Extra Pages: The Author’s Odyssey Chapter 13: First Day At Nova Academy [Edit]

Chapter 13: First Day At Nova Academy [Edit]

The world’s greatest training institute boasts state-of-the-art magic, science, and engineering.

[Nova acadmy]

Nova Academy is not just like any other academy. Nova Academy has a total of 5,000 Students in the first year this time around.

Of those 5000 Students, 2000 are in the hero program. Why called hero programs? Because the last war had many casualties, from all of the fiction.

World government needed people who could face the harsh reality of the world, people who could go front lines at any time, people who could save citizens from dungeon outbreaks, and people who did not fear, any kind of dangers that lurked around the world.

They needed a Hero, a symbol of peace, a symbol of power, a symbol of unity.


They needed Pawn. A pawn that they can control. That kind of hero they needed.

That’s where this [ Hero program ] came from.

It’s like a double-edged sword. At the same, they can keep an eye on the new generations that are coming but at the same, they can keep on other races as well.

That it is what [ Hero program ] is a complete Lie.

As for the remaining 3,000 Students, They got into another department. Even if they do not get into [the Hero program] it doesn’t mean they don’t have talent, after all, they got accepted into [Nova Acadmy].

There are other departments Like [the Research Department ], [ Alchemist Department ], [ Astronomy Department ], [Ancient Department ], [ Science Department ] [ Demon Corps Department ], [ Dungeon Department ] etc.

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The number can keep going as students can fit in all of Those departments.

It’s not just stop here there are more.

There were training instructors, cafeteria ladies, cleaners, recruiters visiting occasionally, government associates, engineers who did maintenance and operations, soldiers dispatched as securities, doctors and researchers for taking care of students, convenience store workers who worked under Academy City, and more

This is a huge academy city and the Center of all attention goes to Nova Academy.

And in this very academy Your only Bro is going to attend as a student or cadet.

Who am I talking about?

Lucas DarkHart of course.

"Let’s begin."


User ID: Lucas DarkHeart

Age: 16

Picture : (Holographic image of myself)

Program: Hero program Year 1

Class : [1 Hero 1]

School Rank: 1001/2000

Potential: B rank

Profession: Swordsman


"Class [1 Hero 1] and class [1 Hero 1] are also there I’m at the right place," I said to myself as I stood in front of the door of the hero class.

In this very class are important characters that participate in the coming plot.

And in this very classroom is ’him’. The protagonist of our story. Many schemes and plots from jealous rivals and competitors happened in this class.

Regardless of how much I didn’t want to be involved with the main cast, now that I found myself in this class, I would most likely be swept regardless of my will.

"Yo, you going in or not?"

Waking me up from my thoughts was a rough feminine voice.

Slowly turning my head I momentarily fell into a daze.

Not because of the voice, but because there was a group of girls standing behind me.

And in one of those groups stood up girl.

A beautiful is undrstmenet, she is standing behind a group of girls.

Auburn hair with bright green eyes, and freckles. a small but not too small nose, and a well-proportioned face. Her white skin that did not have any gaps accompanied by her beautiful doll-like appearance made anyone who looked at her lose themselves in her beauty

She is Emma Rivers one of the main characters I mentioned a moment ago.

"Hey, you creep are you going to stand here? Or let us go inside instead of you and stop staring at her you creep."

Again Waking me up from my thoughts was the same rough feminine voice

"Oh, yeah you can go now. Sorry for the trouble." Wait a minute, why I’m one saying sorry It should be she says sorry.

’Who is she anyway?’ I turned to her and again Froze.

"Oh yeah then save us trouble and move," she ruefully goes inside class. Following behind her was 1 more girl whose name I don’t know and another was Emma.

"I’m telling you, Emma, you should be careful with this kind of person, look he still staring at you."

"Well Emma is beautiful and anyone wants to stare at her."

"Stop it guys it’s nothing like that"

How many times was it? Maybe 3 times. I did not even reach the classroom and I already met 3 Heroins of my novel.

First, The Elf Girl Lyara Morningstar, Second Emma Rivers and now Isabella Evergreen.

Isabella Evergreen has Silver hair with sapphire eyes that twinkle in darkness.

Her body has an elegant posture. Like models in my world who walk like a cat with their curves going up and down.

What was the name of the show again? Meh, it’s not that important, the important thing is she is Isabella Evergreen.

Isabella Evergreen the crazy mage. She is known for having an unlimited amount of magic spells in her hand in the latter part of the novel.

Isabella hails from a distinguished mage family, Isabella is a refined and skilled mage with a passion for uncovering ancient magical secrets.

