Enlightened Empire Chapter 283

Chapter 283

After the Mayu incident, the atmosphere in the hall was tensed. However, when Corco and Cauac returned from their private talks, they walked close, while talking and laughing. With their demonstration of familiarity, the problems were eased and the crowd returned to its jubilant attitude. Yet not everyone was glad about the proceedings.

With a sour face, Atau watched the banquet crowd in the distance. He himself sat on the edge of the hall, alone on an unlit table. His eyes swerved to the center of the room and stared towards the brightly lit table of the happy newlyweds. With a sigh, he picked up his drink again.

Although he heard someone approach him from behind, he wasn’t in any mood to turn around. After all, who would be interested in talking to a nobody like him? Even more so today, on such an important date for the kingdom? Yet the steps still halted right besides Atau, before the new arrival addressed him.

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“Admiral, is there anything to be upset about?” a woman’s voice asked. Forced into a reaction, Atau turned to find Tamaya di Pluritac, Corco’s spy master and all-around sinister woman, standing next to him.

“And what is it to you?” he asked in a dry tone. Even before he had left for his journey, he and Tamaya had never gotten along all that well. They had worked together on some diplomatic missions, but had clashed heads on many occasions.

“Admiral Atau, among other things, it is my role at the king’s court to make sure that everyone remains loyal and happy.” Unfazed by his cold reply, Tamaya kept hold of her smile and sat next to him. However, Atau almost jumped out of his seat at her accusations.

“You’re suspecting me of treason?” he asked, his hands squeezing his glass of wine. How dare this sinister woman accuse him of a lack of loyalty? Who was she compared to him, who had followed with Corco from before their time in Arcavia?

“Of course not,” Tama said, still in her indifferent, cold attitude, “but it is always better to stamp out a smolder before it turns into a fire that burns down the forest.”

What a shame, the playboy thought. If that woman didn’t make a face like a snake all the time, she would actually be quite the beauty.

Rather than reply, Atau stared back to the happy couple and sipped his drink. If he saw that woman’s dead eyes any longer, he would not be able to keep his composure. Yet despite his clear disinterest, Tamaya would not let up.

“Admiral, let me guess the reason for your unhappiness. You wanted to be celebrated today, but now no one cares about you. You are upset that King Corco has denied you your glory after all your hard work over the past few years. Sid I guess correctly?”

“Hm.” Again, he didn’t reply. Of course he knew that Corco hadn’t planned to take over the local news the way he had, but that didn’t mean that Atau wouldn’t feel upset about it.

“In that case, let me assure you that the king never had the intention to steal your honor.”

“I never thought he did.” This time, he looked at the cold woman and replied with a forceful voice. He knew Corco better than anyone, and he knew that his cousin wasn’t one to forget his friends and family. Still, the woman insisted on convincing Atau further.

“Furthermore, King Corco has already begun to prepare for a second celebration, which will be held a few days after this one. This second banquet will be meant to honor and celebrate Admiral Atau’s achievements over these years. At the same venue, all the goods you have collected from around the world will be presented to the people, both to show your contributions to the kingdom, and to whet the Medalan lords’ appetite for those foreign lands. Furthermore, you will receive a special commendation at this year’s celebrations.”

At the end of each year, Corco would give out medals to those who had made special contributions to the kingdom. It was a tradition that had started after their first war with the central kingdom. Even so, Atau had little interest in it.

“Didn’t know that,” he said, not one bit more enthusiastic than before.

“You still seem unhappy.” The woman stated the obvious. Maybe it was her dry tone or maybe his own lack of energy after three years of travel, but suddenly all tension left Atau. Again, he stared at the great lords in the hall, all of whom ignored his existence.

“When I was traveling, I always imagined what it would be like to finally get back home,” he said. “The adoration from the crowd, countless questions about the foreign world, about our adventures... and then Corco shows up just as I’m about to get back and springs this marriage thing on everyone. I know he didn’t mean any of it. I just thought today would be different, you know?”

He himself wasn’t sure why he would open up like that towards the cold woman. Maybe he just needed some place to vent his frustrations. However, her reaction surprised him even more than his own openness.

“I know what you mean. I guess not everyone can be happy, even on a happy day.”

All of a sudden, Tamaya’s voice sounded desolate as well, to match his own. When he turned back around to look at her, she held her cheek in her hand and stared at the front, towards the two people he had looked at earlier. With her wistful expression and her slightly moist eyes, for the first time Atau thought that she looked a bit pitiful.

Of course, Atau knew that Tama had always been interested in Corco, but somehow he had assumed that the machine woman would continue to remain in control, as always. However, now he realized that her day was going even worse than his. Still, he wouldn’t just let her get away with her insults.

“Wait,” he said. “You’re so troubled, so why start a fight with me? Did you just try to get a rise out of me to make yourself feel better?”

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Now that her cover was blown, Tamaya squirmed in her seat. With a grin, he watched her uncomfortable reaction. Her angry eyes stared at him, but he was unconcerned.

