Endless Journey: Infinite Realms Chapter 688 Countermeasures

Chapter 688 Countermeasures

6 groups of enemies, all possibly interested on taking a piece of her body.

Alina had no possible way of winning against 6 groups at once, which is why she had prepared some countermeasures in case these 6 had to fight her.

She could have used these countermeasures today, but the sudden move by Xavier allowed Alina to not use these countermeasures.

That should have been the case, but now that the other Travelers were able to free themselves out of the Event Loop too, Alina cannot hide her countermeasures anymore.

Sure, since the other Travelers had not fully freed themselves from the event loop yet, Alina can actually just focus on running away if she wants to save herself.

But she clearly knew that she cannot do that, not with her allies still stuck in this place.

If she leaves, it will be her allies who will take the full force of the enemy Travelers. Alina had no heart to just let that happen, even if she’s wary of her opponents.

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"The info gathered by the Church of Wisdom might be limited due to the presence of the other religions, but they are still enough to inform me about the possible abilities of my Traveler opponents. I just hope that the info that they got was right, as making a mistake here is costly..."

Since she had no choice but to fight, then there is no reason for Alina to hold back anymore. She does not have to resist attacking her opponents, since they are about to attack her anyway.

In fact, attacking these enemy Travelers right now while they are still struggling to free themselves will actually be for the better, and this is the best time for Alina to actually damage them!

"Tsk, why would I even worry anyway? Now that I am bound to fight, then I must fight with all of my might!"

With her mind now fully focused on battling, Alina did not dare watch her opponents for longer. She quickly activated her link to her Storage, which she had been raring to use since the start of the event.

Once she had opened her Storage, Alina did not waste time as she obtained several objects inside it. She grabbed them with her mind power alone, and she withdrew them out of her Storage in the fastest way possible.

She then wrapped these objects with the excess of her Esper power, as if she was afraid that they will be damaged by something.


Such treatment of these objects made them seem special, and indeed they were special.

These objects were all special, as in Alina’s opinion, these objects have a high possibility on inflicting damage against her opponents.

The damage might be minor or major, but from all the info that Alina and the Church of Wisdom gathered, these objects indeed have the highest possibility of hurting her enemies.

Of course these objects might not work that well, but with the info that Alaina had right now, these objects will make do.


At the sight of these objects, Alina could only grimly grin, as she felt both hope and apprehension from seeing them.

She felt hope, as she knew that these items can help her win. On the other hand, she’s also feeling apprehended, as these items might not work that well given the limited information that Alina had about her opponents.


That apprehension was enough to make Alina pause for a second, but she quickly ignored her fears as she forced herself to fight.

She cannot just let her fear consume her right now, as squaring up against her enemies is much more important today...

"Okay, so all the objects that I have prepared are still intact inside my storage... This is good! Now, I just have to use them in such a way that my opponents will be forced to retreat....."

With her items prepared and her mind fully soothed, Alina had decided to not delay herself anymore.

She will now unleash her might on her opponents, and she will not let anyone, not even Xavier’s Companions stop her right now.

"Let’s see... I only have a few seconds of time left before my enemies can move, so I must make this quick and efficient.... Hm, since I have to be quick, then my first target is already obvious."

With her whole body and soul focused according to her plan, the tense Alia turned her head slightly as she placed her attention on her first target.

She narrowed her eyes as she stared down as this target, which is awfully close to freeing itself from the event loop already.

"First target is that woman with the Conqueror’s Aura. According to the data from the Divine Eyes of Wisdom, this woman had two abilities that have reached the Sixth Stage. Due to the circumstances however, the Divine Eyes of Wisdom was only able to identify one of her powers"

"Her 1st Sixth Stage Power is the Conqueror’s Aura which she had shown today. As for her 2nd Sixth Stage Power, it was something that she did not show yet, but the Divine Eyes of Wisdom had already recognized it before."

Alina’s first target is the woman with the Conqueror’s Aura, who Alina chose because the latter was the enemy that will come out of the event loop first.

This choice is obviously the best one, and Alina will not let this go to waste.

"This 2nd Sixth Stage Power must be related to Immortal Cultivation, as the Divine Eyes of Wisdom saw a soul entity inside her body which shares a resemblance to Alex’s Nascent Soul...."

