Endless Journey: Infinite Realms Chapter 638 Did you just the B-word?

Chapter 638 Did you just the B-word?


After Alina told Alex that he will have a meeting with all the other Living Returners, Alex badly wanted to avoid it, as he had the sinking feeling that the other Returners will just team up against him.

But it was already too late for Alex to leave at that time, as all the Living Returners had already appeared nearby.

To ignore them will just worsen the situation, which left Alex with no choice but to stay.

[Great TimeMaster]: As all of you might have known, someone from our group was discovered to be not a residence of the Multiverse. Instead, this ’someone’ was actually a Child of Chaos, one whose goal was to bring the Traveler’s World into Chaos.

[Great TimeMaster]: And that person.... was no other than the Rainbow Dude.

As if to display her own superiority over them, the Great TimeMaster was the one who started the meeting, and the authoritative voice that she used left the others unable to interrupt her.

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They could only listen as she droned on, with Alex sighing as her words passed over his head.

[Great TimeMaster]: Now, just like what you have seen, the Rainbow Dude was close to achieving his goal. By using his Chaos Power to attract a powerful Void Prowler, the Rainbow Dude was able to lead this Void Prowler to kill the Crimson God and the Grandmaster. That alone was enough to make everything chaotic.

[Great TImeMaster]: But he did not just stop there. By using his Chaos Power, the Rainbow Dude was able to cajole me, the Old Man, and the Overlord into fighting each other. That event just made things worse for this world, and once you add the condition that the Immortal Empress and the Arcane Sorceres had at that time, it looks like this world is done for.

[Great TImeMaster]: Luckily for us, we have Alex, who did not hesitate to risk his life to defeat the Rainbow Dude. Because of his contribution, all of us were still standing here up to this day.

[Great TimeMaster]: Oh, speaking of Alex, how did your ’coma’ go, Alex? Did you gain anything substantial from it?

[Alex]: Why are you asking me, Great TimeMaster? Shouldn’t we have a meeting here for other important things?

[Great TImeMaster]: But my question to you is important, Alex. So just answer it.

[Alex]: You-

[Overlord]: Human, if you won’t dare say anything, then don’t stay in this meeting anymore. Your presence here is just making things vile!

[Alex]: Hah? And now I am the vile person? What the hell is this? You’re the one who invited me to this meeting! And I was the one who saved you all! Shouldn’t you be happy seeing me?

[Overlord]: We only invited you because of your ’miraculous’ deeds. Oher than that, I see no use for you. So don’t act like you’re at the same level as us. You’re just lucky that you defeated the Rainbow Dude...

[Alex]: ....

And just like what Alex had expected, the meeting that he’s having with the Living Returners has become progressively worse for him.

Each one of the Living Returners treated Alex in a different way in this meeting, and each treatment were things that he did not like.

Even when the Great Time Master has already outlined Alex’s heroic deeds earlier, each Returner’s treatment of him did not change.

The Great TimeMaster: Still treated Alex as if he were her cute nephew

The Overlord: Still thinks of Alex as if he was trash.

The Old Man: He’s unreliable as ever, and all that he gave Alex during the meeting were countless knowing grins.

The Returner Made up of Laws: He’s the least hostile to Alex, but he did not contribute to the meeting at all.

Arcane Sorceress: She’s livid, and she looks like she wants to kill Alex.

Immortal Empress: She looks extremely pissed, and she appears to be only one step away from assaulting Alex.

[ Alex ]: .....

Ever since the meeting has started, these were the treatment that Alex received from the Living Returners, and it just made him want to end the meeting already.

But with the pressure of several Half-Step Transcendence Beings pressing down on him, poor Alex was forced to stay in his seat and listen to the bickering of the other Returners.

[Arcane Sorceress]: Hey! Why are you still treating Alex as if he was our guest? This dammed person humiliated me and he treated me as if I am a child before!

[Old Man]: But technically speaking, you are a child at that time, so...

[Arcane Sorceress]: Shut up Old Man! Can’t you see that I am talking? Tsk, why are you even in this meeting anyway? Your stink just makes my mood worse!

[Old Man]: Hey little girl, if you don’t want to smell me, then why don’t you just cover your nose?

[Arcane Sorceress]: Why you-

[Great TimeMaster]: Ehem, ehem. If you want to fight, just do it later. For now, we have to finish this meeting. After all, this meeting is for the sake of the whole Traveler’s World. You wouldn’t want to lose your territories to some random upstart again, right?

[Old Man]: ...

[Arcane Sorceress]: ....

[Great TimeMaster]: I know that some of you have issues regarding Alex, but now is not the time to blame him. Actually, we should commend him for all the actions that he did 7 months ago. If it weren’t for him, all of us could have died already....

[Great TimeMaster]: That said, we have no more time to praise Alex now. For now, let’s talk about all the important issues that we have to tackle.

