Endless Journey: Infinite Realms Chapter 750 The Mountain and the Unknown Lake

Chapter 750 The Mountain and the Unknown Lake

The rest of the journey between the two stayed awkward, as both were unwilling to change their attitudes with each other.

Alex still treated Professor Frances with a sickeningly sweet demeanor, as if they were the closest of friends.

As for Professor Frances, she retained her suspicious attitude on Alex.



There are no sincere words that came from the duo’s mouths every time they tried to talk with one another. Only suspicion and false niceties could be heard and felt, both which just worsened the atmosphere between them.

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\\u003c\\u003cSo you’re still not saying anything to me, professor? Seriously, its’s been hours since we have been roaming, and you still don’t entertain me as a friend?\\u003e\\u003e


\\u003c\\u003cProfessor, if you let this farce go on, I might lose my temper and actually get angry at you. You wouldn’t want that to happen, right?\\u003e\\u003e


\\u003c\\u003cOh, so you still don’t want to listen to me? Fine, suit yourself. You can just keep silent. I’ll just personally force your mouth to move later...\\u003e\\u003e


Having this kind of treatment with each other is bound to blow up the fragile alliance that they barely had, and if they are not careful, the professor could have another brush with death.

Fortunately, before their tempers could flare once more, they reached the destination that they had been rushing towards since earlier.



\\u003c\\u003c...I want to have a heart-to-heart talk with you Professor Frances, but since we have arrived at our first target destination, I think we have to postpone this talk for later.\\u003e\\u003e

D̷̙̦̳̈ Ì̸͖̰̟̇ S̴̘̟͓̀̃̕ T̷̺̝͛͐͗ O̵͓̣̒͗ Ŕ̴̖̀ T̷̞͚̂͜ I̶̩̕Ő̸̢̡̬̊̓ N̸̝̯͐̈̏ D̷̙̦̳̈ Ì̸͖̰̟̇ S̴̘̟͓̀̃̕ T̷̺̝͛͐͗ O̵͓̣̒͗ Ŕ̴̖̀ T̷̞͚̂͜ I̶̩̕Ő̸̢̡̬̊̓ N̸̝̯͐̈̏

\\u003c\\u003cYou can think all that you want of me, but for now, we should focus on our target.\\u003e\\u003e

D̷̙̦̳̈ Ì̸͖̰̟̇ S̴̘̟͓̀̃̕ T̷̺̝͛͐͗ O̵͓̣̒͗ Ŕ̴̖̀ T̷̞͚̂͜ I̶̩̕Ő̸̢̡̬̊̓ N̸̝̯͐̈̏ D̷̙̦̳̈ Ì̸͖̰̟̇ S̴̘̟͓̀̃̕ T̷̺̝͛͐͗ O̵͓̣̒͗ Ŕ̴̖̀ T̷̞͚̂͜ I̶̩̕Ő̸̢̡̬̊̓ N̸̝̯͐̈̏

\\u003c\\u003cI know that you hate me, but the plan that I proposed for our Main Mission matters more, right? So please cooperate with me for now...\\u003e\\u003e

D̷̙̦̳̈ Ì̸͖̰̟̇ S̴̘̟͓̀̃̕ T̷̺̝͛͐͗ O̵͓̣̒͗ Ŕ̴̖̀ T̷̞͚̂͜ I̶̩̕Ő̸̢̡̬̊̓ N̸̝̯͐̈̏ D̷̙̦̳̈ Ì̸͖̰̟̇ S̴̘̟͓̀̃̕ T̷̺̝͛͐͗ O̵͓̣̒͗ Ŕ̴̖̀ T̷̞͚̂͜ I̶̩̕Ő̸̢̡̬̊̓ N̸̝̯͐̈̏

Alex still sounded disgruntled from the distrust and sarcasm emitted by Professor Frances, but he tried to maintain his dignity, especially now that he and the professor found themselves hovering in front of the ’target’ that he had been talking about.

More specifically, the two found themselves hovering in front of a mountain.


Yes, these two conflicting beings are just a few hundred kilometers away from a mountain, which in terms of size, is comparable to that of 20 Suns stacked together.

This height allowed the mountain to create an extremely large shadow that extended for millions of kilometers, and not even the lack of strong light source could diminish the shadow’s size.


