Endless Journey: Infinite Realms Chapter 762 Whos a good boy now?

Chapter 762 Who“s a good boy now?

Asteria saw more words listed on the profile, but she duly ignored them.

She had just too much reaction from what she had read, that she found it hard to continue reading.

"...What I read from this profile is enough to show how dangerous my allies are. Especially Alex, who now teeters close to having his mind consumed by the Abyss." Asteria muttered sullenly. "That is a big red flag for me, and I don’t have any free time now to be ignoring this."

"If I let my hooman fall right now, there will be a lot of f**k-ups waiting for me. And that discounts the fact that I could be dead here..."

"Argh! I just want to relax and yet I still have all these troubles plaguing me! Why can’t all of you just leave me alone?"





While Asteria was busy making sense of all the troubles Alex had sent to her, there was another group of beings that were also troubled by Alex’s presence.

But unlike the fairy who was troubled from Alex’s enemies, this group was worried about Alex himself....

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ENVY: Is Master Alex angry at us?

WRATH: What the f**k are you talking about, Envy? Master Alex loves us! Why would he be angry at us?

ENVY: I don’t know, okay! I just felt that he’s becoming... much more powerful than us.

WRATH: Hah? So what’ the problem with that? The stronger Master Alex is, the better it will be for us! We can destroy more stuff with a powerful master!

ENVY: But-

WRATH: But my ass, Envy! I like our current master, so don’t think that he sucks! He’s the f**king best master that I could ever wish for, so don’t even think of leaving!

ENVY: Leaving? I-I never thought about that! Not at all!

PRIDE: Oh really? If you really are not thinking of leaving, then why do you sound this doubtful? Do you not trust Master Alex anymore?

ENVY: W-w-wha....

PRIDE: Tsk, you are disappointing me, Envy. Can’t you even have some backbone?

ENVY: Um... it is not like I don’t trust Master Alex... It just that I am scared of what Master is doing.

PRIDE: Hm? You are scared by what Master Alex is doing? And what exactly are you scared of?

ENVY: Um... does the fact that Master Alex changed our bodies count? I mean, we don’t look like sprites anymore. We look more like ugly monsters....

PRIDE: And? What’s the problem with that? Is there anything wrong with us looking like monsters?

ENVY: Well um, I mean, um....

PRIDE: Hmph, so you can’t even explain that point? You really are stupid.

ENVY: !!!

WRATH: Hey! What the f**k are you doing to Envy huh? Did I allow you to scold her?

PRIDE: Wrath, calm the f down. I just made Envy realize that she’s mistaken on doubting Master’s decision to change our bodies. Is it wrong for me to do that?

WRATH: Of course you are wrong, especially when you are making Envy f**king feel bad about herself! Argh! If you want to scold her, then don’t make her feel worthless!

PRIDE: Oh, so are you saying that I should shout like a maniac? That doesn’t sound good either...

WRATH: Hey! Are you insulting me?

PRIDE: Who said that I am insulting you? Did I say your name?

WRATH: You!!!

PRIDE: If you have any problems with how I speak, we can talk about it later. For now, let’s discuss about Master Alex, okay?


ENVY: What? Didn’t you just scold me for talking about him? How can we talk about Master Alex again?

PRIDE: Stupid idiots. Didn’t you hear what I was saying earlier?

ENVY: ???

WRATH: ???

PRIDE: Sigh... what I mean is... I am not happy with you doubting Master Alex. But that is a different issue with Master Alex himself.

ENVY: What?

WRATH: What?

PRIDE: Ugh... What I mean is... Master Alex has some problematic behaviors that we should be talking about.

PRIDE: However! These behaviors should not influence us to doubt Master Alex. Instead, we should be brainstorming on how to solve it.

ENVY: ???

WRATH: ????

PRIDE: Argh! You still don’t get it? What I mean is-

LUST: Pride wants to discuss on how we should change Master Alex, while we curb all our thoughts on rebelling against Him.

PRIDE: Yes! That’s what I am trying to say here. Thank you Lust, although I am still not happy with how you tried to seduce me last night.

LUST: Oh, you’re not happy with me seducing you? Then why did you give me a kiss at that tim-

PRIDE: Okay, okay, okay. Let’s talk about Master Alex now, ok? He’s currently busy with the mountain, and he has just finished punishing me, so we have some free time right now. Let’s use this to our whole advantage, ok?

GLUTTONY: I’m hungry.

PRIDE: Yes, and I’m pissed. Now shut up there and let the others talk.

GLUTTONY: Ok. But I want to eat.

PRIDE: ....So the first issue that we have with Master Alex is his behavioral changes. He’s not that kind anymore, and he will punish us if he’s angry.

ENVY: Master Alex is scary when he is angry...

PRIDE: You’re damn right about that, Envy. I mean, you have seen what Master Alex did to me after I gave the suggestion to kill the professor b***h...

