Extra’s Magic Chapter 141 Inconvenience

Tap... Tap...

My footsteps quietly echoed through the street, the sound barely audible in the crowds of people that buzzed around me.

Usually, my presence wouldn’t even be noticed, just another face in the crowd.

However, today was a bit different.


I could feel the weight of their gazes on me, their curious glances and hushed whispers.

It wasn’t because I had a beautiful face or anything, but because of my condition.

My clothes were tattered and worn, as though I had been to hell and back. My blond hair was disheveled and matted as if I hadn’t seen a comb in weeks.

Luckily, I was still wearing The Darkling Mask, so my identity remained hidden.


A sigh escaped my lips as I continued walking, trying to ignore the stares and whispers around me.

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It wasn’t that I enjoyed being in the center of attention, so being constantly observed made me uneasy.

I was still attracted to the option of staying in the Shadows...

Tap... Tap...

While walking toward the City center, I quickly noticed a building that was made out of rusty steel and looked like a box.

[ Serpent Guild ]

Approaching the front door, I pushed them open, hearing the creaking hinges protest against my intrusion.

Like the last time, it took my eyes a few seconds to get used to the gloomy atmosphere, but once they did, I could see the dimly lit interior of the guild.


The receptionist behind the counter instantly noticed my presence and raised an eyebrow in curiosity.

"You don’t seem in a very good condition..."

She stated with a matter-of-fact tone, her eyes scanning my disheveled appearance.

"Life has its ups and downs"

I barely shrugged my shoulders before becoming serious and pressing onto my HoloLink to interact with the guild’s system.

"I’ve completed my first mission."

I spoke showing the receptionist my HoloLink, the holographic mission report glowing brightly.

I could see her finger freeze on the keyboard for a second before she regained her composure and nodded approvingly.

"Please have a seat and wait for a moment..."

She said, pointing toward a couch made out of reptile skin and continuing to mash the keyboard once again.


The sound of the receptionist’s keyboard filled the room as I took a seat on the reptile skin couch.

Observing my surroundings, I didn’t see any other guild members present, only a few empty chairs and an eerie silence that hung in the air.


Suddenly, the door leading to the back rooms of the guild swung open, causing me to turn my head in surprise.

"Aiden! How was your mission?"

A man with a tall, muscular frame and silver hair stepped into the room, his enthusiastic voice booming through the quiet guild lobby.

"Shut up, Ryland!"

The receptionist shouted back at him, but Ryland only chuckled in response, his eyes fixated on me.

"So... Did you kill any Demons?"

He approached me, falling onto the couch beside me with surprising elegance and frame for his size.

I’m not sure why but this middle-aged man is acting like a teenager.

Also, when did we become so close to share the details of our missions?

"Yeah, I encountered a Demon..."

I replied hesitantly, recalling the Demon’s last words.

They still echoed in my mind.

’You are not a human...’

I couldn’t make sense of those words and that made me even more frustrated.

Fucking Demon...

"Good, good... This is a trial for true men!"

Ryland exclaimed, his laugh resonating through the lobby as if he had just heard the best joke of his life.

This, obviously, didn’t sit well with the receptionist, who gave him a stern look before interrupting.

"Aiden, we have confirmed that the Void has been closed and the Rewards for the mission has been credited to your HoloLink Account. Thank you for your service."

I nodded and quickly thanked the receptionist, before standing up from the reptile skin couch.

"It was nice to meet you again."

I said, extending my hand for a firm handshake with Ryland, which he accepted with a strong grip that made me momentarily question the strength of my own hand.

"It was a pleasure as well."

Ryland replied, letting go of my hand with a smile.

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The more I see this guy, the more I realize how strong he must be.

Tap... Tap...

I quickly made my way toward the exit and throwing a last glance toward the guild lobby, I closed the door behind me.

"Have you noti-"


As soon as my body disappeared from sight, the receptionist tried to speak, but Rylan interrupted her.

"He’s hiding his face..."


As soon as I once again entered the street, I could feel the judging gazes of the passerby fixated on me.

I needed to change my clothes and appearance.

As if on cue, in the corner of my eye, I spotted a clothing store and entered, grabbing a few items off the rack to quickly change my outfit.

