Endless Journey: Infinite Realms Chapter 690 Poison, Saliva, Slash, and Arrow

Chapter 690 Poison, Saliva, Slash, and Arrow

Unlike Alex whose plan was probably filled with pit traps and falsehoods, Alina’s way of dealing with her enemies was simple.

Just overwhelm them with attacks, and hope that they will be hurt enough for later.

If this doesn’t work, then Alina will just have to bombard them more until her attacks bore fruit.


Because of the straightforwardness of her plan, Alina was worried all this time that her efforts might be for naught. But fortunately for her, her attacks appeared to have worked this time.


A few moments after Alina unleashed her items against the four Travelers, they began to showcase their effects, which surprisingly worked well against the targets.

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The rock that was thrown towards the first target exploded with a bang, producing a large cloud of toxic fume that covered the target entirely.

This toxic fume did not look that much dangerous in context of the current situation, but once it made contact with the woman with the Conqueror’s Aura, it suddenly showed the tendency to corrode and poison this woman’s body.

This woman’s skin began to show signs of melting, with her hair and clothes also starting to break down under the fumes. Her lavish golden throne showed holes at this time too, with each expansion of the hole eliciting a shriek of pain from the woman.

"Argh!" This effect got worse as time passed by, to the point that even the woman’s bones were being revealed already.

The woman’s blood-soaked muscles and lacerated organs then appeared next, creating a harrowing sight for everyone to see.


Even with the presence of the almighty Conqueror’s Aura, the toxic fumes continued its assault to the woman, and it only got worse when the woman released her Immortal Soul.

This Immortal Soul, which is obviously the woman’s Sixth Stage Immortal Cultivation Power, should have been the woman’s attempt to resolve the effects of the toxic fumes.

But instead of helping her, this latest action of hers seemed to have worsened her situation

The corrosive and toxic efficiency of the toxic fumes actually doubled at the moment that the Immortal Soul appeared, as if the Immortal Soul’s appearance had a good effect to the toxic fumes.

In fact, these toxic fumes began to gain a body and intelligence of its own at this point, with the Immortal Soul’s very own aura actually feeding and strengthening the fumes!

This change bodily worsened the woman’s situation, and all that she can do was shriek in pain as more and more of her body was getting corroded.



By the time that the first item had shown its effects, the second item(The half-bitten fruit) has began displaying its effects too.

"Hong long~"

The fluids released by the half-bitten fruit did not have any powerful effects against the event loop or the people nearby. The fluids just flowed around them like a normal liquid, and nobody really seemed in danger from it.

However, the fairy-like creature showed a reaction towards the fluids even before they touched him, and the way that he reacted was short of surprising, even to Alina herself.

"Ah! It’s the presence of the Queen! Ah! I-I am sorry for looking like this, my Queen! I ask for your full apology!" The fairy-like creature shouted in fear, as if he had seen something that extremely terrified him. He seemed to have also been affected physically by this fear, as golden blood began to leak out of his nose.

"Ah... Ah... Ah... I have sinned against the Queen! This will not do! I... I must be punished!" The creature ignored the blood leaking out of his body as he began kowtowing and prostrating at this point. He even banged his head on the ground, which just added more injuries on his body.

"Forgive me, my Queen, for I have sinned! Forgive me Queen, for I have sinned!" By this point, it was obvious that the fairy-like creature had already lost its interest to fight, and not even the danger surrounding him seem able to break him out of his state.

The massive tree behind him lost its luster as the fairy-like creature continued kneeling, and the mysterious chants surrounding him had disappeared too.

What was only left from this creature was his still prostrated body, and there are no signs of him wanting to fight anymore.


The third attack unleashed by Alina, the slash from her mysterious scythe, took only an instant to arrive towards the handsome man, and it did what it was supposed to do.


Because of the slash’s speed and the man’s restricted state, the slash was able to land on the powerful Soul Body summoned by the handsome man.

"Slash!" With its effects advertised to be useful against all kinds of souls, this slash was able to cut through the Soul Body like it was butter. Nothing was able to stop this slash, not even the frightening soul pressure emitted by the handsome man.


This Soul Body was quickly split in half, and the handsome man can only shout in agony as the Soul Body began to leak large amounts of Soul Essence from its now bisected parts. Each leakage seemed to have increased the man’s agony, and by the time a tankful of Soul Essence was released, the handsome man’s whole face was already red from pain.


