Endless Journey: Infinite Realms Chapter 86 Five Minds are Better Worse than One

Chapter 86 Five Minds are Better Worse than One

"Are you enjoying your meal?" General Chimera said as he looked at the monster busy gorging food in front of him. "That food was always enjoyed by your General."

"Nom nom nom." The monster that General Chimera was talking to did not reply, as she just continued on eating.

"..." General Chimera tried to not show his irritation as he gave the monster a smile. "Carlie, you need to say some words too. You are talking to a General after all."

"It was delicious." Carlie replied after clearing the plate in front of her. Her hands never stopped moving, as she immediately feasted on the next plate.

"Nom nom nom."

"..." General Chimera tried to not sigh as he watched what Carlie was doing.

"She just came back from earlier, and she demanded food like this? This is really weird..." General Chimera thought to himself as he blocked out Carlie’s chewing sounds.


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[[[1 hour earlier.]]]

After he sent out Ted earlier, General Chimera used the next hours to wait for Ted’s return, along with Carlie.

But to General Chimera’s surprise, it was only Carlie who came back. Ted was nowhere to be found, and Carlie looked to be filled with injuries.

General Chimera naturally was enraged, up to the point that he was about to attack Carlie.

But upon remembering that Carlie was about to visit Queen Mother later, General Chimera realized that he should not hurt Carlie at all.

Queen Mother’s desire to meet Carlie meant that there is something that she wanted from Carlie. In that case, General Chimera must not offend Carlie at all.

So instead of lashing out to her, General Chimera calmed himself down, and then he proceeded to ask Carlie about what had happened.

After asking his question, General Chimera duly listened Carlie’s reply, and he could not help but feel tense at what he heard.

5 Divine Knights were actually dispatched to meet up with the Visitor Monsters, and from the looks of it, the meeting was not for diplomatic reasons.

Carlie then said that Ted was just an unlucky monster who met the Divine Knights along the way. Because of their sudden meeting, poor Ted quickly killed by Divine Knight Glaivewood, which explained the lack of the corpse.

Before General Chimera could poke holes in her story, Carlie continued talking, as she explained how she survived.

According to Carlie, she was somehow able to convince the Visitor Monsters to leave this World.

By doing that, the Visitor Monsters left Carlie and a Human girl in the forest.

And as it turns out, the Human girl was actually the daughter of Divine Knight Glaivewood.

It was this accidental rescue that allowed Carlie to live and come back to the Monster Faction safely.

Naturally, General Chimera found what Carlie said to be hard to believe.

But upon remembering her current status now, General Chimera realized that he should not antagonize her at this moment.

Why should he grill her, when all that she did was to return alive?

If Ted is dead, then he is dead already.

He is just an example of a known fact by the Monster Faction.

And that is that Monsters die when they are killed.

Besides, having Ted dead is great, since he’s a selfish a**hole.

F**k Ted.

After reaching this point, General Chimera decided to offer her some food. After all, Carlie looked like she can make do with some normal food.

Carlie quickly agreed, so quick that General Chimera thought that she seemed to be too much excited to eat.

Of course General Chimera dismissed this notion, as he thought to himself,

Even if Carlie was hungry, she will not be able to eat that many, right?


[[[Back to the present time.]]]

TO General Chimera’s surprise and shock, Carlie actually managed to eat a buffet-sized meal, and from the looks of it, she was not stopping to even take a breather.

"What the hell, did this shadow monster mutate or something?"

General Chimera knew that a shadow monster like Carlie does not actually need normal food to eat.

For monsters like her, normal food are just there for slight sustenance or pleasure supplement.

With that thinking, General Chimera thought that Carlie will just settle for plate and then stop there.

But what he saw made him think differently.

\\u003c\\u003c\\u003cWhy not just kill her and be done with it?\\u003e\\u003e\\u003e A voice sounded out inside General Chimera’s head, goading him to do the unthinkable.

\\u003c\\u003c\\u003cSeriously, you can snap her easily with your multiple wrists!\\u003e\\u003e\\u003e

This second voice continued talking, with it sounding lewd and creepy.

|||Why assault her when you can just torture her?||| This time, another voice interrupted the second voice.

This third voice sounded calm and methodical, although a hint of insanity could be seen leaking out from it.

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|||Look at her body. She clearly suffered some injuries, and she had already healed from it. That just means that she can take some of the torture implements that I have...|||

~~~Oh come on, guys, Sis Carlie is a nice monster! We should not hurt her!~~~ Another voice said.

This voice was the fourth voice, and unlike the others, it sounded like it belonged to a naïve, innocent kid.

