Endless Journey: Infinite Realms Chapter 585 The Rookie, the Succubus, the Fox, the Harem Queen, and the Tree

Chapter 585 The Rookie, the Succubus, the Fox, the Harem Queen, and the Tree



"Thud thud thud."

A young man, whose face was filled with bruises along with his body, could be seen walking along the wide and gorgeous halls of the Rookie Traveler Headquarters.

His face was certainly handsome, but the expression of pain present on his face and the way that he winced with each of his steps had effectively warped his appearance.

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"Hiss..." Just the way that he hissed as he moved showed how much pain he is in right now.

"Hiss..." This young man was no other than Traveler Marcus, the person who Alex had saved 2 months ago.


Compared to him who was saved by Alex before, the current Marcus had all of his aspects greatly improved. His power was already at the peak of Third Stage, and he was even showing signs of approaching the Fourth Stage.

His personality has seemed to improve too, as he appeared to be more dashing and courageous this time.

All these changes culminated on a much more handsome appearance for Marcus, something that made the nearby women look at him with interest.

Marcus however were ignoring these interested looks, as he was currently worried about something unrelated to women.

"Should we really be here? Isn’t 3 pm... rest time?" Traveler Marcus complained lightly as he scratched the back of his head. He seemed to be mildly miffed as he looked around the spacious rookie headquarters, making his irritation obvious.

His battle staff, which is now brimming with the power of a Fourth Stage Magic Item, clanged loudly, as if it was agreeing with him.

"I was just beaten up by Leader Delia, and the other Travelers are still tired from practicing the Hell Body Diagram. With that kind of tiredness, we should be resting this moment." Marcus added as he sighed. He then caressed his battle staff, treating it like it was his pet cat. "What do you think, Sonia, Vita, and Dys? We deserve a rest today, right?"

"Marcus, I don’t have any idea for this schedule change. But if my analysis about Leader Alex and Leader Delia is right, then something important is about to happen later." The eldest among Marcus’ 3 companions replied, with her beautiful face and seductive body swaying slightly as she talked. "Marcus, instead of overthinking things, just attend the meeting. After that, you will have a lot of time to spend with me~"

After saying these words, the seductive woman pressed her body closer to Marcus, with her large breasts pressing greatly on his shoulders. The softness and elasticity of her breasts made Marcus perk up in desire, although he quickly pushed this desire down with gritted teeth.

"Sonia, we just had s*x this morning, and it already had drained me. Having more s*x with you might just be the death of me." Marcus replied with fear on his face, as he pulled his body away from the voluptuous Sonia. "If you want s*x, we can do it next morning. But definitely not now!"

"Aww... but your elder sister is not yet satisfied...." Sonia pouted, with her cleavage bulging out as she made her ’dissatisfaction’ known. "I still could not get enough of you large, hot, ****. Oh... can you please give it to me now, Marcus? I want to get more of it!"


Before Marcus could retort to her words, Sonia suddenly leaned in, pressing her lips close to his ear. She then began breathing hotly on Marcus, with her moans and short grunts creating a lewd melody that made Marcus turn red.

"Sonia, please-"

"Hehe, I’m just joking with you, Marcus. Can’t you take that many jokes anymore?" Fortunately for Marcus, Sonia pulled herself back right before he reached his breaking point. She only gave him a light flick on his nose, an action that made Marcus sigh.

"Sonia, when will you stop your lewd jokes? I’m already tired from all the training that I had, and I can’t take any more of your seductions." Seeing that Sonia was only teasing him, Marcus was able to finally relax himself. "If you really want to tease me, you can do it when we’re on bed."

"Hoho Marcus, so does that mean that you are okay with me being on top tomorrow?"

"Um, Sonia, I did not really say tha-"

"Geez! Marcus and Sonia, stop flirting that way again! You’re making me and my sister jealous!" Behind Sonia, Marcus’ remaining 2 companions began to speak up, and they definitely did not look pleased from what Sonia was doing. Both of them even glared at Sonia, an action that made the later bristle in anger.

"Hey! Dys and Vita! You may be twins, but you can’t push me together! Know your place!" Sonia angrily said, with her finger now pointing towards the twin fox spirits. There was also a tic on her eyes, which she got after seeing the tails swaying behind the twins. "Especially you, Vita! Just yesterday, I swear I saw you peeking on me and Marcus making love! Th-that’s unfair!"

"Unfair? Hmph, as far as I know, all of us are loved by Marcus equally. Since that’s the case, then it is fine if I watch you and Marcus do the deed." Vita, the black-haired fox spirit replied hotly as she endured Sonia’s glare. Her 4 fluffy black tails all stiffened as she talked too, making her appear much more intimidating than her sister.

"Wait, why are you even worried about someone watching you? Aren’t you a succubus, Sonia?" Vita added curiously. "Shouldn’t you get excited, knowing that I watched you getting railed by Marcus from behind? Seriously, you are one weird succubus..."

"H-hey!" The naughty and lewd-looking Sonia began to blush after hearing this ’complement’ by Vita, a reaction that Marcus also shared. "Who cares if I am a succubus? Even if I am a pleasure demon, that does not mean I am an exhibitionist! I-I still have my principles, you know!"

