Endless Journey: Infinite Realms Chapter 755 Distort Everything!

Chapter 755 Distort Everything!

D̷̙̦̳̈ Ì̸͖̰̟̇ S̴̘̟͓̀̃̕ T̷̺̝͛͐͗ O̵͓̣̒͗ Ŕ̴̖̀ T̷̞͚̂͜ I̶̩̕Ő̸̢̡̬̊̓ N̸̝̯͐̈̏ D̷̙̦̳̈ Ì̸͖̰̟̇ S̴̘̟͓̀̃̕ T̷̺̝͛͐͗ O̵͓̣̒͗ Ŕ̴̖̀ T̷̞͚̂͜ I̶̩̕Ő̸̢̡̬̊̓ N̸̝̯͐̈̏

With the attitude that she had shown, the chaotic-looking woman seemed to be enjoying the time that she was spending inside the dark room, to the point that she showed no interest of leaving.

"Okay... since I already got my objective, maybe I could still get something else, right? It’s not like Big Sis will scold me for doing that."

"Who knows, there might be some more important info here that I still had not obtained..."



"Fine! This will just take a while, so it won’t hurt at all-"

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The sound of footsteps that blared from the nearby guards quickly changed her mind however, as she now realized that her gig was up.

The guards that were supposed to be protecting this place had already detected her presence, and now they are about to swarm in on her.

Of course the footsteps might be just an illusion, but the woman knew better.

"Oh bugger. Now the security has detected me already?"

"That was quite fast for them. It only took them a few minutes to realize that the cameras have been hacked."

"Hehe, but even if they were fast, they still failed to stop me..."

"Hmm... I wonder what would happen if I actually try confronting them now. Would they be able to stop me too?"

Although she thought of running away now that she was detected, the woman stopped herself from moving for a second, as she suddenly thought that fighting the guards with her current power is feasible for her.

But she quickly shrugged this interest off, as she remembered that fighting is not part of her contracted mission now.

"Nah, I don’t think fighting them will be good here."

"It might attract more enemies, which is not a good move according to Big Sis..."

"Okay, so I guess I just have to leave already."

And so with a whine like that of a train, the woman quickly left the room.

What she left were only traces of ash on the place where she originally stood, leaving the guards in confusion, as what they found when they entered were not the person that they wanted to get.

"Lance! Where did that intruder go? Wasn’t she here just a few seconds ago?"

"Don’t ask me what happened! I don’t know how they left, but should you be really worrying about that? What you should worry instead is the fact that an intruder managed to infiltrate our place!"






Although Alex was clearly above the professor in terms of firepower, his advice to her was left unheeded, and now, the woman herself held the initiative on their conversation.


Alex was obviously unhappy with what was happening, but the professor had already forced his hand.

It’s either Alex disturbs the professor, or he lets her have her way.

In this case, Alex had to choose the latter...

\\u003c\\u003c...So you still chose to treat me warily huh. I guess I should have expected you to act like this.\\u003e\\u003e

\\u003c\\u003cI am real disappointed by this... but I can give you points for managing to swindle me.\\u003e\\u003e

\\u003c\\u003cBut remember, I won’t let you treat me this way again, Professor...\\u003e\\u003e

\\u003c\\u003cSo don’t think that you can try tricking me for the second time. Because if you do, then I might ’forget’ our friendship...\\u003e\\u003e

\\u003c\\u003cYou wouldn’t want that happening, right?\\u003e\\u003e



Although he knew that he’s bound to lead the offensive against the mountain by himself, Alex still wanted Professor Frances to accompany him, at least on the first offensive.

After all, this will reduce the pressure against him, which is a good thing considering the fact that they will face more artifacts and possibly, even enemies later.

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Alex might be extremely powerful now, but saving his strength will always be for the better, especially for a place as dangerous as the Ancestral Tomb...



But seeing that Professor Frances had not moved from her spot at all, Alex knew that his wish for a two-pronged attack is still an impossibility for now.

And he knew that it will stay this way, given the hostile treatment that he gave her earlier.

\\u003c\\u003cOh, so you’re still not answering me now. You’re really dedicated to your ’ignoring’ act huh.\\u003e\\u003e

\\u003c\\u003cFine then, I shall go and start this plan already...\\u003e\\u003e


Since the professor has now made it clear that she will be leaving the first blood to him, and that she will only make her move after he did his, Alex has decided to stop dilly-dallying already.

"Boom boom boom!"

Alex rushed towards the mountain without waiting for the professor anymore, and he did so in a manner that made sure that his approach will be unstoppable.



