Endless Journey: Infinite Realms Chapter 704 Congregation of the Divine Senses! Part 9

Chapter 704 Congregation of the Divine Senses! Part 9


Beads of sweat pooled within Alina’s clothes as she felt the ethereal substance filling up each and every crevice of her skin. All the nooks and hidden spots on her skin are included, leaving nothing even the moles present on her face.


She could not help but moan in both pleasure and pain, as the invasion happening inside her skin was slowly changing each and every cell that resided in it.

All the previously normal components of her skin began to change with this transformation, bringing them into a state that even Alina has no idea about.


This transformation went on for a few more seconds, with Alina trying her best to contain her feelings.

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She knew that what’s happening to her right now was the consequence of her absorption of the Omniscient Skin, so she had no problems going through these mind-numbing pleasure and pain.


However, there is one tiny thing that is worrying Alina in regards to her current situation.

And that is the fact that she’s experiencing this transformation right in the middle of her enemies, who are bound to get free from the Event Loop any moment now.

"S**t, since this is my first time stealing an essence of a Divine Sensory Organ, I do not know how long this transformation of mine will last. It could take me a few minutes or a few more seconds... If it is a few more seconds, then it will be good for me. But if it takes minutes, then I will be in great danger!"

Now that Alina had begun transforming her skin to become the Omniscient Skin, she realized that she cannot cancel this transformation as it happened. Cancelling it will mean her death, so she had no choice but to wait until her transformation was done.

Using her own abilities during her transformation is a no-go too, which meant that Alina cannot make any attacks or defensive abilities, not until her transformation ends.


If Alina performed her transformation in a controlled place, then she will not have any problems in regards to it. After all, having her transformation in a controlled place meant that there are no enemies or obstacles that will be of bother to her.

However, Alina is in a place where any of her enemy Travelers can get free from the Event Loop on any given second. This is undoubtedly a great danger for ALina, as the current her has no way to defend herself!

"If any of these Travelers were to be free during my transformation, he or she will come attacking me first, since I am defenseless! There is no way that I can attack anyone or defend myself now, so I am really just a sitting duck!"

If Alina could just curse right now, she could have done it, as she realized that her actions in regards to the Omniscient Skin was too rash.

She should have just attempted fusing with this skin once all the fighting was done, and not during this time where she could still die.

Since she did not follow this obvious action, she’s now at the precipice of another extreme danger, one that even she is not sure about surviving...

"S**t... why did I even try fusing my skin with the Omniscient Skin this time? This is not like the normal me!"

Alina continued to get angry at herself, but what’s done is done.

Getting emotional to herself right now won’t be of help, and it will just worsen her situation. She should just be calm and rational, with her mind prepared for any kind of eventual cases.


But in actuality, even the act of getting calm and rational is of no use to Alina anymore.

Since she cannot make any moves at all, even being calm will not change her state. She’s still powerless, and no change in her mind and emotions can be of assistance to her.

The only thing that Alina can rely on right now was her luck, as this is the only possible thing that can directly influence her fate.


Alina can only hope that the time of her skin’s transformation into the Omniscient Skin will finish before any of the enemy Travelers can move freely.

If not, then even with Queen Mother and Professor Frances protecting her, Alina is sure that she will be immediately killed.


"S**t, do it faster now, my skin! Go and transform into the Omniscient Skin already! If you don’t then we will die! Did you hear that? We will die if you don’t move your ass faster!"

"I don’t care if you, my body, can understand me. Just know for a fact that if you don’t give your best effort here, we will really die! Now get moving and hasten your transformation already!"

"Ah! I said go faster! How could you not even understand that?"

With her inevitable death looming all over her again, Alina tried her best to urge her body to outperform itself. She goaded, praised, cheered, and cursed her body to surpass its limits, something that she thought could work.

She also injured herself during this time too, as she discreetly fed her body with streaks of both her Dark Energy and Time Essence, which she thought could temporality change the make-up of her body, which she then thought could improve the rate of her skin’s transformation.

"Argh!" She also applied more hidden and small changes inside her body, in hopes of making her situation better.


But just like all the efforts that Alina had earlier, her attempt to change her body did not work at all. Her body and skin still retained the same rate of transformation like earlier, leaving Alina with nothing but a feeling of irritation in regards to her failed venture.

"Ahhh! Why are you like this? Come on, move it!"


This failure to change her body was enough to set off Alina’s mood like a cannon, with the pressure of being surrounded by the enemies bringing her back to her initial problematic situation.

