Endless Journey: Infinite Realms Chapter 590 The Enraged Returners

Chapter 590 The Enraged “Returners“

The raid of Traveler Alex on the Celestial Carp Continent.

And the raid of the Great TImeMaster on the Imperial Edict Continent.

These two sets of news spread like wildfire across the entire Traveler’s World, with the voice of Kuro seemingly happy to talk about these two events for many more times.

Even when the people of the Traveler’s World were already tired of hearing it, Kuro still continued to talk about the raids, as if she was a broken record that could not stop playing.

With this kind of repetitive sound, many were of course pissed by it, especially the normal residents of the Traveler’s World.

After all, why would they want to hear more about the same old announcement, when they had already heard it? Hearing it again will just serve to hurt their ears!

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But while the normal residents were angry, there was a different kind of people that are even more pissed than them.

Who are these people? Of course it could be only the Returning Travelers themselves!

At this point, there’s no one else that can get angrier than the Returning Travelers, especially those who were unrelated to the raids today. After all, the raids that just happened were a great slap against their authority, something that they cannot take to heart.

Add the fact that the raids were done in a sneaky manner, and these Returning Travelers, who all had secluded themselves before, could only howl in anger against their opportunistic enemies.

In fact, at the moment that Kuro first gave her announcement about the Great TimeMaster’s raid, 5 enraged shouts were suddenly heard all around the world, with all of these shouts coming from the Returning Travelers themselves.

Their shouts earlier were so filled with anger and rage, that those who heard it immediately shivered in great fear for their lives. Fortunately for everyone, these enraged Returning Travelers did not reveal themselves after all that happened, as the rules of continental raids prevented them from making a move.

As such, these Returning Travelers just let out some few more profanities before their presences faded away, leaving the whole world back to a slightly peaceful state.

This peaceful state was of course, just an illusion.


With the rules of the Traveler’s World preventing them from exactly fighting, the 5 enraged Travelers were unable to attack either Alex and the Great TimeMaster right now.

Even their subordinates were a no-go too, as the one-week protection given to the winners of a raid also applies to their subordinates...

These rules essentially stifled the Returning Travelers with any way to vent their rage, leaving them with bellies full of fire.

With their anger essentially bottled now, and their minds filled with wariness against their enemies, these 5 were left with no choice but to the one thing that they never wanted to do.

And that was to talk and have a meeting with each other.




Inside an impressive mentally-created dimension, 5 blobs of aura could be seen, with each blob exuding powers that are beyond one’s imagination. The power released by these blobs was so great that in fact, only someone like Alex and Delia can survive looking at these blobs.

Paired with these frightening power was a seemingly eerie appearance of the blobs, which all looked like they were both people and not-people at the same time. This appearance certainly made these blobs look more terrifying compared to earlier, but inside the mental dimension, their appearance scared no one.

If the blobs were actual monsters, then the fact that they were unable to terrify anyone will be a great annoyance to them.

But these blobs were not monsters at all.

These blobs were only Energy Clones of the 5 enraged Returning Travelers, who, at this point, chose to use this mental dimension as their meeting place.

This is the only place right now where they can talk about what happened earlier freely, along with formulating plans for their next move.

[Grandmaster]: Hahaha, that was an impressive move made by Traveler Alex and Great TimeMaster. I expected those two to make a sneaky move at any of these days, but even I was caught by surprise! They actually decided to raid two continents today, which is a perfectly mundane day for me. Tsk, those f***ers sure got me!

A grey-colored blob emanated these words out of its body, with the tone and words present on it clearly expressing its great admiration and awe towards Alex and the Great TimeMaster.

The way that this grey-colored blob praised these two were so great, that if its face was not seen, then its words will be believed.

But the face of a frowning Grandmaster could be seen projected inside the grey blob, making it obvious that grey blob was not happy at all.

[Grandmaster]: Tsk, and I already have a plan made for raiding a certain continent next month. With the preparation that I made, I am 90% confident of winning. But because of the raids that Traveler Alex and the Great TimeMaster did today, all my plans have been wrecked again! Ah, this makes me so angry, that I want to eat my arms!

[Crimson God]: As much as I want to see you mutilate yourself, now is not the time for that, Grandmaster. We are not here to b***h about our failures. We’re here to talk about what to do next, right? In that case, you should stop moaning from your failures and face the reality already]

The red blob, who had the face of Crimson God in it, did not hold back at all as it gave this scathing reply to the Grandmaster. He even stressed the word ’failures’ when it talked, as if he was trying to make the latter feel bad.

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The Grandmaster on the other hand, only shook his head after hearing this, as if he was trying to ignore the Crimson God’s answer.

[Grandmaster]: I know what to do and not what to do, Crimson God. But you know that I am someone who has no friends at all. As such, I am only limited on the amount of people where I can pour my complaints. In this case, I have chosen you as that person...

[Crimson God]: What? I don’t give a f**k about that! We’re here for this meeting to talk about that s***y Alex, and that traitor Great TimeMaster! Nothing more, nothing less! So if you want someone to listen to your feelings, go do that inside your home! Hmph, your slutty maids will surely be willing to lend their ears to you...

