Endless Journey: Infinite Realms Chapter 522 Shards and Couriers

Chapter 522 Shards and Couriers

[Asteria]: It is what it is, hooman, so you can only accept it now. So, what do you plan to do next?

[Alex]: ...

[Asteria]: In case you didn’t know, the house that you are currently in is designed to allow you and your companions to stay here for around a year. Hehehe, it has all the supplies that you need, and some entertainment devices that will keep you occupied....

[Alex]: ...

A sly look appeared on Asteria’s face at this point, making her look like a merchant that was about to scam a helpless customer. This kind of look made Alex narrow his eyes, as he realized that Asteria was about to one-up him again.

[Asteria]: So how about that hooman? Would you like to stay inside this house for a year? As long as you stay here, you won’t be pestered by anyone outside. Of course, the demerit of that is that you will not get any massive improvement on your powers... But hey, at least you will not get to offend the Returning Travelers!

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[Alex]: Huh. So that’s your proposed solution for my problem? Since I am too strong to be recruited by those Returnees and that could offend them, it will just be better for me to hide inside this house until my time limit arrives?

[Asteria]: Exactly hooman! In my esteemed opinion, this is the best thing that you can do here! After all, you’re already at the Sixth Stage. You can just let things go here easily...

As she said these words, Asteria appeared to look smug again, as if she felt proud of her advice. In face of this smugness, Alex only shook his head, with his face wearing a disgruntled expression as he replied.

[Alex]: Hmph, if it were me before, then I could have thought of doing what you said. But the current me? Heh, I have no intention to stay here!

[Asteria]: What? But hooman, you could be-

[Alex]: Every second that I waste here is another second of Emperor LItch having his recovery. And since I will be stuck in this world for a year, that means that Emperor LItch already has a year reserved just for his recovery! Asteria, the longer that he gets his recovery, the worse that it will be for me! So don’t expect me to waste my time in this world huddling like a coward!


[Alex]: Since I will be stuck in this world for a year anyway, then I must use this time to make myself stronger! That way, I will be able to kill Emperor Litch much earlier! If... I only stayed on this world doing nothing, that will not help me on killing Emperor LItch. So I’m sorry Asteria, but I have no choice but to explore this world...

[Asteria]: ....

What Alex just said to Asteria was right, and this is what has been inside his mind since earlier.

Since Emperor LItch was still alive, there is a chance that his new body will come back and wreak havoc on the Esper World, especially now that Alex and Alina were not there to protect it.

That is something that Alex and Alina cannot allow to happen. Alina’s family, friends, and home are in the Esper World, while Sierra’s life was tied directly to this world. The destruction of the Esper World will mean a lot of pain to Alex and Alina, as its destruction will be the end of many things previous to them!

Even if the Esper World is under the protection of the Cosmic Guard, Alex still cannot guarantee its safety from Emperor Litch.

After all, the Emperor will surely do anything just for the sake of tormenting Alex, even if it makes the Emperor go against the Cosmic Guards.

As such, the only way that Alex can protect the Esper World is by him getting stronger! Only when Alex has the power to overturn everything that he’s confident of killing the Emperor and stopping all of his plans!

[Alex]: Hmph, even if I am wary about those 7 Returning Travelers, I would not restrict myself in this place. So what if I could be offending a lot of people here? Heh, if worse comes to worse, I will just use all my trump cards against them!

Since the only way for Alex to get stronger in this world is by going outside, then Alex will definitely do it, even with the possible danger from the Returning Travelers! This is the best way for Alex to strengthen himself, something that he will not let go especially in face of Emperor Litchs’ threat.

[Asteria]: So.... for the sake of killing the Emperor, you are willing to place yourself at risk? Sigh, I already expected you to say that, but for you to really say it here is just bizarre...

Upon hearing Alex’s denial, Asteria did not try to persuade him anymore. Once Alex had his decision, nobody can change it already, so Asteria just gave up on stopping him.

[Asteria]: It seems that you really have made up your mind to go outside. Since that’s what you want, then I will not be stopping you. Sigh, good luck with this hooman. I hope you don’t get embroiled quickly in a life death situation just after you leave the house. If that happens, I will really be saddened...

[Alex]: Heh, don’t worry about me going outside. I already have a plan on how to deal with those Returnees and their recruitment. So just chill back there and watch me do my work later.

[Asteria]: ....

[Alex]: Ehem. Now that we’re done talking about me going outside, why don’t you tell us about the Mission Rewards already? I can barely wait to know all my rewards!

From a solemn voice that could induce shivers, Alex’s voice has changed to sound like that that of an excited kid. It was as if the prospect of obtaining the mission rewards was enough to make Alex excited, a feeling that his other allies seemed to share.

[Aseteria]: Fine.... Since you have made up your mind about what you will do later, then I will just have to give you what you want. You want your Mission Rewards? Then here it is, let me recite and show it for you!

[Alex]: Good! Now-

Alex’s commandeering words were interrupted as three glowing crystalline rocks appeared on Asteria’s hands, with each rock emitting enough power to render Alex silent. These rocks seemed to be glowing at the moment that they appeared, which quickly filled the whole dark room with their lustrous glow.

In face of these crystalline rocks and their beauty, Alex can only scowl as he felt his body being suppressed by them.

More specifically, his Esper Ability, Immortal Cultivation, and his Superpower Body were the ones being suppressed by these rocks!

Each of these three powers were sluggish and slow right now, making Alex feel bloated for some reason.

Alex did not panic or lash out as he felt this weird sensation inside him. Instead, his face turned brighter the more that his three powers were suppressed. This kind of reaction should not be the norm, but here is Alex, acting just like this!

Upon seeing this reaction from Alex, the floating Asteria only let out a nod, as she completely understood why Alex was feeling like this.

