Endless Journey: Infinite Realms Chapter 82 Use your request righ

Chapter 82 Use your request righ

Ted stayed quiet as the Divine Knights brought him closer and closer to their destination.

At the instant that they arrived, what they saw were only two figures.

One was that of a blonde lady, and the other one was that of a shadow monster.

"There you are..." Ted thought idly to himself as he saw Carlie lying down beside the blond woman.

She did not look injured at all, although Ted felt that something was off with the current Carlie...

Ted tried to see what was wrong with her, but with him currently in danger from the Divine Knights, there is no way that he can pinpoint the weird sensation that he was feeling from Carlie.

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"Teresa!" Ted looked behind him, and he saw Divine Knight Glaivewood wearing an expression of surprise and relief on his face.

Ted then looked back at the blond woman, and there he realized that the Divine Knight and the blond woman looked quite similar to each other.

"Father..." Teresa replied faintly, as if it took everything that she had to just speak. "You came..."

"Of course my daughter, I will always come for you!" the Divine Knight shouted as he suddenly disappeared.

Before Ted could realize what had happened, the Divine Knight appeared beside Teresa, pulling her into a big hug.

"It’s a good thing that you are okay..." Ted was sure that Divine Knight Glaivewood was about to cry right now, and it was only his dignity as a Divine Knight that was holding them back.

"Father I..." But before Teresa could answer, Divine Knight Glaivewood froze, as his eyes were suddenly focused on Carlie herself.

"Yes, do it!" Ted thought with excitement as he saw what was happening.

Given the notoriety of Divine Knight Glaivewood, there is a chance that he will kill Carlie right now.

"It will be better if that b**ch is dead..." Ted thought with relish as he waited for the attack with a bated breath. "Come on, do it now!"

Of course Ted knew that if Carlie dies, then his mission will be a failure. But well, what can Ted do against a Divine Knight? Absolutely nothing.

"Father! Don’t do anything against her!" But to Ted’s disappointment, Teresa stepped in to spoil the fun. "I owe her my freedom!"

"What?" The words of his daughter seemed to have roused him up, as the Divine Knight looked at Teresa with confusion. "What do you mean by that?"

"Father..." Ted saw Teresa taking a deep breath, as if she was preparing herself to give a speech.

"I was not the only one captured by those Monsters. This Shadow Monster was captured by the Tentacle Monster 3 weeks ago." Teresa said these words slowly, as if she wanted to make her father understand what she was saying. "Both of us were then placed on the same location, and there we were forced to wait until this day."

"But how does that relate to your claim that this monster saving you?" Ted saw the Divine Knight’s halberd glowing faintly, as if he was storing power inside it. "Explain that to me right now."

"Yes father." Teresa replied as he nodded her head. "You can say that Carlie..."

"You knew her name?"

"Yes, father, I know her name! Can you let me speak first?" Ted was impressed with the spunk that this Teresa had. She seems to have inherited her father’s ferociousness. "You told me that interrupting is bad, right?"

"Ok, ok..." The scary Divine Knight cowered under his daughter’s glare, making it hard for Ted to believe that he was scared of this Knight.

"So basically, Carlie right here managed to convince the Tentacle Monster and the Vampire Queen Monster to leave this World and free us both. That is the reason why you can only see us here, and not the other two Monsters."

Teresa said these words carefully as she gave a nod to Carlie. Carlie responded in kind, giving back a nod of hers too.

The stunned silence that followed was something that even Ted had no courage to break.

"What..." When Divine Knight Glaivewood managed to find his voice back, it was quite obvious that he was still shocked with what he heard. "Are you sure that they left already?"

"Yes Father, I said it already earlier." Teresa replied as she bit her lips. "If it were not of Carlie, I will still be in a hostage situation. So please, do not try to kill her."



Ted waited with a bated breath, as he wished that Divine Knight Glaivewood is a stubborn man who will not listen to his daughter.

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"You... are quite lucky that I am in a good mood today." Divine Knight Glaivewood said after staying silent for a minute. "Since you saved my daughter’s life, I will allow you to scram right now. You can consider that as my repayment to you."

