Endless Journey: Infinite Realms Chapter 775 Flight or Figh

Chapter 775 Flight or Figh


Due to the suddenness of the sprites’ attacks, Alex was visibly caught off-guard.

Maybe this was caused by the trust that he had on his ’loyal’ servants or his utter disregard of danger around him, but it was obvious that Alex was unprepared to the sudden attack against him.

Which in the eyes of Professor Frances, led to closest things that she could describe as a beat-down.


The attacks unleashed by the 7 Sprites were powerful on their own right, although Professor Frances was sure that they are not enough to damage Alex.

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However, the attacks by them were not meant to be used alone.


Alex’s durable body was anything but durable at this point, as the separate attacks by the Sprites had begun to overlap with each other, creating effects that were too much even for him.

Gluttony’s black hole easily overlapped with the leaves summoned by Pride and Wrath, which suspiciously had created a never-before-seen dimension, while Lust’s, Greed’s, and Envy’s attacks began to superimpose with the aforementioned dimension.


The existence of this dimension was the main reason for the sudden damages on Alex’s body, with each second of the dimension’s continued existence only bringing more damage for the man.

It was as if this dimension was rejecting the existence of Alex’s body, and it was trying to destroy him in order to expel his entirety.


Naturally, Alex was trying his best to extricate himself from the dimension, but the suppression by the black hole and the damage on his legs made it almost impossible for him to even move.


This left the man with no choice but to endure the damages, which can only be described as pure torture at this point.


Things only got worse for him when even Sloth’s lazy attack has joined in the combination, and this addition resulted on more damage against the now angered Alex.


Sure, Alex tried to defend himself through the use of his abilities, but it was not enough, as the attacks quickly demolished his entirety into hundreds of fleshy pieces, with his torso bursting like a popped watermelon and his limbs flying around like broken drones.

Even his head showed signs of damage, and it was basically a miracle on itself that Alex was still alive.

Well, that is what Professor Frances wanted to think, as she still wanted Alex to stay alive at this time.



"What the heck is happening here? Shouldn’t these little Sprites be thinking of killing me? But now they are actually attacking Alex? I don’t understand this all." Professor Frances found it hard to maintain her calm upon seeing the confusing scene in front of her, but she maintained her hold on her soul arrow.

She was confused about what she was seeing, but she knew that letting it cloud her mind will bring her to more dangers.

Well, Professor Frances was not sure if she is actually in danger here, since the one whose life is about to end is not hers...

"Wait, should I even be worried about myself? Because if these Sprites are intent on attacking Alex, then it means that I have a chance to profit from this!" Professor Frances suddenly spat out with slight delight. "Yes, I think I will benefit greatly from this!"

Whatever was happening here might be out of her control, but Professor Frances was sure that she can get something out of the sprites’ actions.

Especially now that Alex is being dismantled piece by piece, and the man himself appeared to be powerless to stop it.

"Since Alex is being injured now, then I have a high chance of escaping from this place." The professor mused. "And I think I really should escape, since it is highly likely that what is happening here is a special case, one that I should take advantage of."

"Yes, I think this is a special case.. . It could even be comparable to an auto-immune disease, with Alex being the body and the Sprites being the cells who are attacking him indiscriminately..." The professor added. "Well, Alex is strong enough to survive this ’disease’, although I do not know how long it will take for him to recover from these damages."

"It might take Alex seconds or minutes, but I am sure that he will not be happy to me once he recovers..."

The sight of Alex’s injury-ridden body was the very opportunity that Professor Frances was waiting for since earlier.

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Now, there is no more reason for the professor to stay, as the man who takes hold over her life was preoccupied of keeping himself alive.

She could just run, and nobody can even stop her...

"Why am I even thinking of running away? I really should run away now before things could get even worse!"

And the professor will obviously start running away now, as staying here for longer will be of great disadvantage to her.

She knew that letting Alex be damaged by the Sprites will lead to him being closer to death, but with the tenacity and hidden skills that he had, the professor was sure that he can get out of this situation alive.

Which means that the longer the professor stays here, the higher the chance that Alex will recover and stop her from running.

So ergo, the professor should really run, as the demerits of staying will be too much for her.

"Okay Alex... I do not know why your Sprites are doing this to you, but I wish you luck against them..."



It took Professor Frances only a second to make the decision to run away, which she quickly performed by gathering the remains of her power to her legs.

Once she gathered enough power, she then tensed her muscles in both of her feet.


At first glance, it appeared as if the professor was planning to use her feet to kick Alex’s head in because of the power gathered in them, but it was actually the opposite.

The professor was to use her feet for escaping, as the gathered power will turn her legs into makeshift boosters that will easily blast her away from her current position.

Only one push is enough for her to blast herself away from Alex, and she’s definitely raring to be nowhere near the man already...



Since she was performing this move for the first time, it took her a few milliseconds to adjust the direction where her whole body will go through.

That few milliseconds might be a waste of possible valuable time, but the professor wanted to ensure that her escape move this time will be as safe as it could ever be.

"As long as I time my boost right, I can place myself on a position that could potentially hide my body from Alex later." The professor thought. "What I just need is to have his Sprites attack him more so that I can reach farther distances."

"...Seeing that these Sprites are not stopping on their moves, I am sure that Alex will take a longer time to recover."

"So I should really leave now before things could get worse."

With all the preparations that she had for this time, Professor Frances only needed one small push from her foot in order to initiate her escape move.

Just one push is enough, and it will bring her to her possible freedom...

But as much as she wanted to escape, Professor Frances could not make herself do it.

"Wait a second... Why am I even thinking of running away now? Is this how I really should have reacted in regards to Alex?"

"Of course not!"

Sure, she wanted to run away in order to preserve her life, but the professor’s proud and unyielding mind will never allow her to just escape.

"Why would I even run, when I now have the chance to make Alex realize that he should have not messed with me!"

"Yes, I should not run away! I should make Alex pay for what he did not my body earlier!"

As much as she wanted to deny it, Professor Frances was more interested on avenging everything that the semi-corrupted Alex did to her.

This might sound petty given Alex’s condition, but the professor does not give any care about it.

Alex was a jerk at this point, so the professor was sure that nobody will blame her if she lands an attack or two against Alex.

It’s not like Alex will die from her attacks anyway, and her attacks will just help lengthen Alex’s needed recovery time...

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