"Yep, this woman is both a Conqueror and an Immortal Cultivator. This is impressive, although not as much as Alex’s...."

Although she appeared to be wasting time with her monologues, Alina did not actually go idle.

Her whole body was still moving all this time, and even when she was still busy thinking, she had already used the first item against her target woman.

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This item was exactly one of her countermeasures, and she used in in the way that she had intended to use it.


She threw the item towards the woman with the Conqueror’s Aura, and she did it with so much ferocity and speed, that the target could only blink as this item sailed towards her quickly.

"Since I only knew about her Conqueror’s Aura today, I do not have any countermeasures for that. What I do have is something that I prepared against the Immortal Cultivation Power, since I already knew about that power before..."

This item was a piece of rock, one that glowed faintly as it continued to approach the target. Rings made up of unknown material also glowed as this rock spun, something that added a flair on the rock’s appearance.

This appearance alone did not show any indication that the rock was dangerous, but when this rock was a few meters away from the woman, it suddenly began to show some signs of an impending explosion(This is obviously the dangerous part).


This impending explosion might seem an illusion, but it was not, as both Alina and the target could feel the stored power inside that rock.

This rock will definitely explode once it hits the target, although no one was sure what will happen during the explosion.

Alina was the only one who knows what will happen, but she did not show any indications of explaining it.

She did not even show interest on observing on this rock anymore, as she now placed her attention over something else.


Alina still had to deal with other opponents, so watching the explosion made by the thrown rock will not be beneficial to her.

It will just waste her time, so dealing with her next target is the best action for her right now.

"Okay, first target has been dealt with. Now, it’s time for the second one..."


Before her first item could even display its possibly ’awesome’ explosive capabilities, Alina had already ignored it.

She instead stared to her left side, towards the fairy-like creature that had a massive tree on his back.

Upon seeing this creature, Alina let out a sigh as her eyes traced all over the creature’s body and the tree behind it.

Alina could feel some sense of familiarity with both the creature and the tree, but that did not stop her from her movements.

Just like her first target, Alina also threw an object towards this fairy creature.

What she threw however was a half-bitten fruit.

"This fairy creature was the ally of the Nature Cult, and according to the Divine Eyes of Wisdom, its power was highly linked to the essence of the sly and cunning Fairies. That alone points out to the possibility that this creature wields a type of magic that is similar to Asteria’s..."

"That might be wrong of course, but now that I can see this creature’s real appearance, I think that it really is indeed using Fairy Magic."

"Hm, I wonder what will Asteria think if she sees this fairy. Will she recognize it?"

This half-bitten fruit glowed as it approached the fairy, signifying that it also has some kind of special effect too.

Aside from this, the fruit has also began releasing large quantities of juices on its fleshy wound, which added credence to its possible lethality.

These changes in the fruit made its approach towards the fairy look more exciting, and an observer will surely want to see what happens next.

But just like the first target, Alina did not stay to watch what happened between this fairy and the fruit.

"Second target has been dealt with too. Time for the third."


What appeared on Alina’s hands this time was a scythe, one which released an aura that seemed hostile to all types of life. Holding this scythe appeared to made Alina look pale, but she did not let it go.

She just casually slashed it in the air, producing a massive shockwave that went straight towards her third target; which is the handsome man with the powerful soul.

"This scythe is something that can be used to deal with soul-based beings. The more soul-based a creature was, the more effective this scythe will be. That’s the reason why I used this scythe against my third target, since he is obviously a soul-based being."

"It’s just too bad that the Divine Eyes of Wisdom did not see what the power of the third target could be. But knowing that his handsome man was a soul-based being is already enough for me..."

Once she had used the scythe, Alina dismissed it as she now looked at her fourth target.

A small book materialized on Alina’s hand this time, which similar to all the items that she used earlier, she quickly unleashed against her fourth target.

"According to the Divine Eyes of Wisdom, my fourth target is a woman who had two Sixth Stage abilities too. One is related to martial arts, while the other is Void Manipulation."

"Now, I am not really sure what kind of ability Void Manipulation is, but I assume that it is related to space...."

"I hope that Void Manipulation is indeed related to space, since the countermeasure that I used just now was a spell that hurts beings that practice space-related abilities..."

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