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ENVY: Master Alex punished you with his power, and it gave you so much pain that only your pride kept you hanging....

LUST: Hey, that’s a nice pun.

PRIDE: ....The former Master Alex never punished us this harshly. In fact, he did not even punish us at all. It was only after he had been corrupted by the Abyss that he became like this...

SLOTH: ...

GREED: ...

LUST: Hmph! I can’t even seduce Master Alex right now although I am much closer to him! He even shoos me away!

ENVY: Master Alex gave us headpats before when he is happy. Now he doesn’t do that anymore...

WRATH: Master Alex is angry. I like that.

PRIDE: Really, Wrath? Do you really have to say that?

WRATH: Say what?

PRIDE: You know what, never mind.

WRATH: ???

PRIDE: ..So disregarding Wrath’s problematic view, all of you can see the problem here, right?


PRIDE: Sure, Master Alex might have made us more powerful, but he lost his empathy to us. He’s not that kind to us anymore, and he seems fine on hurting our bodies.

PRIDE: That is bad in my opinion, and I think we should do something about it.

ENVY: ...

LUST: ...

WRATH: ....

SLOTH: ...

GREED: ...


PRIDE: So what do you think about it, Lust? Do you agree with my opinion?

LUST: I personally like rowdy creatures, but Master Alex is too volatile for me right now. So as much as I want his new power, I prefer to have Master Alex be back to his former state. That way, I can seduce him back!

PRIDE: That view of yours does not bode a good future, but I am happy to hear that you are concerned. How about you Envy?

ENVY: Um... I don’t like Master Alex being this powerful, so maybe I don’t like his current state too? I don’t know. I just want to be pampered by him once more...

PRIDE: Again, that is a questionable answer with a questionable premise, but I accept your agreement. How about you Wrath?

WRATH: I have no problems with Master Alex being this angry. In fact I like it, so I don’t get why all of you are worried about it.

PRIDE: Of course you have no problem with that, Wrath. You’re the impersonation of rage after all. Of course you’re happy with this. Tsk, so much for expecting you to be angry for us...

WRATH: What did you say?

PRIDE: Nothing. I just thought you would be more helpful here.

WRATH: You! What’s with you and that cryptic words? Are you trying to piss me off again, huh? Because I-

PRIDE: So how about you, Sloth? Do you think that we should try something to change Master Alex?

Sloth: I don’t know and I don’t care. Master Alex is not hurting me anyway, so I have no problems with him.

PRIDE: ...Sloth, you are not doing anything at all, which is the reason why Master Alex is not getting pissed at you.

SLOTH: Point given. Besides, trying to change him will take too much effort, and I don’t want to do that...

PRIDE: You are just as lazy as what your namesake says. Sigh... why did I even ask you? Of course you will be declining.

SLOTH: Can I go back to sleep now?

PRIDE: Yes, you can. Yes, you can.

SLOTH: Zzz...

PRIDE: ... So who’s next?

GLUTTONY: I am interested on changing Master Alex. The current him is not feeding me enough anymore, so I want the old him to be back.

PRIDE: That’s another problematic answer, but I’ll take it.

GLUTTONY: I am hungry now. Can I eat already?

PRIDE: Just wait a little until we finish this meeting, okay?

GLUTTONY: Ok. But give me twice of my food.

PRIDE: ...Moving on. Since there are 4 people who agreed on changing Alex and only 2 that said no, it implies that we have the consensus to change him.

PRIDE: So! Since we have consensus already, then let us start planning on how to change Master Alex back!

PRIDE: So first, we should-

GREED: Hey! Hey! Hey! Why are you ignoring me? Don’t you want to hear my opinion?

PRIDE: Greed, even if I hear you out, your opinion does not matter too. We are 7 here, and 4 already voted to change Master Alex. Even if you don’t agree, that will only count for a total of 3 no’s.

GREED: What? But-

PRIDE: That’s not enough to change the results, so I reckoned that we might as well start the planning.

GREED: Argh! So just because you have gathered enough votes for your stupid plot, you had decided to ignore me? You stupid s**t! You’re just attacking me!

PRIDE: I don’t know what you are talking about, but I advise you to stop these hostilities, Greed. Shouting at me is not something that you should-

GREED: F**k you Pride! And f**k all who agreed with him! All of us know that the only reason Pride wants to revert Master Alex was because he is angry after he was punished!

PRIDE: Hey! Shut your mouth! How dare you-

GREED: "Ah master it hurts! Please stop! Ah!!!" Weren’t you shouting these pleading words earlier? It was actually music to my ears, although I doubt you are having a fun time like me earlier.

PRIDE: I said shut up! Shut your damned-

GREED: "Master! Please stop! I will be a good boy from now on! Please!" Hahaha! You, Pride? You will be a good boy? Hahaha, how can you even be a good boy when you are thinking of rebelling to Master Alex now? Tsk, what a hypocrite!

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