Extra’s Magic Chapter 149 Mana Barrier

If only we were able to keep our pace, we would reach the Mage Academy no longer than 5 minutes.

All that stood between us and our destination was a couple more right turns through the alley and we would be able to enter the main road that was just a stone’s throw away.


Fate is a bitch!


The sound of a close-by explosion jolted us out of our quick stride, forcing us to halt in our tracks.


Lifting my eyes from the ground, I saw a web of cracks spreading like lightning across the stone building walls surrounding us.

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Suddenly, the building to our right collapsed, sending a cloud of dust and debris into the air.

I didn’t even have time to dodge, hence I instinctively spun around my heel, turning my back to the crumbling structure and shielding Rose with my body.

Thud... Thud...

Pebbles and bricks pelted against my back, creating a painful massage. One of the debris hit me right in the back of my head, making my consciousness slip for a second but before I plummeted to the ground, I regained my footing, using every ounce of strength to stay upright.


"Where’s Tia?"

As soon as the dust cloud began to dissipate the group of girls following me started calling out for Tia, their worried voices filled with panic and fear.


Counting their heads, I also quickly noticed that one of them was gone.

However, this failed to change the fact that we needed to continue moving forward.


Momentarily closing my eyes and taking a deep breath, I willed the small amount of Mana I still had to flow toward my eyes.

’Mana Perception...’

Threads of Mana began appearing all around me, weaving through the air like invisible tendrils.

I could see the subtle glow coming from the girls and many more in the city, however, that was irrelevant to me...

I needed to quickly find Tia, dead or alive, and continue the journey.


Scanning the rubbles with my eyes, I quickly picked up a faint glimmer of Mana emanating from beneath a pile of debris.

It was so faint it seemed as if the person beneath the rubble was barely clinging to life.

"She’s there..."

Turning to the wailing girls behind me, I pointed toward the pile of Debris, watching as they quickly sprang into action, moving their wobbly legs as fast as possible.

The girls wasted no time, fueled by fear and determination. With trembling hands and teary eyes, they hurriedly pulled away the debris, piece by piece, revealing Tia’s motionless body buried beneath the rubble.

"Careful! Careful!"

One of them called out, guiding them to move cautiously to avoid causing further harm. Despite the urgency, they couldn’t afford to be reckless.

As the rubble cleared, Tia’s pale face became visible, her eyes closed and her breathing shallow. Her clothes were torn and stained with dust and blood. The sight was heartbreaking, and tears streamed down the girls’ faces as they saw their friend in such a dire state.

"Someone, get a health potion!"

The girl, who had Fire Mana Art urged, and one of the girls quickly fumbled through her Spatial Ring, producing a small vial filled with a glowing liquid.

With trembling hands, she uncorked the vial and gently pressed it to Tia’s lips. A few drops trickled into her mouth, and we all held our breath, hoping for some sign of improvement.

A faint glow emanated from Tia’s body as the healing potion took effect. Slowly, color returned to her cheeks, and her breathing steadied. The healing properties of the potion worked wonders, stabilizing her condition, but it was clear that she needed more extensive medical attention.

"We have to get her to a healer."

One of the girls said, her voice choked with emotion and I knew it was my time to intervene.

"We will, but we can’t stay here"

I replied firmly, still keeping an eye on the surroundings for any potential danger.

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"The Mage Academy is just ahead. Once we reach it, they can tend to her injuries properly."

The girls nodded, understanding the urgency. With newfound determination, they carefully lifted Tia, supporting her injured body between them, and we continued our journey through the devastated alleyways.


Another distant explosion echoed through the city, reminding us of the perilous situation we were in. The streets were littered with debris, and the sounds of chaos and screams were becoming more prominent as we approached the main road.

"Suppress your Mana..."

I whispered, glancing at the girls. We couldn’t be noticed or else we’ll be forced to fight...

We couldn’t afford to have another battle.

