Endless Journey: Infinite Realms Chapter 77 Saber!

Chapter 77 Saber!

Alex only needed to glance at Alina to show her what he planned to do.

"Mn." Alina nodded quickly, immediately putting herself in action.

She waved her hands, and the little monsters were sucked towards her storage

Teresa was also inside that storage, but there is no problem with her being with the little monsters, as Alex repeatedly told Teresa about the innocence of the little monsters.

Hell, the little monsters actually liked Teresa too, as they say that she looked better than Alex.

"..." Alex tried to not imagine the pestering that the little monsters will do to Teresa as he and Asteria started to approach the spy.

But before they could even move farther, Alex suddenly felt danger coming towards him.

Alex immediately activated these two spells, with the Muscle Warp creating 21 layers of muscles, with each layer made up of criss-crossed muscle fibers. Alex also made sure that each fiber are 5 times as thick as normal.

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As for the Bone Warp, Alex expanded the bones in his ribcage, making sure that all of its gaps were covered.

He then greatly increased the mass and density of his bones in his chest, making sure that it can withstand the impact from an explosion.

Alex did all of this in an instant, and this could be the only thing that saved his life.

"Kasb!" Alex saw a sudden blur, which was followed by Alex feeling that he was knocked backward.

"Guh!" Alex let out groan as he felt a powerful force smashing against his chest.

His body trembled as he felt the force travelling through his 21-layered muscle wall and his bone barricade.

Luckily for Alex, his makeshift defense was enough to dissipate the attack.


He looked down at his torso, and he realized that aside from the impact, there are also some slash marks on his torso, which showed that something sharp hit him.

"Ok, so our opponent can hit hard and have some sharp claw-like weapon. Great." Alex thought as he realized that his body can still tank the physical attacks of their opponent. "But from the way our opponent attacked me, its seems like he/she was skilled in fighting too."

Even though their opponent was quick, Alex was able to see its appearance.

An ebony-colored body, which seemed to be ethereal and untouchable.

This is the body of the one who just attacked Alex.

Alex had already used Asteria to spy on their opponent’s appearance weeks ago, so he was highly sure that their opponent is a shadow-type monster, just like No. 3.

"With that kind of body, our opponent surely is good in close combat..." Alex muttered to himself as he retreated slightly

"Ding ding ding!" This hypothesis of Alex was proven as he saw Alina and their opponent squaring off against each other in front of him.

Alina held her two swords, slashing them quickly in front of her.

As for their opponent, its body roiled and seethed like the waves of the sea, with its arms lashing out to Alina’s attacks.

To Alex’s fascination, he saw that the two combatants were just equally skilled in close combat.

"Impressive..." This is the first time that Alex saw Alina being serious in sword arts, as most of the time, she only used her Esper Abilities to fight.

"D*mn, she really can hold a sword!" Asteria exclaimed behind Alex, as she seemed to be also entranced by what she saw. "Good thing she did not do that to you when you first saw her."

"... Instead of just blabbing there like a background character, why don’t you give me some advice to defeat her?" Alex muttered to Alina as he watched their every move with caution. "Even if Alina can hold our opponent off, it will not last that way..."

"Really, you are still asking me for an advice?" Instead of looking ashamed, Asteria still had the gall to glare at Alex, as if what he said had just offended her. "You told me days ago that you already have a way to defeat your opponent! Don’t tell me you forgot about that already?"

"No, I did not forget about my plan to defeat our opponent." Alex muttered as he shook his head. "Its just that... my plan is a little..."

"Little what?" Asteira asked as Alina and their opponent continued their clash.

"Ugh fine, just let me do it!" Alex shouted as he withdrew something from the symbol on his forehead.

What Alex withdrew from his symbol was the handle of the Electromagnetic Saber.

One look at the saber, and Asteria immediately realized what Alex was talking about. "Well Alex, there is no problem with your plan. Just... do it."

"Fine, here I go then." Alex declared as he activated the Electromagnetic Saber.

"Hong.." The handle trembled a little, before a glowing rod around a meter long appeared, seemingly attached to the handle.

This is the primary power of the Electromagnetic Saber.

The Electromagnetic Saber can gather Electromagnetic Waves on its own, turning these waves into a sword like construct, with the handle serving as the hilt and the EM Waves serving as the blade.

That just means that Alex has a portable bladed weapon with him.

But just like his Esper Power, it seems like his Electromagnetic Saber was also being rejected by the Laws in this World.

What this means was that just like Alex’s EM Wave Manipulation, the power of his Electromagnetic Saber was also weakened in this World.

Because of this suppression, right now, the only thing that the Electromagnetic Saber could gather were light waves, radio waves and microwaves.

As for the stronger and deadlier waves, Alex realized that it will take him some more time here in this World before his Electromagnetic Saber can access them.

Naturally this limitation made Alex disappointed with the Electromagnetic Saber, as he thought that there are very few monsters that he could use the Electromagnetic Saber on.

