Endless Journey: Infinite Realms Chapter 510 Binary Planets

Chapter 510 Binary Planets


While Tong’er was busy dealing with her new ’guest’, those who were still in the Four Moons World were beginning to prepare themselves for a major change.

After all, the situaiotn in this world is about to reach its climax.

"Daddy, what now? I only need one more push to complete the possession, so I need your answer already!" Sierra continued to say as her Soul continued to fuse with the Four Moons World. "I can only last for a few more seconds, so tell me everything!"

By this point in time, only a sliver of Sierrra’s soul can be seen by Alex, as the majority of her soul had already melded with the physical body of the Four Moons World. Just like what Sierra said, it appeared as if she only need one more push to complete the possession. A push, which Alex was not willing to wait for.

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"I taught you the concepts about General Relativity right? As long as you take those concepts in your mind, you will know where to place the Esper World." Alex finally said, with his reply suffused with his calm voice. "Just follow the equations, and the rest will follow."

"But daddy-"

"Consider this as your exercise too, Sierra." Alex said smilingly, with his tone indicating that he is not interested on hearing Sierra’s complaints. "Since you are about to control two worlds, you must learn how to handle them both with care. This placement problem that you have with the Esper World? Consider that as your first lesson for world control!"

"...I see daddy. Okay, I shall follow your f**king instructions. So Newton’s Gravitational Constant is equal to Ricci Curvature Tensor minus...[1]" As Sierra’s voice trailed with her equations, her stationary soul began to move once more, indicating that she was back to her possession attempt.


This time, there were no more obstacles or questions that stopped Sierra from the possession. She was free to fulfill her mission, an opportunity that she did not let go to waste.


Under the eyes of everyone present, the jubilant Sierra let out a heave, which led to the eventual push on her exposed soul. Creaking sounds filled the area as her soul continued to sink to the ground, and this sound got louder as the process went on.


It took 5 more seconds before the process could finish, with Sierra’s soul disappearing entirely from everyone’s sight.


Once her soul has disappeared, the rumblings on the Four Moons World stopped. The shakings that almost tore the land earlier has now disappeared, with the torrential water waves and horrific winds calming down instantly.

The Four Moons World seemed to be back to its peaceful state at this point, something which made the residents feel happy

Seeing the peaceful state of the Four Moons World made its residents think that maybe, just maybe, Sierra has failed on her possession attempt.

After all, the rumblings stopped when her soul disappeared. Surely she did not succeed....Maybe her soul has disappeared because she died, right?

But contrary to their expectations, Sierra did not fail at all. Instead, she had succeeded on where they wanted her to fail.

Sierra had successfully possessed the Four Moons World, making her the sole controller of this world!

The previously empty Four Moons World has now its vessel filled, as Sierra’s Soul is fully occupying it now!

Every part of Sierra’s soul has now integrated with the Four Moons World, with every particle and molecule in this world taken over by her soul. There’s nothing in this world that is free from Sierra’s soul, making her the only omnipresent individual here.

Every part of her soul has also taken hold of the Laws in the Four Moons World, giving Sierra the sole ability to manipulate and change the reality in this world!

This makes her not only an omnipresent being, but also an omnipotent being in the Four Moons World!

"D-daddy! I succeeded! I am now a proud controller of two different worlds! F**k yeah!" Sierra said excitedly, with her attitude making he look like an animated kid. This time, she used her mental connection to converse with Alex, a move which he appreciated. "Hehe, how about that, Daddy? Does that make you happy?"

"Of course I feel happy. Making you stronger is part of my plans after all." Alex quickly replied, with the teasing tone in his words enough to make Sierra fume. "I could be feeling more emotions now, but now is not the time for me to celebrate. Sierra, we still have a lot to do after this. If you want to celebrate, we can do it later. But for now, let’s finish our tasks, okay?"

"Ok daddy..."

"Good. Now that the Possession is now complete, it’s time for us to head to the next plan. Are you ready, Sierra?"

"I’m always f**king ready Daddy. Just give me the signal, and I will be starting!"

"Hehehe, if you are ready, then you can start now."

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"Roger daddy!"

Right after Sierra gave this reply, the Four Moons World began to shake again, with its land, water, and air producing calamitous events once more.


