Extra Pages: The Author’s Odyssey Chapter 36: It’s Finally Began

Chapter 36: It’s Finally Began

"Then, What Academy do about that? "

Adrian coldly asked a question. He was very angry and confused now.

"Oh, Academy has rules about that. After all, we can’t afford to have something like bullying happen here." Lillian just stated it like that it was obvious.

"Then, why it is still happening?" Adrian asked with a frown on his face.

Slowly, his heart was filling with deep rage.

"You know how those high-class families are. They just put a facade of purity.

Although not all of them like that many times, some children of their children or children of some high-rankers tend to show superiority."

"In the blindness of showing their superiority, they try to beat anyone. Then, slowly, it repeats and becomes like this." Lillian explained.

"Most of the Academy professors are from them or from some factions that follow them. So they don’t take any actions against them or just give small warnings to them." Lillian stated.

Adrian’s frustration grew as he listened to Professor Lillian’s explanations. It was disheartening to hear that bullying persisted despite the Academy’s rules. His anger turned to concern as he realized the extent of the problem.

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"But what can be done about it, Miss Lillian? This is unacceptable, and it’s hurting students," Adrian said, his voice filled with a sense of urgency.

Lillian sighed, her expression mirroring Adrian’s concern. "You’re right, Adrian, it’s unacceptable. The truth is, that Nova Academy is a complex place. We have students from various races like Elf, Drawers and us Humans and backgrounds, and some of the influential families have significant influence here, far beyond what you might see on the surface."

Adrian furrowed his brow, trying to make sense of the situation. "Influential families? What do you mean?"

Lillian leaned back in her chair, her eyes reflecting a mix of frustration and resignation. "Behind the scenes, there are powerful families and factions from other continents. They have their agendas and interests. Sometimes, these interests involve ensuring that their children or proteges maintain a certain image of strength and superiority. It can lead to situations like the one you witnessed."

Adrian clenched his fists, his determination burning even brighter. "But there has to be something we can do, right?"

Lillian nodded, appreciating Adrian’s passion. "Yes, there is. We can start by collecting evidence. If we have concrete proof of bullying, it becomes much harder for them to ignore it. But gathering evidence can be challenging because, as I mentioned earlier, victims are often silenced through threats or fear."

Adrian was silent. He clenched his fist enough to bleed.

"Adrian. Reality is just like this. Cruel and heartless. These things about equality and justice are just empty facades. Still, I will try to do some things.

But remember. ’Freedom is not free’ and ’world is not always bright’.

Weak people are always crushed like we crush ants. You have to be strong, so nobody can crush you." Saying this, Lillian crushed the crystal ball in her hand, She opened her hand and there was only sparkling powder left.

Adrian’s mind raced, thinking of ways to address the issue. "But still I can’t leave like this, I’m still going to do something about it."

"Just don’t do anything reckless Adrien."

They continued brainstorming for a while, outlining the steps they could take to address bullying within Nova Academy. Eventually, Lillian checked the time and said, "Adrian, it’s time for your class. But remember, change takes time and persistence."

Adrian nodded, his determination unwavering. "Thank you, Miss Lillian. I’ll do everything I can to help."

With a warm smile, Lillian replied, "That’s all I ask for, Adrian. Now, go to your class.

Saying that Adrian left Miss Lillian’s office.

When he finally reached the classroom, Adrian opened the door and entered. The room buzzed with the chatter of students who had arrived earlier, their eyes now turning to him – a student who rarely came in late and never alone.

Noticing Adrian’s arrival, Noah quickly approached him, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Hey, where were you? You’re unusually late today," James questioned.

"I had some matters to attend to," Adrian calmly replied. Although they were originally assigned as acquaintances, now they were friends.

As Noah was about to inquire further, their instructor, Ravi, walked into the classroom. Students quickly returned to their seats.

"Good morning, everyone," Ravi greeted, and the students echoed their greetings.

