Endless Journey: Infinite Realms Chapter 512 Legacy Weapon

Chapter 512 Legacy Weapon

As Professor Frances and her ’room-mates’ continued to deal with their patient, the situation on Alex’s side continued to peak.

"Okay daddy. I will pull out the Legacy Weapon now. But I don’t think that it will be easy for you to get the Legacy Weapon. Someone’s f**king guarding it right now." Sierra said in their mental conversation, with her tone sounding somewhat wary. "But don’t be worried daddy. This guard did not attack me when I tried to made contact with the weapon. He just smiled at me..."

"There’s a guard? Hm, that makes things a little harder. But I think it will still be manageable..." Alex muttered in reply as he looked down on the ground. "Um Sierra, is it possible for you to pull out the Legacy Weapon without including the guard?"

"No, daddy. The guard’s body is attached to the Legacy Weapon. Even if I tried to f**king exclude him, it will not work at all..." Sierra replied listlessly. "But I think that you should not be worried about this guard, daddy. He told me that he does not mean harm to anyone of you. He’s just here... to guard the Legacy Weapon."

"He told you? Wait, so does that mean that you are talking to him now, Sierra?"

"Yes daddy. He’s talking to me. Quite eloquently in fact." Sierra said quickly. "He said that he’s lonely all this time without anyone talking to him. Now that I managed to posses this world, he was able to gain his first speaking partner..."

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"...A guard that has been alone for all this time? Hehehe, this is jackpot." Alex mused as he did his best to hide his thoughts from Sierra. "If this guard is tasked with guarding the Legacy Weapon, then that must mean that he knew the origins of this world. Not only that, but he must be privy to the knowledge about the Infernal Monarch. Hehehe, now this makes me feel excited to meet him..."

"Daddy? Why are you silent now? Is there a f**king problem?"

"No Sierra, I was just thinking on how I should greet that guard." Alex replied hastily as he sorted out his thoughts. "So he said that he’s not going to attack us? Are you really sure about that?"

"Yes daddy. He even said that the only time that he will attack was if someone tries to get the Legacy Weapon without his approval." Sierra replied as she seemed to shake her head. "Only those who passes his screening process can get the Legacy Weapon, and as of now, he’s telling me that none had yet gained his approval..."

"Tsk, now ain’t that just nice." Alex grumbled with a frown. "At least I can still obtain it."

"Daddy, what should I really do now?"

"Just do what I told you Sierra. Lift the weapon up until it reaches the surface. Since that guard is harmless, then we can talk to him without any problems. Oh, and tell him that I will be accepting that screening process of his. Let’s see if I can gain his approval with my charm..."

"Daddy, the guard said that he will be happy to test you, along with the other Traveler." This reply by Sierra made Alex frown, although he did his best to hide this expression from Delia. "You’re okay with that daddy, right?"

"Yes, I am okay with it. I just-"

"Okay, here I go then daddy!"


The whole earth beneath Alex’s feet suddenly shook as a massive bulge began to protrude on the land that they were stepping on.

This bulge, which was unlike any other geological phenomena, seemed to have been caused by an object trying to force itself out of the ground.

The cracks present on the bulge as it grew larger proved this point, making Alex narrow his eyes.

"Guo guo guo!"

In no time at all, this bulge was able to reach the height of a 10 story-building, allowing it to look like a hill. The only thing marring its appearance were its cracks, which are now wider than train tracks.

These cracks should have caused the bulge to collapse already, but it seemed like an unknown power was forcing the land around the cracks to hold themselves together.

"Daddy, you see that bulging land right there? Underneath all that soil is the Legacy Weapon! Just use your power to blow all that land away, and you will see the Legacy Weapon!" Sierra told Alex as the bulge reached its peak height. "Hehehe, the guard told me that he will greet you once you revealed the weapon. So don’t be shy daddy, and have fun f**king blowing!"

"..Yeah, I shall do that." Alex said as he and his allies immediately leapt away from the bulge, with their eyes concentrated on this protruded and cracked surface. "But let me wait for a few seconds first. I want to see if there are any traps nearby..."

"Okay daddy."






Seeing that there’s no malicious attack coming from this bulge, Alex was able to regain his calm. The same thing can be said to Queen Mother, Tong’er, and Milo, who were all now looking at the bulge with curiosity.

However, these 4 were the only ones who had a neutral reaction upon seeing the bulge. Alina and Delia were in no way calm or neutral at the sight of this bulge. Instead, they had colorful reactions at this point, something that made Alex frown.

"Ugh, whatever is making that bulge must be something nasty. Ugh, I can taste that the air around that bulge is tainted! It’s like... I am tasting rotten meat!" Delia whimpered as she made a revolted noise. She even covered her mouth, maybe in an attempt to stop the taste from coming in. "Ugh, this is one of the worst things that I have tasted before! Why is it even here?"

