Enlightened Empire Chapter 350: Welcoming the Visitors

Chapter 350: Welcoming the Visitors

As he had done in the days since his arrival near Kapra, Corco sat atop his command hill, surrounded by snow. While he watched the city with Ogulno Castle at its center, he thought about his future course, and about the future of his kingdom.

After everything that had happened over the past few days, would the other lords still have a place in it? That was a key question that would be answered soon, he was sure.

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Back when he had first planned out the development direction of his kingdom, he had planned to borrow the wealth and influence the other lords possessed to stabilize the country. In the process, the lords would lose their political power, but would become a powerful economic force. While it wasn’t an ideal solution for Corco, who didn’t want to introduce powerful elites early in his country, it was the path of least resistance, and the fastest and least bloody way towards progress. Now however, this path didn’t look like it was an option anymore.

In previous years, the lords under Corco’s command had tried various little tricks to undermine his authority as King of the South. However, he had always ignored them, since their attempts were nothing more than harmless games. So long as they didn’t break some unspoken rules, he was willing to let them play all the wanted. After all, he was very confident in the power he had already secured.

At the current rate, it was only a matter of time until he took complete de facto control of the south. Not to mention that many of the lords didn’t even really understand the subtle ways in which Corco was taking away their power. More often than not, their plans were limited to attempts to lower his reputation in front of his peers, or to appeal to his ancestors to steal some benefits, so they were doomed to fail from the start.

Now however, someone had clearly stepped over the line. Involving foreigners in the internal matters of their kingdom was obviously a no go, as was a direct attempt at his life through the warriors of his subordinate lords.

Just like he had done with every other lord, Corco had ignored his uncle Ogulno’s antics so far, since he hadn’t done harm to anyone outside of his own household. If the people of Kapra were suffering, they could always just travel to Saniya for work as well, which would only speed up Ogulno’s demise.

This time however, Corco realized that the slow boil approach wouldn’t work. He was determined to see things through this time, and to start cleaning up his kingdom’s internal politics. While he had wanted a peaceful transition of power, he wouldn’t trade his personal safety for peace. No, this time, he would crush his uncle’s castle together with his overblown ego, and show the other lords of the southern kingdom that he wasn’t playing around anymore.

Mayu had been making some recent moves in the shadows, which showed his arrogance, as well as his ambition. Maybe if he saw his uncle dangling from a noose, he’d rethink his strategy as well. Now all Corco had to do was wait for his cannons to turn his plans into facts.

How would the lords react once he began to shell one of their own? How would they see him if he used his military power to suppress internal opposition? These were questions he aimed to answer once his cannons arrived. However, before his reinforcements from the north could show up, his questions were answered by a new arrival on the eastern horizon.

With his telescope, Corco soon managed to make out the exact nature of the new arrivals. Their nature didn’t bode well, and confirmed all of his worst fears. This wasn’t some small group of envoys, like what Ogulno had sent out before. This was an entire army of around two thousand.

In fact, his scouts told him that the real number was only about eighteen hundred, but it still looked like an army. Maybe it wasn’t quite enough to challenge his soldiers in a direct fight, but it was certainly enough to make trouble for him, and to show the attitudes of those who led the warriors. f𝐫eewe𝚋nove𝗹.𝗰o𝚖

Those very leaders were doing so with no shame. Unlike Ogulno, who had hidden the identity of his warriors when they had destroyed the embankment, this group was bravely showing off their flags atop their army. They carried colors from all kinds of lords under Corco’s rule.

In total, he counted nine estates from various parts of his kingdom. And the largest flag in the front of the formation was one he was familiar with, and one he had always considered one of his closest allies. Flying in the wind were the colors of House Saqartu. Earlier than expected, Mayu had gone and done something stupid.

“Positions! Ready for defense!” Corco barked his orders as soon as he identified the opponent. He didn’t expect that his lords had come here to provide reinforcements for his siege. In a tense atmosphere, his orders spread throughout the camp, and soon Saniya’s army got ready to defend their little hill.

Luckily, they hadn’t been lazy over the past few days and had built up a strong defensive position. Hidden behind man-high walls made of earth, wood, and sandbags, and armed with the most modern weapons in the world, they didn’t have anything to fear.

Even if all of Ogulno’s warriors were to leave their city and join this new army, it still wouldn’t be enough to threaten Corco’s troops, at least so long as they didn’t leave their camp. At the same time, the newly arrived coalition army of lords also took position on a nearby hill. It was a spot that clearly opposed Corco’s troops and covered the city. Their message was clear: this army had come with bad intentions.

