Endless Journey: Infinite Realms Chapter 740 Peak of Strength!

Chapter 740 Peak of Strength!

Seconds then passed by, with the intelligent light on Queen Mother’s eyes starting to fade, as if the pain was making her regress to a state of non-sentience.

Her whole skin appeared to undergo some changes too, as they slowly became bark-like instead of their normal smooth form. Her body then lost its human structure, and it became closer to that of a tree....

Roots then appeared on Queen Mother next, followed by leaves on her head and branches all over her chest...


Such extreme changes in her body were undoubtedly shocking, and for it to happen to Queen Mother was a great waste, especially since it was all caused by a shameless sneak attack.

And it was made worse by the fact that the person who attacked Queen Mother was seemingly uninterested on killing her, which brings many worse scenarios for the tree woman.


Whoever was the person who attacked Queen Mother now, they did not seem interested on killing her. This enemy instead made her experience extreme pain, and they then waited for her as she began transforming back to her non-intelligent tree form.

This indicates that the attacker’s interest was mostly on capturing Queen Mother, and with the capabilities that this person showed, they seem to be perfectly able to pull it off.


Just the two attacks from the enemy was enough to make Queen Mother this disabled, and she still had not seen the attacker!

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This speaks much about the skills of her opponent, and it was enough to make Queen Mother lament, especially since she knew that she could have run away with all the free time that she had.

Running away is of course impossible for Queen Mother at this moment, so she can only lament as she felt more and more of her body collapsing from the pain.


Because of this pain and her disappointment to herself, the delirious Queen Mother can only curse out inwardly while she tried her best to stabilize her damaged mind.

"Ugh.... This damned attacker.... They must have known that I am weak against attacks that target either the mind or soul.... That is the only explanation on how this attacker could can reduce me to this state...."

"And from the looks of it, this attacker can still dish out more attacks like this on me...."

" And the reason that this person is not attacking me again is maybe because he or she is afraid of accidentally killing me..."

"Ugh... this is f***ed up. My enemy was actually worried about not killing me? "

"This is both humiliating and enlightening, which I can use for my mediation exercises..."

"It’s just too bad that I do not have any time to do meditation with all this s**t bothering me..."



It was only Queen Mother’s high-level of power and her trained mind that allowed her to partially resist the mind-numbing effects of her bodily pain. This was also the only reason why Queen Mother has not fully been subsumed yet, and she was doing her best to make it stay that way.

Unfortunately for the tree woman, her resistance was gettting eroded by the pain too, to the point that she could only watch as her paltry hold on her changing body was slowly disappearing...

"...Whatever I do with my mind here does not matter anymore, since my enemy is clearly stronger than me in that manner."

"That means that any attempt of mine to stabilize my mind will fail, since I am weaker in terms of mind and soul."

"So I should not waste time on protecting my mind anymore."

"This will not help me escape, and it will just implicate me on more dangers!"

"If I really want to escape this predicament... then I must use a different way to beat my attacker!"

Queen Mother tried a few more times to stabilize herself, but the prowess of her attacker was just too much for her.

The enemy was clearly talented on the field on mind and soul abilities, so there is no more point for Queen Mother to even bother with this area. Further attempts to resist on this area will just bring more doom on the partially paralyzed Queen Mother.

The only way that Queen Mother can hope to beat her enemy was by fighting them in the area that she was greatly expert in.

Which means that Queen Mother has to use her physical strength, as this was the only attribute that she’s confident on fighting with!

"My soul is close to collapsing, and my mind is already at the brink of being subdued... this leaves me with no choice but to make an action right at this moment."

"If I don’t do anything at this instant, I will lose my chance of escaping!"

"So Queen Mother, use all the cards that you can use in this situation!"

Knowing that her mind was about to be conquered any moment now, Queen Mother did not hesitate as she unleashed a desperate attack from her battered body.

"Use your f**king body to assault your attacker!"

"That will be the only possible way for you to win this encounter!"

Ignoring the pain coursing through her veins, Queen Mother used what remained of her feet to catapult herself forward. She then used her aura to multiply the power that she generated at this point, which resulted in one almighty push that propelled her body like a rocket.

"Boom!" The end result was a flying projectile made up of Queen Mother’s body, which now sailed directly to the person that she was itching to hit since earlier. Which is no other than her attacker, who just happened to be a few hundred meters behind Queen Mother.

"Argh!!!" More pain assaulted Queen Mother’s body as her action violated the tree-like structure of her limbs. She should be like a tree at this point, unmoving and immobile at her current location.

But Queen Mother did the opposite, and it resulted in a backlash that battered her already broken body.

"Guh!" More green blood sputtered out of her mouth, and her nerves began to fry themselves due to the feedback from her erroneous actions. She even began vomiting her own flesh, as all the pressure that hit her body was too much even for her.


This resulted on a horrendous sight, one that nobody will be able to forget.


Even Queen Mother will never forget her current state too, as her actions actually brought her closer to death.


Because of this, any misstep at this point will directly lead to Queen Mother’s demise, which is obviously much worse compared to the pain that she experienced earlier.


This condition definitely made Queen Mother disappointed, but she was left with no choice but to put her body at this kind of risk.

