Endless Journey: Infinite Realms Chapter 674 Pot calling the Kettle Black?

Chapter 674 Pot calling the Kettle Black?

Due to the large-scale effects and the possible ramifications of the Welcoming Ceremony, everyone’s attention was glued to it.

The normal people who worship the churches treated this event as a miraculous, once-in-a-lifetime scene, while the clans that are ruled by the churches gave this event a wary look.

As for the evil religions that were excluded from the invitation, they took interest on the ceremony, even if they were banned from even approaching the place.

Both metaphorical and physical feelers were released by these evil religions in order to make sense of what was happening, and they made it sure that they were not caught by their enemies.

This action allowed even these religions to know what was happening, but it also went beyond that.

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Some of these evil religions did not just investigate the facts about the event itself. Some also delved deeper on the identity of the new Divine Maiden, and they also investigated the ones who were invited.

One such religion that adopted this course of action was the notorious Abyss Temple, which in Alina’s suspicions, was the current religion that Alex was allied with.

Of course it is hard to know how extensive the investigation of the Abyss Temple was, but knowing its abilities, there is a high chance that they knew much more compared to the others...




"You little s**t, did you get the info that I want? If you do, spit it out already! I can’t afford wasting my time in this s**ty place!"

Inside a dingy, dim-lighted room, a tall and slender body of a young man could be seen, who was currently voicing out his anger on the door behind him.

Even if the dim light in the room did not display his appearance, it was apparent that this young man was pissed, as the one he was conversing with was trembling in fear.

In fact, this angered young man was assuming the pose of an attacking killer, something that made his killing intent exude. He was really close to killing his conversation partner, and nothing seem to be able to even slow him down.

The only reason that this young man hasn’t began killing anyone yet was unfathomable, but his conversation partner knew if this man’s switches gets pushed, killing will just be his least worst action...

"Oi, why are you not talking, you little s**t? I am the Abyss Envoy, so you better serve me properly! You know the punishment for those who resist me!"

The young man continued to berate at this point, and he has no inclination of even stopping himself. He cursed and cursed his conversation partner, and he only stopped when he can’t think of anything more to say.

""F**k.... I already cursed you for 3 minutes, so that should be enough time for you to compile your data, right? Right?"

Finally, the young man was able to calm himself down again, although he was still unhappy.

But compared to the outburst that he had earlier, an unhappy version of him is much more bearable...

"Oi, I said, give me the papers."

"Squeak squeak!" This change of the young man’s mood allowed his conversation partner to move again, something that led to it giving the young man a set of bundled papers.

These papers seem to be the ’information’ that the young man was talking about, and now that he had received it, his mood seemed to improve more.

"Tsk, now that’s how I want you to do your job, you little s**t. Now, scram and go back to your hive!"

Although he was visibly pleased from receiving the papers, the young man did not give his conversation partner a grateful look or even a small sign of gratitude.

He just kicked his conversation partner out of his room before closing his door, leaving the latter shivering from both fear and relief.

"Okay, time for me to read all these papers... I just hope that they have what I want to know. Because if they don’t, I will be happy to kill more of those useless minions! #)(*$)(#*$)(#*$)(#*)$"

Nothing else happened after that aside from the young man’s sudden mumbling inside his room, and his conversation partner’s attempts to leave that place...


"Hohoho, so Alina actually had the guts to ally with that s***y church? Hmph, so it seems like her stay with me had made her too daring! Tsk, this is not what I want her to do! Tch, it seems like I have to discipline her more..."

With only himself left inside his room, the young man’s attitude became carefree, and there are no signs of any anger in him as he browsed through the papers.

He will occasionally frown or titter from what he read, but aside from that, there’s no outburst that might show his instability.

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"Oh, and Queen Mother and Professor Frances were relegated as the guardians of the Divine Maiden? Hmm... that’s a basic move to let them stay close to ALina. I don’t know if this is a good move or not, but I am happy that those three are still together. After all, it will be easier to catch them if they are staying together!"

With all of his emotional outbursts gone, this young man’s voice was not as distorted like it was earlier.

His voice went back to what it originally is, and if someone familiar to him hears him talking, they can recognize who this man was.

In fact, if Alina were to be here, she will know that this voice belongs to no other than Alex himself!


Yes, the angered young man inside the most important room inside the Abyss Temple was Alex, which should have been obviously already given his status.

