Endless Journey: Infinite Realms Chapter 666 Eye of Wisdom

Chapter 666 Eye of Wisdom

"Elder Priest! The big sister... she’s talking!"

"I know, that Rael. I can hear her talking. Now would you please shut up and let me deal with them?"


The intimidating entrance by these 3 women was enough to unnerve Rael and the Elder Priest. However, these two did not fully succumb themselves to their negative emotions.

Instead of running away or confronting the new comers head-on, Rael and the Elder Priest hurriedly calmed themselves down. They both follow the scriptures of the Church of Wisdom, as such, they knew that staying calm and rational in these situation are always the norm.

Panicking has no use for those who follow the Church of Wisdom. Only those who can stay focused and calm in face of danger are deserving to know more of the world!

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With his Wisdom Talisman currently held in his hands, the Elder Priest could have used it already to attack the three women. But he chose to not do so, as his intuition told him that doing this will bring great danger to him.

So instead, the Elder Priest just discreetly activated his Eye of Wisdom, an ability which he directed towards the katana-wielding woman.

"Hong~" The body of the Elder Priest did not show any indication that the Eye of Wisdom was activated.

The only signs that he used it was the sudden hastening of his breath, and the way that his eyes constricted, as if he was trying to see through a narrow hole.

"..." This change of pose by the Elder Priest was naturally noticed by everyone present, with Rael stiffening as he realized what the former was doing. It also made the kid panic, as he thought that what the Elder Priest was doing could offend the three newcomer women.

But fortunately for them, the three women did not act offended by the Elder Priest’s actions. Instead, they just let him do what he was doing, with the indifferent look on their faces indicating that they were not worried at all.




This state of the Elder Priest lasted for a few seconds, and it was only when he began spasming and gasping for air that he stopped using the Eye of Wisdom.



Upon seeing that the old man was done on what he was supposedly doing, Rael tried to inquire what the former had discovered with his Eye of Wisdom.

"Hey Elder Priest, what did you se-" But just as he was about to finish his question, all the other words that the kid wanted to say died in his throat, as the look of pure terror on the Elder Priest’s face robbed him of air.

"Hah, hah, ha.... W-what the hell? How could this be? I, the Elder Priest of the Church of Wisdom, had actually witnessed something like this here? This... this is impossible!" Gone was the look of composure on the Elder Priest’s face. What remained on his facial expression was the look of a person who seemed to have seen death with his very eyes, a look that was leagues worse compared to how he appeared earlier.

"No... no... I don’t believe that this is real! Yes, yes, yes. This must be a lie!!!" Such look of fear made the Elder Priest look ghastly, to the point that even the naïve little Rael had the urge to cry. "The first one has already died, so a second one should not have appeared this quickly..."

"E-Elder Priest, w-what is happening to you? A-are you okay?" Caught by surprise with the Elder Priest’s sudden outburst, all that the little Rael can do was to ask what caused him to be like this. "D-did you suddenly have a constipation or something? That’s not-"

"Shut up Rael! Can’t you see that I am focusing here?"

"Eh wha-"

"I said shut up, Senior Acolyte! If I hear you speak one more time, I will throw you to the dungeons!"

With that stern reminder, Rael was of course forced to stay quiet.



With his tender young age of 10, Rael can be considered to be a rookie(newcomer) in the echelon of the Church of Wisdom. He still had not learned a lot of things, and most of the times, he breaks rules more than the ones that he followed.

Because of that, Rael has little knowledge on the abilities the Priests on the Church of Wisdom have. All that he knew that was that these priests are powerful on their own right, and each one cannot be trifled with.

However, even with his limited knowledge, there is one ability that is so famous inside the Church of Wisdom, that even someone like Rael knew it.

That ability was the Eye of Wisdom, the exact ability that the Elder Priest just used.


The Eye of Wisdom is an ability that only a select few from the Church of Wisdom can use.

Once activated, the Eye of Wisdom can be used to see through illusions, deception and lies. Not only that, but this Eye of Wisdom can also detect the weaknesses and strengths of enemies, making it useful for battle too.

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Aside from that, some people also said that the Eye of Wisdom can be used to see the past, present, and the future....

That last sentence was still a rumor inside the Church, but even if that was not proven, all the confirmed uses of the Eye of Wisdom were already amazing in their own right.

In fact, the effectiveness and usefulness of the Eye of Wisdom was so great, that those who manages to learn it will be immediately accepted into the higher-ups of the Church of Wisdom....

The Elder Priest that is with Rael right now is one of the higher-ups who knew how to use the Eye of Wisdom, and he is not just any ordinary user.

