Extra’s Magic Chapter 109 Picnic

The rays of the early morning sun filtered through the window, casting a soft golden hue across the room. The tranquility of the dormitory slowly faded away as the world outside awakened. It was a new day, brimming with possibilities and adventures yet to unfold.

’Is it morning already?’

Gradually, my consciousness emerged from the depths of sleep, my mind transitioning from dreams to reality. With a stretch and a yawn, I rose from my bed, the fatigue of yesterday’s battle still lingering in my muscles.

I dressed in my usual black attire, a comfortable yet durable ensemble that would allow me to move without any restraints.

The events of yesterday had prompted me to glance at my Status to make sure I truly advanced in my Weapon Style.

"It really wasn’t a dream, huh..."

Leaving my dormitory, I navigated the corridors of the academy, passing fellow students engrossed in their own morning routines. The buzz of anticipation filled the air as whispers of the day’s training and classes circulated among us. The academy was a vibrant hub of learning and camaraderie, a place where aspiring warriors honed their skills and forged lifelong bonds.

Arriving at the academy’s entrance, I paused for a moment to take in the sight before me. The grand archway stood tall and imposing, a gateway to countless adventures and the path toward mastery.

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With a deep breath, I stepped forward, my footsteps echoing against the cobblestones. The academy was already alive with activity, students converging from every direction, their aspirations and dreams etched upon their faces.

As I made my way through the bustling courtyard, I caught glimpses of many fellow students enjoying their free time.

I on the other hand tried to feign absolute seriousness, not showing any kind of amusement on my face.

Although I was very nervous and my mind was racing with a million thoughts, I tried to keep my composure.

’Where is she...’

Looking around, I tried to spot the azure-haired girl, however, it didn’t seem like she was there yet.

I leaned against one of the pillars, closing my eyes and taking a few deep breaths, trying to calm my racing heart.

How should I even try to split away from her and go retrieve the Artifact?

Should I tell her the truth and make a beneficial deal?

Or maybe I should even act like I accidentally found a hidden entrance and explore it together?

I couldn’t run away that’s for sure, because I’d be frozen in my tracks.


I cursed under my breath, not noticing a person approaching me in the midst of my inner turmoil.


I opened my eyes to see a girl with jet-black hair and green eyes smiling at me. I barely managed not to flinch at the sight, since I didn’t even sense her approaching.


Although the hair and eye color changed, I easily recognized her. There was no way any other student would have such a doll face, pointy ears and be able to sneak up on me.

"How did you..."

Pointing at her hair, I tried to sound surprised, however, I perfectly knew that there were countless artifacts that allowed one to change their hair or eye color.

Although they were expensive, one could easily buy them.

Rose smiled mischievously, shrugging her shoulders.

"It’s a secret."

I tried not to show any emotions on my face, but she was really testing my limits.

"Let’s go!"

I nodded toward Rose as she led me toward the car with a driver. As we entered the vehicle, I tried to keep my thoughts straight, but the Elven Princess beside me was making it difficult to focus.

The car glided through the bustling streets of the city, leaving behind the academy and venturing toward the outskirts. The rhythmic hum of the engine provided a backdrop for the thoughts swirling in my mind, the weight of my secret burdening my thoughts.

Rose, sitting beside me, seemed oblivious to the storm of emotions brewing within me. She chatted animatedly, her voice light and melodic, as she made small talk and asked questions about my interests and aspirations.

"So, what do you enjoy doing in your free time?"

Rose inquired, her eyes sparkling with curiosity.

I hesitated for a moment, pondering the question. How could I answer honestly without revealing the true reason behind my actions? The Artifact I sought was linked to the mysterious disappearances that had plagued our city, and revealing my intent could put Rose in danger.

"I... enjoy training..."

I replied carefully, choosing my words with caution.

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"There’s no such feeling as getting stronger and pushing your own limits."

Rose’s smile widened, her enthusiasm palpable.

"Oh, I completely understand! There’s something magical about ranking up, and gaining more power! It’s almost addicting isn’t it?"