"Ah! My eyes! I feel like they are burning! Alex, what the hell is that thing! Is that... the Legacy Weapon that you are talking about?" Alina whimpered as her eyes began to tear up. This woman who never really cried that much before was reduced to a crybaby in front of the bulge, a sight that Alex could never forget. "Alex, if this is the Legacy Weapon, then do something about it quickly! I... I can’t take this any longer!"

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"Tsk, Alex, you better do something about this bulge, or I will be forced to attack it! Blergh, do you know how much I want to vomit now?" Delia said as she gave Alex a reproaching look. "F**k, it’s like I am tasting s**t and corpses at the same time! Blergh!"

As he heard the complaints of these two woman, Alex began to talk to Sierra once more, who at this point, was also horrified with what’s happening to Alina.

"OI Sierra! Why the hell is your mommy affected like this? I thought the guard did not mean anything to harm them!" Alex hissed as he glared at the bulge. "If he’s not attacking, then what is this?"

"D-daddy, the guard said that the Legacy Weapon has countermeasures placed on it that prevents those with Divine Sensory Organs from spying it. As long as they use their Divine Sensory Organs to observe the Legacy Weapon, they will receive a painful backlash..." Sierra hesitantly replied. "The only way that they can stop the backlash is by suppressing their Divine Sensory Organs.."

"Tsk, what the hell? How could this Legacy Weapon even have something like that? Is the Legacy Weapon a fortress or something?" Alex muttered angrily as he spun to face Alina and Delia.

He quickly told these two woman the advice given by Sierra, which made the two women bristle in anger. Fortunately, these two women were able to temporarily stop their Divine Sensory Organs from working.

"Tsk, itsh hard to shpeak with a numb thounge. F**k, I how can I eat properly lather?" Delia, whose tongue was dosed with numerous anesthetics, muttered angrily as she glared at the bulge. It was obvious that she was unhappy with the way her tongue has ended, making her look like she wanted to tear the bulge apart. "Tshk, why ish the Legacy Weapon making me feel like thish? Ish the Infernal Monarch an enemy of women?"

"Even if I am blind, I can still rely on my Esper Power to sense my surroundings. But still, having to temporarily blind your eyes is not a good feeling..." If Delia was livid, Alina seemed to sound calm. However, it could be seen on her trembling arms and clenched fists that her mood was nowhere pleasant at all. "Alex, once you get the Legacy Weapon, can you give me the chance to wack it? I want to make it feel the pain that my eyes had..."

"Yoyoyo, you two should calm down. What happened earlier was an accident, although that guard should have warned us about this ’Anti-Divine Sensory Organ Effect’." Alex placatingly said. "Don’t worry, I will make that guard explain himself once I reveal him and the Legacy Weapon..."

After saying these words, Alex told Blue Alex to flick the bulge with his Virtual Body. The Esper complied, using the Synthesis Virtual Body to stir the air currents in the area.


The resulting wind was powerful enough to blow the bulging land away, with most of the soil and sand carried towards the atmosphere.

Blue Alex continued to use his power to create more winds, and he only stopped once the bulging land was entirely gone.


At this point, what remained of the bulge was the object that caused it to appear in the first place.


As the bulge disappeared Alex expected to see a deadly weapon, or some kind of monster that was placed in stasis. After all, only things like this can be considered as a Legacy Weapon of a Monarch.

But instead of seeing these, what Alex and his allies saw was different.


A residential house, something which can be seen all over the subdivisions on Earth, was the object that Alex was seeing now.

Not a weapon, not a monster. Just one residential house.

This residential house appeared to be a bungalow[1], only with its size making it as large as a hill.

It had the classic concrete walls painted with rustic colors, and windows covered with synthetic glass. It has a slanting roof made up of tiles, and an entrance door made up of wood.

There was also a grass-filled lawn and a flower garden placed in front of the bungalow, with a ’Welcome’ mat placed right in front of the door.

The only living creature that can be seen on this bungalow was an orange cat, which was currently lounging on the bungalow’s roof. This cat looked to be extremely lazy, with its fat stomach bulging as it breathed.


As they stared at this house and the cat for the longest amount of time, Alex and his allies cannot find any words to say. They can just stare in disbelief as the house bared itself to them.



At this point, it was inevitable for Alex and Delia to doubt the validity of this house as the Legacy Weapon. After all, a residential house cannot be a Legacy Weapon of a Monarch, right?

There’s no way that this small, stinky house is the Legacy Weapon. It... just doesn’t work that way!

Because of these doubts, both Alex and Delia made up their minds to approach the house and prove its validity. After all, that’s the only thing that they can do in this situation.

But before these two could satisfy their suspicions s, the cat that was laying on the bungalow’s roof suddenly made its move, a move which quickly shattered their doubts.

"Greetings to all of you. I am Tabby, the pet cat of the Infernal Monarch. It’s nice to meet you all." The fat orange cat said, with its mouth moving like a human’s. "Seeing that you are here, that must mean that you want to obtain Master’s Legacy Weapon. I am happy to see you want my Master’s property, but you must know that it will be me that will be judging the rightful owner of this house."

[1] It’s a house with no stairs.

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