Endless Journey: Infinite Realms Chapter 780 Star Seizing Hands

Chapter 780 Star Seizing Hands



[[Lunch Time! Lunch Time!]]

This monstrous voice which stopped Professor Frances on her tracks was not only heard in her location.

It was also heard by everyone who were inside the Ancestral Tomb, resulting in a haze of panic that quickly changed the status quo.


The frightening pressure and power that accompanied this voice made things look bleaker, to the point that even the powerful Travelers had no choice but to raise their alertness to the peak.

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Those who were busy fighting like Queen Mother stopped what they were doing, with their desire to fight suddenly quelled by the increase of danger around them.

"Whoever is this creature, I could feel that it is up to no good. I am not sure why I am feeling this afraid, but I know for a fact that if given a chance, this creature will devour my existence whole! Argh, this is not turning out like what I expected! "Queen Mother tried to look stable as she said these words, but her trembling body showed her true feelings otherwise.

"Urgh... This is not a good thing at all. If the voice of this monster is already this powerful, then how much frightening could its real body be? Would seeing it be enough to damage me? Argh! How could something like this monstrous being exist here!"

Queen Mother was truly and instinctively terrified by this new monster, and not even her massive life force could keep her calm. She was not also sure if transforming into her True Form could help her, as she could hardly access it due to her fears.

Queen Mother of course tried to use some of the soul mantras provided by Professor Frances in order to calm herself down, but they were of no help too.


This fear, along with her dread of what could happen next, left Queen Mother with no choice but to run away, as her instincts told her that this was the only thing that she could do now.

���Urgh.... I don’t like this situation at all, so I need to move away from this place. Staying here might bring the monster’s attention to me, which means that I should run!"

"Yes! I should move until I could not hear that monster anymore!"


If those who were busy in combat were forcefully stilled by this monster, those who were busy exploring like Alina were stopped in their tracks too.

And just like Queen Mother, these people also felt fear, although in Alina’s case, there was something else that made her pause.

"What the hell? There is someone inside the Ancestral Tomb with this kind of power? How come I did not know of that?" Alina exclaimed with both terror and unease, as she surprisingly found herself unable to identify this speaking creature. "Really, I have no idea who this creature is!"

She could not recall meeting anyone with this kind of voice, and she was sure that she also had not met anyone that was as this powerful too.

Not even the Pope standing beside her could compare to this monster, which says a lot about the latter!

"The Pope is a Transcendent Being, yet there is a creature here in the Ancestral Tomb that is even more powerful than him! That on its own is already bad, as there should be no creatures this strong in this place!"

"What made this even worse was the fact that I had no idea this creature existed at all! It just showed up here, and from what I can understand, it seems to be planning on doing something to us!"

Alina was purely frozen in her tracks at this time, as she morosely realized that something extremely wrong is happening in relation to their mission.


A creature this strong should not have appeared here in the Ancestral Tomb, yet here it is, talking about having its mealtime with presumably all of them!

The implication of its ’mealtime’ alone was already worrying, and the fact that Alina had no idea why this happened did not do anything good for her anxiety.

"Tsk, just how did this happen? Is this a trap prepared for us by the Endless Monarch himself? Or was it prepared by the Churches? Or was it prepared by Alex himself?"

"Argh! I have no idea at all!"


Speaking of fear, the only one who appeared to be unafraid by the creature’s words was Alex, although in his case, he instead was angered by it.

""HEy! WhO the F*CK ArE you To boasT thAt vOICE, Huh? arE YOU my MOM? ANd DiD yOu jUsT saY ThaT You WaNTEd tO Eat mE? YOu littlE F*CkER! If you want TO EaT Me, theN come anD FIGHt me! COme And FIght Me TheN! ARE YOu ScarED, HUh? are YoU ScaREd, HUh. comE And FighT mE!""

"cOME ON! jUsT comE heRE aNd SHoW ME whY YOu tHiNk You arE COol! yOU lItTlE s**t! DO YOu THinK i Am SCaREd JUST BeCaUSE YOU arE poWeRfUl? HeH, I am tHe AbYSS enVoy! JusT coME anD TOUCh mE, AnD I wIlL maKe yOU rEgreT eVEN toucHINg ME! CoMe ON! try GrabbiNG me, YOU liTtle aSSwIpe!"

"or Do yOu WaNt to Be CaLLed MY LITtLe b**CH? BeCAUSe YOU cAn ONly ask ME ANd i wIlL maKE You oNe!"



Just like Alina and Queen Mother(excluding Alex), everyone who heard the creature began to realize the wrongness of the situation.

This resulted in varied reactions and actions, which are mostly in retaliation to this newcomer.

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These however, did not ’save’ them from what the creature did next.

[[I am hungry! Now it is Lunch Time!]]

[[Now I will be grabbing my lunch!]]

[[Lunch Time!!!]]


With a growl powerful enough to shake the whole Ancestral Tomb, the hidden creature started to make its move against everyone.

"Slish slish slish!"

Hands the size of stars shot out of the creature’s body, which then pounced towards all the living creatures in the Ancestral Tomb. It grabbed them all with an unbreakable grip, not allowing even a single inch of leverage for escape.

"Crackle crackle..."

Travelers, Companions, children, adults, men and women were not spared by these hands.

As long as one was alive and breathing here in the tomb, they will be besieged by these massive limbs.

"Crackle crackle..."

This invasive action was naturally met with resistance, with the Travelers and their Companions unleashing all their abilities just to break grappling limbs.

"Crackle crackle..."

They did all that they could, with some even unleashing trump cards that they had kept hidden for long.

"Crackle crackle..."

Alina in particular used a new power that she obtained by combining her All-Seeing Eyes and Omniscient Skin, resulting in a multi-dimensional beam that should be enough to shred any object into different dimensions.

As for Queen Mother, she unleashed an apocalyptic blast of green flames, which appeared to have the power to steal the life of anything, including none-living objects.

"Crackle crackle..."

These two attacks on their own was already powerful, and the sense of danger that the two women felt just made them increase their output to their limits.

"Crackle crackle..."

The attacks of the other Travelers had reached these levels of powers too, which in turn had decorated the whole Ancestral Tomb with explosions and unsettling blasts.

"Boom boom boom!"

Such levels of power are enough to worry anyone who receives them all, and the mere event of having a single creature withstand these attacks should lead to it being quickly dead, or maybe heavily injured.

"Boom boom boom!"

Which is what these Travelers expected to see, but fate was not in their side today.


Because no matter how powerful these attacks were, none of them managed to faze the creature at all.

Its gigantic hands just kept their grip on everyone, with no signs of damage or tear visible.

[[Yes! Yes! My food are fighting me! This is good stuff!]]

[[I like foods who struggle for their lives!]]

[[Hahaha! So good!]]

In fact, these attacks seemed to have made the creature even more excited, and judging by the words it just said, it also became hungrier.

[[ Oh.... Now I am really getting hungry. ]]

[[ Can I eat now? ]]

[[ Can I eat now ]]

[ [Can I eat now? ]]

[[ Yes, I can eat now!] ]

[[ Hahaha!] ]

[[ Hahaha! ]]

[[ Hahaha! Now it is time to cook them!] ]

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