[Grandmaster]: It’s just this early, and you are already insulting me, Crimson God? Your mouth really knows no bounds. It’s just as coarse as sand, and thinking of it is enough to make me cough. Sigh... when will you learn to polish your words, Crimson God? You can’t always stay like this you know?

[Crimson God]: You-

[Overlord]: Stop with these useless arguments, and let’s just get to the point. Any more quibbling here... will be a waste of our time.

The third blob in the dimension, which was a metallic-colored blob that bore the insignia of the Overlord, chose this time to speak the message of the robot itself.

The Overlord’s Voice sounded like granite as it talked, making the arguing Grandmaster and Crimson God wince from the pain that their ears suddenly felt.

[Overlord]: With our bodies busy on seclusion for the last 20 hundred hours, we were unable to observe today’s events unfolding in real time. Because of that, the reason for their victory was slightly blurred to us earlier. But thanks to my drones and my spies, I was now able to get a clean picture of the chronology....

[Grandmaster]: You don’t need to tell it to us anymore, Overlord. I already knew the events. And I think my friend Crimson God here knows about it too. Am right about that, Crimson God?

[Crimson God]: Hah? Um yeah of course. My subordinates have discovered the fact that the Great TimeMaster has used her power to disable Immortal Empress and Arcane Sorceress. That was the main reason that Traveler Alex and the Great TimeMaster succeeded on raiding the other continents....

[Overlord]: Huh. So an imbecile like you has a reliable spy network too. My superior mind never pegged you to be this sly. Tell me, who thought you to think like this?

[Crimson God]: Argh! Here we go again with your superiority complex, Overlord! Why the hell do you always like comparing your metallic, two-bit brain to me? We’re f**king different creatures, so don’t be happy that you’re a little better than me on information processing!

[Overlord]: Tut, tut. Wrong answer Crimson God. Please answer it correctly.

[Crimson God]: F**k you and f**k your question, Overlord! I just want to finish this meeting, so let’s talk about how we will retaliate to Traveler Alex and the Great TimeMaster! Your f**king question... shall be dealt by me later!

[Overlord]: I will be waiting patiently for your answer, Crimson God...

[Crimson God]: Tsk.

[Overlord]: So... where were we? Oh, we’re done discussing about the origin story of today’s events. Now, what we shall discuss next will be our future actions regarding Traveler Alex and the Great TimeMaster.

[Crimson God]: ...

[Grandmaster]: ...

[Overlord]: So, does any of you have plans regarding our two new enemies? I myself have formulated 17 strategies, all with more than 70% success rate. If you can’t think of a plan, you can consult my plans...

At this point, the words spoken by Overlord had changed the over-all tone of the meeting.

If earlier, its members were still raring to fight each other, Overlord’s mention of fighting against Alex and the Great TimeMaster has suddenly blown it all away.

Now, the whole meeting began to adapt a serious tone, something that made the Overlord and Grandmaster pleased.

However, there were still some people in the meeting who seem to not take it seriously.

[Old Man]: I don’t know, Overlord.... All these talk of yours fighting back against Traveler Alex and the Great TimeMaster seem to be just a waste of time. Why fight them, when they seem stronger now? Why don’t we just let them be?

The 4th blob, who was wearing the face of Old Man, said these words lazily as he picked his non-existent teeth. This move of his made everyone disgusted, as a foul smell also came out of his mouth when he continued to talk.

[Crimson God]: Ugh f**k! Close your f***king mouth, Old Man! Why did you not even clean yourself before coming here, huh? This is a meeting regarding our enemies, so don’t come here this way! You little-

[Old Man]: Enemies? Who said that Alex is my enemy? I am his Sponsor, so there’s no way that we can be enemies, you know. As for Great TimeMaster, well she’s a hot milf, so I can’t think of her as an enemy too.

[Crimson God]: You useless s**t! If you can’t even take this meeting seriously, then just leave! F**king hell, you’re just wasting our time here!

[Old Man]: Oh? So I can leave already? Good, I still need to sleep back in my hut again...

[Crimson God]: You-

With this pretentious attitude by Old Man, the Crimson God appeared like he was about to assault him, an action that will be useless since it was only their clones present right now.

This made the Crimson God rage more, as this Old Man just made his irritation for today pile higher.

And to make matters worse, the fifth and final blob inside the meeting room began to speak up too, and its words were in a sense... not exactly in the right place.

[Rainbow Quasar, Soul Exacaliber, Magnificent Dude]: Hello to you magnificent guys, and good afternoon to all the people in this world! I am the Rainbow Quasar, Soul Exacaliber, Magnificent Dude, live and talking here inside the Grandmaster’s mental dimension! As you can see here, a meeting is about to take place which is vital for the future of the world! So please stay tu-

[Crimson God]: Argh!!! You shut up! You shut up! All of you shut up! Say one more right now, and I will really kill you all!

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