Endless Journey: Infinite Realms Chapter 587 1500, 875, and 14

Chapter 587 1500, 875, and 14

The principle on how a teleportation formation works is just simple, just like the mechanics of a wormhole.

But unlike a wormhole which connects two separate points in space to induce a ’teleportation’ effect, a teleportation formation works on a different way.

Normal methods require a person to manually travel the distance between two points. As for the wormhole method, one just had to have enough power to connect these two points together in order to travel instantaneously.

But in the case of the Teleportation Formation, it uses the laws of space and dimensions to perform a different ’teleportation’ effect.

Let’s say there are 2 points in space. The first point is Point A, and the second point is Point B.

Point A is located directly above the teleportation formation, while Point B is the located on the target destination.

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Once the teleportation formation was activated, a set of calculations shall be subjected on all the objects present on Point A.

These calculations are aimed to record the coordinates of Point A on the 3-dimensional space. One can say that this is a way to determine Point A’s actual location.

After the coordinates were set, another set of calculations will be made, this time to pinpoint a coordinate on the 11-dimensional space.

Once this 11-dimensional coordinate was pinpointed, the teleportation formation will then start its work.

The teleportation formation will ’transfer’ the objects on Point A into the coordinates set on the 11-dimensional space.

Since the 11-dimensional space was a higher level of dimension, this move essentially makes the objects ’disappear’ from the 3rd dimension.

After this ’transfer process’, another set of calculations will be made. This time, the calculations will be used to pinpoint new coordinates on the 3-dimensional space.

These new coordinates will be Point B, which is the target destination.

Once the coordinates for Point B were determined, the objects placed on the 11th dimension will be brought down towards these new coordinates.

This move will essentially bring the objects into Point B, which brings the whole ’teleportation’ into a full circle.

In shorter terms:

Point A → 11th dimension → Point B.

All objects from Point A will be brought towards the 11th dimension, and then brought back towards Point B.

This leap across dimensions essentially teleports all objects from Point A to Point B in an instant.

This is the exact process on how a teleportation formation work.


This knowledge about teleportation formation was something that Marucs knew before, but even with that knowledge, he could not help but shout in fear as he felt his body moving across dimensions.

This sensation might have happened only in an instant, but with Marcus’ strengthened senses and heightened tension, the whole teleportation process felt like a minute to him.


Once he felt his feet hitting solid ground, Marcus lurched forward, with his lunch spilling out like a waterfall out of his mouth.


His stomach spasmed with nausea as he continued vomiting, while his head began to pound in pain.


Beside Marcus, his 3 companions could be seen vomiting too, and they seem to be in even more pain compared to him.


Sonia were clutching her stomach as she vomit-cried, while Vita and Dys were both sobbing as food sprayed out of their mouths like fountain.


A cacophony of vomiting noises filled the whole place as it was not only Marcus and his companions that were suffering. Almost all of the teleported Rookie Travelers were currently vomiting too, and they looked like they will not stop vomiting with the amount that they were spewing out.


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While the poor Rookie Travelers tried their best to keep their lunch, a small voice suddenly sounded out around them.

Surprisingly, this voice did not sound like its speaker was sick. Instead, this voice sounded full of disappointment, something that the sick rookies found hard to notice.

[Sigh, you all entered the teleportation formation with excited looks, but now look at you. You just moved through dimensions one time, and you’re already this sick? How the hell can you be like this? Did my Hell Body Training Diagram fail on toughening you up?]

This speaker was no other than Professor Frances, who was currently staring down on the vomiting rookies with a disdainful face.

She was standing straight in the middle of the formation, with her face not showing any signs of nausea and sickness. Only disappointment can be felt from her body, which seemed to amplify as the rookies continued to feel sick.

[Tsk, and here I thought someone with potential can come out of you. But none of you has even managed to reach my minimum standard! F**k this! Even you, Marcus, has also failed!] Professor Frances threaded through the now-sticky ground with trepidation, with her disdain increasing with passing time. [Sigh, and this is just your first mission. I shudder to think on what will happen... on your other missions.]

"Forgive us for our shortcomings, Esteemed Professor Frances. This is just our first time using the Teleportation Formation, so we’re bound to be sick. But I promise, we can-"

[I don’t care if you can get healed fast, Marcus. If you fail this early, then why the hell should I believe in you?] Professor Frances did not let Marcus talk anymore, as she cut him off like a practiced interviewer. [If you felt this sick once, how can you assure me that you won’t get sick again, huh?]


[Hmph, my mood has been ruined much already Marcus, so don’t spoil it more.]


[Tsk, since you useless maggots can’t even adapt to this teleportation formation, I doubt if you can even perform the raid here in the Celestial Carp Continent. But since you’re all here already, then you just have to fight.] And with that, Professor Frances began pulling up all the sick Rookie Travelers, no matter what they looked like right now.

She did not care if some were still vomiting, as she just brushed those off with her gloved hand.

[All of you might be sick, but you can still fight, right? Since that’s the case, then you have to fight already.] Professor Frances nonchalantly muttered.

[Well, even if you don’t want to fight, you will have no choice but to fight too. After all, we were teleported right inside the Main Headquarters of the Celestial Carp Continent.]

"Esteemed Professor Frances, we teleported to what?"

[I said, we have been teleported inside the Main Headquarters of the Celestial Carp Continent. Did you not hear me right, Marcus?]

"N-no, Esteemed Professor! I was just clarifying things!"

[Clarifying my ass! You looked like you’re about to die already! Don’t tell me that you’re now scared, huh?]

"I swear, Esteemed Professor! I am not really scared! I am just-"

[Right now, the Main Headquarters of the Celestial Carp Continent is housing 1, 500 Second Stage Travelers, 875 Third Stage Travelers, and 14 Fourth Stage Travelers. All of them have been alerted by our arrival, and they are now rushing towards our location with murderous intentions.] These words by Professor Frances was enough to silence Marcus, with the latter now shaking from what he just heard.

[Hehehe, with that kind of enemies approaching us right now, do you still not feel fear, Marcus? Remember, its 1,500 Second Stage Travelers, 875 Third Stage Travelers, and 14 Fourth Stage Travelers that will be fighting you and your allies. Oh, can you hear those rumbling sounds? Those are your enemies, and they are approaching fast!]


Right on cue with the professor’s words, a large crowd of angry Travelers suddenly appeared a few kilometers away from her, with their bodies filled with murderous intent and their hands stuffed to the brim with dangerous weapons.

Their eyes were glowing with the intent to kill as they run towards Professor Frances and the Rookie Travelers. Their auras were brimming with hostility too, all which were focused on Marcus and the other Rookie Travelers.

"Uh oh."

With this kind of reaction from these Travelers, even an idiot can easily understand what was going on.

There is no doubt about it. This group of Travelers that just arrived was most likely here to fight the intruders, who unfortunately for Marcus and his allies, were actually them!

If it were in their peak states, then Marcus and his allies were confident that they could win against the enemy. But since they have been rendered sick by the teleportation formation, all the hopes that Marcus had for winning had been greatly reduced now.

As such, the best reaction that he had for the impending battle was a low mewl towards Professor Frances.

"E-esteemed Professor, this is not really the time for jokes, so please-"

[Marcus, your first mission is to help out in the raid of the Celestial Carp Continent. That means that you must contribute in any way that you can. In this case, your contribution shall come in form of fighting these enemies. It’s just as simple as that, so what are you worried for?] Professor Frances actually had the gall to look innocent at this point, an action that just made Marcus feel more hopeless. [Oh, and I am not joking at all.]

"Esteemed Professsor, how could you this be cruel? We are still sick, so-"




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