Endless Journey: Infinite Realms Chapter 50 mOtIvaTIonaL sPEakeR

Chapter 50 mOtIvaTIonaL sPEakeR

Aleksei had a hard time fighting Clint, given the fact that Clint was able to manipulate numerous amount of attacks which he just threw all towards Aleksei.

But in the end, the partial invincibility provided by the fusion of his body and the World Diagram allowed Aleksei to tank his attacks and win.

After he knocked out Clint with a well-placed punch, Aleksei immediately rushed towards the location of Lord Ergo, hoping that he was not still too late.

Along the way, he felt the vital signs of Lord Gallius dropping to extreme lows, indicating that he suffered heavy injuries.

"Tsk, what a useless guy. But at least he bought me some time..." Aleksei muttered to himself as he saw himself nearing the location of Lord Ergo.

"Hmm... Now this is interesting." Aleksei muttered to himself as he saw what was happening to Lord Ergo.

He saw that Lord Ergo was bound by countless ropes, and that he seemed to be in extreme pain.

Aleksei also did not forget to take note of the ball attached on Lord Ergo’s forehead.

Whatever was happening Lord Ergo, Aleksei was sure that the ball was highly related to that.

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And if Aleksei was not wrong, this ball most likely came from Alex.

Speaking of Alex, he and Alina were floating together in the air, staring at Aleksei in such a way that they seemed to want to chase him away.

"Oh, now I get it." Aleksei thought to himself as he somehow pieced what was happening.

"That ball was doing something beneficial to Lord Ergo, and it seems like nobody must interrupt the process. Alex and Alina must have been the ones to stop anyone from approaching... But too bad for these two, there is no way that they can stop me!"


The codes of the World Diagram have two Properties interwoven on itself.

One was control and the other one was durability.

Control Property allows the World Diagram to manipulate the properties of the Esper World.

Durability Property on the other hand allows the World Diagram to withstand the numerous types of Esper Abilities, especially those designed to break things.

When the World Diagram was divided into two, each respective half got their own respective property.

The portion that Lord Ergo had contained most of the Control Property, and a little of the Durability Property.

As for Aleksei, the portion that he got contained most of the Durability Property and a little of the Control Property.

Aleksei’s extremely tough body was obtained when he fused himself with the Durability Property of the World Diagram. This is what allowed him to tank most of the attacks that Clint poured on him earlier.

Of course Aleksei was still human, so the durability that he had was not perfect.

Some of his organs were still bleeding from the attacks that came from Clint, and even now Aleksei felt extreme pain everytime he moves.

Aleksei ignored this pain as he knew that defeating Alex and Alina will be his number 1 priority right now.

No matter how much these two struggled, Aleksei knew that it will be easy for Aleksei to defeat them.

After all, abilities that can kill him right now are extremely rare.

Even if Alex and Alina can trap him, Aleksei was fine with that.

It was quite obvious to Aleksei that the power-up that Alex and Alina used had a time limit, maybe around 5-10 minutes.

Aleksei can just let Alex and Alina do their stuff on him within that time, and once the time limit was up, Aleksei will take his sweet time on killing them.

Aleksei then began to pant as he imagined his supreme victory later.

Aleksei’s goal this time was to obtain the World Diagram fragment from Lord Ergo, and the only thing blocking him from his goal was Alex and Alina.

"Once you two are gone from my sight, I will be assured of my win." Aleksei thought to himself as he looked at the human-shaped capsule inside his airship.

His sharp look turned soft as he gazed at the capsule with longing.

Aleksei did not care if Alex and Alina saw what he was doing.

In Aleksei’s eyes, this capsule is much more important than his own life.

"Just wait for me Victoria, once I get it from Lord Ergo, we can be together again!" Aleksei thought to himself as he felt himself growing nervous.

Aleksei swore to himself that he should not fail this time. All of his dreams relied on him winning right now.

Failure is not an option.


"Are you sure about using the dagger right now?" Alina inquired as she saw what Alex did. "You know that its effect will only last for 5 minutes, and once the time limit is up, we will be practically toast."

"Well, this is our best bet right now. Ugh!" Alex grunted as he felt his Mental Power overflowing inside his body. "Sigh, taking a lot of Mental Power like this seems to be a little difficult for me now..."

"That’s because you should not be having this much Mental Power inside you!" Alina snapped as she watched the afro guy’s every action vigilantly. "You are not supposed to be at the Star Esper level yet!"

"Well, two temporary Star Espers are better than just one, right?" Alex said as he tried to stabilize his trembling body. "As long as we used our strongest moves, victory will be within our grasp!"



When Alex used the Star-Crusted Dagger on himself, he was able to reach the temporary Star Esper level, as he had the Mental Power of Tier 999+ due to the effects of Quantum Entanglement with Alina.

Not only that., but because of this Quantum Entanglement, Alina was also affected by the Star-Crusted Dagger, which allowed her to step on the temporary Star Esper for the second time.

Unlike Alex who had to stabilize himself, Alina smoothly entered the temporary Star Esper state, probably due to her experience in entering this state before already.

"With the two of us working together, there is a chance that we can win!" Alex said as he saw Alina’s current state.

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"Win? You two must be delusional." The afro guy seemed to be not surprised with what Alex and Alina did. He however had an interested gaze on the Star-Crusted Dagger.

"It took me only a few seconds to defeat Clint, but due to the time dilation that he did, it took me some minutes to come here." The afro guy said as he slowly approached Alex and Alina.

The afro guy’s confident demeanor showed that he was feeling that he was just here to take something that he wanted, and not to fight for his life. This of course pissed Alex off, as he felt that this gesture was extremely insulting.

