Endless Journey: Infinite Realms Chapter 720 Ravings of Chaos 1 of 2

Chapter 720 Ravings of Chaos 1 of 2


Just like any other days, the void outside the Multiverse was fairly empty, save for some people or unlucky beings that tries to cross it.

Other creatures that had adapted to the strange conditions in this place are extremely rare, but they could be found too, and they make the majority of all the species here...

This sparse and varied biological distribution on the void has made it a mostly empty area, and it is rare for somebody roaming here to find even just a single living creature.

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With this kind of startling emptiness, it was no wonder that nobody was venturing this place.

Why would even someone waste time wandering the outside of the Multiverse, when what can only be obtained here was a limited reward?

That’s a waste of time by itself, and anyone in their right minds would definitely not think of even setting foot here, especially with all the dangers present in this place!

Even the almighty Monarchs of each Realms usually have to think twice before departing towards this empty void, and those who enter will still face dangers that are even greater than their power!


The presence of this extreme danger made the whole ’outside place’ seem like a less desirable destination, and the severe lack of living beings just solidified this point.

But contrary to the opinion of many, the low creature count and the extreme dangers in this place were actually just some of the minor reasons that it lacked of visitors.


The major reason that stops almost everyone into going to the ’outside of the multiverse’ was a different matter entirely.


The real x-factor in this place was actually just an old man, who occasionally pops up from time to time around the void. He might look weak, but those who sees him will not hesitate to run away from him.

This old man after all was Chaos himself, whose whole body resides outside the Multiverse!

Such powerful creature is no much for almost many, and those who meet him usually end up dying in all sorts of strange manner....


Speaking of Chaos... he could be seen sitting on a rocky asteroid at this point, with a board of chess floating right in front of his eyes.

"...." Chaos appeared to be extremely engrossed in this game, to the point that he ignored almost all of the creatures that whizzed above him.

This attitude was certainly abnormal, but those who saw him like this were certainly happy for this condition.


This state of his did not last that long however, as before Chaos could make a move inside the board, he suddenly stood up, causing large distortions on his surroundings.


Chaos’ whole body, which was as ancient as time itself, let out a creaking groan after he made this move. This further increased the distortion around him, eventually making a series of frightening waves that could very well destroy the fabric of space-time itself.

"Woosh woosh!"

If this power were to be activated inside the Multiverse, many civilizations or even Realms could be sent to their end in an instant. Fortunately, Chaos was outside the Multiverse, so all that his power can do was to create a loud and racketing noise.

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"Boom boom boom!"

Such loud noise is even powerful enough to disturb Chaos, but for the current him, this noise was nothing more but a small nuisance.


As the pieces of the chess board fell from his standing body, Chaos just looked straight ahead with his ferocious eyes.

Waves and waves of more destruction occurred around him, but the old man did not seem to notice it, as the shocked looked on his face made him oblivious to his surroundings already.

"What the?"

Chaos appeared to be ignorant about anything else as his whole being and focus was just concentrated on a certain direction.

More specifically, Chaos’ stern gaze was focused at the direction of the Multiverse itself, with his eyes seemingly trained on the Multiverse’s middle portion.

This made it seem as if he had discovered something of great importance on this direction, and that this discovery was so important, that he could not even tear his eyes away from it.

"That planet... how could I gather that much energy at once? This should have been impossible, given the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics... Wait, could the Abyss be related to this change?"



"Argh! That’s the Mark of the Abyss flaring up inside that planet! So Abyss is indeed related here!"

Chaos was busy playing a game by himself at this time, but his ’discovery’ on the Multiverse had forced him to stop his leisure period.

And for whatever reason there is, Chaos’ discovery also made him lose his temper, which just further increased the fervent effects of his power

"Kacha!" The chess pieces that Chaos held all dissipated under the presence of his enhanced power, turning into specks of dust that eventually wilted into nothingness. The board, which was as tough as a Stage 7 treasure also turned to dust, making it seem as if it did not exist at all....

Aside from his game, his surroundings and other nearby objects were also not spared. They were all destroyed too, and even his clothes and underwear wilted under his might.


This indiscriminate shredding not only wreaked more havoc, it also instantly turned Chaos into a naked old man, who now wore nothing but a small piece of bracelet that hung limply on his waist.


The sight that followed his ’liberation’ was undoubtedly scandalous to many, and his beautiful body had no way to improve his appearance, especially with the way that he vulgarly moved his exposed body.

In fact, Chaos was moving so vulgarly right now, that if someone were to look closer, they might see Chaos’’little bird’ dangling like a decoration.... They might even see his ’dragon balls’ swaying like a pair of peach fruits ready for picking...

Any man plunged in this situation will surely be embarrassed, even if there is no one watching him. For Chaos however, his appearance as of now was of no concern.

Yes, Chaos looked worried about something, but it was absolutely not related to his naked apiece.

His worry instead seemingly originated from the Multiverse, and his reaction had confirmed that.

"That damned Abyss... What the hell is he doing now?"

Chaos’ face, which usually held an aloof and arrogant demeanor, was actually wearing a shocked look at this point. His whole body was seemingly trembling too, which further added to the change that he showed.

His eyes also flashed with murderous intent as he muttered Abyss’ name, as if he wanted nothing more but to strangle the latter with his own hands.

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