Ero Meter Chapter 38 XxX

Taking in a deep breath, Jack nervously awaited Elma’s response.

The weight of his proposition hung in the air as he offered her a potential solution to their predicament.

The situation they found themselves in was challenging, but Jack believed he had come up with a mutually beneficial arrangement with the help of his Ero Meter.

He proposed a deal to Elma, hoping it would provide an escape from their current circumstances.

All she had to do was agree to cosplay for him once every month.

It was an unconventional request, but Jack saw it as an opportunity to address two distinct aspects.

Firstly, he believed that Elma’s participation in cosplay would enhance her likability towards him.

Secondly, Jack hoped that this arrangement would allow both of them to find a way out of their current situation.

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After a few seconds of suspenseful silence, a reply finally came from Elma’s end of the phone.

"Ok..." Her voice came through, her tone seemingly mixed with a blend of uncertainty and intrigue.

Jack’s heart skipped a beat, and a wide smile instantly spread across his face.

The realization that Elma had agreed to his proposition sent a surge of exhilaration coursing through his veins.

Despite the lingering apprehension, he felt regarding the mysterious power of his Ero meter, he couldn’t help but feel immensely grateful for this unexpected turn of events.

The sheer audacity of Elma, the college beauty known for her aloof demeanor, agreeing to something as unconventional as cosplaying for him, left him in awe.

It was a drastic departure from her usual reserved and composed nature, and Jack couldn’t help but marvel at the sheer unpredictability of life.

Imagining the reaction of their fellow students and even the college faculty if they were to learn about this arrangement brought a mischievous grin to Jack’s face.

Their jaws would surely drop, their eyes bulging out of their sockets in disbelief.

The news would spread like wildfire, in the college if it got out.

Feeling a surge of anticipation, Elma’s voice came through the phone once more, asking about the details of their arrangement.

Jack’s grip tightened on the steering wheel as he struggled to contain his excitement.

"Don’t be so excited, Elma," Jack responded, his voice carrying a hint of playful teasing. "I will call you later to discuss the specifics."

"Ok, remember the deal between us."


She hung up the phone.

"So she likes to show off her cosplay, however as she was a public figure it was a shameful act for her."

Jack’s chuckle echoed through the car as he drove towards his apartment.

His mind was still preoccupied with the encounter in the meeting room, but he managed to shake off the distraction and focus on the present moment.

Upon arriving at his apartment, he tossed his bag onto the bed, feeling a sense of relief to be back in his personal space.

Cassie was already gone.

The weight of the day seemed to settle on his shoulders as he took a moment to decompress.

With a deep breath, he let himself collapse onto the bed, sinking into its comforting embrace.

As Jack lay there, his mind wandered, searching for a diversion from the mundane routine.

Suddenly, an idea sparked within him.

It was a mischievous thought that brought a sly grin to his face.

With newfound energy, he sprang off the bed, determined to bring his idea to life.

Without wasting any time, Jack hurriedly left his apartment, his Tesla serving as his chariot for the destination ahead.

He embarked on a mission to seek out the nearest sex toy store, driven by curiosity and a desire to explore a realm of pleasure and intimacy with Nicole.

The anticipation mingled with a hint of nervous excitement as he navigated the streets, determined to satiate his curiosity and unlock new experiences.

Soon enough he was standing in front of a giant shop named ’XxX.’

Just as Jack entered the store, his eyes were immediately drawn to a young woman standing by the counter.

She appeared to be around twenty years old, and her welcoming smile brightened up the entire shop.

What caught Jack’s attention the most was the vibrant hue of her hair—a stunning shade of pink that effortlessly stood out from others.

It was a bold and unconventional choice that perfectly complemented her unique style.

As his gaze shifted to her face, he couldn’t help but notice her striking black eyes, which seemed to hold a depth of the ocean.

The young woman’s makeup further accentuated her features, creating an alluring contrast against her pale white complexion.

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Her choice of dark red lipstick added a touch of elegance and confidence, drawing attention to her lips.

The combination of her unconventional hair color, captivating eyes, and carefully applied lipstick gave her an enhanced and charismatic appearance.

As the girl with pink hair noticed a customer, her eyes lit up with enthusiasm, and she swiftly made her way toward Jack.

Her steps were quick and purposeful, yet there was a certain grace in her movements.

Despite her hurried pace, she maintained an air of elegance that seemed to be a natural part of her being.

Complementing her vibrant hair, she adorned herself in a pink sundress that accentuated her figure.

The dress gently hugged her curves, highlighting her feminine features without being overly revealing.

It was a playful and flirty choice, mirroring the vibrancy of her personality.

The girl’s appearance wasn’t that of a stereotypical "busty beauty." Instead, she exuded a charming simplicity that was equally captivating.

Her allure stemmed from her natural confidence and the way she carried herself with self-assurance.

While not conforming to conventional standards, she possessed an undeniable charm and a quiet magnetism.

"What can I help you with, sir?" The girl with pink hair asked, her warm smile radiating genuine hospitality.

Jack returned her smile, appreciating her friendly demeanor.

Taking a moment to gather his courage, Jack decided to be direct about his interests.

Although he was typically a shy individual, the newfound confidence bestowed upon him by the Ero Meter emboldened him to speak openly about his desires.

"This is my first time," Jack admitted, his voice tinged with a hint of nervousness. "Can you show me some items related to BDSM and anal?"

The girl maintained her professional composure, unfazed by Jack’s request.

She had encountered customers with diverse interests and preferences before, and it was part of her job to provide guidance and assistance without judgment.

"Certainly," she responded with a reassuring tone, still wearing her warm smile.

"We have a range of products related to BDSM and anal play. Let me show you our selection and provide any information you might need. Feel free to ask any questions along the way."

Jack’s newfound confidence, courtesy of the Ero Meter, helped him to feel more at ease discussing his desires openly.

He felt a sense of relief, knowing that he was in a judgment-free environment where his interests could be explored without reservation.

With a renewed sense of curiosity and eagerness, he followed the girl with pink hair, ready to embark on a journey of exploration and discovery within the realm of adult novelties.

As the girl with pink hair guided Jack through the array of BDSM and anal play products, he found himself intrigued by the diverse selection.

From handcuffs to anal beads, she presented him with various options, explaining their features and potential uses.

While many of the items carried a hefty price tag, Jack’s newfound financial security allowed him to approach the purchase without hesitation.

After browsing through the merchandise, Jack decided on a selection of items that piqued his interest.

He gathered them in a bag, his excitement growing as he envisioned the experiences they might unlock.

As he approached the counter, the girl with pink hair shifted her attention to calculating the total amount and printing a bill.

Standing before her, Jack observed her professional demeanor and efficiency.

Her focus remained unwavering as she processed the transaction, ensuring that everything was accounted for accurately.

Behind her welcoming smile, Jack sensed a subtle hint of curiosity, as if she wondered about the stories and desires that led him to this moment.

As Jack looked at her gentle appearance he wondered what it would be like to have such a girl in his bed.

Just the thought of this sent excitement through his veins.

And just as he expected a panel flashed in front of him.

[1. Ask her name. (+5 Ero Points.)

2. Pay the bill and leave the store. (+0 Ero Points.)]

Without any hesitation, Jack clicked on the first option.

"Can I ask your name?" He asked with a gentle smile on his face.

The girl who was done with billing, suddenly looked up at his words and with a smile said her name.

"My name is Rose."

[1. "Rose is such a nice name, do you own this place?" (+5 Ero points)

2. "That is a nice name, my name is Jack. (-5 Ero Points.)]

Jack looked at the options and smiled, this cheat of his was too accurate.

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