Because she is trying to ancient magical secrets. She became crazy, not the kind of serial killer but the kind of crazy person who wants all the magic secrets to herself.

She has another reason to go crazy but that story for another time. But the main thing is I should be a length of distance from her.

Well, I’m the one who created like this, I’m also particle faults for her going crazy.

Even so, I admire her, well main reason why I admire her she has a cat-like figure and the other is, that I had set her personality as the first and only female friend I had in high school.

Now I think about it I also forget her name, I keep things forgetting as I spend more time here.

Well, it’s not like I could do anything.

It took me a couple of seconds to collect myself before bitterly smiling.

What was wrong with me?

These all are the fictional characters I created, I should not get this emotional.

I’m starting to sympathize with all the Iskai protagonists out there who experience the same thing.

My reaction was understandable.

Still, this doesn’t mean I was actually in love with Emma Or Isabella. I was just stunned by how beautiful they were and maybe a little scared seeing Isabella.

I mean for one they are 16 so that in itself was a no-go for me, and secondly, Emma is one of the main protagonists who later falls in love with the protagonist, Why would Emma or Isabella be attracted to someone like me who has no redeeming quality?


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After collecting my breath, I slowly opened the door and entered the classroom.

Looking at the classroom I couldn’t help but notice how spotless it was as it almost looked like it was sparkling.

The classroom was split into two descending rows, and each row had a retractable seat that one could sit on.

"Where should I sit?"

As I looked around the classroom for a place to sit, my attention was instantly drawn towards two individuals.


Haughtily sitting on the last row on the right was a black-haired youth with intense blue eyes and a dignified face. He has a muscular build body for his age. His hair gently rested on top of his broad shoulders, and his perfectly masculine jawline seemed as if it was chiselled by a sculptor.

He was Aric Thornheart

Aric Thornheart, with his dark black hair and intense blue eyes, exuded an air of superiority that could be felt from across the room.

His presence commanded attention, and his condescending attitude made it abundantly clear that he considered himself above most.

It was as if he held the world in the palm of his hand, and everyone else was just there to admire it.

He carried himself with an undeniable confidence, his every movement deliberate and purposeful.

His posture was perfect, and his every word seemed to drip with an arrogance that was hard to ignore.

Aric had the kind of aura that could simultaneously captivate and repel, drawing people in with his magnetic charisma while also pushing them away with his air of superiority.

Aric’s silver-spoon upbringing was evident in the way he carried himself. He was used to getting what he wanted when he wanted it, and he made sure everyone knew it.

His privileged background seemed to fuel his belief that he was entitled to special treatment, and his classmates often found themselves feeling inferior in his presence.

Descendant of the Thornheart family that currently owned a majority stake in the second-largest guild in the human domain a [ SS Rank ]’Star guild’

’You could tell he was one of those typical arrogant young master-type characters’

And then there was Adrian Blackthorn protagonist of our story.

a stark contrast to Aric’s overbearing attitude.

His relationship with Aric was multifaceted, a mix of competition, camaraderie, and shared goals.

At the start of the novel, Aric has a hotty attitude toward Adrian, but as time comes, he own a little.

Adrian’s journey was driven by a desire for vengeance against the demons that had torn his family apart. Unlike Aric’s arrogance, Adrian’s determination was forged through pain and loss.

He had a game-like system that enhanced his skills, making him a formidable fighter. But beyond his strength, Adrian possessed a kindness that set him apart.

He was the sort of person who would lend a hand without expecting anything in return.

Amid their differences, Aric and Adrian’s interactions were a blend of rivalry and mutual respect.

Their dynamic added depth to the story, revealing layers of character development that extended beyond their initial impressions.

Well, I think about complicated stuff later but first I had to find a sit to sit down.

Glancing around for a couple of seconds, I decided to sit down on the second row on the left. As far away from the main characters as possible.

There was no way I was going to interact with them.

I’m just gonna sit here like a proper mob and pretend to be air.


Simple. The main characters were literal calamity magnets!

Whatever could go wrong will go wrong if you were with them. Like hell am I going to bother getting close to them! I’m here to live not to die.

Well, even if I did try to interact with them in the most likely scenario I would most likely be ignored.

Currently, it was 7:30 A.M and class began at 8:00

Seeing that I had 30 minutes to spare before class started, I began to see that the class was full right with 100 students.

I don’t have any better to do might as well as all of the students

As I observed the classroom, I couldn’t help but notice the interactions between Aric Thornheart and Adrian Blackthorn.

Aric, with his condescending attitude and arrogant demeanour, was engaged in a conversation with Adrian, who exuded determination and kindness. It was a contrast that was hard to ignore.

