Endless Journey: Infinite Realms Chapter 644 High Priest!

Chapter 644 High Priest!

If Alex were to be asked about his feelings on the Abyss, it will be hard for him to answer, as he shares a complicated relationship with this realm.

Most of Alex’s powers actually come from the Abyss Realm, and some of his life-saving techniques were provided to him by the Abyss. He was also the Envoy of the Abyss Realm, a status which grants him a lot of benefits.

Such benefits are good for those who receives it, and even Alex was glad that he obtained these things.

But along with the benefits comes a lot of disadvantages too, with ’Corruption’ and ’Untimely Death’ on the top of Alex’s list.

Such disadvantages, combined with the benefits, makes it impossible for Alex to ascertain his view about the Abyss.

After all, his own strength and possible demise are tied to the Abyss. There’s no way that even someone as clever as Alex can sort out his emotions regarding this.

At best, Alex can only think of the Abyss as a cunning merchant, one that he has to use his wits against in order to win.

In his mind, there is no bad or good relationship between him and the Abyss. Only a transaction-based relationship, one that can end anytime.


This has been the major principle inside Alex’s head for the past few years that he had interacted with the Abyss, and even after all the close calls that he had, this view of his never changed.


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But today, this view of his was put into a challenge.









"Argh! Why don’t these noisy people shut up already! It’s been an hour since they started chanting this s***t! When will they even stop!"

With a face flushed red from extreme anger, Alex seemed to be close to his breaking point as he bellowed these words angrily.

"Argh! I told these hooded people to stop chanting weird words already, but why are they not listening! Argh! This is irritating me!"

Alex also appeared to be angered by something, and the spit that flew out of his mouth just made it more apparent.

"Tsk, when will you all shut up, you hooded s***s? I just arrived here, so please let me rest! My goodness, of all the places that we could have gone, why did we have to appear in this area?"

Alex seemed to be like a possessed person at this point, as if he was about to lose control over his body. His limbs even began trembling at this time, further signifying the possible breakdown of his motor skills.

"F**k, f**k, f**k, why don’t you all just shut up!"

With the way that Alex was showing his anger, it is only a matter of time before he will start getting physical with the objects around him.

Only a little more push is needed to make Alex explode in rage, and that push is bound to come anytime.

"Argh! I said shut up! Shut up! Shut up!"


Fortunately for those nearby Alex, there was someone who was able to forcefully calm him down.

"Alex, I know that you’re pissed now, but please don’t focus your anger on these people. You can see that they are just victims, so don’t treat them like criminals." Alina whispered behind Alex, with her bright red lips hovering over Alex’s neck. This proximity allowed Alina’s hot breath to land on Alex’s skin, making the latter shiver in what appeared to be pleasure.

""Please Alex. Open your eyes and look at these people properly..."

Because Alina was standing behind Alex, she was able to also press her slender body on Alex’s back, an action that gave Alex a comfortable, soft sensation behind him.

"Alex, please calm down and just observe these hooded people. They need your understanding, and not your rage...." Alina kept a tight hold on him at this posture, not allowing Alex to even budge by an inch. Even when Alex began to growl, Alina did not let herself be bucked off.

"Alex, listen to me, and don’t just follow your instincts! If you do, you will just be like these people!"


"Alex, don’t give me that look. Focus here, and do what you’re supposed to do!"


"Alex, just take some deep breaths. Everything will be fine, so just calm down."


"There, there, very good. Very good, Alex."


The combination of Alina’s desirable traits and her persuasive words had managed to break Alex off his maddened state, something that made the former visibly sigh in relief.

"Good. Now, can you talk properly again, Alex?" Once Alex appeared to have lost his inclination to randomly attack again, Alina loosened her hold on Alex. She then continued talking to him in a low voice, as if she was afraid of riling him up. "And do you still have the proper control over your body? Please answer me with a yes or no."


"Alex, answer me."

"Okay, fine Alina. I can talk properly again. And even if I am still pissed by these irritating people, I still have control over my body. Are you happy now?" After what seemed to be an eternity, Alex was finally able to talk rationally again, although his voice was still laced with rage. "Or do you still have any questions from me?"

"No, I don’t have any more questions for you Alex , since you seem pretty calm to me now." Alina did not ask any more questions after that, as she had ascertained Alex’s mental state already. "I think that you’re already good by yourself, so I don’t need to bother you at all..."

"Good. Now, I can go back to observing this place....." With his mind seemingly back to its normal state, Alex did not continue his enraged shouts earlier.

Instead, he began looking around him, with his eyes seemingly concentrated on the walls and bricks surrounding him and his allies.


Alex’s eyes took in all the details that his eyes could see, and he ignored everything else that could be distracting him.

He ignored Alina who was still looking at him with worry.

