Enlightened Empire Chapter 132 Secret Alliance

When they rushed past the guards of the inner city gates, Fadelio found Inri ready and waiting for them. With crossed arms, Fadelio’s sister stood across the road, to keep an unobstructed view of the gate. Of course, the girl had changed quite a bit since they had last met. Gone was the practical, martial style of robe. Now she wore a more feminine type of dress. Otherwise she wouldn’t be allowed inside the inner city. How could a woman be allowed to dress in such scandalous fashion, after all?

Really, Fadelio was glad about his sister’s change. If nothing else, her clothing showed that she had been reintegrated into noble society. After half a year of hardship, his family’s exile was over. As soon as her eyes met her big brother’s, she became all action. As a smile spread over her face she rushed towards them.

"Good evening, brother. Welcome back!" In spite of Inri’s words, her tone was formal. Out of habit, she might have still been worried about strangers listening in, but time was of the essence. Fadelio only nodded, before he moved on to more important issues.

"What is going on? What happened in the palace?" he asked. Refocused on the essentials, Inri began to frown.

"We should talk while we walk. I will explain on the way to the palace."

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"I would like to know about thee happenings in the palace as well," Brym added after they had started to move. "Not to belay the point, but I still don’t know a thing. Fadelio wouldn’t tell me anything beyond ’trouble at the palace’."

"Well, the message didn’t tell me much anyways. All it says is that Pacha and Amautu have combined forces in the palace," the warrior excused his actions.

"King Pacha has called an exceptional Triumvirate meeting," Inri smothered their quarrel before it could begin.

"Wait, what? I thought the Triumvirate only met every ten days?" Since he had arrived in Arguna only four days ago, Brym still wasn’t accustomed to all the rules of Medalan court politics.

"No, that’s only a formality. In theory, any king or his representative can schedule a new meeting whenever he wants, so long as he holds first seat and there’s support from one further king."

"So if the meeting is normal, why call it an exception? How come anyone was surprised by it?"

"The kings are not supposed to meet like this," Inri answered. "Under normal circumstances, a king or representative will respect all fellow kings. There is an implicit rule of conduct to schedule long in advance and inform all kings, out of courtesy. This meeting has been announced on very short notice, and brother has not been informed at all. Though I am sure that King Pacha’s forces would tell us later that they tried, and failed, to reach us."

"Setting the meeting when we were out of the inner city wasn’t a coincidence." Brym added. Good, even if he wasn’t used to Medalan politics, the kid was a fast learner as always.

"So what’s the meeting about then? Your letter didn’t say." Fadelio asked his sister.

"I’m sorry, brother. I really do not know. The palace is not our territory and ever since the fiasco during the succession, security in the silver palace has been increased even further. All we know is that a meeting is about to start. Unless we want to be blindsided by the results, we should at least be present."

"And by ’we’ you mean me, right? You’re not tying to get into the palace, are you?" The warrior raised a single brow.

Although she looked unwilling, Inri took half a step back. "The palace is no place for a girl, even less so an unmarried one." She might have been headstrong, but his sister wasn’t stupid. They would have to play by the rules of Arguna, and beat their enemies at their own game. Anything else would only harm their king.

"So what about me?" Brym asked, as he looked back and forth between the silent conflict between the siblings.

"You?" Fadelio stared back with a growing grin, "Brym, you still remember how to do protocol, right?"


As soon as he burst into the triumvirate hall, Fadelio knew something was wrong. Although they still sat on their individual sides of the table, the two siblings Pacha and Amautu had moved much closer than before. While Amautu held his constant smile, Pacha talked in a friendly manner. At least the two minute takers to their sides gave Fadelio some hope. They were still careful around each other, so at least they hadn’t entered into a full-blown alliance yet.

