Endless Journey: Infinite Realms Chapter 650 Clean-Up and Post Service

Chapter 650 Clean-Up and Post Service

The two speakers were no other than Alex and Alina, both whose presences were still undetected even when their voices were already heard.

Their bodies even showed no signs of appearing in the area, making it seem as if they are both in this place and not at this place.

Such scenario made their conversation appear eerie, but these two appeared to not care for it.

"....Alex, that leech will only last for an day. Do you think that will be enough time to gather all the info that we need?" Alina still sounded worried at this point, as Alex’s words did not appear to have comforted her. "Because, if you fail, then-"

"Yes, it will be enough. The Leech King is a creature created by me, Queen Mother, and Professor Frances. With the three of us working together, you better believe that it will work!" If Alina sounded worried, Alex on the other hand sounded extremely optimistic. "Heck, I can even bet that we can receive info one hour from now!"

"...Are you sure about that, Alex?"

"I am sure about this, Alina. So don’t worry about this anymore. Let’s just stay here and wait..."

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"...If that’s what you say Alex, then fine. We shall wait here."

[Hong long~]

As if Alina’s latest words were some kind of trigger, the air above the center of the crater suddenly shimmered like a mirage, with a large distortion suddenly appearing in this area.

The distortion was a large, tumor-like protrusion in space, one which was both horrifying and disgusting in appearance.

No words will be enough to describe how horrifying this tumor was, as its very presence alone was enough to make anyone sick.


Once this tumor appeared, it beat rapidly like a heart for a second before it exploded from inside out.

"Pst pst pst!"

This explosion released noxious liquids and disgusting pieces of flesh everywhere, which made the crater look like a fresh wound.

There are even some small wriggling maggots that came out from the rotting flesh, and their appearance just made the crater look worse.

A sour, rotting odor also accompanied this explosion, with a small corrosive fog now hanging over the crater.

It was unknown what the effect of this fog could be, but the smell that it released does not bade any good news.

"Ah, it’s a good thing I was able to use this spell of mine. If not, those attackers could have detected us...."

The combination of all these disgust-inducing objects made the whole area look gut-wrenching, to the point that it made the crater from earlier look cute.

In fact, if the old man from earlier were still in this place at the moment that the tumor appeared, he could have done everything that he can to destroy this tumor before it could have exploded this way.

Luckily, this scenario did not happen, as if it did, the extra objects inside the tumor might have been affected by it....

"Hm.... This Abyss Spell of mine might be useful in hiding people, but its side-effect of plunging us in dirt is not that good. Should I do something to adjust this?"

A group of people were actually hiding inside this tumor all this time, and they were only spat out at the moment that the tumor exploded.

It is hard to explain how this group of people were able to fit themselves inside a disgusting and revolting object like the tumor which just honestly looked like a ’ball sack’.

But this people indeed existed, and they are currently retching on the ground.

"Yeah... I will think about that later. For now, I think we should clean up first."

As for who these people are, only one look at their faces will show their identity.

"Ugh, please don’t throw up, guys."


The people released from the exploded tumor were no other then Alex and his companions, whose bodies currently looked just as disgusting as the c**p around them.

Instead of looking like they just had a sweaty workout, Alex and his companions appeared as if they had waded through a sea of trash. They even had some pieces of flesh sticking on their skin, with some pulsating madly, as if they had a life of their own.

"Ugh, even if I was the creator of this spell, even I cannot stand this stench! Ugh, I think I am feeling sick too..."

Alex got the worst of it, and his face showed how disgusted he was about his situation.

His whole skin was covered with an oil-like substance, one which was similar to the chemicals released by the exploded tumor.

This oil released an extremely bad smell all around Alex, which combined with the hundreds of pieces of flesh puncturing his skin, has made him wrinkle his nose in revulsion.

"Ugh.... Ugh...."

Behind Alex, his companions were doing their best to not vomit, although their oil-covered skin and smelly bodies did not help their matters.


This group did not look happy, even when their attackers earlier had already left.

Instead, they were all acting as if they received a disgusting condition, one that made them lose all motivation to be joyful.

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"Hey, I am sorry that I had to use my new Abyss Spell on you, but I had to do it. Or else, those attackers might have detected us. You will forgive me for this, right?" Alex tried his best to talk, but he found it extremely difficult due to the sheer state of his body. "The smell might be bad, but it will not last for long..."

"The smell is bad? Alex, this... this is the worst smelling thing that I have smelled in my life! Why did you create something like this? Are you planning to use it on your enemies?" Alina was the fastest one to recover from her disgust, but even she was unhappy with what she had experienced.