"I presume that you are done with your power-ups then." The afro guy said as he tore his gaze away from the dagger.

The afro guy started to stretch his body as he looked at Alex and Alina intently. "Now that you are done strengthening yourselves, it will be the perfect time for me to demolish you two down. After all, seeing someone fall from their peak is a very satisfying sight to see. And you two shall be included in my this list..."

"Hmph, let us see if you can do that." With Alex stepping on the temporary Star Esper Stage, he realized all the things that he can do with his EM Wave Manipulation Ability.

Not only that but combining his ability with Quantum Property Manipulation, and Alex felt that he and Alina might have the chance to win!

"First strike goes to me!" Alex declared as he pointed his fingers as the afro guy.

By taking advantage of his Quantum Property Manipulation and EM Wave Manipulation, Alex was able to force the creation of positrons.

Positrons, from what Alex knew, are basically the antimatter version of electrons.

Both positron and the electron has the same mass and spin, but they have opposite charges.

With Alex’s abundant knowledge in physics, he knew for a fact that antimatter annihilates matter when they were in contact with each other, producing large amounts of energy in the process.

With this knowledge in mind, Alex gleefully created a kilogram of positrons within his range. Of course he made sure that these positrons will not collide against any nearby electrons at all.

Once he was sure that he had the right amount, Alex used his power to converge all these positrons towards the afro guy.

This time, Alex did not care even if the afro guy was covered with numerous amounts of electrons, and Alex made sure that the afro guy was surrounded with around a kilogram of electrons.


Alex’s ears almost popped as a flash of light covered him and Alina. Alex was sure that this light was part of the explosion, produced when 1 kilogram of positrons collided with 1 kilogram of electrons.

Alex and Alina were able to survive the blast as they used Superposition to dodge the blast.

Also, Alex made sure that the explosion will be mostly directed above, away from the direction of Lord Ergo and Ricardo.

"D**n, this is one strong explosion." Alex muttered to himself as he remembered the equations of showing the strength of this blast.

By following the equation E = mc2, the energy released by Alex’s antimatter bomb was approximately around 1.8 x 10^18 Joules or 4.3 x 10^5 Kilotons.

That was approximately around 17,200 regular nuclear bombs.

"Even if that guy was tough as hell, there is no way that he can survive that." Alex muttered to himselfas Alina started to make her move too.

Alex was not sure what Alina did, but he was pretty sure that Alina manipulated space in terms of quantum mechanics.

Alex could see the space around the explosion folding on itself, as if it was being slowly turned inside out, then forced to be compressed.

Alex could only look with wide eyes as he saw the space collapsing inwards, bringing the explosion and everything inside it towards the center.

It took Alina a few seconds to do it, but in the end, she managed to compress the portion of space in front of her to the size of a large ball

"F**k! The afro guy is still alive after all that we did to him?" Alex exclaimed in surprise as he saw that the afro guy was inside the space ball in front of him.

The afro guy was littered with numerous injuries, but Alex could feel that the afro guy was still alive and kicking.

Alex shook his head in mild disbelief as he gave a pleading look at Alina. "Alina, if you want to kill him, then maybe you should just make that space smaller and smaller until he gets crushed..."

"I can’t compress it anymore." Alina replied as she shook her head. Sweat beaded her face, showing how strenuous the task that she did. "I can feel the afro guy resisting the space compression, and no matter what I do right now, I cannot force the space to compress anymore."

"Tsk, this guy is one tough cookie." Alex muttered as he looked at the compressed space with trepidation. "So, we are just going to trap the afro guy here?"

"We can do that, but with our current state, we can only trap him at most 3 minutes." Alina replied with a grimace. "We have a time limit, right?"

"Oh f**kity, f**kity, f**k, f**k!" Alex’s eyes widened with panic as he realized that they are still doomed.

With them using the Star-Crusted Dagger, Alex and Alina will be paralyzed once the 5-minute time limit is up.

Right now, there are only 3 minutes left before the time limit runs up.

Sure, both Alex and Alina were able to trap the afro guy with their current powerup.

However, once the 3-minute time limit was up, they will be unable to trap the afro guy anymore. What’s worse was that they will also be unable to defend themselves at that time.

The afro guy will surely rip Alex and Alina apart 3 minutes from now.

"What do we do?" Alina asked with panic as she did her best to contain the afro guy. "We should kill the afro guy before our last 3 minutes gets used up!"

"...Don’t worry, I have a plan." Alex serenely replied as he ignored the words coming out of Asteria’s filthy mouth, which sounded like she was blaming Alex and Alina for being too ’eager to win’.

Asteria’s current demeanor reminded Alex of some sports fans who will curse their favorite team just because they were about to lose.

People like those were extremely hypocritical, and Alex had no time to deal with one right now.

"Woosh~" Alex did not say anything as he suddenly flew towards Lord Ergo, who was still writhing on the ground in pain.

The disguised Ricardo was beside him, saying words of comfort, probably to ease some pain.

Ricardo sensed Alex’s arrival, but before he can say anything, Ricardo’s face changed as he saw Alex doing something that enraged him.

"Pyak!" Alex did not act with any respect as he started to kick Lord Ergo’s body. He continued kicking him for a few more times, eliciting shocked reactions from both Alina and Ricardo,

Asteria of course enjoyed what she saw, and she even cheered as each of Alex’s kick landed.

Alex ignored all of these reactions as he gave the writhing Lord Ergo a level glare while saying,

"If you don’t wake up now, you will lose the chance to make up with your family. Do you want to see all your loved ones gone? If you don’t... then stop being an effing coward and fight it out! Don’t use your current condition to stay there! Fight for your freedom! Our lives depend on it, you dumbass!"

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