Endless Journey: Infinite Realms Chapter 728 In One Single Gulp

Chapter 728 In One Single Gulp

Wisteria might not be interested on knowing why she’s happy dissing someone like Traveler Xavier, but she knew that it will not harm her that much if she continued on mocking him.

But with her duty still on the line, Wisteria had to prioritize her actual goals in this place.

"That’s all the enemies that I have to worry about, and I wish that nobody will come to increase this count..."

With all of her enemies already observed and catalogued in her mind, Wisteria had no more need to study them. Continuing her observation will just be a waste of her time, something that the current her had no luxury of even using.

So as much as she was tempted on bashing the heads of some Travelers, Wisteria forced herself to stay still, as she waited for the event that she and the others came here for.

"Okay, now that everyone is here, can this ’mouth’ start doing something already?"

Wisteria looked at the disgusting mouth one more time, ignoring her desire to vomit as she waited for it to make even just one different action.

"..." Her eyes trembled as she tried to catch any signs from the mouth that indicates that it will do something interesting. Even just a twitch will do, and that was already stretching Wisteria’s patience.

But to her dismay, this mouth did not exactly follow her thoughts.

. "...Come on. What’s the hold up. You just had to do something and all of our waiting will be done already. Come on, just do something!" This mouth, which Alex had been boasting before as their only way to the Ancestral Tomb, just floated like a piece of log in the middle of the outskirts

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Its tentacles and swollen pustules floated uselessly along with it, which added to the sickening image that the mouth was clearly uninterested on hiding.

Some kind of sticky white fluid also flowed out from the cracks of this mouth, dripping into the ground like it was a forbidden fluid that nobody sane would want to touch.

"Ew, ew, ew. What are those yucky stuff? It looks awfully like se- no! Don’t think of that, Wisteria. Don’t think of that at all!"

"Ew, ew, ew. Just don’t think of anything! Just accept that this mouth is plain disgusting!"

"..." These disgusting ’secretions’ and ’parts’ of this mouth did not just disgust Wisteria. Even the other Travelers, who looked calm when they arrived, now wore contorted expressions on their faces as most of them visibly backed away from the ’drooling’ mouth.

Only Xavier did not move from his spot at all, but his eyes also held the same level of loathing that his other peers held.


This sudden change induced an awkward atmosphere on the whole area, as everyone found themselves wary, disgusted, and impatient with all the events that happened.

They were wary, as all of them were still at the presence of their enemies.

They were disgusted, as none were willing to touch even just a single portion of the floating mouth.

And they were impatient, as they could feel that someone was purposefully delaying them.


The combination of these different emotions fermented a heavy feeling in the area, one that blanketed everyone with a negative outlook. Those who seemed cheery at first were frowning now, and those who were like Wisteria became grumpier, and the only one stopping them from lashing out were the presence of their enemies.


With such kind of emotions present in this place, it was inevitable that a fight might break out, as this was the only way for these powerful beings to vent their feelings. It does not matter who fights who, or how dangerous this fight will be.

Someone and somebody from these Travelers will fight, and nobody can stop that.


That is what Wisteria thought, so she secretly tensed her body as she prepared herself for a sudden departure. There is just no way that she will linger in this area, especially now that a fight is bound to happen.

"...Should I use my teleportation cannon so that I can easily escape this place? But if I use that, there is a high possibility that I might get teleported on a random area."

"Well, that is not that bad in my opinion. I think that it will be better compared to having myself stabbed by a fairy through my head."

"Okay, so this is now decided. I will try escaping here, and I won’t let anyone, not even Astria to stop me!"

Call her coward or a wimp, but Wisteria will not let her pride get in the way.

She knew how weak she was compared to the other Travelers, so she had no interest on even crossing swords with them!

Why would she even fight, when there is 5 enemy Travelers that she had to face?

Sure, she’s confident that she can do something if she just fights against 1 Traveler. She had Astria to help her, so she could survive fighting one.

But to fight against 5 at the same time? Only an idiot would do that, and Wisteria is in no way that idiotic!

"Bye-bye for now, Alina. I know that you can survive this ordeal, so I will just wait for you to finish fighting. I hope this will not offend you that much, but be assured that I will give you some delicious food to eat later."

"As for you Queen Mother and Professor Frances, I will give you some of the alien cells that you have been asking from me since I arrived."

"As for Asteria... well, I don’t have to give that stupid fairy with something, right? She’s not even treating me as a human, so I am not obliged to actually treat her well."

"Wait, I think that’s bad. But who cares? This is Asteria that we are talking about here..."

Without waiting for a fight to actually happen, Wisteria had already accepted her decision to run away.

Hence her quick movement to procure her teleportation cannon, which was currently attached on her back holster. She just had to press the red button on the cannon’s base, and it will immediately teleport her away.

Just one press will do, and all that happens after that will be up to her luck.

"Sigh, I hope that my teleportation won’t be that random that it will teleport me to a deadly area. Because if I was indeed teleported that way, then I will be fuc-"

|Hey there, Wisteria. What are you trying to do? Are you thinking of running away? That’s not awfully like you.|


Before Wisteria’s sweaty finger could reach her target, a sudden cold feeling assaulted her body as a carefree voice rang out on her ears.

Her whole body stiffened as if she was being constricted tightly, and the pervasive quality of this voice made her feel sicker. She then began feeling as if she was a prey being sized up by a predator, a sensation that flooded her mind with pure fear.

Yes. Wisteria felt fear, a primitive kind of fear that ignored all of her abilities and aspirations.

She felt fear that made her whole being quake, and it did not allow her to even think rationally.


