Erotic RPG: I am in the Game world, But My Heroines are Villainesses Chapter 343 Another Talk With Seraphina

’Damsel in distress.’

Most people would be familiar with this term, I suppose.

After all, it is a term that is sucked to the core by a lot of writers. But what does this damsel in distress mean?

It basically means saving a woman from danger and making them fall for you.

But does that only apply to a woman?

Or does that only apply to making people fall for someone?


Here, the idea is to make the other person feel attached to you, making them dependent on you.

Basically, it makes them feel indebted to you.

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This must have already answered why I am simply watching commoners being discriminated against.

Because this is actually an opportunity, the demons’ intention might be to create distrust, but that doesn’t mean the only ones who can benefit from it will be them.

Also, with me drawing attention to the academy, they are bound to play the long game, which means they can’t move hastily.

The Paladins and Holy Knights are here thanks to the rumors and the appearance of demons. This is not alone; the attention of the royal family of the empire is also on the academy.

With all those combined, Ark is right now one of the most watched places in the world. Therefore, the next course of action they will take can only be playing the long game, diverting the attention to another place, and letting things cool down.

’This is why they are in the city probably.’

Xander’s appearance might also be related to this, but there is no proof for the time being.

’In any case, right now, my attention should be on building connections. Tower Master will move soon, as well.’

At this point, thanks to clubs’ appearance, people now have the official right to recruit people under themselves, and I am sure that that woman won’t miss this opportunity to recruit me.

This was the whole point of showing my fire affinity, after all. The reasons why I didn’t show all my attributes were also simple.

I didn’t have the time to practice all of them at the same time. It is not that easy to master all magic in a minute; it requires time and practice. That alone is hard for me. With that limited time, to meet the required strength for an academy in only magic, I needed to focus on the fire attribute, and I do not regret it.

It suits me.

These were my thoughts while watching the scene playing before me. Of course, seeing the magic of seniors was not that bad either, but it was rather on the utility and support part, which I can’t afford to learn right now.

Seeing the angry and hateful expressions on the faces of commoner seniors, I could say that things could be utilized perfectly from now on.

"Now, it is up to you, Aliya."

Just as I was about to leave the grounds, I felt a notification coming from the bracelet.



Come to my office right now.

Seraphina Riftwind


It was a simple notice but, at the same time, a direct one. There were no courtesy words, no flattery. A simple, serious message.

"What is this?"

And this, of course, left a question mark in my head.

"Tch…Don’t order me."

I clicked my tongue. Even though the notice was simple, it had authority in it, and this was not something I liked.

’Let’s not be a brat.’

It was my trait, after all; I was bound to feel uncomfortable. Even right now, I am feeling angry, but at this point, I am familiar with this feeling, so that’s it.

Just like that, I started walking towards the office.


When I arrived at the office, the same assistant woman who had teleported me at that time welcomed me.

"Callius Augustride, correct?" Without beating around the bush, she referred to me. Of course, it is fairly hard to forget such a face, so I was expecting such a reaction.


"Good. Come with me."

After that, she brought me to the teleportation center.

"You will be teleported righ-." Since it was the first time I had been using this portal, she explained.


At least she tried to; since before she could say anything, I felt the spatial mana around me fluctuating, and following that, I disappeared.

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And the scene before me was just as I had remembered. Same serious atmosphere—an office filled with elegantly arranged bookshelves, intricate tapestries, and the soft glow of enchantments woven into the very fabric of the space.

It was just how one would expect from the Faculty Dean of Magic, as well as the master of space magic.

"No matter how many times I see it, I can’t help but envy a little," I exclaimed, looking at the woman before me. "But isn’t it a bit rude to teleport someone like that without any warning, Vice Headmaster?"

Vice Headmaster Seraphina Riftwind, a woman of remarkable poise and intelligence, regarded me with a calm demeanor.

Her ethereal features were framed by cascading silver hair, and her eyes held a depth of knowledge that could only come from years of experience. She had her fair share of deals with those types of words.

"Ah, Student Callius," she began, her voice carrying a hint of formality. "I trust you’ve had a productive holiday?"