"Principles? Does that include the time that you wanted to have a foursome with me, Vita, and Marcus?" Dys, the white-haired fox spirit who was quiet all this time, suddenly said as she supported her twin sister. Her 4 white tails were limp as she talked, which matched well with her cold face. "I fail to find any kind of principles on your need to have a foursome with us..."

"E-eh? Did I really say that, Dys?" Even when she was trying to convince everyone that she was innocent, it was clear from Sonia’s voice that she was trying to hide her faults.

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"Yes, you did, Sonia. You even said that you want me and Vita to give you the ’futanari treatment’. What is a futanari treatment anyway? You haven’t explained that to me." Dys replied quickly, with her face wearing a rare, confused look. "Is the ’futanari treatment’ a powerful medical technique that can heal all injuries? If it’s so, why use it in a foursome?"

"A-ah! I was just joking about that! W-why don’t we just focus on Marcus’ meeting? It’s about to start already after all...." Under the curious gazes of the twin fox spirits, the usually forwards Sonia was left with no choice but to retreat quickly.

The succubus’ body transformed into that of a bat, which then flew and hid behind Marcus’ hood. Once there, Sonia did not reveal herself anymore, leaving Marcus sighing and the twin fox spirts more confused.

"Marcus? Do you know what the ’futanari treatment’ is? We want to to know...."

"Ehem, the other Rookie Travelers are already arriving, so let’s just talk about this later, ok?" Marcus evasively answered as he avoided the curious stares from Vita and Dys. "Look, Traveler Audrey is coming here! If you talk while she’s near, who knows what she might do..."


"Tsk, that Traveler woman is here again? Marcus, why don’t you do something to shoo her away?"


Marcus pretended to not hear this complaint from Vita, as he now focused his attention on the pending meeting.

The matters about his companions Sonia, Vita, and Dys will have to just be resolved later, as the incoming meeting is much more important.


With Marcus now going silent, Sonia, Vita, and Dys could only pout as they realized that he’s back to his ’Traveler Duties’ again.

They of course wanted to say something else right now, but the solemnity on Marcus’s face made it hard for the 3 to even start talking...

"What would be this meeting about anyway? The messenger sprites never said anything on what will be talked about here..." With his companions settling down, Marcus was finally left back to his own devices.

He naturally used it to analyze his current situation, something that he knew he must do.

After all, the timing of this sudden meeting was just too suspicious...

"From what I know of Leader Alex, he is someone who, when opportunity strikes, will do everything that he can in order to get that opportunity. Since that was the case, then does that mean that an opportunous event is about to happen?" Marcus began chewing his lower lip as he continued to contemplate things.

"Ugh... but this meeting could just be one of Professor Frances’ pranks on us. Or worse, this meeting could just be a front for Leader Delia’s ’punishment’ and ’justice’ lessons...."

At the mention of these two women, Marcus’ already displeased face was able to actually get more upset. Of course he did not dare show his face to the others, as it might catch the attention of the said women...

"Sigh... it will be better if this meeting is held by Queen Mother. She’s the most level-headed among the leaders after all. Oh, even Miss Tong’er or Milo will do..." At this point, Marcus had to stop himself from walking, as a crowd of Rookie Travelers had formed around him.

Even with his newly advanced power, Marcus still found it hard to advance against such a crowd, who, just like him, were all anxious and worried about the sudden meeting too. The emotions and unease that they displayed made it hard for anyone to move, much less Marcus who grunted at the onslaught of auras around him.


And to make things much worse, there was a certain Rookie Traveler who shot out of the crowd and began pestering Marcus like a fly. This Rookie Traveler was certainly shameless, as she did not let Marcus move away when she arrived at full speed.

"Hey Marcus! So... how about my offer? Are you now interested in becoming a part of my harem?" This rookie Traveler, who was no other than Traveler Audrey, said as she began rubbing her hands on Marcus’ pecs with a hungry look on her eyes. "I promise you, I will treat you like a prince everyday. So please, please be my next bed warmer!"

"Um, sorry but I don’t want to. But if you really want to make me your lover, then try defeating me first." Marcus said while shaking his head. "Your beauty might be great, but it is strength that is more important."

"Hey! That same answer again! Why can’t you just be charmed by my beauty?"

"Sigh, if you want to debate about your beauty and attractiveness to me, we can do it later. For now, let’s just go with the flow and attend this meeting." Upon seeing that Audrey was about to blow up at him, Marcus quickly used the pretense of the meeting to shut her up. "Oh and look! Queen Mother is coming in! That means the meeting will already start!"

"Eh? Queen Mother is here? Where?"

"Don’t look around like a madman, Audrey. Just stand up straight and listen to what Queen Mother says!" Marcus sharply retorted as he grabbed the woman’s shoulder. "Queen Mother looks so pissed now, so don’t try to irritate her more."

"Queen Mother is pissed? Marcus are you sure about tha- oh, she’s really pissed. My, my, my. Why would Queen Mother look this pissed today? Did something bad happen to her?"

"Don’t ask me, Audrey. I don’t understand why Queen Mother is pissed now. She isn’t naturally... like this."

"Oh blimey, if that’s the case, then this meeting might not be good."

"God dang it, Audrey, don’t jinx us!"

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