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[Asteria]: Congratulations, you fulfilled Bonus Mission 3[1]. Your rewards shall be 2 Transcendence Shards, since you killed Traveler Malthus and Traveler Ray. Oh, since you already have an Abyss Transcendence Shard, these 2 Transcendence Shards will be representing your other powers...

Before Alex could react to that, Asteria continued to talk, with her rocks swaying around her like dolls.

Asteria then threw one of the crystalline rocks towards Alex, with the rock’s pristine white body landing smack straight on Alex’s glabella.

[Asteria]: That white stone right there is the Immortal Transcendence Shard, hooman. Hmph, take care of that, as it will help you accelerate your Immortal cultivation and make you a powerful Transcendent Immortal before you could even know it.

After throwing the white stone, Asteria threw the second stone from her hands, which then landed on Alex’s forehead.

Upon landing here, this stone, which looked like a blue diamond, began to let out sparks that interacted with Alex’s body.

Asteria did nothing to prevent this from happening, and she only watched until the blue stone has calmed down.

[Asteria]: That blue stone is the Esper Transcendence Shard. Keep that shard well, as that will be yours and Alina’s chance to reach greater heights with your Esper Powers....

After throwing the blue stone and giving another advice to Alex, Asteria continued her speech, which seemed to be still related to the rewards.

[Asteria]: You also finished Bonus Mission 1[2], so you get to take another Transcendence Shard! This time, the Trasncendce Shard that I will give you is the Super Transcendence Shard. This Transcendence Shard is suited for your Superpower Cultivation, so don’t lose it too! If you do, then I will really smack you!

Just like the two first stones, Asteria also threw the last stone towards Alex, who was still paralyzed to do anything about it.


This time around, the stone landed squarely on Alex’s belly, with the stone’s scaly skin and bulky size seemingly unable to penetrate him. Just like the first two stones, this third stone also just stayed right where it was, making Alex look like a man meant to be decorated with pebbles,

Asteria had no surprised reaction from seeing what had happened. Instead, she seemed to be highly satisfied with Alex’s current state, which she made obvious with her words.

[Asteria]: And there you have it hooman. Now, you already have 4 Transcendence Shards, making you one of the most prolific Traveler now! Hehehe, the Abyss Transcendence Shard that you had with you is already marvelous, but for you to catch three more Transcendence Shards today is just great!

[Alex]: Heh, now I have 4 Power Systems that will benefit from the effects of the Transcendence Shards. As long as I do things right, I can reach higher heights with these! Hehehe, Half-Step Transcendence is now reachable because of these shards, while Transcendence is now a possibility for me...

[Asteria]: It’s too bad that your Conqueror’s Aura can’t get any Transcendence Shard, but knowing its situation, I think not having a Transcendence Shard will be better for it.

[Alex]: Hmph, as long as I devour Emperor Litch entirely, my Conqueror’s Aura will get stronger. So there’s no need for it to have a Transcendence Shard. 4 for me is fine, and I can’t ask for more than that...

[Asteria]: Nicely worded hooman. Are you sure that you are not a good poet? You really write like an expert!

[Alex]: ....

[Asteria]: Ehem, speaking of experts, I also remembered that you also finished Bonus Mission 4[3]. The reward for that bonus mission is 125 years of lifespan, which you already obtained after you destroyed the moon...

[Alex]: Yes, I indeed obtained it, but because of stuff, I had to use that Lifespan too.

[Asteria]: Tsk, tsk, tsk. It’s too bad for you that you were forced to use your LIfespan to buy another item. But well, that item has saved your life, so I guess your spent lifespan is worth it?

[Alex] ...

[Asteria]: ...yay?

[Alex]: Asteria, now that you had given out the bonus mission rewards, can you now tell me how much lifespan I got from finishing the Main Mission? With all the stuff that I did on the Four Moons World, the lifespan that I got must be good, right? Come on Asteria, tell it now!

[Asteria]: ...Your Main Mission Grade is SSS, which means that you get rewards with 300 Years of Lifespan. 100 Years were then spent to teleport you here, leaving you with 200 Years of Lifespan. Combine this number with your current lifespan, and you have 199 YEARS, 11 MONTHS, 29 DAYS, AND 15 HOURS OF LIFESPAN LEFT..."

[Alex]: 199 Years? Hahaha, that’s good that’s good! With that many lifespan, I am sure that I can buy new items again! Hey Asteria, show me what you can sell now. I want to buy something that will be useful to me later!

[Asteria]: Hooman, all transactions here in the Traveler’s World are done on legal business centers scattered all throughout the world. If you want to buy an item, you must go and look for these stores.

[Alex]: Wait, what? Why is it like that? Why are you not allowed to sell? Is there something wrong with selling personally?

[Asteria]: Hooman, all the goods that I had sold you came from the Traveler’s World. The Queen Hydra Mirror that you used earlier? It came from here! The EM Saber that you brought at the beginning? It also came from this world!

[Alex]: ...Ok?

[Asteria]: Now that I told you that hooman, do you now understand why I can’t sell to you?

[Alex]: No, I don’t. So what if this world is the source of those items? I want to buy stuff from you, so-

[Asteria]: Hooman, I am just the courier who brought you your order from the Traveler’s World. If we were somewhere else, I will be able to send you everything that you bought. But here at the Traveler’s World, my courier service has been temporarily disabled, so don’t expect me to deliver goods to you when you’re already near the stores by yourself! If you want to buy some stuff, then you better go out now and start looking!

[Alex]: And there we go again. I really have no choice but to go outside now aren’t I? Sigh, let’s just get this over with. With my plan that I just made, I think I can mitigate any negative things that could happen from going out...




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