Because if she didn’t, then her whole life will be under the mercy of her powerful attacker.

"Well, who cares if I am hurt right now. I already accomplished my goal, so I don’t have to be this worried. What I should worry instead is my plan with this attacker!"



Queen Mother was extremely knowledgeable about her body, so she knew how valuable she was and she was also aware on how useful each of her body parts were.

She was a World Tree after all, one of the only beings in the whole Multiverse that can use natural evolution to reach Transcendence Stage.

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With such enticing and exciting body, there is no doubt that Queen Mother will be a good material, especially to people who wanted to reach the fabled Transcendent Stage.

The person attacking Queen Mother today should be one of these people, hence Queen Mother has no interest on letting them have his way with her!

"If I fail on this attack, I might die or become extremely weak. That is bad, but being captured by this enemy will surely be worse."

"So I don’t care even if I feel like I should preserve my life. I’d rather be dead than to be experimented upon by my enemies!"

With this warning in mind, Queen Mother had no hesitation at all as she executed the strongest physical attack that she had ever used in her life.

"Take this, you shameless bastard! Fist of the World Devourer!"

"Boom!" Queen Mother unleashed another punch this time, but unlike her other punches, the power in this punch was only concentrated inside it.

There were no shockwaves that this punch released on its surroundings, and it did not accidentally set off any spatial tears.

The punch just moved like normal, with all of its power contained on her fist.

"Schwing..." Such concentration of power made Queen Mother’s punch look mundane, but she and her target knew that this punch was anything but ordinary.

After all, this attack represented the peak usage of the Law of Strength, which should be enough to make it a fatal move!

"By concentrating all the power in my attack inside one point, and just unleashing it once I reach the target, it will result on an explosive move that will annihilate anything that it will touch. This is extremely fatal, and I am sure that it will be effective on you too, you shameless bastard!"

Because of the suddenness of her propelling action, and because of the domineering speed of her attack, Queen Mother’s attacker was unable to dodge her strongest punch.


Her enemy can only watch as her fist landed squarely on his belly, which was proceeded by what can Queen Mother only say as the best sight that she had ever seen this day.

"Boom!" Once her punch collided with the enemy’s belly, Queen Mother allowed all the power contained inside her fist to explode outwards, creating an explosive blast that crushed and destroyed all that was in its path.

This included the torso of her target, which popped like a balloon in face of her power.

"Argh!" This enemy’s limbs then followed next, with their entirety exploding like fireworks. Not even the enemy’s fingers and feet were spared, as they also got destroyed in an instant.

The only part of her enemy that was left intact was his head, which suffered no damage at all.


These injuries should technically be fatal, since the body was already destroyed.

But the enemy actually survived, even when he only had his head remaining!

Such tenacity was hard to see these days, so for a second, Queen Mother found herself taken aback by the sight of this still-alive head.


Queen Mother however did not let herself be surprised for long, as she realized that it will not be easy for her to kill someone like this person.

In fact, she was already happy upon seeing that she was able to injure her enemy this deeply.

After all, Queen Mother’s enemy was actually a Traveler himself!



"So it’s you... the Soul Warlock Iskanor. You are the one who sneaked attacked me today..."

With a face like a teacher who was disappointed with her student, Queen Mother gave the injured Traveler Iskanor a disappointed grimace.

She then resisted the urge to kick him, as she found his face too much of an annoyance.

"Tsk, you’re clearly smiling when you attacked me. You can’t deny that, so don’t give me that pleading look!"

"Oh, and now you are smiling again? You really are a shameless man! You are much worse than any shameless bastards that I have ever met before!"

"How could you even have the audacity to smirk like that? Are you actually out of your mind?"



She was obviously disgusted with what this man did, and the fact that he targeted Queen Mother’s weakness just made her feel much more disdained.

"Hmph, I wonder how you feel this time, now that I managed to injure you..."

"Do you feel angry to me? Or do you not feel any fear at all?"



"Of course you will not answer. Of course you won’t...."

Because of the things that this man did, the majority of emotions that Queen Mother has for him was obviously anger.

After all, no one can just feel calm after seeing the person who gave you a lot of torment...

But aside from her red-hot steaming rage, Queen Mother was also feeling curious, especially on the reason that Iskanor appeared in this place.

Did this man follow her as she approached the crown, or did he also found himself lost here too?

And why did this man even attack her? Was it because he wanted to experiment on her, or was it because he was interested on the crown too?

These questions rang like melodious bells inside Queen Mother’s mind, and they all wanted to be answered already.




Obviously, Queen Mother could have done some thinking in order to have these questions answered, but she clearly had no interest on doing that.

Why would even Queen Mother try talking to this man, when he was obviously hostile to her?

If Queen Mother tires to talk to Iskanor, this could give this Traveler a chance to make his move, which will just make her situation worse!

"Well, I don’t care what you actually feel."

"Since you took the initiative to attack my soul, then I will make you pay back for that!"

"So prepare yourself, for that punch was just the start!"

So instead of talking like a civilized person, Queen Mother only took a 1-second break before she unleashed another punch towards her enemy.

"Boom!" This time, she made sure that her punch will hit right on the center of Iskanor’s head.

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