This Elder Priest was so sufficient on his usage of the Eye of Wisdom, to the point that it is impossible to deceive or even lie to him. He can even detect if anyone is trying to infiltrate the Church of Wisdom with nefarious intentions.

With such ability on this Elder Priest’s arsenal, Rael had already expected the former to discover something from the newcomer women.

However, Rael did not expect the Elder Priest to react this strongly.


Even if Rael was an idiot(Which others say that he actually is), he could feel that something was wrong with the Elder Pries. Just the way that he reacted after he used his power on the newcomers proved it...

"Why is the Elder Priest this agitated? Just what did he see form the newcomers... that made him like this?" Rael silently thought to himself as he gave a curious but also terrified stare at the women in front of him. "Don’t tell me that the Elder Priest saw that they’re monsters?"

The curiosity inside Rael was so great right now, that if he had the chance, he would be peppering the Elder Priest with a lot of questions. It was just too unfortunate for him that the presence of the newcomer women prevented him from even uttering just a single word.

And to make matters even more confusing to Rael, the fear that was present on the Elder Priest’s face disappeared again, this time replaced with a fawning expression....


"Esteemed Guest, may I have the honor to ask for your name?" The Elder Priest did not only have a fawning look. His voice even sounded like he was currying for the favor of the katana-wielding woman, something that Rael did not understand. "As long as you confirm your identity to us, we will give you our best services...."

"I have no time to introduce myself to you. Just answer my question, and be done with it!" The katana-wielding woman seemed to not have felt the sincerity in the Elder Priest’s question, as she acted plainly rude to him. "If you can’t answer my question, then get lost!"


Upon receiving this not-so-light reply from the visitor, the Elder Priest did not react that heavily on it. Instead, he just smiled as he clasped his arms, showing that he was still intent on acting nice.

"I am sorry to have offended you, great visitor. If you have any problems with our behavior, you are free to punish us." The Elder Priest had no hesitation as he said these words, making the little Rael panic beside him. "If you want, you can have us whipped or even beaten up, great visitor. Everything will be up to you, and we have no qualms on following your whims..."


The changes on the Elder Priest’s emotions, from composed to fearful to fawning, was unnerving to those who witnessed it, and it was enough to render even the katana-wielding woman speechless too.

In fact, the newcomers began to look at the Elder Priest as if he was crazy, an idea that Rael began to share too.

"H-hey, Elder Priest! You treated the newcomers like they are the worst monsters earlier, but now you are treating them like visitors? What in the world is up with that?" Rael could not resist holding himself back anymore, which resulted on him asking this question out loud. "Have you been high on the weed too? Tsk, tsk, that’s bad, you know..."




At the moment that he finished his question, Rael realized that maybe, he should not have asked it.

"Argh! I said shut up, Senior Acolyte! Don’t spout your words here, for they are just defiling this place!" As if he had seen his worst enemy, the Elder Priest began to rush to Rael with a murderous intention. His eyes that was as dull as a candle now blazed with the intent to kill, which are focused solely on Rael alone.

"Argh! Because of your transgressions right now, I will personally flay you, Rael! Now, stay still and let me cast my judgement on you!" Even without his weapons, the hands of the Elder Priest alone looked menacing and dangerous enough to land a killing blow on his target.

This obviously made Rael think worse of his situation, as he saw no escape for him.

"E-Elder Priest! Why are you attacking me now? I’m your apprentice, so please don’t do this!" Rael tried to appeal to his master’s emotions, but it did nothing to improve his situation.

Instead, it seemed to have even worsened it, as the old man’s killing intent actually increased.

"You little s**t! It is because you are my apprentice that I am doing this! If I don’t mete my judgement on you now, then how can I appease the emotions of our new Divine Maiden?" The Elder Priest roared out. "Can you assure me that you can make our new Divine Maiden feel pleased with you? Hmph, of course not, since you are leagues worse than her!"

"!!!" The murderous stare from the Elder Priest alone was enough to petrify Rael, as this was the first time that the kid felt close to death. He might have even peed in his pants, something that Rael has deinfiltey overlooked for now.

But aside from the Elder Priest’s killing intent, there was something else that made Rael freeze on his tracks.

That ’something’ was the two words that the Elder Priest had just stated.

[Divine Maiden].

"Tsk, have you realized it now, kid? That katana woman that you have been insulting just now... shall be the new Divine Maiden of our Church!" The Elder Priest was pleased from the look of realization on Rael’s face, but that did not save the kid from his fate. "Now, do you realize your sins? Hmph, now that you know, then accept your punishment like a man!"

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