It took barely a few minutes for me to buy the clothes and remove my Darkling Mask.

Looking at myself in the mirror, I smirked with satisfaction, looking at my golden eyes that seemed to shimmer in the light.

Well, I wasn’t yet beautiful by this world’s standards, but my appearance now could be called mysterious and somewhat attractive.

Hence, I couldn’t quite get why my Charm was at F+ Rank.

Ahhh... the world is unfair.

Mumbling under my nose, I adjusted my outfit and was about to leave my counter when I noticed a group of teenage girls entering the store.

I wouldn’t even glance in their direction if not for a certain girl in the middle of the group.

Fuck... Why is she here?!

I quickly turned my attention away from the girls and dashed around the corner to avoid any potential encounter with Rose.

I took a deep breath and composed myself, reaching for the Darkling Mask in my Spatial Inventory.



I couldn’t activate the Darkling Mask. My Mana reserves were completely defeated.

What a fucking inconvenience.

Cursing under my breath, I glanced around the corner to assess my options.

I scanned the store, searching for an alternate escape route that would lead me away from the group of girls. My eyes settled on a narrow hallway leading to the back of the store, where the storeroom was likely located.

Quietly, I made my way toward the hallway, trying my best to blend in with the customers browsing the racks. As I moved, I kept my head down, avoiding eye contact and hoping that Rose wouldn’t spot me.

The hallway was dimly lit, and I could hear the muffled chatter of the store employees as they went about their tasks. It seemed like a perfect route to slip away unnoticed.

As I approached the hallway, my heart rate quickened, and a sense of urgency took over. I couldn’t afford to be seen by Rose or any of her friends. I needed to get out of there quickly.

Stepping into the hallway, I maintained a casual pace, trying to appear as though I belonged there. I glanced over my shoulder to make sure no one was watching before picking up the pace and moving toward the exit at the back of the store.

Just as I reached the door, my heart skipped a beat. I spotted a store employee, a young woman with a name tag that read "Emma," coming out of the storeroom, carrying a box of merchandise. She looked up and locked eyes with me, her expression full of surprise.

"You can’t be back here."

She spoke firmly, her tone indicating that I had been caught trespassing.

"Please return to the main shopping area."

She continued, pointing toward the entrance with an expression that made it clear she meant business.

My mind raced as I tried to come up with a plan to escape without drawing further attention. I couldn’t afford any more complications or encounters with familiar faces.

With a forced smile, I stepped back, raising my hands slightly in a gesture of surrender.

"I apologize for the confusion. I must have taken a wrong turn. I’ll head back to the main shopping area right away."

I spoke with a calm and collected tone, hoping to convince Emma that it was an innocent mistake.

Emma narrowed her eyes suspiciously, clearly not entirely convinced by my excuse. I could feel the seconds ticking away, the tension building as I searched for a way to make my escape.

Then, inspiration struck.

"Actually, I was looking for something specific. It’s a surprise gift for my sister, and I wanted to make sure it was just right."

I flashed her a disarming smile, hoping to win her over with my charm.

"You know how picky sisters can be. I didn’t want to risk her catching me in the act."

Emma’s expression softened slightly, her guard starting to waver. She seemed to understand the struggles of finding the perfect gift for a loved one.

"Well, I suppose I can make an exception this time."

She said, her voice laced with a touch of sympathy.

"But hurry up and find what you need. I can’t have you causing any trouble." 𝘧𝘳𝓮𝓮𝓌𝘦𝓫𝓷𝘰𝘷ℯ𝑙.𝓬ℴ𝘮

Relief washed over me, and I nodded gratefully.

"Thank you so much. I’ll be quick, I promise."

With that, I turned and hurried into the depths of the store, scanning the aisles for a way out. My eyes fell upon a side exit, marked with a small sign that read "Employees Only." It was risky, but it seemed like my best chance.

Careful not to attract any attention, I made my way through the racks, blending in with the shoppers as I approached the exit. My heart pounded in my chest as I reached for the door handle, hoping it wouldn’t make a sound.

To my relief, it swung open silently, revealing a quiet alley bathed in soft sunlight.

I slipped out into the open, my heart still racing with adrenaline. I quickly closed the door behind me, leaving the store and its prying eyes behind me.

"Mission succe-"


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