~~~Didn’t Queen Mother say that she wanted to see Sis Carlie? If we do something bad to her, then Queen Mother will get angry! Do you want to make her angry?~~~

\\u003c\\u003c\\u003cF**k off, pipsqueak! All you do is just play those sissy board games! Why don’t you go back and cry to your momma?\\u003e\\u003e\\u003e

~~~Hey, you are bullying me again!~~~

\\u003c\\u003c\\u003cSo what if I am? You suck and we all know it! Just go home and play your games!\\u003e\\u003e\\u003e


|||You are still thinking of pouring your sexual frustrations on her? You really are a disappointment. I thought you share the same sadistic streak as me, yet you are just another degenerate lusting for carnal pleasures.|||

|||Oh, are you saying that my intellect is not needed here? Who was that guy again who suggested that we enter Queen Mother’s lair and pump her with our reproductive juices? Who was the idiot who suggested that?|||

\\u003c\\u003c\\u003cHehe, just admit that you are a horny idiot.\\u003e



"....." General Chimera closed his eyes as he tried to ignore the 4 voices talking inside his head.

"Sigh, just hearing them bicker is already wearing me down. F**k this life." General Chimera thought to himself as he let out a despondent sigh.

Because of the nature of his body, it was inevitable that multiple consciousness will appear inside General Chimera’s mind.

Of course when they all appeared, General Chimera tried to eliminate them all.

But out of the mental purging that he did, 4 separate consciousnesses survived, and they now all resided in his mind.

General Chimera of course tried more ways to remove them, but no matter what General Chimera did, none of them disappeared or even faded away.

They all just spent their time annoying the c**p out of him, giving him suggestions that were enough to make him shout in anger.

With his mental prowess, General Chimera can still withstand all 4 of them residing in his head.

But that mental prowess was not enough to make General Chimera feel happy with them existing.

|||So, shall we torture her then?|||

"Of course not." General Chimera mentally replied to Torture Chimera with exasperation. "She did not even do anything that will warrant that."

\\u003c\\u003c\\u003cSo, we kill her then?\\u003e\\u003e\\u003e

"That’s a big no too." General Chimera said to Murder Chimera quickly. "She is protected right now, got it?"

"Hell no!" General Chimera shouted to Horny Chimera as he almost cut his tongue in anger. "We will not touch her in any way that might offend her. If we damage her now, Queen Mother will surely bring her wrath on us."

~~~Yes, we should avoid making Sis Carlie mad!~~~

"That’s right kid. That’s what we will do." General Chimera said to Kid Chimera in a soft voice, as he resisted the urge to pet him. After all, petting Kid Chimera will just mean petting himself.

\\u003c\\u003c\\u003cKid Chimera really is a f**king liar. You must be planning on something that will f**k us all up, right?\\u003e\\u003e\\u003e

|||I refuse to believe someone as pure as you exists. I am sure that you have a penchant of violence hidden inside of you.|||

~~~You are all bullying me again! Waaah!!!~~~

"..." At this point, General Chimera decisively ignored these voices. Nothing will come out good once he interrupted them now.

"Just like what I told you earlier, Queen Mother expressed her desire to see you." General Chimera said as he saw that Carlie seemed to be done eating. "Are you prepared to see her now?"

"I am prepared already." Carlie tried to not show it, but General Chimera could see that she was both nervous and tense.

"Don’t be like that, Carlie." General Chimera as he raised one of his massive hands and placing it on top of Carlie’s head. "Queen Mother loves all of us monsters, so you should not be scared on meeting her."

"But why does the Queen Mother want to see me?" Carlie shot back as she accepted the petting. "I did not do anything that could warrant her attention."

"I fear that it will be only the Queen Mother that can answer that question." General Chimera replied as he stood up.

The whole floor creaked, as it seemed to struggle on carrying his weight.

Carlie stood up too, as she looked at the floor with trepidation.

"Ignore that, the floor can hold me perfectly." General Chimera chuckled as he started to move his countless legs. "Follow me now. I shall bring you to the Queen Mother’s lair."

"Ok." Carlie replied as she quietly followed General Chimera.

\\u003c\\u003c\\u003cLet’s just choke her to death later. I want to see her life flashing from her eyes as I grip her neck tightly.\\u003e\\u003e\\u003e

|||As much as I loathed the inefficiency of you two, making her say such humiliating things while being choked is a perfect torture. I approve of that method.|||

~~~Hey, guys, don’t do that! You will just make her sad...~~~

\\u003c\\u003c\\u003cShut up kid.\\u003e\\u003e\\u003e

|||Shut up kid.|||



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