"Yes, it is"

I replied evasively, hoping to steer the conversation away from the subject.

"How about you? What do you do in your free time?"

Rose leaned back in her seat, a thoughtful expression crossing her face.

"In my free time, I enjoy delving into ancient texts and studying the history of our world. There’s a certain allure to uncovering the mysteries of the past, don’t you think?"

Her words piqued my interest, momentarily diverting my thoughts from the weight of my secret.

"That sounds fascinating. Have you made any significant discoveries or come across any intriguing stories?"

Rose’s eyes sparkled with excitement as she nodded.

"Oh, yes! I’ve stumbled upon tales of legendary artifacts, lost civilizations, and forgotten battles. It’s like uncovering hidden treasure, but with knowledge as the prize."

"Have you ever encountered any artifacts yourself?"

I asked, unable to contain my curiosity.

Rose chuckled softly, her eyes glimmering with a mix of amusement and mischief.

"Well, I have a lot of them since my family is... you know. Unfortunately, I have yet to find one in person, but I have spent countless hours researching and studying them!"

I smiled, appreciating her lighthearted response. It was a relief to engage in a conversation that didn’t require the weight of secrecy and danger. The car continued its journey, the scenery outside transitioning from the city’s outskirts to the rolling hills and serene landscapes beyond.

"We are here..."

We stepped out of the car, the soft breeze caressing our faces as we stood before the vast ruins that stretched out before us. The remnants of ancient structures stood as silent witnesses to a time long gone, now weathered by the passage of countless years. The air carried a sense of mystery and excitement, tinged with a hint of trepidation.

As we approached the ruins, the sound of our footsteps echoed in the stillness. Overgrown vegetation entwined with crumbling stone, nature’s attempt to reclaim what was once lost. The sunlight filtered through the cracks, casting ethereal rays that danced upon the moss-covered ground.

Rose’s eyes sparkled with anticipation, mirroring my own eagerness to explore the unknown. With each step, we ventured deeper into the heart of the ruins, our senses heightened, attuned to every sound and movement.

"So where should we have a picnic?"

She asked, breaking the silence with a smile.

I scanned the surroundings, my eyes searching for a taller ruin that resembled a broken tower. It was in that very spot that the artifact was rumored to be hidden. The picnic had to take place there if I were to retrieve it without arousing suspicion.

Spotting a structure with crumbling walls and a jagged silhouette, I pointed in its direction.

"Over there," I suggested to Rose, my voice filled with feigned excitement. "That spot looks perfect for a picnic. We’ll have a fantastic view of the surrounding ruins."

Rose followed my gaze and her eyes widened in delight.

"Ooh, that looks amazing! Let’s head there then."

We made our way toward the chosen ruin, the anticipation building within me. As we reached the base of the broken tower, I spread out the picnic blanket and arranged the food and drinks in an inviting manner, masking my true intentions beneath a fa?ade of casual camaraderie.

Once everything was set, I gestured for Rose to take a seat. She settled down on the blanket, her eyes alight with curiosity and wonder.

"This is such a unique spot..."

She remarked, her gaze roaming over the crumbling walls.

"I wonder what stories these ruins hold."

I chuckled lightly, trying to appear nonchalant.

"Who knows? Perhaps these walls have witnessed great battles or hidden treasures. It’s always fascinating to imagine the secrets they hold."

Rose nodded in agreement, her attention momentarily drawn to the surroundings. It was the perfect opportunity for me to discreetly explore the area and locate the hidden artifact.

I feigned enthusiasm as I suggested.

"Why don’t you take a closer look at the walls? You might find some interesting inscriptions or symbols. I’ll just grab some drinks from my spatial ring."

Rose’s eyes gleamed with excitement at the prospect of discovering hidden details. She ventured closer to the ruins, tracing her fingers over the weathered stone. Meanwhile, I seized the opportunity to slip away unnoticed, my heart pounding with a mixture of determination and anxiety.

"It’s now or never!"

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