She also looked like she had the urge to destroy things, which is not a good news to Alex.

"Alex, I am not angry that we were dipped inside that disgusting thing. In fact, I should evne be happy that you saved us. But still.... I can’t just fathom why we have to be inside that thing. Surely, you have other contingences that you could have used..."

"...." Alex tried to say that it was the fault of their enemies that they became like this, but upon seeing the glares fro

m the three dirtied women, Alex knew that he will just waste his time complaining.

"Alina, I just created my new spell earlier, so I wasn’t able to inform you quickly" Alex said as he did his best to sound calm, an act that he succeeded amidst all the bad smell around him. "Besides, the bomb has suddenly reached us, and this new spell was the easiest spell that I can use... So yeah, I had no choice but to use this spell."





"...You know what, Alex? I should even be thankful that you helped us. Yeah, you saved our skins. That is why, I won’t get angry at you." Alex did not expect ALina to sound this forgiving, and it was enough to surprise him.

"Do you mean that, Alina?"

"Yes. But first, can you find a way to quickly clean us? I can’t bear to be dirty this long! Same thing goes to Queen Mother and Professor Frances! Look at them! They look like they want to butcher you alive already!"

"...Ok, ok! Wait for me and let me formulate a new Abyss Spell! Give me few minutes! I promise, once I make this new spell, you will be squeaky clean in no time."

"Are you sure about that, Alex?"

"I’m sure, Alina. I’m sure."

"...Okay. But please hurry up. I don’t know if I can still hold back all the food inside my stomach."


If anything else will force Alex to move faster, it was Alina’s latest reminder that forced him to hasten.



Alex did not exactly show how he used his ’new spell’ to clean up everything, but it was obvious that his ’new spell’ had done its job properly.

Gone were all the dirt, flesh, and smell that lingered everywhere including the air. Only the smell of the explosions from earlier remained, something that is much better compared to anything else.

Such scenario will be enough to make anyone happy, and of course, those who were cleaned themselves would obviously be pleased too.

The look of satisfaction on the faces of Alina, Queen Mother, and Professor Frances just made it apparent.

"Okay, so we’re all clean now. What do you think about my new spell? It’s great, right?" Alex certainly looked happy too upon seeing the satisfaction of his companions, and it made him feel a little smug to himself. "Hehehe, if you want, you can learn it from me later. All that you have to do is just-"

"Thank you Alex for cleaning this mess, but we don’t have time to be admiring ourselves. The message from the Leech King should be arriving here anytime soon, so we must focus on that." Alina was visibly glowing with satisfaction after her ’clean-up’, but she did not dwell on her emotions as she reminded Alex of their mission.

"Or have you forgotten about that already?" Alina added, this time with a sharp tone in her voice. Behind her, Queen Moher and Professor Frances stared at Alex warily, waiting for his answer. "Because if you did...."

"Hah? No, Alina. I did not forget about the Leech King. I know that it will be sending its message now." Alex quickly answered to the three curious women. "Wait, why are we talking about that, already? Shouldn’t you thank me first for cleaning you up?"

"Alex, thanks for cleaning us up. You really made things better right now." Alina abruptly said.

Her tone made it sound that she was genuinely thankful, but her blunt words at the end made Alex’s mood fall down a little. "Now, are you ready to receive the message?"

"...Yeah, I am ready to receive the message. You don’t need to tell me that." Alex found Alina’s answer to be somewhat weird, but all that he can do now was accept what she was saying. "Oh, speaking of the Leech King’s message, here it comes..."

[Shula shula~]

The timing of Alina’s reminder to Alex could not be any better, as it was right at this moment that the message from the Leech King has arrived.

[Shula shula~]

A small light beam, one which is comprised with countless colored dots in its body, could be seen rushing towards Alex like a bullet fried from a gun. Its speed was incomparable to that of a true light beam, but the sheer power contained inside the this colored light beam allowed it to move past all obstacles.

This light beam ignored all the mountains, clouds, and flying creatures on its path, as it just barreled straight towards Alex, which seems to be its destination.

With the penetrative properties that it had, this light beam was able to reach Alex in a few second’s time, with its entirety burying itself inside his head at the very moment that it made contact with his skin.

[Shula shula~]

Once it has entered, the light beam’s presence had disappeared, making it seem as if it has not existed at all.

Only a silent Alex was left, whose body became as rigid and upright as a stone at this point.


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