing she had been warned, although she still teared up from the mind-splitting agony that festered in her body.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, now that’s a lot of blood pouring out of your wounds. I am also bleeding like you, but mine has already healed..." The speaker said as Anatta felt herself being carried gently. This movement brought upon more jolts of pain to Anatta, but this was more manageable compared to before, allowing her to regain her calm.

As she was being trudged away by her savior, Anatta’s mind began to wander as she started to worry about other things.

More specifically, on the identity of her savior, who in her opinion was undoubtedly a man.

"Why... does this man feel familiar to me? The only male that I talked to here was my uncle, and I am sure that this man is not my uncle at all!" This was the main concern that Anatta was dealing with now, as she felt that there was something wrong with her savior." I am sure that this is the first time that I heard my savior’s voice, and yet I could not help but feel like I am used to his voice. Even the way that he moved seems familiar to me, even though I did not touch any man this closely!"

"Tsk, if I want to know who my savior is, then I should open my eyes first! I’m sure that once I use my vision, I will recognize him!" With this prompt, Anatta began pumping all of her efforts on opening her heavy-lidded eyes.

Luckily for her, the assistance and comfort that her savior gave reduced the stress on her body, making it easier for Anatta to open her eyes.

In no time at all, Anatta was able to open her eyelids by a sliver, allowing a burst of light to enter her eyes.

She slightly shivered from the bombardment of images and glare inside her mind, and it took her a few seconds to adjust her eyes to the new lighting around her.

Once she felt that her eyes were working fine, Anatta opened it more, with her desire of knowing her savior spurring her resolve to open them.


What greeted her newly-opened eyes was the face of her savior, who was looking down at her with an amused expression. There was a smile tugging on his face as Anatta’s eyes became wider, with him actually laughing as Anatta’s body trembled again.


"Doctor Anatta, don’t make any noises like that. You should focus on stabilizing your body." The savior, whose face turned out be Alexis’, said as he shook his head. "You are the one who allowed me to reach this stage, so I am grateful to you. So please don’t die, for that will make me sad..."

"Urght rught!"

"I know, I know. You must be surprised that I am acting like a normal human here. I am surprised too, since I did not expect myself to become like this..." Alexis said as he let out a wry smile. "Allowing a clone to have a fully functioning human consciousness should have been impossible, and yet here I am talking to you like we were friends..."


"Hahaha, maybe you can solve this mystery in the future, Doctor Anatta. After all, you’re the one who made me like this..." Alexis continued to say as he ignored Anatta’s grunts. "Of course that’s under the premise that you will be fully healed..."


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