Endless Journey: Infinite Realms Chapter 731 Different Portions, Different Situations

Chapter 731 Different Portions, Different Situations

"...Seeing that I might stay alone like this for a while, it might not hurt me if I already release them" After a few minutes of staying silent amongst the floating abominations, Alina finally talked to herself once more. "They just have to be behaved though."

The ’them’ that she was referring too was obviously not her co-Companions nor the ones related to Wisteria. They seem to not even be those related to Alex too, which Alina will certainly not bring with her due to reasons.

As for who these ’them’ could be, Alina’s did not seem interested on saying out loud.

Her next actions however provided a clue, and it was a damn easy clue to spot.

"Speaking of these guys, I hope their stay inside their spatial hotel did not rattle their bodies... Of course there is a high chance that they are all fine, as this spatial hotel was lined with high-class runes that provides stability even when the hotel itself was moved."

"But we were just forcefully brought by Alex into another dimension, so something could have happened to these guys."

"But now that I look at this sphere, I can’t see or feel any wrongness here."

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"Oh, so my Divine Sensory Organs are still working properly here? That’s a good news that I am happy to hear... And it also shows me that these guys have no problem at all."

"Ok, since they seem to be fine, then calling them out won’t be problematic at all..."

Without observing the abominations that crowded her path, Alina solemnly looked down on her hands, staring intently at the metal sphere that is zipping like an electron along her fingers.

She held it like it was a newborn baby that needed some care, although she also held it with wariness, making the sphere appear as something that she treated with caution.


The sphere itself looked harmless, but Alina continued to treat it with suspicion, as if it contained an object that she is not willing to see.

"Sigh... These guys that I brought with me might seem dangerous, but since I am the Divine Maiden, they will not do anything untoward against me...."

"Of course that will change depending on the situation here at the Ancestral Tomb, but I think I can trust them...."

Alina gritted her teeth twice as she seemed to want to throw the sphere away from her body, but she retained that urge by letting out an exasperated hiss.

She then shook her head before pressing a small button on the sphere, an action that led to a change within the sphere’s body itself.


With a hiss comparable to a snake looking for prey, the metal sphere opened, unravelling a complicated structure inside that suddenly expanded outwards. The unraveled sphere then grew and grew until it became as large as a hill, with its contents now fully displayed for everyone to see clearly.


This expansion fully showed everything that one can imagine could be inside the sphere, although conventional science seems unable to explain everything that was just revealed.


The machinery and all the previous components inside the metal sphere are shown like an exhibit, and their intricate functions can be easily seen with the naked eyes. Its metallic insides and lustrous painted surface appeared like a work of art this time, with each component dazzling enough to capture a person’s love of art.

Such appearance made the sphere enticing in itself, but it was not the main thing that made this object special.

What made it more interesting was its other contents, which Alina did not hesitate to acknowledge.

"Oi you three. We’re here at the Ancestral Tomb already. You can stop your meditations and prayers to Elwon too, since praying won’t be of help here."

"Oh, and don’t look at me like that. I made an agreement with the Church of Wisdom to bring you here, but under the condition that you will follow my commands once we arrived. And since we have arrived at the Ancestral Tomb already, then you three should start following my orders."

"So what are you waiting for? Just get out of the spatial hotel, or else I will report your actions to the pope later..."

Standing inside the enlarged sphere where three additional people, all who Alina had already met and interacted with before.

These three were unlike Alex and the others, who Alina had met and interacted closely through life and death situations.

These three instead were acquainted to Alina through the power of the Church of Wisdom, something that Alina did not think would be of use until today.

"Wisdom Priest Francis. Fang Clan Head Guardian Fang Wu. Archbishop Toren. You have been sent here to assist me on my excursion on the Ancestral Tomb, so please don’t dawdle anymore. We have a lot to do, and I seriously need your help."

Alina morosely said the names of these three newcomers, with her negative emotions barely hidden on her words. It was as if she was not happy saying her last sentences to these three, but her situation was forcing her to interact with them.

This was made more obvious when she gave the trio a withering look, which forced them to let out awkward coughs as they slowly clambered out of the sphere.


