Endless Journey: Infinite Realms Chapter 707 Desire over Anger

Chapter 707 Desire over Anger


As if Alex’s words were a bolt of lightning, the woman with the Conqueror’s Aura, who had been called as Shi Xingyun, started to tremble after she heard what he said.

\\u003cYou filthy beast! You don’t want to say it to me? Hmph, as expected of creatures like you. You’re just all talk and no action!\\u003e Shi Xingyun’s whole aura flared up this time, releasing her majestic Conqueror’s Aura upon the smiling Alex.


This aura encompassed Shi Xingyun’s desire to make Alex talk, with each iteration of the aura releasing shouts of rancor that tried to make Alex prostrate and start talking.

Alex however ignored these effects as he maintained his conversation with Shi Xingyun.

[Hey, hey, hey there Shi Xingyun. What is making you so mad? Do you have a grudge against me?]

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[And why do you look surprised now, woman? Your Conqueror’s Aura did not work on me, so what? Just believe that your power failed!"


[Sigh, do we really have to talk about the failure of your power now? Aren’t we talking about your grudge with me? Come on, let’s just talk about that...]

The manner in which Alex casually shrugged off Shi Xingyun’s worries had visibly irritated the latter, but because of the current situation and all the enemies that surrounded her, this woman was forced to go with Alex’s flow.

\\u003cWhether I do have a grudge with you or not does not matter filthy beast. All I know is that... you are supposed to explain everything about that Origin Shard. And don’t call me by my name. Nobody gave you the right to say my illustrious and perfect name!\\u003e Shi Xingyun snarled as she tried to overpower Alex with her Conqueror’s Aura once more.

This attempt of course failed, leaving her growling in frustration, with the other Travelers now looking at Alex in a better light.

[I am the true successor for the Abyss Realm. I think that gives me the right to say your name, Shi Xingyun.]


The failure of Shi Xingyun to subdue him seemed to have inflated Alex’s ego, with his actions now more and more aligned with pissing off the former.

He did not seem to even acknowledge the danger of facing 4 Travelers at once, as he just relished his role as an irritating prankster.

[Hm? Why are you not saying anything now, miss Shi Xingyun? I heard some threats from you earlier, so shouldn’t you try them out now? Come on, I am waiting for you to make your move....]


For whatever reason there is, the livid Shi Xingyun seemed to be unable to fatally attack Alex, although her emotions and reaction to his words suggested that she wanted nothing more but to tear Alex to pieces right now.

Such restraint was surprising to see, and even Alina could not help but feel impressed with the way that Shi Xingyun reined her temper in.


This same restraint was also being displayed by the other Travelers, with their eyes still looking at the Origin Shard warily.


"So Alex did not come here to fight. It seems like him coming here was for a different matter. As for what that could be, that crystal is at the midst of that..." Although Alina was also wary of the crystal, seeing its effect on the enemy Travelers was enough to calm her.

Of course she’s still not calm enough to feel relieved about her situation, but the sight of Alex being able to halt their enemies from attacking him was a sight that Alina was willing to see a thousand times this day.

"Tsk, I don’t like to say this, but I hope that whatever Alex is planning right now will succeed. Because this seems to be the only way that he will survive this day without making himself closer to being corrupted...."

With the danger on her life and Alex’s now temporarily averted, Alina can now finally relax back.

She can now also focus more on the transformation of her skin, which she now urged to finish with all of her might.

"Hey, you damned skin. Now that there are no more enemies distracting me, can you perhaps speed up your transformation? Your change will be of great use to me, and the distraction that Alex provided right now is your chance to finish the change!"

"So go on and change already! I already wasted a lot of time worrying, so you better give me some results!"



Alex’s actions right now might have granted him some kind of temporary immunity against the other Travelers, but that does not mean that he had restricted them from moving freely.

This was showcased the greatest when aside from Shi Xingyun, someone else from the enemy Travelers had begun questioning Alex.

|Cease your useless words now, human. Since you have arrived in this place showing that Origin Shard, that means that you want us to do something about it. If that’s your intention, then I suggest that you immediately tell us the reason why you’re here.|

The soul creature was the one who said these words, with his powerful Soul Body looming all over Alex like a murderous bear.

Just like Shi Xingyun before, this creature used the power of his Soul Body in order to suppress Alex and make him cower.

|I liked the way that you handled this situation, human. But your rude treatment of me is a line that you should have never crossed. Now talk, and make sure that you will satisfy me.|

As if he were a remorseless king that lorded over all creations, the soul creature nonchalantly demanded Alex to entertain him, an action that made Alina feel worried for Alex.