Her question was presented with an air of feigned ignorance, a skill she wielded effortlessly. Since I got out from the academy, using the excuse of taking a small break while using the favor I obtained by revealing that Declan was a demon, she asked underhandedly.

But, it was a question that showed she knew I had a goal for leaving, and it was not a simple holiday.

I knew she was well aware of the various events that had transpired during my absence, but her subtle approach suggested that the matter might be best discussed under the pretense of casual conversation.

It was a technique often used by those in positions of power to gauge their subordinates’ reactions. They would simply check the awareness of them.

"Yes, Vice Headmaster," I replied, matching her tone of courteous detachment. "The holiday was... informative, to say the least."

A small quirk of her lips betrayed a hint of amusement, though her gaze remained steady. It was a game of words, a dance of subtleties that we both understood.

It was a good sight to see the serious Seraphina Riftwind smiling like that. In fact, the players who finished the game and conquered her would know that she was actually a soft woman from the inside when you get to know her, which is something I had been slowly doing.

Of course, my intention is not to woo her but simply to build connections as she is one of the most important figures in this world.

"Ah, I see. And did you find any... unexpected insights during your time away?" Her words were carefully chosen, loaded with subtext that hinted at her awareness of the recent events that had unfolded.

I could appreciate her approach. While she held a position of authority, she wasn’t one to wield it in a heavy-handed manner. Instead, she preferred to engage in intellectual exchanges, allowing those in her presence to reveal as much or as little as they chose.

This was something she only did to those she trusted, though, and it seemed I at least got some ground of trust.

"Indeed," I responded, my expression composed. "The world has a way of revealing hidden truths when one takes the time to observe."

It was ironic and true at the same time. The Dragon that was lying on the corner of the hidden mountains and the time I took just to learn one simple truth was for sure true, but at the same time, being in such a corner was ironic.

Hearing my words, her eyes bore into mine, a silent challenge beneath her composed exterior. It was clear that she was probing, attempting to discern the extent of my knowledge and intentions.

However, when it comes to playing with words, I think I am fairly good.

"Very well, Callius," she said, her tone shifting subtly. "I won’t keep you in suspense any longer. The reason I’ve brought you here is to discuss a matter of great importance—one that pertains to the academy and the delicate balance we strive to maintain."

But as the saying goes, no matter what, some things don’t change. Immediately jumping into the subject, her eyes got serious, losing their friendliness.

"Recent times have brought about some changes in the academy," Vice Headmaster Riftwind began. "The balance between the noble and commoner factions has been disturbed, and the tensions that existed between them have grown more noticeable."

I nodded, understanding her point. The academy had become a place of conflict due to the appearance of demons and the ones that wanted to stir this conflict.

"However," she continued, "while these tensions were present before, they hadn’t caused significant problems until now. Prejudice was there, but it wasn’t a big issue."

I got the hint—things had escalated to a point where the situation was no longer manageable. The presence of demons had pushed the academy to address the deep-rooted biases that had been ignored before.

"It’s clear that certain groups among the nobles need guidance and supervision," she explained, looking at me directly. "And this is where you come in, Callius."

I raised an eyebrow, curious about what she had in mind.

I knew about the academy’s dynamics and the problems it faced, but it seemed that Vice Headmaster Riftwind had a specific role for me to play.

The fact that she was bringing it this early meant she also understood that things were getting more and more out of control.

"Since you were a noble and now live among the commoners, you have a unique perspective," she continued. "Your experiences and insights can help bridge the gap between these two groups."

It was for this reason that I hadn’t done anything and only watched while this situation was unfolding.

"I want to offer you a chance to make a real difference," she went on, her voice steady. "I suggest you think about joining the student council."

The conversation was going where I had anticipated.

"As part of the student council," she explained, "you’ll have a say in decisions, be part of initiatives, and help shape the academy’s direction."

This was certainly a good opportunity for me and something that I was expecting.

’Since this will enable me to have a connection with Jasmine Andrews.’

The senior villain who will cause great distress in the future.

But this was something that only I knew and certainly not something Seraphina had any idea about.

"Headmaster Seraphina."

I mumbled, a smirk appearing on my face.

"What is in it for me?"


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