Ravi announced an unexpected change in their schedule. Instead of a theory class, it was time for physical training. He led the way, ignoring any complaints or dissatisfied looks from some students.

Noah once again approached Adrian. "You’re going to have to tell me the reason later," he insisted.

Adrian responded with a smile and a nonchalant comment. Noah huffed in a somewhat comical manner, which might have seemed cute on a different person but appeared unusual on his muscular frame.

Upon reaching the training area, Ravi wasted no time and instructed the students to begin their physical training, similar to the previous day. The session started with running laps, and before long, students were panting and sweating, struggling to keep up with the demanding exercise.

As time passed, several mages dropped out, lying on the ground, thoroughly exhausted.


Ah, Shit is this Ravi trying to kill us or what. If I just had to bring my Death Note I would have killed him right here.

"Let’s take a break," I said as I sat on the floor of the training ground.

The last few days have been hectic for me.

First I had to team up with Isabella one of the main characters.

Second, I don’t even know why Gorge suddenly picked a fight with me, but thanks to him I can let go of some stress from mine.

Third, Yesterday Night First arc has been started ’Ignite Fire’. Yes, I know that the name is cliche, you don’t have to remind me.

So you get it right it is hectic for me nowadays, Since I am a person who likes peace and drama it’s hard for me.

Anyway since I mentioned Drama, why don’t we watch one?

What? If you don’t like drama? Sorry, there is going to be one.

For that reason, I also picked some popcorn.

I took popcorn in my hand and tried to search for the boy who was going to start some problems here right at the moment.

"Where is he, where is he, Ah, found him."

Not far from where I am resting, I can see, that one boy is going in the direction of an Elf who is quietly practising in one corner of the training ground.

"It’s Finally began." Training could wait; watching this scene took priority.

"What did you say to me?!" a massive, black-skinned man bellowed into the face of a small, blue-haired elven boy.

His body was a wall of muscle, straining against the confines of his black blazer. Standing at a towering 6’9", he possessed a formidable presence that could strike fear into anyone’s heart. It was hard to fathom that he was only 18.

His name... Ah, I forgot.

Yes! I did claim to have near-perfect memory, but even I can’t remember all these insignificant details!

"Do you know who I am? I’m Kevin Parker! I’ve worked with Senior Tony Stark. Don’t you know who he is?" the guy yelled once more, his deep, resonant voice echoing across the training field.

Ah, his name is Kevin Parker a minor character, that’s why I forget it.

Anyway, Kevin is a minor character who appears in some scenes in the novel to stir trouble for Adrian that’s it.

You must be wondering why Tony’s name came up here, well The reason is that the student who took a beating from Adrian yesterday is the one behind this incident.

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What was their name again? Ah, I remember it’s Jay and Viru From the second-year hero class.

Tony had told them not to cause any trouble but their pitiful pride could not hold it.

They contacted one of the students in my class gave him an offer and asked who the contact with.

It’s Kevin right here. The offer is that as long as he listens to them, He can join the ’Noble Crew’.

Why did Jay and Viru instruct Kevin to do that?

Well, because they are third-rate novel villains. Causing inconveniences in the plot is his whole reason for existence.

Yeah I know, it’s pretty much cliche.

Anyway, my gaze turned to the elf who stood in front of Kevin.

Blue-haired elf is also from my class.

The onlookers quaked in fear for the safety of the petite elven boy facing the giant man.

Those who had not been watching the scene before were surely paying attention now, turning their heads to see what was happening.

"Why are you so mad? I just asked you to move from this spot politely." While everyone else quietly watched in horror, the elven boy in front of Kevin spoke calmly without a shred of fear visible on his face.

He was Shion. His family background wasn’t that special.

A normal Elf family with good quality face.

Well, most Elves have beautiful faces.

Sorry, let me correct that not most but all of them have beautiful faces regardless of their genders.

’The universe is not fair I tell you.’