[Alex]: Wait, seriously, this is all that you have to say to me? Wow, this is just-

[Great TimeMaster]: Alex, we already protected your territories from danger, and we did not even attack your subordinates for the past 7 months. I think that’s already an enough payment for the favor that you did to us. Don’t you think so?

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[Alex]: .....

As much as Alex wanted to be angry at the Returners from the way that they were weirdly treating him right now, Alex could not help but be slightly thankful to these Returners too.

After all, they gave help to Alex’s allies and companions while he was unconscious, something that Alex did not expect them to do.


Just like what the Great TimeMaster said earlier, she and the other Returners had the courtesy to not attack Alex’s territories while he was unconscious. Even someone like the Overlord, who had a great desire conquer Alex’s territory, has held his impulse during the time that Alex was in coma.

And when the time came that the Arcane Sorceress and the Immortal Empress regained their bodies, they did not do anything that will be of harm towards Alex, although both were itching to beat up Alex already.

Even the lazy Old Man did something too, as he sent some useful elixirs to aid Alex’s coma.

[Great TimeMaster]: Good! Since you can see that we had repaid our favor to you, then it’s your time to behave and listen. I assume that you can do something as easy as this, right?"

Now that he knew that these Returners had helped his allies in the past, there is no way that Alex will be thinking lowly of them now.

[Alex]: ...Fine. I can listen to this ’meeting’ of yours. I just hope this will be as useful as what you said it will be.

[Great TimeMaster]: Oh don’t worry, it will be useful. In fact, you will be thankful that this meeting had happened.

[Alex]: ...

[Great TimeMaster]: Okay, now that we have dealt with Alex’s little tantrum, let’s get back to our topic, shall we?

"Clap clap clap!"

The previously lackadaisical and playful atmosphere inside the room suddenly disappeared as the Great TimeMaster clapped her hands, as if it was a signal that everyone should be getting serious already.

Everyone in the room, including Alex, could not help but sit a little straighter after hearing her clap, as they felt that not following her lead will just make things worse for them.

"Shuffle shuffle shuffle..."

Once everyone appeared to be ready, the Great TImeMaster resumed talking, and this time, her words were direct to the point.

[Great TimeMaster]: Our meeting this time will be straight-forward. We will just be talking about the past of the Rainbow Dude, and on how we should proceed today. Any problems with that?

[Everyone else]: None.

[Grea TImeMaster]: Good! So as to start this meeting, I already assigned Immortal Empress to make a research about the Rainbow Dude. Immortal Empress, it’s your turn to blabber here.

[Immortal Empress]: Geez, why do you make it sound like I am your servant? You requested me to do this research, right?

[Great TimeMaster]: Ah whatever, just give me the report.

[Immortal Empress]: Tsk, you Old Hag. Just you wait, I will have my reveng-

[Great TimeMaster]: You know, my daughter is itching to have a new female playmate today. Would you want to be that new playmate, Immortal Empress? Don’t worry, I will make your age similar to my daughter’s so that everything will not be awkward.

[Immortal Empress]: ...The Rainbow Dude was first seen on a Stage 1 Planet near the edge of the Eternal Heaven Realm. There, the Rainbow Dude used his innate abilities to unleash chaos on that planet. The agents of the Eternal Heaven Realm tried to kill the Rainbow Dude after that event, but this creature quickly escaped using a blessing left behind by his Father Chaos.

[Immortal Empress]: After that, the Rainbow Dude began wandering other planets, with his power increasing with each chaos that he had created. It eventually came to the point where the Rainbow Dude was treated as a high-class criminal by many realms, with sky-high bounties placed on his head.

[Immortal Empress]: These bounties did not help matters at all. It just incited a lot of bounty hunters after the Rainbow Dude, and it just increased the chaos around him.

[Immortal Empress]: So much was the chaos that the Rainbow Dude had unleashed at that time, that a certain Realm has called for the help of a Transcendent Being in order to kill him.

[Immortal Empress]: But before the Rainbow Dude could be killed by this Transcendent Being, he suddenly disappeared, with his whereabouts unknown. Many tried to look for him, but he was not seen at all.

[Immortal Empress]: The next sighting of the Rainbow Dude was made here in the Traveler’s World, where he met his end in Alex’s hands....

[Immortal Empress]: ...And that’s the end of my report. So what do you all think?

[Alex]: ....

[Great TimeMaster]: ....

[Overlord]: ....

[Old Man]: ....

[Arcane Sorceress]: ...

[Returner Made up of Laws]: ....

Although Alex was silent at this point, it was obvious in his eyes that his attention was caught by the contents of the report.

There were two things inside the Immortal Empress’ report that piqued Alex’s interest, and both of these two things were extremely important.

But one of these things were more important than the other, to the point that Alex could not stop himself from inquiring about it.

[Alex]: You said... that there was a sky-high bounty placed for the Rainbow Dude’s head, right? How big is this bounty anyway? And how can I get it?

[Immortal Empress]: Of course, of course, you will ask about the bounty. Why did I even think that you will not ask about it?

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