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Alina was back to worrying about her state, with no discernible solution present.


If this was her only problem, Alina could actually still keep her cool, since there is still no danger to her life yet.

"Okay, I might be in danger now, but I have prepared for this too. Since my used items against the enemy Travelers are effective, it will still take them 30 seconds to free themselves from my items and the Event Loop."

"30 seconds of time might not seem long, but I think that it is good enough for me. Who knows, my skin’s transformation might be finished before that 30 seconds gets used up."

"...Yes, I think that is possible. I feel that my skin can finish transformation within 30 seconds, give or take 1 second."

"Since that was the case, then all I have to do here is wait until my ordeal is done. And once it’s really done, then I don’t have to worry about my enemy Travelers already!"

"Just the combined might of my All-Seeing Eyes and the Omniscient Skin will surely bring my power up to another level... Who knows, I might get a level of power similar to these Travelers..."

"Hehehe, that would be really good for me....."

Although she’s stuck in a dilemma, the angry Alina still found time to be optimistic about her situation. Which is not a big deal for her, as she could see that even with all the enemies around her, her chance to win is still high.

All that Alina had to do now was to just wait, and let her body do its work.

"Speaking of my enemy Travelers, I wonder who amongst them will be the first one to recover from my attacks? Will it be that annoying woman? Or will it be that Soul creature?"

"Oh, it is possible that the fairy-like being could be the one to get free first. Or maybe it could be that woman with the Conqueror’s Aura? After all, with her Conqueror’s Aura alone, she’s powerful enough to break the Loop...."

"But I already injured that woman enough already. Maybe that will slow her down..."



With her hopes raised again by her thoughts, Alina continued to play with her mind, but even this brief interlude inside her head has to end too.


"Ok, so I should still bet on that Soul creature to come out first, since he’s the one who’s recovering quickly now. Tsk, if it really is him, then how should I deal with it? Should I just-"

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Just 5 seconds after Alina made her 30-second prediction, or 25 seconds before the first Traveler could free itself, an explosion suddenly rocked the area, covering Alina and the other with a wave of power that left them paralyzed.

"Boom boom boom!" Fortunately for Alina, this explosion did not render any more additional damages to her.

But even though she was not damaged at all, Alina could not help but shout in fury during the explosion, as what she had witnessed during this time had affected something else other than her body.

Her emotions in particular was stirred by this explosion, and the reason for that was made obvious in just a moment.

"Ah s**t! How could this be early again! How could it happen this quickly? Did I miscalculate? Argh, this is bad!"


One of the Travelers that Alina attacked, who is the woman with the Conqueror’s Aura, is currently standing proud in her spot, with her body covered by streaks of Demonic Energy that lashed all over the place.

These streaks of Demonic Energy casually destroyed the Event Loop around the woman, which let this Traveler easily get free from her trapped state. Her whole body was being constantly protected by this Demonic Energy too, which further shielded her from the Event Loop that still tried to reel her in.


Now, this woman with the Conqueror’s Aura was not under the mercy of having her time being repeated for countless moments. She is now free from the Event Loop, and there is no indication that she is coming back.

She even stretched her body at this point as if she was warming herself up, creating a scenery that seemed out of place in relation to all the evil aura surrounding her.


All who saw what this woman did was in shock, especially Alina, who seemed to be like a frozen slab of meat at this point.

"Ah s**t! How could this Traveler woman get herself free this quickly? This is not right!" It was the sight of this woman being free from the Event Loop that elicited a shocked reaction from Alina, as she had not expected to see this sight this early.

Alina predicted that the first Traveler will come out of the Event Loop 30 seconds from now, but what happened was the contrary.

The first Traveler to free herself only needed 5 more seconds to do so, which now allowed this Traveler to roam the whole area freely, while Alina was still trapped in her transformation state!


And as if this was not bad enough, it was not only the effects of the Event Loop that were neutralized by the Demonic Energy.


Even the toxic fumes that Alina used on this Traveler Woman were affected too, and these fumes were affected in such a way that their heavy damage on the Traveler woman seemed to disappear in a blink.

All traces and effects of the toxic fumes were absorbed the Demonic Energy, allowing this Traveler woman to not only be free from the toxic fumes, but to also heal from the damage, which her body had done in a spectacular manner.

"Shi..." Gone were her exposed bones and her melting flesh. Gone were her disintegrated faced too, as all of them had begun healing on the spot.

What only remained of this Traveler woman was her normal body, which is now jumping up and down in excitement.

"Oh s**t!!!"

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