But that thinking of his changed after he got the results of Asteria spying on their spying monster.

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According to Asteria, it seemed like their spy is not that comfortable with sunlight, with it opting to stay in the shade, suspiciously avoiding any rays of sunlight nearby.

Adding to this observation was the fact that No. 3, who seemed to be a similar type of Monster as their spy, was also instinctively scared at sunlight itself.

These observations led Alex to believe that their opponent was in fact, weak against light.

And that is where the Electromagnetic Saber comes in.

Since his Electromagnetic Saber can gather light waves to form a light blade, Alex was sure that he can use this aspect to hurt their opponent!

Alex stared at the glowing blade of his Electromagnetic Saber, making sure that there is nothing wrong with it.

Upon seeing that it is working fine, Alex took a deep breath as he uttered,

At the instant Alex felt his Abyss Energy being used, he started to wield his Electromagnetic Saber with his Major Telekinesis.

The saber seemed to fly into the air as Alex guided it telekinetically.

It flew straight towards the shadow monster, who was still locked in combat against Alina.

"Skriit..." A large part of their opponent’s body was carved out, as the Electromagnetic Saber cut through their opponent’s body like butter.

"Yes!" Alex cheered inwardly as he saw the shadow monster being hurt by his saber.

"You know, you could have just held the saber in your tentacles and slashed your opponent with it." Asteria commented as she saw what Alex did. "There is no need for you to use telekinesis to move the saber."

"Well, I have to surprise our opponent." Alex said, as he telekinetically slashed the saber back, this time, targeting the shadow monster’s neck. "Besides, doing so makes it looks cool, right?"

"Right, you make it look like you are using the F***e to wield a l***saber." Asteria said while shaking her head. "That must be the reason why you are reluctant to use this technique earlier, right?"

"Shut it." Alex replied with slight embarrassment. "Don’t use that reference in front of me."


At a glance, it seems like the shadow monster was already done for.

But even if the shadow monster was injured, it seems like it was still to move fluidly.

The first strike of the Electromagnetic Saber can count as a surprise attack, but its follow-through can be seen by their opponent already.

The shadow monster’s body started to warp in an attempt to dodge the second strike of the saber.

With the way the monster was able to move, it seemed like it can dodge the strike.

But this thinking was actually naïve, as the saber twitched a little, before it changed directions again.

"Ack!" The shadow monster actually screamed in pain as the Electromagnetic Saber dug itself in the Monster’s flank.

"Don’t think you can dodge that easily." Alex muttered as his saber continued on slashing by itself in the air. "My Major Telekinesis gives me not only stronger telekinetic power, it also gives me finer control, which allows me to quickly redirect any of my telekinetic attacks."

"Now that is something else." Asteria commented as she saw the shadow monster doing its best to dodge more and more of Alex’s attacks.

But because of its injuries, and the superiority of Alex’s telekinesis, the shadow monster got more and more wounds from Alex’s saber.

By the time that it got its 15th wound, the shadow monster seemed to have realized that it was no match for Alex’s saber.

Its body flickered away from Alina, making it obvious that the shadow monster was trying to escape.

"Puchi!" The shadow monster ignored the 16th strike of the saber on its back as it seemed to be only focused on running away.

"Nope, I can’t let that happen." But before the shadow monster could fully distance itself away, Alina made her move to stop it.

The shadow monster suddenly stopped in its tracks, as if it could not move anymore.

The shadow monster tried to force itself to move, but no matter what it did, its body stayed stuck in its place.

"Now that is a nice spell." Alex muttered as he saw what Alina did. "Very impressive."


The spell that Alina used, Blood Warp, was a fairly simple spell.

The spell itself only had one requirement.

And this is that blood must be flowing out of Alina’s target.

Once the blood was flowing out of the target’s body, Alina can use her spell to access the blood inside her target’s body, effectively rendering all this blood under her control.

Once this happens, Alina can use her target’s blood to do anything that she wanted with it.

Alex was slightly worried about this spell, as he thought that maybe Alina can only use this spell on Humans, since Vampires are more inclined on Human Blood compared to Monster Blood.

But no matter what kind of blood it is, as long as it is considered as blood, Alina can pretty much control it.

And this is what Alina did, with her directly taking control of the blood of the shadow monster.

Because of Alex’s attacks, the shadow monster was pretty much bleeding in many places, allowing Alina to use her spell on it.

With this access on her hand, Alina immediately used the shadow monster’s blood to hold the shadow monster in place.

Now, no matter what the shadow monster did, it won’t be able to do anything as Alina can use her control on its blood to do her bidding.

"Don’t worry... we will not kill you." Alex said confidently as he held his saber with one of his tentacles. He approached the shadow monster nonchalantly, as if he was just there to do some window shopping. "We just want to ask you some questions, and if you answer it well, you could probably get out of this alive. So, please cooperate, ok?"


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