D̷̙̦̳̈ Ì̸͖̰̟̇ S̴̘̟͓̀̃̕ T̷̺̝͛͐͗ O̵͓̣̒͗ Ŕ̴̖̀ T̷̞͚̂͜ I̶̩̕Ő̸̢̡̬̊̓ N̸̝̯͐̈̏ D̷̙̦̳̈ Ì̸͖̰̟̇ S̴̘̟͓̀̃̕ T̷̺̝͛͐͗ O̵͓̣̒͗ Ŕ̴̖̀ T̷̞͚̂͜ I̶̩̕Ő̸̢̡̬̊̓ N̸̝̯͐̈̏

D̷̙̦̳̈ Ì̸͖̰̟̇ S̴̘̟͓̀̃̕ T̷̺̝͛͐͗ O̵͓̣̒͗ Ŕ̴̖̀ T̷̞͚̂͜ I̶̩̕Ő̸̢̡̬̊̓ N̸̝̯͐̈̏ D̷̙̦̳̈ Ì̸͖̰̟̇ S̴̘̟͓̀̃̕ T̷̺̝͛͐͗ O̵͓̣̒͗ Ŕ̴̖̀ T̷̞͚̂͜ I̶̩̕Ő̸̢̡̬̊̓ N̸̝̯͐̈̏

Alex’s power earlier was already domineering enough to his enemies, but after he chanted these overbearing words, his might had increased, to the point that his path to the mountain became nothing more but a normal stroll.

D̷̙̦̳̈ Ì̸͖̰̟̇ S̴̘̟͓̀̃̕ T̷̺̝͛͐͗ O̵͓̣̒͗ Ŕ̴̖̀ T̷̞͚̂͜ I̶̩̕Ő̸̢̡̬̊̓ N̸̝̯͐̈̏ D̷̙̦̳̈ Ì̸͖̰̟̇ S̴̘̟͓̀̃̕ T̷̺̝͛͐͗ O̵͓̣̒͗ Ŕ̴̖̀ T̷̞͚̂͜ I̶̩̕Ő̸̢̡̬̊̓ N̸̝̯͐̈̏

No obstacles on his path managed to slow Alex down at this point, as all were distorted into unrecognizable lumps of trash.

D̷̙̦̳̈ Ì̸͖̰̟̇ S̴̘̟͓̀̃̕ T̷̺̝͛͐͗ O̵͓̣̒͗ Ŕ̴̖̀ T̷̞͚̂͜ I̶̩̕Ő̸̢̡̬̊̓ N̸̝̯͐̈̏ D̷̙̦̳̈ Ì̸͖̰̟̇ S̴̘̟͓̀̃̕ T̷̺̝͛͐͗ O̵͓̣̒͗ Ŕ̴̖̀ T̷̞͚̂͜ I̶̩̕Ő̸̢̡̬̊̓ N̸̝̯͐̈̏

All variations and forms of matter around Alex were twisted like strings, while his body slashed through space like it was butter.

Streams of energy were then redirected and rewound, while burst of particles were stretched until they reverted into their primordial states.

D̷̙̦̳̈ Ì̸͖̰̟̇ S̴̘̟͓̀̃̕ T̷̺̝͛͐͗ O̵͓̣̒͗ Ŕ̴̖̀ T̷̞͚̂͜ I̶̩̕Ő̸̢̡̬̊̓ N̸̝̯͐̈̏ D̷̙̦̳̈ Ì̸͖̰̟̇ S̴̘̟͓̀̃̕ T̷̺̝͛͐͗ O̵͓̣̒͗ Ŕ̴̖̀ T̷̞͚̂͜ I̶̩̕Ő̸̢̡̬̊̓ N̸̝̯͐̈̏

All of these changes made it seem as if Alex’s existence alone was enough to implode the very blocks of universe itself, a fact that the nearby Professor Frances could never deny, not with what she was seeing at this point.

D̷̙̦̳̈ Ì̸͖̰̟̇ S̴̘̟͓̀̃̕ T̷̺̝͛͐͗ O̵͓̣̒͗ Ŕ̴̖̀ T̷̞͚̂͜ I̶̩̕Ő̸̢̡̬̊̓ N̸̝̯͐̈̏ D̷̙̦̳̈ Ì̸͖̰̟̇ S̴̘̟͓̀̃̕ T̷̺̝͛͐͗ O̵͓̣̒͗ Ŕ̴̖̀ T̷̞͚̂͜ I̶̩̕Ő̸̢̡̬̊̓ N̸̝̯͐̈̏

Even the oppressive aura and life force released by the mountain were unable to stop Alex, and if anything, they seem to have made him move faster.

Which was had exactly happened, with even the domain of space-time also affected by his power.