Kevin’s goal here was to create a spark that could later be turned into a forest fire.

And from the looks of it, he was being successful in doing so since Kevin was doing a good job enraging Shion.

"What are you talking about? I never said that! It looks like you’re trying to blame me for something I didn’t do," Shion said, frowning.

"Oh, is that right? So you’re saying I heard wrong?" Kevin raised his voice. "I’m sorry to tell you this, shorty, but unlike you who inter here by luck, I came here to be a hero."

Ooh! That was a low blow! Elves are sensitive about their pride! And short guys are really sensitive about their heights!

As the commotion unfolded, nearby students couldn’t help but glance over, their curiosity piqued by the escalating exchange.

-"Did you see that? Shion and Kevin are going at it each other’s throat!"

- "Yeah, it’s hard to miss. Wonder what started it this time."

-"I heard Kevin accused Shion of something, but I’m not sure what exactly."

- "Shion’s got quite the temper, but I’ve seen Kevin provoke him before. It’s like they’re trying to outdo each other."

-"They’re both talented fighters. It’s a shame they can’t get along better."

-"Shh, let’s listen to what they’re saying now."

"You’ve got a real nerve, Kevin, accusing me of something I didn’t do!" shion said, his anger reaching its peak.

"Nerve? I’ve got more nerve than you’ve got height, shorty!" Kevin replies in his arrogant voice.

-"Oh, that’s a low blow!"

-"This is getting intense!"

-"Someone should step in before it gets physical."

- "Nah, I want to see how this plays out. It’s like a real-life drama!"

A group of students who had been watching the escalating argument began discussing it amongst themselves, their voices hushed as they exchanged opinions and observations about the altercation between Shion and Kevin.

The heated exchange between Shion and Kevin continued, with bystanders eagerly speculating on how it might conclude.

Amidst the tension-filled atmosphere on the training field, Lucas couldn’t help but enjoy the unfolding drama.

He watched as Kevin and Shion engaged in a heated argument, insults flying back and forth like fiery arrows. It was like watching a live entertainment show, and Lucas couldn’t tear his eyes away.

Shion’s retort about Kevi a childish comeback earned a few chuckles from the onlookers. It was clear that both of them had short fuses, and sparks were flying.

The situation escalated quickly as weapons were drawn. Kevin wielded a greatsword, while Shion summoned a spear. It was a clash waiting to happen, and Lucas found himself eagerly awaiting the spectacle.

However, before they could come to blows, a familiar black-haired boy, Adrian, intervened.

"Stop it, you two!"

He pushed the two Student apart, scolding them for their behaviour.

Lucas sighed; it seemed Adrian had a knack for interrupting interesting fights.

Just like yesterday when he fought with Gorge.

But the drama was far from over. A student from Kevin’s side stepped forward to defend him, arguing that Shion had insulted his physique.

Tensions escalated further as both sides argued their points.

"Quiet! Enough! Cease this childish quarrel now! Get back to your training and remember why you are here. You all are the future of this world, so start acting like it!"

Finally, Ravi the instructor, had had enough.

He thundered into the scene, berating the students for their childish behaviour and reminding them of their responsibilities as future protectors of the world.

Lucas couldn’t help but smirk; Ravi had put them in their place with that scolding.

The Student dispersed, reluctantly returning to their training.

Lucas lost in thought, noticed that his fellow cadets were staring at him with incredulity.

He had completely forgotten that he’d been munching on popcorn throughout the entire spectacle.

Realization hit him, and he quickly stashed the popcorn packet in his dimensional bracelet, replacing it with his martial manual.

Ignoring the bemused glances, Lucas resumed his training. After all, the drama was only getting started, and he needed to be at his best to enjoy it fully.

As for Evelyn, she stood beside Emma, clearly not pleased with the situation.

[ NOTE:--- Sorry my college just opened and I was quite busy since the morning, that’s why it’s this chapter is late. ]

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