This time however, the shaking was not caused by anything on the Four Moons World. Instead, this shaking was caused by something else.

A planet, which was the around the size of Earth, suddenly materialized 6,000 kilometers away from the Four Moons World. Its size and mass was able to disrupt the gravity on its surroundings, causing changes that affected the Four Moons World too.

With is proximity to the Four Moons World and its size, this new planet was able to make the Four Moons World shake, a phenomenon that made almost everyone scream in fear.

After all, seeing a Planet-sized moon looming all over you is not an optimistic thing to see. This sight can be even said to be apocalyptic....

Even Delia was not pleased on seeing this planet, with her tense pose and tightened face showing how wary she is right now.

"So is this what Alex meant by the Esper World? Hmph, that guy really has a lot of tricks on his sleeves..." Delia could be heard muttering these words, something that she seemed to not be afraid to do. "Hmph, I should have expected this earlier... Why am I even surprised now?"

Unlike Delia’s wariness or the residents’ fear, Alex and his allies’ reaction upon seeing this new planet was different.

Alex was looking at this planet with an interested look, while Queen Moher was looking at it with great curiosity.

Alina on the other hand have complicated expressions on her face as the stared at the planet, with sorrow and home-sickness discernible on her eyes.

She seemed to be wanting to go to this planet right now, a yearning which Alex noticed.

"Alina, I know that you want to go to the Esper World already, especially now that it has been materialized. But you know that we still can’t do it now." Alex said to Alina, with his words sounding as soothing as possible. "If we go right now, bad things could happen to the Esper World.... The only time that we can go there is when-"

"Is when we finish this mission. I know that, ok?" Alina replied as she shook her head. Alex’s words appeared to have broken Alina out of her stupor, allowing her to regain her calm. "Don’t worry about me Alex. I can still... control myself."

"...O-ok, that’s good to know." With Alina’s complicated past with the Esper World, Alex knew that talking to her more about it will not be beneficial. As such, he can only leave her in her brooding state. "Okay, just stay here and be alert for any danger...."



With Alina sufficiently dealt with, Alex placed back his attention on his other important female ally.

"Sierra, good job on manifesting the Esper World. You perfectly followed the principle of Binary Planets![2]" Alex said to Sierra, with praise present in his words. "You even made the Four Moons World and the Esper World separated by 6,000 kilometers, a distance that is enough to form a Binary Planet System!"

"Hehehe daddy, you don’t need to give me more f**king praises. I already know that I am very talented..." Sierra replied quickly, although the smug tone in her voice made it obvious that she was happy with Alex’s praise. "But if you’re happy with this, I can make you happier. You know, I can make the Esper World go closer...."

"Ehem, this distance is already enough" Alex replied with a cough. "There’s no need for you to make it closer."

"Eh? But I can-"

"Why are we talking about the distance anyway? Shouldn’t you be starting our next plan already?" Alex said, interrupting Sierra’s attempt to complain. "With your poseession of the Four Moons World, you should have found that ’object’ already... Question is, have you found this ’object’?"

"...I found this ’place’ already Daddy. It’s hidden right inside the core of the Four Moons World." Sierra replied dismally. She seemed to be unhappy with Alex’s rejection of her suggestion, although she did her best to not show this emotion. "What do you want me to do with this ’object’?"

"Um, first of all, since you have found it already, we should not call it an ’object’. Calling it as the Legacy Weapon of the Infernal Monarch will be better..." Alex answered excitedly. "You said that it’s inside the core, right? Can you try moving it until it reaches the surface? Surely your control of the Four Moons World can allow you to do that..."

"Move it? I’ll try it daddy. But since you called this as the Legacy Weapon of the Infernal Monarch, then maybe it will be too heavy for me...." Sierra replied with doubt present on her tone. "But I will still try my best! I don’t want Mommy to get more lonely!"

"Hehehe, that’s the spirit, Sierra!"


Another code for you guys. This one’s will be about the next volume, so try solving this!

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[1] https://warwick.ac.uk/fac/sci/physics/intranet/pendulum/generalrelativity/

[2] https://www.space.com/27832-binary-earth-size-alien-planets.html

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