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This worry however quickly turned into nothing, as even against this soul creature, Alex seemed to be not affected too.

[Oh, so this is your famed Soul Body, Iskanor. I never expected it to be this powerful. But compared to my soul, this is only... so-so. But still, I like the fact that you were able to disturb 70% of my soul. Oh, now that I see it, this is actually impressive...]

|You damned human! How did you-|

[Iskanor, I just have a powerful soul, ok? That’s the reason why I can resist your power. Now scoot over and let me continue talking.]


[Okay, so aside from Iskanor and Shi XIngyun, will the other two Travelers present here try suppressing me too? Let’s see if you are also as powerful as your peers....]


The enraged Iskanor might look frightening, but Alex merely ignored him as he now taunted the two remaining Travelers, who still had not made a move at this point.

[Oi. Overron. Aren’t you someone who had been a slave by that dumb fairy Asteria? With that kind of person enslaving you, you must have some pent-up anger against her. I fully understand why would you be angry at that dumb fairy, so it is fine for me if you will attack me.]

[After all, that dumb fairy is my Guide, so you can consider attacking me as a way to attack her...]

--It’s a nice offer hooman. But I won’t move.--

[Hm? You’re not going to attack me, Overron? That’s too bad...]

[How about you Talia? Aren’t you Delia’s sister? Being her sister gives you more reason to attack me, so just attack me now!]

[Come on! I forced your sister to ally with me even if she does not want to, and I also made her ignore her calling as the Envoy of the Holy Order Realm through that alliance! With that kind of things that I did to her, you should be angry at me!]

[Come on, Talia. You can give me your best shot!]

\\\\\\\\\\\\As much as I wanted to dismember you for touching my sister, I have no choice but to let you off for now, demon.///

[...So you’re not attacking me too? What’s the matter with you?]


[Hey! You two should do something about me already! Because you never know, I might disappear from this place along with this Origin Shard, especially if you don’t immobilize me....]



[Ok, so all of you are just interested on this Origin Shard. Great.]

Unlike the proactive Shi Xingyun and the proud Iskanor, the fairy creature called Overron and the martial woman named Talia did not bite against Alex’s provocations.

These two look enraged from Alex’s insults, but they held their tempers in as they kept their stare on the Origin Shard alone.



Even if Alex looked like he was extremely interested on having his body ravaged by his enemies, he was still intelligent enough to realize that his goading will not work.

Alina had also realized this, so she let her body calm down more as she waited for Alex to stop his façade already.

[Just like what I told to Shi Xingyun, I cannot tell you the identity of the True God that this Origin Shard came from. However, I can tell you all where I obtained this Origin Shard.]

With a voice surprisingly modulated this time, the disappointed Alex gave the enemy Travelers a look that was full of disappointment as he talked.

He was obviously disappointed that none of them made a move against him, and the eager faces shown by the Travelers towards the Origin Shard seemed to have worsened his mood.

[Now, now, now. I am sure that you want to go to the source of this Origin Shard and start mining more Origin Shards in that place. I assure you, I want to go back to that place too to get more Origin Shards. After all, that’s the best way to strengthen or create a True God in this day and age....]

[However, the source of this Origin Shard was an extremely dangerous place, one where even someone like me could die in an instant. People like you will also die, even with all your abilities.]

[In fact, that place was so dangerous, that I only obtained this Origin Shard from there through luck. And even then, I almost ended up dead...]

[Do you understand that? I almost died in that place, even when I only stayed there for a few seconds....]

Alex retained his disappointed mood as he continued talking, which plunged the whole area with the feelings of bleakness and lethargy.

Such atmosphere is enough to make anyone feel negative, but aside from Alina and her allies, all the other Travelers showed no signs of negative emotions.

These Travelers appeared to be extremely happy instead, with the latest words uttered by Alex seemingly the source of these pleasant feelings.

\\u003cHohoho, you’re actually telling us the place where you got that Origin Shard from? I did not expect a foul beast like you to be this helpful, but since I can see that you are sincere, I am allowing to speak to me again this time.\\u003e

|Now that’s what I want to hear human. Now you are doing what I wanted you to do. But I am just wondering, why are you having the initiative to talk about the source of this shard? What made a greedy human like you talk about it?|

\\\\\\\\\\\\Hmph, since you have allied with my sister Delia, then I trust you skills on situations like this. And since I know my sister well, I think I can see what you’re planning to do...///

\\\\\\\\\\\\You’re planning to have us all cooperate in order to explore that place, right? That’s the only reason why you would tell us about that place while also talking about its dangers....///

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