At least they didn’t show any immediate signs of aggression. After they had taken up their spot, they didn’t send any skirmishers to initiate combat, and they didn’t beat their war drums to improve their morale either. Eventually, they even showed some manners.

After a few minuted of tense waiting, a smaller group of envoys peeled off from their main army and made its way to Corco’s defensive position. On the way, the envoys still held the flags of the lords up high, a clear sign that they wanted to negotiate.

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At least they haven’t lost their minds completely yet. Let’s see how far gone they are.

“Let them in,” Corco ordered. “I’ll receive them in my command tent.”

Before the envoys arrived, Corco dressed up to show some authority, something that was rare for him. However, if those lords wanted to go against him, he would use every means available to fight back. Thus, he rushed into his tent and changed his clothes.

This time, he would wear his chainmail armor outside his clothing, with a priceless purple robe underneath. His choice of clothing would not only show his martial strength and remind his guests of his victories in battle, but it would also showoff his wealth and the benefits the lords could get from cooperation with him.

To top it all off, he also put on his bronze crown, which signified his legal status as ruler of the southern kingdom.This one was a replica, since the original had been lost in the naval battle against the Arcavians, but it didn’t matter much. No one would be able to tell the difference anyways. Those medalan nobles loved rules and symbols, so surely they would be impressed by the appearance of a crown.

Once he was done dressing up, he also set the scene for his meeting with the envoys. He had his people arrange the tallest chair in the camp, and set it up at the entrance of his command tent. In this position, he would still be sitting within the tent and underneath its protection, but anyone who came to meet him would have to stand outside in the open. As if on queue, light snow began to fall, which would further impress the difference between him and others upon his guests.

On top of that, Corco arranged two dozen of his guards to be stationed around the tent’s entrance. With guns and halberds in hand and an upright posture, they looked ready for battle at any moment. This much, he thought, ought to be enough to show his determination. This time, he didn’t want to be diplomatic with the lords. This time, he would not take a step back, not one centimeter.

Not long after the preparations were done, the envoys appeared. To Corco’s surprise, their leader wasn’t any no-name warrior this time. Instead, the great governor Mayu Saqartu had personally appeared before him, sporting his silly red coat once more. Unlike his cowardly uncle Ogulno, Mayu actually had the guts – or lack of sense – to face off with him directly.

With a smug grin on his smug face, the young governorwanted to approach Corco straight away, but he was blocked by the lances of Corco’s guards. Not even Mayu would be dumb enough to start a fight with an armed man, so he could only pull a sour face, much to Corco’s enjoyment.

“King Corcopaca, Governor Mayu Saqartu has come to represent the lords of the south, and wishes for an audience.”

With great concern, Corco looked at all the flags that were being held up behind Mayu. Once again, he counted them, and once again he came up with nine names of various noble houses. There were more than the king had hoped, but at least not every lord within his kingdom was represented. Many of those he considered his closest allies were absent. At least he hadn’t lost all of his support quite yet. After a long pause to adjust his mood and show his authority, Corco finally spoke up.

“He may approach,” he said, and waved in Mayu’s vague direction. At once the guards parted, and let Mayu step forward. However, as soon ashe tried to get closer than five meters, another set of guards stepped out from besides Corco’s chair, ready to intercept him again. Their actions forced Mayu to halt at a five meter distance, close enough for a conversation, but too far for a lunging surprise attack.

This was common etiquette in Saniya. The emperors – and now the kings – were not to be approached without consent. Even if visitorsdid have consent, they still had to keep a certain minimumdistance to show their obedience and guarantee the ruler’s safety.

Although every medalan noble would be aware of these rules, in Corco’s modern kingdom, this wasn’t a rule that was usually followed, same as with so many others. This time however, Corco had decided to show his muscles, and made full use of his privileges. As a result, Mayu’s sour face turned even more acidic.

“King Corco! What is the meaning of this!?” he shouted over the shoulders of a guard.

“Who dares speak out of turn, before gaining the king’s permission!?”

An officer who stood next to Corco’s seat barked back accusations. At the same time, the guards stepped forward again to driveMayu back. However,the generous king waved them all back.

“It’s fine. Let him vent his frustration, and understand reality.” Corco looked over to his cousin. “It’s a five step distance from the king at all times, governor. That’s how it ought to be, by right. What, do you have a problem with following the rules? Not that I’m surprised by that. Looking at your performance in the past, you seem eager to break them.”

From the very start of the exchange, there was a smell of gunpowder in the air. These would be tough talks.

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