In fact, the two new arrivals had the slight feeling that no matter where the illumination comes here on the Ancestral Tomb, this mountain will always have an enormous shadow looming everywhere.

That is the extent of this mountain’s extreme size, and Professor Frances doubts that she could meet something like this later in her life!


In short, both Alex and the professor were surprised with the colossal sight that they just saw....

And so much was her surprise in regards to the mountain, that the professor had even temporarily forgotten her attempt to ignore Alex.

"...What a big ass mountain. So this is the place that we should target first? You should have told me that it will be this big, Alex." Professor Frances muttered while she kept her eyes concentrated on the mountain alone.

"Seeing a planet-sized object is already enough to make me worry, and now you’re actually making me witness this? Come on Alex, this is just making me feel hyper-ventilated now..."

Her subdued panicked levels also rose slightly during this time, presumably because of the oppression that the mountain was pouring on her at this point.

This oppression then increased by twofold out of nowhere, which prompted her to now stare at the mountain with eyes as wide as saucers.

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"I thought that this will be a normal mountain, but look at this! This is clearly at the level of ’don’t touch, it’s dangerous’ stuff already!"

"And you want us to attack this place? Are you serious about this?"

It was apparent from the professor’s wide eyes that she’s overwhelmed by the size of the mountain, and none of the admonitions that she gave to Alex has managed to reduce this feeling of hers.

She seemed to even be angrier as time passed by, which clearly states the great turbulence of her emotions.

And as if it were not enough, the professor’s murderous inclinations also appeared this time, which just further emphasized her infuriation to Alex.

"According to your own warnings, our plan to snatch some of the True God Artifacts might lead to us seeing some unsettling or even dangerous stuff."

"But you never said that our first destination... will be this colossal!"


"You damned Alex... Since you said that all our targets will be at around the same level of danger, does that mean that the places that we will go next will be just as overwhelming as this mountain?"

"If that’s the case Alex, then we are already off to a bad start!"


Just the size of the mountain alone was already enough to intimidate those who saw it, and Professor Frances proved that with her own worries.

This reaction cannot be blamed on her, as it is rare to see a mountain this large and oppressive these days.

But as it turns out, the mountain’s size was not the only thing that should be worrying the two.



Further observations of the mountain revealed more unique properties about it, which just like its size, brought more discomfort and worry to Professor Frances and Alex.


The mountain has a base that was as wide as 60 Stars itself, and it has a terrain as rough as sandpaper.

Its edges, especially the peak was just as jagged too, although the peak also contained a large depression that suspiciously looks like a lake.


Through the observations of Professor Frances, she could see that this ’lake’ was naturally filled with some kind of fluid, although she had already confirmed that this fluid was not water.

Surprisingly, more observations showed the professor that the fluid was not similar to any kinds of fluids that she had met before or even theorized to have existed.

This made it clear that the fluid was a previously unknown type of fluid, and the professor could possibly one of the rare lucky people that witnessed its presence.


This unknown fluid could be seen spilling out like a waterfall on one of the mountain’s sides, although where it goes and what its effects could be are still unknown too.

The professor could of course try touching this liquid to identify this easily, but she’s not that reckless to do it this quickly...

"You see that Alex? Aside from the big-ass size of this mountain, we also have to deal with that unknown fluid!"

"I don’t know what it could do to us, but the fact that this fluid was at the top of the mountain means that it is special, and its effects could most likely be detrimental to us."

"Of course the truth might be the opposite, and that the fluid would actually benefit us, but do you think I will risk myself to prove that?"

"Come on Alex, since you brought us here, then why don’t you be the one who touches that fluid first?"

"You’re a tough person, right? Come on, you can do it!"

Aside from this clearly-dangerous looking fluid, the other objects present on the mountain were large pieces of rocks and immense quantities of sand.

These two objects did not look that suspicious at the start, but looking at them for longer will easily show something wrong about them.


Rocks and sand were naturally abundant in other mountains too, but in the case of this mountain, the rocks and the sand were actually appearing in an abnormal manner.

The rocks and the sand were covering almost all parts of the mountain, and all hints of greenery or snow were non-existent on the mountain at all.

Even living creatures were non-existent on the mountain too, as if the unknown fluid, the rocks, and the sand had already snuffed any chance of life appearing in this place.

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