Even better, as soon as Amautu spotted them walk in, he bowed to his uncle Pacha and stood to meet them halfway. Like a shadow, Amautu’s massive minute taker followed. Like so often in these past months, Fadelio was impressed by Amautu’s adaptability. After his own first use of a personal stenographer, the other kings had brought their own the very next meeting. However, only Amautu had been smart enough to have his minute taker double up as a body guard. It was a good move, as for the northern king, the silver palace was was as much enemy territory as it was for Fadelio.

"Official Fadelio! This king is joyful official managed to appear on time for the meeting," Amautu said, his smile still stuck on his face. Although he didn’t want to admit it, Amautu really was the most suitable successor to Chaupic among all the princes. Of course he would never consider him more suitable than Corco as Emperor. In terms of vision and insight, a world of knowledge separated them.

"It is indeed, King Amautu. King can imagine this official’s surprise after he heard of this exceptional meeting. Though it is strange that this official was not informed. It seems like the messenger must have gotten lost."

"Ahaha, that must be the case." Only Amautu’s voice laughed.

"Further, this official must congratulate King Amautu on this joyous occasion. King seems to have reconciled with his brother." For the fraction of a second, he could see Amautu’s mouth twitch. Soon however, the prince’s face returned back to its waxen state.

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"At some point, old grudges need to be buried for the benefit of the people. After all, even the ancients tell us to honor our brothers and treat them as equals."

"Sure they do. Though this official wonders, could King Corco not be considered a brother as well? This official felt that contact between the Kingdoms of the North and South has been very fruitful. Without the king’s knowledge, quite a few of the northern lords have contacted Saniya to receive more of the goods we have shipped into the northern kingdom before. Even then, we have always shown respect and informed King Amautu before any deal was struck."

"And as a gracious king, this lord has acquiesced each time," Amautu frowned. His lords’ desire for Saniya’s products must have been quite the thorn in his side. "Today handles a different matter, so old favors should not be mixed in with new problems. Besides," he lowered his voice, "After how well the palace security has been enforced, no outsiders can see anything beyond its walls. Official Fadelio does not expect that his own warriors managed to learn of the meeting on their own, does he?"

His last words spoken, the King left behind a baffled Fadelio. His face still a crooked, prideful smile, he walked back to the seat of the northern king.

Under Pacha’s vitriolic stare, Fadelio went to his own seat. He wouldn’t even try to greet Pacha. Ever since their last confrontation, the air between them had been poisoned. Only the central king’s persistent injury had prevented outright combat between them. Only for a second did Pacha look away, and even then it was to stare down Brym. Ever since the third regular Triumvirate Meeting, Corco’s Uncle had tried to intimidate his minute takers like this. Brym being Brym, he pretended a light shiver before he sat down and tucked his head between his shoulders. Be it a pompous salesman or one more face in the crowd, the kid played all the roles well.

"So, is everyone here then?" the King of the Center asked into the round.

"Ahaha, King Pacha forgets that the ceremonial official has yet to arrive," Amautu added.

"Where is he then!? Damn useless priests, once I’m Emperor, they’ll-"

As Pacha was about to reveal his grand plan for the destruction of the priesthood, one of its representatives marched through the door. He offered an open smile to Fadelio and a calm nod to Amautu, before he moved to his proper position, the table’s point opposite King Pacha. Only just did Fadelio prevent his own laughter. He was sure the priest had waited right outside the door, until the youngest king said something incriminating again. He had done that a lot over the past few months. After the gong sounded, the priest spoke his now familiar words.

"Once more the kings unite, to decide the fate of their people. As the first exceptional Meeting of Kings, today’s speaker shall be King Pachacutec, King of the Center. Blessed with the authority of emperor, the speaker shall propose measures to further the greatness inherent within the immortal Empire of Medala. Ratification of the proposal shall depend upon agreement from one of the remaining two kingdoms. Word lies with the speaker."

Before the gong had sounded for a second time, Pacha already stood.

"First, since there are some who are not initiated in the topic," again Pacha’s stare nailed Fadelio into his seat, "this king will first introduce the exceptional chaos which has caused this exceptional meeting.