With Tia now stabilized and the girls suppressing their Mana to avoid detection, we cautiously stepped out of the alleyway and into the main street. The scene before us was one of devastation and chaos. Buildings were in ruins, flames licked the air, and the city’s once bustling streets were now battlegrounds for multiple skirmishes between humans and demons.

A pang of fear gripped my heart as I spotted a group of demons prowling not too far away, their eyes glowing with malice. We couldn’t afford to draw their attention. We had to be swift and clever.

"Stay low and keep moving..."

I whispered, my voice barely audible. The girls nodded, their expressions tense and focused.

As we hurried through the debris-strewn streets, a particularly large demon with leathery wings spotted us from a distance. With a snarl, it took off in our direction, its claws scraping against the ground as it closed the gap between us.

"Quick! A Fire Wall!" I called out urgently, gesturing to the girl with Fire Mana Art. She nodded, her eyes determined, and chanted a quick incantation. A wall of intense flames erupted from the ground, forming a barrier between us and the oncoming demon.

The fiery barrier bought us a precious few seconds as the demon hesitated, growling at the obstruction. The flames danced and crackled, holding the demon at bay, but we knew it wouldn’t last long.

"We have to keep going!"

I urged the girls, and we sprinted towards the massive campus of the Mage Academy in the distance.

As we ran, the ground beneath us seemed to tremble, and we felt the oppressive force of demonic Mana encroaching upon the area. But when we crossed the threshold of the Mage Academy’s boundary, a visible ripple of energy emanated from the campus, forming a shimmering blue barrier that enveloped the entire grounds.

The Mana barrier was a formidable defense, preventing any demons from entering. It was a testament to the power and knowledge wielded by the mages within the Academy. We were safe, for the moment.

Exhausted and breathless, we finally slowed down as we reached the Academy’s entrance. The main gates were closed, but the guards on duty recognized the girls, and after a brief explanation of the urgent situation, they quickly let us in.

Inside, the atmosphere was tense as students and teachers moved with purpose, organizing defenses and attending to the wounded. But amidst the chaos, there was also a sense of unity and determination.

"We need to get Tia to the infirmary..."

One of the girls said, and a group of medics rushed to our aid, carefully taking Tia from their arms and carrying her away for further treatment.

I took a moment to catch my breath, my mind racing with thoughts of what to do next. We had made it to the Mage Academy, but the city was under siege, and there was still much to be done.

"I should go reap the rewards..."

Carefully, placing Rose onto the ground, I noticed a couple of guards with pointy ears rushing toward us and sighed.

The Elven Guards were here, now Rose would be in safe hands.

Observing as they carefully lifted the princess, checking her pulse and sighing in relief, I spun around and made my way toward my Dorm.

I had some things to do...


In the darkened skies, bathed in the crimson glow of fires below, a malevolent presence loomed above the city. The Demon, with wings spanning the horizon, watched with sinister delight as chaos reigned in the streets. His massive form cast an ominous shadow, creating a sense of dread that gripped the hearts of those unlucky enough to glance upward.

With eyes glowing like fiery embers, the Demon surveyed the devastation he had wrought upon the metropolis. He reveled in the chaos, finding pleasure in the explosions that ripped through buildings and the terrified screams that echoed through the night. To him, the city was a mere plaything, and the terror of its inhabitants fueled his wickedness.

As the gusts from his wings stirred the smoky air, a sinister grin spread across his demonic visage.


Suddenly, a dark Shadow appeared behind the Demon, kneeling in subservience.

"We... didn’t find him or the artifact..."

He growled quietly, his voice low as if he was grinding gravel under his feet.


However, the next second his abdomen was pierced by a splintering spear, thrust with such force that it shattered bone and tore through flesh.

"Incompetent fool!"

The Demon retracted his spear, looking at the quivering figure before him with disdain.

"He killed my son, stole one of the most powerful artifacts and you cannot find him..."

Leaning closer to the Shadow, the Demon’s voice dropped to a chilling whisper.

"If you don’t find him and retrieve the artifact, I will make sure your punishment is far worse than death..."

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