Only Alex who was the Abyss Envoy can receive this generous treatment from the Abyss Temple, and it is only him who can act like thug here.

He was also the only one who can easily command all the Abyss creatures in the Abyss Temple, and there will be no one that can resist him and his orders.

"Okay, so that’s the info that my Abyss Minions were able to get about Alina and my companions’ actions... But that’s not the only thing that I made them investigate. There’s also the info about the other Travelers, which I hope they had a good haul..."

Alex clearly used this status of his to his advantage, which was evident from the recent orders that he just gave to his minions.

And that order was to of course investigate his allies and his enemies, something that the Abyss Temple should be able to do. Which they were able to accomplish, with their results now placed on the papers on his hand...

"Hehehe, let’s see info my minions have gathered about the other Travelers. I hope this will be interesting..."

Alex muttered these words with relish as his body began to coil and warp in all directions, with all of his body parts moving in ways that are just unfathomable to the eyes.

This made it hard to describe how Alex actually appears right now, although those who sees it will surely treat the current Alex as a nightmare material.

Such distortion of his body made Alex appear monstrous, but the man himself did not care about that.

Alex just went on with his actions, and he seem to show no indication of stopping himself....

""Let’s see, so the first Traveler in this list was a male Traveler who goes by the name of... Xavier? Lol, what is with his face? Why does he look like he had been beaten up? Is he really a Traveler?"

With a body which was unrecognizable due his semi-corrupted state, the only way that Alex’s emotions could be recognized was through his voice, which fortunately was not altered even with his change.

Alex’s voice perfectly showed what he was feeling right now, and it is not a stretch to say that he was happy.

In fact, the current Alex seemed to be in happiest state yet, and his happiness seemed to increase as he continued to read the papers.

[[Xavier Arselwood, also known by his friends as Xavier, was a young man who hailed from the southwest corner of the Plane King Realm. He was born from a humble family of 8, with his father working as a clerk on a small bank and his mother laboring as a part-time teacher]]

[[He was nothing more but a normal kid with normal dreams, but his talent can be said to be extraordinary. He was said to be talented in the realm of Spatial Magic and Fate Magic. Many said that he is a once-in-an-eon prodigy that must be protected, and that if he grows up to the future, he has a high chance of becoming a Monarch.]]

[[But even with his talent, Xavier did not accomplish much on his childhood because of his cowardice. This led to him being ridiculed by everyone, to the point that he tried to commit suicide-]]

"What the f**k? How did it get this dark already? And how the f**k did my minions even know about this? Seriously, this is creepy..."

Alex might sound disturbed according to his comments, but he was smiling widely at this time, which only widened as the story that he read in the paper got worse.

Even his eyes twinkled with delight too, which just made all of his ’sympathetic’ comments sound sarcastic.

[[It was unknown who stopped Xavier from killing himself, but according to the Senior Abyss General, the person who stopped Xavier from killing himself was possibly the one who made him a Traveler. This can be supported by the fact that Xavier started his role as a Traveler just a day after his failed suicide.]]]

"So he tried to off himself, but it actually led to him being a Traveler? Lol, what a lucky man. If I just had his luck, then I- wait, aren’t’ I in the same situation before? I was about to die in a snowstorm, and I was saved by an old man who turned me into a Traveler..."

"Ugh, now that I look at it, my origin story is actually similar to Xavier’s... Lol, of course that’s the only thing similar between us. I’m not a coward like him...."

[[[Prior to his arrival at this world, Xavier had already gone through 10 other Worlds. Through these adventures, he gained a power level of Peak Fifth Stage, and he only needs one little push to reach the Sixth Stage. With his talent, he can easily do it, but because of his cowardly attitude, reaching the Sixth Stage is also an impossibility for him now.]]]

[[Traveler Xavier has 3 Companions with him, which to the surprise of the investigators, were all at the Sixth Stage. This level of power should be heaven for any other Traveler, but for Xavier, his Companions were the opposite.]]

[[Because of his cowardly attitude, Xavier was always getting bullied and pushed around by his Companions. Instead of him calling the shots, it was his Companions who order him and make him serve them.]]

[[They also sometimes physically abuse the Traveler. They also-]]

"Wow, what an unlucky guy. Are you really sure that he is a Traveler, my minions? This seems like a template of a pathetic beta character! How could someone like him be a match for me?"

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