The area around Alina and the sphere might be chaotic and dangerous due to its mysterious properties, but it did not scare the trio from coming out of the sphere. Sure, their movements were still slow as they regarded their surroundings warily, but compared to Alina who also panicked on her arrival, the reaction of these three was actually impressive.

Alina noticed this, and she seem to be not happy on seeing that three old men had actually adapted to this place much faster compared to her.

"Now if you three have any problems with me, especially with my decision to bring you to his place, then just raise your hands and say something. But if you don’t, then just stay quiet and start following my steps."

Spitting her last words out as if it were poison, Alina turned around before continuing her journey. She did not even look back at the three old men, who just let out sighs as they began following her.




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Just like any other portion of the Ancestral Tomb, its southern portion was just as mysterious as the portion that Alina was in.

But unlike Alina’s location, where the creatures were weaker than her, the creatures that could be found here at the Southern Portion were exponentially stronger, and also more dangerous.

How dangerous you say?

Well, a certain ally of Alina is currently running away from these said creatures, and judging by her words as she ran away, these creatures are really giving her a hard time...

"Now what in god’s name had brought me this disaster? I thought this place would be as safe as a kitten’s cage! "

"Tsk, if I just knew that going here will be this dangerous, then I would not have brought any of my minions at all!"

"F**k, but what I can I do? That damned Alex did not tell us about everyt- ow! That hurts!"

"Ow ow ow! Who the f**k is biting my ass!"

This ally was surprisingly Professor Frances, who was riding a flying toad while a crowd of human-sized mosquitos were chasing her.

Her hair which was usually disheveled was even more unkempt at this point, and her eye bags visibly became more sagged. Her clothes on the other hand were filled with more tears this time, which was even worse than the old clothes that she wore on her lab before.

The combination of these unsightly things made the professor looked extremely stressed, which is not surprising, given the type of creatures that are hot on her heels.

In fact, for the professor to even have the time to curse and run away can be considered miraculous, as the power of the creatures chasing her were way beyond her own strength!

"Ah!!! Why did nobody tell me that the monsters here at the Ancestral Tomb can reach the Peak Sixth Stage Power! If I knew that, then I would never have come to this place!"

"Of course I have countermeasures if I meet a Peak Sixth Stage Being in this accursed area. But those countermeasures only work against 1 Peak Sixth Stage Being!"

"Against many Peak Sixth Stage Beings, all my abilities won’t be of use!"

"And that’s my main problem here! A herd of Peak Sixth Stage Blood Sucking Mosquitoes are chasing me, and they don’t show signs of stopping!"

"It’s either they get bored of me or I die first!"

"Ow! Ow! Ow! You damned mosquitos! If you want to bite something, then stop biting my ass! It hurts like s**t!"

"Ow! Ow! Ow!"





"....I can’t see either Alina and Professor Frances around me. Even Wisteria and her soul-bound partner is not here too. Where have they gone? Did something go wrong during the teleportation?"

"Or did Alex intended this to happen?"

"Whatever the reason for our separation is, there is one thing that is apparent here."

"Which is that I am alone in this place, and I might spend some time being alone like this...."

"Hmm... so what I should do next? Should I roam around or should I try contacting those weird monsters nearby?"

Unlike Alina who was tense and full of wariness, or Professor Frances who was running like a panicking duck, Queen Mother’s reaction to her arrival at the Ancestral Tomb was simple.

She just analyzed the situation calmly, and she did not do any extra movements. She just floated along with the current behind her, letting the external forces bring her somewhere.

She also did not fight any influences that targeted her, and she did not lash back even when some of the nearby creatures tried killing her


With the power level that Queen Mother had compared to these monsters and the forces around her, it was almost impossible for her to even be killed. She was just too tough, too healthy, and too vital to be injured to the point of death.

This power gap against her opponents must have been the reason why Queen Mother was feeling calm today, and the frustrated expressions of her enemies just made that clear.


But no matter how much powerful Queen Mother was compared to her attackers, she should still be displaying some sense of tension, especially since she was separated from her allies.

She might be powerful enough to survive at this area, but at least she should be worrying about her allies’ welfare, right?

But no, Queen Mother did not exhibit any signs of unrest, even when she could feel that some of her allies are in danger.

She just retained her calm expression, which at this point bordered close to indifference.

"...I’m so bored. Is there anything interesting for me to do here? "

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