This damage on the Soul Body appeared to be extremely effective against the handsome man, and it was able to delay his escape from the event loop.

His body, which only needed a few more movements before it can be fully free, was dragged back by the loop again, making the man gain more looks of frustration.

This made the man actually cry this time, with his snot and tears combining to create a face that only a crybaby would have.


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The fourth item that Alina used, which is the small book, released an arrow that shot straight towards the armored woman.

This arrow seemed to be both illusory and real, as its body phased in and out of reality as it got closer to the target. Any attempts by the armored woman to warp the arrow was useless, as the spatial manipulations that she performed just went through the arrow like they were nothing.


This arrow seemed to be immune against all kinds of space-related abilities, which made it easy for it to reach the woman.

To make matters worse, the arrow also showed the capability to manipulate space too, an effect that seemed to have caught the armored woman off-guard.


A spherical area, around a kilometer in diameter was being slowly sucked in by the arrow itself, creating a distortion in space that affected everything inside it, including the armored woman.

This distortion naturally had the woman under a lot of stress as it slowed her movements down, but it was not this distortion that affected her the most.

It was when the arrow hit her body that the armored woman truly became distressed, and the distant Alina began to smile upon seeing what happened.

The powerful spatial manipulation ability of this armored woman suddenly disappeared at the moment that the arrow hit her, leaving her defenseless once more.

All the vacuum and void displacement techniques by the armored woman were also gone, and her seemingly raucous attempt to combine her body with the ’void’ was negated too.

This rendered the armored woman’s attempt to escape the event loop as null, and she could only shout in anger as her body was brought back to the start point again.



What was witnessed by Alina and her enemies right now were the effects of Alina’s attacks, and they were all within her expectations.

Some did not exactly damage their targets that much, but the delay that the attacks induced on their targets was already enough...


"My first attack against the Immortal Cultivator uses a material that I and Professor Alex created together. This material is a living poison that will grow stronger as long as it is fed with a certain kind of energy. In today’s case, the living poison that I used is one that grows on the consumption of Immortal Qi..."

With her eyes still vigilantly watching her opponents, Alina began to say these words to herself, as if she seemed to be reviewing the attacks that she had just used.

Alina knew that she had to face Xavier’s Companions right now, but she could not help but review what had just transpired right now.

"This property is the reason why that living poison was able to hurt the first target badly. However, it will only last for a minute, so that woman will only stay that way for a minute..."

"The second item that I used was a fruit that was infused with Asteria’s saliva and essence. On its own, that fruit has no effect on anything, as that dumb fairy is useless. But she is still a Fairy Queen, so that fruit should be highly effective on any fairy-like beings."

"And that was what had happened here, as my second target was easily subdued by the fruit..."

"The third item also worked well too, but that handsome man can still recover from that damage in his Soul Body too..."

"As for the fourth item, it is specifically designed to deal with space-related abilities. I was the one who made that arrow, so I know that it will work. I am just not sure how long can that arrow suppress that armored woman..."


"Hoho, so my items had successfully suppressed the Travelers, but not for long. But at least I managed to stall them for some time. That will be enough for me to resume my actual plan..."

By thinking of these things inside her mind, Alina actually realized one thing.

She might have damaged or delayed the escape of her enemy Travelers, but it will not actually last that long.

At most, these Travelers will be incapacitated for around a minute before they can start meddling again.

That time frame is obviously bad, but Alina can make do with that.

"A minute might be short, but I can free my allies and defeat Xavier’s Companions within that time. I just have to do this quick, and I have to make sure that I won’t make any mistakes!"

With this reminder in her mind, Alina took a deep breath as she calmed herself down.

There is no need for Alina to worry anymore, so she can already stop being nervous, at least for a minute.

"I have been interrupted two times already, but this time I will not fail anymore. I am about to free Queen Mother and Professor Frances, and nobody can stop me now. And if something does indeed happen, I will ignore that too. I had too much delay already, so I can’t afford to mess up anymore..."

Now that the Travelers were suspended for a minute, Alina can resume what she should have already done earlier, which is obviously freeing her allies.

"I hope nothing else really interrupts me this time.... "





"Good, nothing wrong so far."

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