Large amounts of dread surfaced on Wisteria’s body, as she resisted the sensation of fear that occupied every single part of her. This proved to be impossible, as the carefree speaker did not allow her to even compose herself.

|Wisteria, Wisteria, Wisteria. When you allied yourself to Alina, I actually felt happy. I thought that you will be helping her out, especially now that I am busy running the Abyss Temple. But look at you now! You just saw some signs that a fight will start, and you’re already running away?|

|Come on, Wisteria. That’s not the option that you should have chosen!|

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Even without the seemingly malicious aura that this carefree speaker had released, Wisteria knew that she will still feel fear, as his voice alone was enough to make her wary.

After all, this voice belonged to Wisteria’s greatest enemy in this world.

This voice belonged to the man who betrayed Alina, and who will undoubtedly employ some tricks on them inside the Ancestral Tomb.

This voice belonged to the Abyss Envoy, the man who had the highest position here at the Abyss Temple.

This voice belonged to no other than Alex, who did not even sound apologetic here on his arrival!

"You don’t have the right to dictate what I want to do. I am me, and you are you. So don’t think that you can control me." Wisteria replied to Alex, who was located just behind her. She did not look back as she gave her answer, knowing that looking at Alex right now might be detrimental for her body.

She just kept her whole body in a combat state, as she expected Alex to do something against her.

|You are right, Wisteria. I don’t have to dictate what you have to do. But still... that does not allow you to just leave this place. You have allied yourself with Alina already, right? Since that was the case, then you should always stay with them.|

"Hah? You dare lecture me about ’staying’ when you were the one who abandoned them first? How hypocritical of you, Alex. Did your stay in the Abyss made you this shameless?"

|Shameless or not, I can still see that you are also in the wrong here. So don’t expect me to just accept your excuses. |

"Hmph, you can think what you want from me Alex, but that does not change who you are! You are nothing more but a spineless man, one who is just as bad as that cowardly Xavier!"

|Ouch, Wisteria. I could have accepted any of your insults, but you actually gave me that one? You sure are vicious...|

To Wisteria’s relief, Alex did not do anything untoward against her. He seemed to just float on the spot that he appeared at, and there are no indications that he moved even by just a step.

This is good news for Wisteria, but there was something that bothered her in regards to his arrival.

Since Alex had already arrived here, then shouldn’t the other Travelers, especially Alina, reacted to his presence?

Alex was after all the main host of this trip, so some reaction from the Travelers should be appearing now, right?

"Hmph, it is not only me who thinks of you that way. Even the other Travelers think badly of you, so don’t act like a saint!"

"You can even ask Alina about it! She’s still fuming against you up until today, you know?"

"Come on, Alina. Just tell Alex how angry you are at him."

"...Alina? Why don’t you answer me?"

"Come on, just say something."


To Wisteria’s chagrin, nobody from the crowd answered her question, even when its topic was already about Alex.

It was as if they don’t even care about it at all...

No. What happened was actually worse than that.

Wisteria did not just find herself ignored by the others. She actually found herself alone, with nobody else present on the area that she’s in.

She was the only person that ’existed’ on this place, with the others nowhere to be found.

Alina, Queen Mother, and Professor Frances had disappeared, and none of Wisteria’s calls had revealed where they are.

Shi Xingyun, Overron, Iskanor, Talia, and their Companions were at the same state too, with Wisteria’s vision and other gadgets unable to detect them.

Heck, even the unmoving and cowardly Xavier was gone too, and he was the person least likely to even disappear!

"What the? What the hell is going on here? Alex... did you do something about this?"


"Hey, answer me! What did you do here? Did you kill them, or did you put me in your nefarious illusions?"



To the already tense Wisteria, this sudden change just added more to her worries, making her loaded mind almost explode from all the thoughts that she was forced to make.

She just could not help but be more paranoid about her situation, which in context to the sudden disappearance of her allies, can be seen as a proper move.

But as much as Wisteria tried to think about what was happening, someone did not seem to have the patience to let her continue thinking.

|You’re asking why your allies had disappeared, Wisteria? Hm, I wonder about that too...| Alex calmly said behind her. His voice sounded soothing, although the inherent smugness in it made him sound like a notorious criminal. |What do you think?|

"Do you think I would ask you if I know the reason? Why can’t you just answer my damn query, huh?"

|What? Wisteria, why are you even asking that question, when the answer to that is already obvious? Don’t tell me you have no idea at all?|


Just this sentence of his alone made Wisteria want to attack Alex, but the words that he said next even made him sound actually worse.

| Wisteria, I sent your allies to the Ancestral Tomb already, and their bodies are now roaming that place.|

|You’re the only one that is not yet leaving, which is the reason why you’re alone here.|

|But don’t worry. I will be sending you off there already, so just buckle up and enjoy the ride, okay?|

"Wait what? You already brought my allies away? But how can you do that? I should have notice-"

|Why don’t you just keep quiet Wisteria and let me do my work? Maybe you will be less worried if you use that mouth of yours less...|

"Hey! Don’t dodge my questions like a bullet! Answer me like you are a man! Go on, say something-"

Before Wisteria could pepper Alex with more of her insults, the previously static ’mouth’ suddenly dashed towards her, prompting the former to lose balance as she panicked at this sudden move


Once it arrived beside Wisteria’s body, the mouth then opened itself wide, before ’chomping’ her in like she was just a food.

"Ah! Wait, no! Don’t eat me this way! Ah!!!" Wisteria appeared to be trying to escape the ’mouth’s’ assault on her, but her efforts were all futile.

Her whole body was just gone in a single gulp, and her presence, just like her allies, had disappeared too.

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