"Hey, Aric, did you hear about that advanced combat training next week?" Adrian’s voice carried a friendly tone, his eyes reflecting a genuine interest in the conversation.

Aric raised an eyebrow, his expression a mix of curiosity and challenge. "Of course, I did. Why? Planning to show off your skills, Blackthorn?"

Adrian chuckled, shaking his head. "Nah, just thought it would be a good opportunity for some friendly competition. You know, push ourselves and all that."

Aric’s lips curled into a sardonic smile. "Friendly competition, huh? You’re always trying to prove yourself, aren’t you?"

Adrian’s response was easygoing, his voice tinged with amusement. "Well, someone’s gotta keep you on your toes, Thornheart."

And Then suddenly Aric ask a question to Adrian.

"Adrian, you’re still going on about that revenge thing?" Aric chuckled, his competitive spirit evident in his voice. "You’ve been training like crazy. One day, you’ll be able to take on those demons and get your revenge, but don’t forget about enjoying your life too."

Adrian’s eyes gleamed with a fire that spoke of his unwavering determination. "I appreciate your concern, Aric, but this is something I need to do. It’s not just about revenge anymore. It’s about protecting the people I care about and ensuring that no one else suffers the same loss."

Aric gave a nod of understanding, acknowledging the depth of Adrian’s resolve.

As they exchanged banter, I couldn’t help but wonder about the complexities of their relationship.

Beneath the surface, there seemed to be a mutual respect that transcended their differences. Aric’s arrogance and Adrian’s humility created a dynamic that was both intriguing and puzzling.

Across the room, Isabella Evergreen’s voice rang out, her curiosity piqued by the mention of demons and revenge.

She was engaged in a discussion with Noah Black and Kael Darkwood, their voices overlapping as they shared their thoughts.

"Demons, ancient magic, revenge... It’s like sound boring I rather practice my magic powers," Isabella mused, her silver hair catching the light as she leaned forward. "But if there’s one thing I’ve learned from studying history, it’s that truth can be stranger than fiction."

Noah chimed in with a mischievous grin. "Well, if anyone can make the impossible possible, it’s us, right? I mean, we’ve got Lyra healing us, Isabella enchanting our weapons, and Kael creating all sorts of magical contraptions."

Kael nodded in agreement, his eyes alight with excitement. "True, true. And let’s not forget about Adrian and Aric on the front lines, and Emma providing cover with her archery. We’re a diverse team, and that’s what makes us strong."

Meanwhile, Isla Hawthorne’s cheerful voice carried across the room as she engaged in a lively discussion with Linnea Stoneheart. They spoke about magical experiments, potion-making techniques, and the challenges they faced in their respective fields.

"You should have seen the explosion in the lab yesterday," Isla giggled, her fiery red hair adding to her vibrant energy. "I thought for sure we’d set the whole place on fire!"

Linnea chimed in with a chuckle, her determined hazel eyes shining with amusement. "Just be glad we managed to contain the explosion this time. Let’s not repeat the incident."

Their laughter filled the air, creating a sense of camaraderie that transcended their different magical affinities. Despite their diverse backgrounds, they seemed to find common ground in their pursuit of knowledge and discovery.

Just then, the classroom seemed to hush as a figure walked in, commanding attention with her presence alone.

Her presence seemed to command respect, and I couldn’t help but notice the way the students straightened up in their seats as she entered.

The homeroom teacher of the hero class Lillian Ashbourne.

I recalled from my notes that Professor Lillian Ashbourne held the impressive title of Hero [Rank S].

It was a designation that spoke volumes about her power and influence within the hero community. Her abilities were well-known, and she was revered for her mastery of Elemental Magic and Historical Magic.

Professor Ashbourne’s silver hair shone like moonlight, and her sharp blue eyes seemed to hold a depth of knowledge that surpassed her years.

She wore elegant robes that hinted at her status, and her posture exuded confidence and authority.

Her personality, as far as I had written, was a mix of wisdom and approachability. She was known to be a patient and attentive teacher, willing to guide her students through the intricacies of magic and history.

Yet, beneath her calm exterior, there was a fierce determination to protect and uphold the values of the academy and the hero community.

As she stepped to the front of the classroom, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of anticipation.

"Good morning, class," Professor Ashbourne began, her voice carrying a tone of both warmth and authority. "I am Professor Lillian Ashbourne, your homeroom teacher for this academic year. It’s a pleasure to welcome you all to Nova Academy."

As she spoke, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of awe in her presence.

Her hero ranking and position within the army were undoubtedly impressive, but there was something more—something that hinted at a wealth of knowledge and experience.

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