He ignored Delia and Queen Mother, both who stared at Alex with incredulity.

He ignored Sierra, who was busy on playing with the dumb fairy Asteria.

And he also ignored the black hooded people kneeling around him, all who were shouting the language of the Abyss Realm through their hoarse voices.





All around Alex, 100 black-hooded people could be seen, all who were currently kneeling in front Alex.

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These people wore no clothes at all, and the only thing covering their naked bodies were their hoods.





Such appearance made these people look terrifying, but this was not the only thing unsettling about them.





Ever since Alex has arrived in this area, these hooded people were constantly shouting out chants made up from the language of the Abyss Realm.

All the horrible sounds and terror-inducing notes of the Abyssal Language was in full display here, and they all seem genuine, going by Alex’s pissed expression.

This added more to their unsettling factor, and the fact that they showed no signs of stopping made it worse.

Even when some of these hooded people were already bleeding and some were close to dying, none of them slackened on their chants. They just went on and on, creating a harrowing scene that made even Alina recoil.





These chants were the reason why Alex almost went mad earlier, and it was for a good reason.

After all, who would be happy seeing 100 crazy-looking people kneeling in front of you and suddenly shouting at you with words that came from a malicious place?

Alex was no saint, and even if he was one, there is no way that he can tolerate what he was experiencing now!

"Ugh, Alina. Is there no way that you can stop these people from chanting? I need to relax, and they are just making everything worse..." These chants had proven themselves to be effective again, as the calm Alex quickly lost his interest on looking around him.

He was instead forced to address the hooded people, an action that clearly displeased him.

"Alex, there is no way that I can just kill these people. After all, they seem... attached to you." Just like Alex, Alina was also unsettled by the weird scene in front of her.

But unlike Alex who was enraged, Alina only had a suspicious look on her face, as if she was doubting something about the situation.

This doubt of hers was made more obvious by her aura, which was felt by everyone nearby.


Alex naturally felt this doubt too, and he did not waste any time as he quickly pointed it out.

"Alina, why are you looking at me like that? Is there something wrong?" Alex asked as averted his eyes from the hooded people. "You look like you’re suspicious about something."


After Alex asked this question, he quickly made himself forget it, as he thought that it will not bring any consequence to him.

But unfortunately for Alex, it was this question of his that forced all of his secrets out.

"Alex, are you sure that these hooded people are hostile to you? Because it looks like they love you a lot..." Out of all the questions that Alina could ask, this question was the one that she uttered right now, and it seemed to have been effective on surprising Alex.

"What? What did you say? These hooded people love me? T-there’s no way that can happen!" Alex blurted out with a rare look of panic, an expression which he quickly replaced with a scowl. "Come on, Alina, this is not a good joke!"

This change in Alex’s expression was noticed by Alina, who just shook her head in exasperation.

"You think this is a joke, Alex? Please, what these hooded people are doing is obvious. They were obviously worshipping you." Alina said slyly as she let out a sigh. "Alex, just admit it, these people are attached to-"

"Hah? You think that these people are attached to me, Alina? How could you say that? I really have nothing to do... with these crazies!" Alex looked to be offended by Alina’s additional observation, and the anger he’s showing now was just as real as earlier. "Alina, if you say that I am related to these people one more time, I will be really angry!"

"Oh really, Alex? You don’t know these people? But look at this place. It reeks with the power of the Abyss. With this kind of power here, there is no way I can just believe you." Alina replied calmly, as if Alex’s rage and threats did no faze her. "Or are you telling me that this is just a coincidence, Alex?"

"Of course it’s a coincidence, Alina! This is just a coincidence!"

"Alex, if this is indeed a coincidence, then how can you explain the fact that the power of the Abyss is inside the bodies of these hooded people too?"


"Not only did their bodies have the power of the Abyss. They were are all worshipping you too now ,as if you were their god! Can’t you even find this suspicious, Alex?"


"If they are not related to you, they why are these people worshipping you now? Explain that please."

"Come on ALina, they had just mistaken me for someone! There’s no way that they-"






Out of nowhere, the hooded people chose to shout out these words in perfect English, with all hints of the Abyss language gone from their mouth.

Such action made their chants sound less terrifying, but for Alina and the others, this change in language gave them more fright compared to earlier.






Although Alina can already understand what these hooded people were saying, what she heard did not make her situation understandable.

Instead, it just made everything much more confusing.



"Alex, did they just call you the High Priest?" With her eyes twitching from suppressed irritation, the confused Alina was left with no choice but to interrogate Alex once more. "Because I can understand English, and I can clearly hear them say High Priest..."

"Yes, they did, Alina. They called me the High Priest." Alex did not even dare to be angry at this point. He just sighed lifeleslly, as if all life had been sucked out of his body already. "You heard it loud and clear."

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