"We all know about the recent trouble in the southern estate of Cashan. When Lord Iqtana Villca moved on, he left the house without a clear heir, with many princes ready to fight for the seat of patriarch. While the King of the South should have been duty-bound to reduce the confusion and settle the issue posthaste, so far King Corco’s reign has been an abject failure. Although it is something to be expected from a bastard child-"

"I dare you to repeat that, cripple!" Although Pacha, in his infinite pettiness, had always tried to provoke Fadelio, this time was worse then ever. Already fed up with the dubious meeting and secret alliance between the kings, he lost his patience. As he stood his fist rattled the heavy table. He would make the fake king back off in fear again, just like last time.

"Stop! It is not Official Fadelio’s turn to speak!" the priest intervened. "These are hallowed halls. No blood shall flow here. Since word is with King Pachacutec, he shall continue his speech."

For a moment, Fadelio stared daggers into the priest, but then his senses returned to him. If he started a fight with Pacha, he would be the one to suffer, even if he won. He was only a warrior after all. Maybe the priest had just saved his life with his intervention. As he sat back down, he observed Pacha’s frown, and understood that this was just what the brat had hoped for. Rather than be intimidated, he might have tried to force a confrontation this time. Pacha really did stop being an idiot. Fadelio would have to be careful and not underestimate the false king in the future.

"As mentioned, the King of the South has failed to administer his region. Even after almost a year, succession in Cashan, one of the pivotal territories within Medala, still has not concluded. Even worse, the eldest son and nominal heir of House Villca, young master Epunamo, has been denied support from the southern king. Instead, the king seems to have thrown his lot in with a vicious bandit. A man who not only killed the second heir of House Villca with a vicious back stab, but also a man who attempted an assassination on Epunamo. An assassination in King Corco’s own castle no less. This barbarity needs to be stopped, right now! If the King of the South lacks the strength or will to secure peace in his region, the King of the Center will."

Armed with his smirk, Pacha stared at Fadelio, but this time the warrior wouldn’t get baited. Although the king wouldn’t be able to remove his mortal foe from the Triumvirate today, he would have no trouble securing his main objective. Of that the warrior had no doubt.

"Thus, this king has decided to command an army of warriors under his rule and the rule of his subordinate houses, to march south, pacify the region and guarantee young Master Epunamo’s ascension to family patriarch of House Villca. As is law for all internal military actions of the kings, the King of the Center requests confirmation from the Triumvirate Meeting for his plans."

"The King of the North confirms the proposal," Amautu said in a flat voice.

"With King Amautu’s confirmation, the proposal has been ratified. If Official Fadelio wishes to add anything to the official documents, he can do so now."

"On behalf of the King of the South, this official has only one thing to add." Even though there were many things to be said about Pacha’s biased views and outright lies, there was no benefit in good arguments now. Instead, anything he said could become ammunition for his enemies later. Still, he would make one thing abundantly clear. No matter what agreement Amautu and Pacha had entered into, the south wouldn’t just roll over.

"Although the south cannot prevent the formation of an army, it will never allow foreign troops to march through its lands. Thus, King Pacha shall evade Qarasi Castle, and find another path south. He will not be granted access to King Corco’s lands."

Although his wrath bubbled from his chest into his voice, there was little reaction from the kings. Amautu only offered a half-hearted shrug, while Pacha showed that snide grin he was so good at.

"If the south is not willing to comply, the center will have to use force to make King Corco abide by the rules of the Triumvirate."

Although he very much felt like breaking the bastard’s other arm, Fadelio would have to leave the fun to others for now. From Brym he had heard what sort of fortress Dedrick had built across the Narrows. After he left them a dry "Good luck," the warrior left the room without a single look back. They needed to send message home as soon as possible, and they needed to adjust their strategy in Arguna. Even now, when war was upon them, the political theater would still continue.

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