D̷̙̦̳̈ Ì̸͖̰̟̇ S̴̘̟͓̀̃̕ T̷̺̝͛͐͗ O̵͓̣̒͗ Ŕ̴̖̀ T̷̞͚̂͜ I̶̩̕Ő̸̢̡̬̊̓ N̸̝̯͐̈̏ D̷̙̦̳̈ Ì̸͖̰̟̇ S̴̘̟͓̀̃̕ T̷̺̝͛͐͗ O̵͓̣̒͗ Ŕ̴̖̀ T̷̞͚̂͜ I̶̩̕Ő̸̢̡̬̊̓ N̸̝̯͐̈̏

D̷̙̦̳̈ Ì̸͖̰̟̇ S̴̘̟͓̀̃̕ T̷̺̝͛͐͗ O̵͓̣̒͗ Ŕ̴̖̀ T̷̞͚̂͜ I̶̩̕Ő̸̢̡̬̊̓ N̸̝̯͐̈̏ D̷̙̦̳̈ Ì̸͖̰̟̇ S̴̘̟͓̀̃̕ T̷̺̝͛͐͗ O̵͓̣̒͗ Ŕ̴̖̀ T̷̞͚̂͜ I̶̩̕Ő̸̢̡̬̊̓ N̸̝̯͐̈̏

Distances that should be covered with a million steps became extremely short under the effect of Alex’s distortion, while moments that should have happened in a matter of minutes now occurred in an instant.

(A.N.: Kilometers became millimeters, while hours became seconds.)

As for the attacks and objects that were about to hit Alex, their distance from him increased until they were unable to touch him anymore. Their time was also affected, with each of their movement needing much more seconds to actually occur.

(A.N.: Millimeters became kilometers, while seconds became hours.)

D̷̙̦̳̈ Ì̸͖̰̟̇ S̴̘̟͓̀̃̕ T̷̺̝͛͐͗ O̵͓̣̒͗ Ŕ̴̖̀ T̷̞͚̂͜ I̶̩̕Ő̸̢̡̬̊̓ N̸̝̯͐̈̏ D̷̙̦̳̈ Ì̸͖̰̟̇ S̴̘̟͓̀̃̕ T̷̺̝͛͐͗ O̵͓̣̒͗ Ŕ̴̖̀ T̷̞͚̂͜ I̶̩̕Ő̸̢̡̬̊̓ N̸̝̯͐̈̏

These changes allowed Alex to dodge the monstrous pressure emanated by the mountain, as the spatial distortions expertly diverted the pressure to other places.

It also shortened the distance that Alex needed to cover, which basically means that he technically teleported.

D̷̙̦̳̈ Ì̸͖̰̟̇ S̴̘̟͓̀̃̕ T̷̺̝͛͐͗ O̵͓̣̒͗ Ŕ̴̖̀ T̷̞͚̂͜ I̶̩̕Ő̸̢̡̬̊̓ N̸̝̯͐̈̏ D̷̙̦̳̈ Ì̸͖̰̟̇ S̴̘̟͓̀̃̕ T̷̺̝͛͐͗ O̵͓̣̒͗ Ŕ̴̖̀ T̷̞͚̂͜ I̶̩̕Ő̸̢̡̬̊̓ N̸̝̯͐̈̏

"...Wait, did he just distort space and time in order to reach the mountain? That’s an overkill!"

"And how in the world did Alex manage to even distort space? This is madness!"

D̷̙̦̳̈ Ì̸͖̰̟̇ S̴̘̟͓̀̃̕ T̷̺̝͛͐͗ O̵͓̣̒͗ Ŕ̴̖̀ T̷̞͚̂͜ I̶̩̕Ő̸̢̡̬̊̓ N̸̝̯͐̈̏ D̷̙̦̳̈ Ì̸͖̰̟̇ S̴̘̟͓̀̃̕ T̷̺̝͛͐͗ O̵͓̣̒͗ Ŕ̴̖̀ T̷̞͚̂͜ I̶̩̕Ő̸̢̡̬̊̓ N̸̝̯͐̈̏

With this unstoppable offensive and initiative to attack, the semi-corrupted man found himself touching the mountain’s base in no time.

Which, just like all the objects that he interacted right now, had no answer to him.

D̷̙̦̳̈ Ì̸͖̰̟̇ S̴̘̟͓̀̃̕ T̷̺̝͛͐͗ O̵͓̣̒͗ Ŕ̴̖̀ T̷̞͚̂͜ I̶̩̕Ő̸̢̡̬̊̓ N̸̝̯͐̈̏ D̷̙̦̳̈ Ì̸͖̰̟̇ S̴̘̟͓̀̃̕ T̷̺̝͛͐͗ O̵͓̣̒͗ Ŕ̴̖̀ T̷̞͚̂͜ I̶̩̕Ő̸̢̡̬̊̓ N̸̝̯͐̈̏

The massive body of the mountain started to twist and turn under the influence of Alex, while the flowing liquid has begun to fly around in different directions.

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