"S**t, now she gets off alive." Ted thought sourly to himself as he saw what was happening. "Tsk, you really are lucky..."

The other Divine Knights nodded after hearing what Divine Knight Glaivewood said, as if they thought that what he said was enough. Even Ted begrudgingly thought so too.

But it seems like someone was not satisfied with what the Divine Knight said.

"Wait Father, that’s it?" Teresa seemed to be mildly affronted with what her father said, as she glared at him with her eyes. "Letting her leave is the favor that you will give to her? It seems like you are being unfair here."

"Unfair? She is still a Monster!" The Divine Knight argued back as he looked back at his daughter with narrowed eyes. "Don’t tell me... that you are sympathizing with them now?"

"Of course not, Father!" Teresa hotly replied as she crossed her arms. "I know that my duty is to kill off Monsters, but I also have another principle, which you taught to me when I was young. You remember it, right?"

"A Knight must always repay the favors given to him..." DIvine Knight Glaivewood replied wearily, as if saying these words had taken out a lot from him.

"See? Even if Carlie is a Monster, she still saved my life right now. So, excluding the part where you let her leave this place alive, you must also repay the favor that she gave to me!" Teresa declared as she glared at her father. "Surely, you, a Divine Knight, is prepared to repay a favor, right?"

"Hahaha, your daughter has grown up now!" Divine Knight Barrios said while giggling. "She can even hold her own against her father in an argument, hahaha! What a sight to see!"

"Shut up!"




Divine Knight Glaivewood spent another minute staring only at Carlie intently, with Ted wishing that he will not listen to what his daughter said.

"Ok." The Divine Knight let out a sigh as he slowly said,

"Since my daughter had a point, I will do one thing for you. However," The Divine Knight hastily added, as he saw his daughter loosening up. "You must tell me what I should do right now. You cannot save this for tomorrow or other days. I will only repay the favor right now. If you can’t think of anything that you want me to do, then you get nothing from me. Oh, and I will not entertain commandments that is immoral and against me, my daughter, and my allies nearby."


"Well, I think that is reasonable enough." Ted thought to himself as he realized that the Divine Knight was also a schemer. "By placing a time limit, the Divine Knight can force Carlie to make a hasty, half-baked decision. Well done indeed."

Even if Ted was scared of the Divine Knights, he was sure that gaining a favor from one of them was a very favorable ace.

Fortunately, Carlie can only use this favor right at this moment, so Ted’s jealousy went down by half.

"So, I actually still have some luck sticking on me..." Ted thought to himself as he shook his head in mirth.

However, Ted realized that he was actually wrong.

Bad luck is still plaguing him.

"I want him dead." This is the answer that Carlie gave to the Divine Knight, with her finger pointing at Ted himself. "Kill him, and that will suffice the repay the favor."

"!!!!!" If Ted could escape right now, then he could have done so already, as he realized that Carlie had f**ked him over.

"Oh, that guy?" Divine Knight Glaivewood looked at the panicked expression on Ted’s face, and then to Carlie’s face that was warped in anger. "It seems like you two have a bad history then."

"Just kill him now, please." Carlie replied monotonously as she let out a sigh. "We all want to go back to our homes already, right?"

"...Well said. I shall accept that as your request." The Divine Knight’s haldberd started to glow brightly, filling the whole forest with a golden glow that seemed to have purified everything.

"No!!! Please let me live!" Ted shouted as he began to struggle in his place. "I-I can tell you everything about General Chimera! I can tell you about his weakness and his strengths! I can tell you everything about the Monsters and the Queen Mother! Just let me survive!"

"...Now I understand why this Shadow Monster wanted you dead." Divine Knight Glaivewood said with a disgusted expression in his face. "You are just one, filthy bastard."


Divine Knight Glaivewood swung his halberd, and a golden arc of light erupted from it, covering Ted from his head to toe.

"Ahhh!!!" Ted shouted in agony as his whole body was being ripped apart by the light. He tried everything that he can to withstand the attack, but it was all futile.

"B**ch! I curse you! I curse you!" This is the last words that Ted said as his body disappeared, unable to withstand the power of the golden light.

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