Although he wouldn’t start a fight on any other day, he was really irritated right now. Even more, he had been annoyed by Tamaya and her attitude since before they worked together. In fact, if not for Corco, they would have ended up in a real fight several years ago. Just as Tamaya regained her composure and she wanted to continue the argument, an obnoxious, uninvited voice did it for her.

“What is such a base and low warrior doing in this great hall? Who allowed such a servant to sit down like this and drink with his masters?”

Busy with each other’s animosity, neither Atau nor Tama had realized that someone had come to play along with their game. All of a sudden, they found Governor Mayu Saqartu standing before them, his hands leaned on their table.

Even though the two had taken great pains to remain hidden in the shadows, they still had been found by the petty governor. Though while Atau had tried his best to avoid conflict with his cousin today, that didn’t mean that he would back down from a confrontation. Even less so since he was in a lousy mood.

“You better stay away, brother, before I forget my manners,” he said and stared down the nasty Mayu and his smug grin. In comparison, not even Tamaya’s smile looked that bad anymore.

“Hah, who would be brothers with some lowly servant like this.” The governor replied and faked a terrible laugh. “Always remember that you have lost the name Saqartu, warrior. In shame, you have been thrown out of the family, so do not fraternize with this lord. You do not deserve to call yourself a governor’s brother.”

“Do you believe that if I beat you to death right now, no one in here will stand up and defend you?”

Mayu had always hated Atau, but he had never been this overt in his scorn. Even more, Atau was already intoxicated. Thus, the admiral narrowed his eyes and stood up to face his brother. On most days, Mayu would shy away from direct confrontations, even more so with those he knew he couldn’t beat. But today, Atau had replied in kind and hit him back in his weak spot.

Ever since Corco had become king, Puscanacra had continued to lose more political influence each year. After his insult at the banquet earlier, many lords wouldn’t have a good opinion of the governor, which would further isolate him. Even so, the governor remained unfazed. Rather, he seemed to have stolen some courage from somewhere and stood up to Atau.

“You were quite fortunate to return from your dangerous journey, warrior,” he said, as his smile widened further. “This governor hopes that you will go on another one again soon, like the sailor you are.”

His words were another obvious provocation, as was his sneer. Wishing death upon his own brother, how much lower could Mayu sink? Atau felt like it had been too long since he had taught Mayu a lesson. Just as he was about to step forward and choke the idiot out, he was interrupted by Tama, who had so far sat back to watch their war of words.

“Governor Mayu, this servant is glad that governor and his brother can unite once again after all these years.” With impeccable form and her cold smile, the woman stood up and bowed to the nasty man. “After all, both you and Admiral Atau undertook a great task over these past few years. To everyone’s fortune, Admiral Atau completed his mission well and returned home safe and sound.” She looked over to Atau, then returned her sights to Mayu, her smile bright and harmless. “And Governor Mayu has also remained healthy even though his big undertaking is over. This is a time for celebration”

At first, Atau was confused by Tama’s friendly attitude. Since he had been out of the city for years, he had no idea what ’big undertaking’ Mayu had been working on. However, he understood when he followed Tama’s eyes across the room, towards the couple’s table, where a smiling Sumaci and Corco were greeting one of the guests at the moment.

Indeed, while Atau had succeeded in his ambitious plan to round the continent, Mayu had failed in his long pursuit of Sumaci. As he looked over, Mayu seemed to have understood her words as well, and he didn’t look happy.

“And why would this lord be bothered by this?” he asked, though his cramped voice and distorted face told a different story.

“Of course this servant knows that Governor Mayu has far more pressing issues to deal with than the marriage of Queen Sumaci,” Tama continued, still with an unperturbed smile on her face. “This servant has heard that someone in governor’s household was rejected by his love. It is said that this man became so angry he killed his favorite hunting dog. This servant hopes that governor can stabilize the mood of his household soon, and comfort the one who has suffered so.”

At first, Mayu looked confused again, but then the color drained from his face as Tama continued. Atau was surprised as well. Even an idiot would understand that the ’angry lover’ in Tama’s story was Mayu. But how could this woman know how Mayu had reacted to Corco and Sumaci’s wedding announcement? As if on command, the eyes of both brothers wandered over to the table of Mayu’s entourage. Someone among them had been talking, and while Atau just found it amusing, Mayu looked horrified.

“We will settle this another day,” the betrayed governor managed to squeeze out, before he left in a huff. After Tama dusted off her hands in an exaggerated manner, she showed Atau a satisfied grin and sat back down. For the first time since they had met, the woman looked like she was having fun.

“Thank you for helping out,” Atau said and took a seat as well. This time, she had helped disarm a dangerous situation, and she had even ticked Mayu off.

“No need to mention it. I like to see the governor lose as much as anyone. And I believe you have suffered enough for one day.”

Together with his spirits, Atau raised his glass. At least for now, Tamaya didn’t seem so hateful anymore.

“In that case, how about we suffer together for the evening?”

With a clink, the glasses of the two enemies collided.

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