Extra’s Magic Chapter 160 Combat Exam

Crunch... Crunch...

A group of well-dressed students emerged from a vibrant purple portal, their feet leaving deep imprints in the soft, glistening snow.


Some of the students wrapped their arms around themselves, shivering as they tried to ward off the chill in the air.

Somehow, those dumbasses had not even bothered to take a coat before stepping into the portal.

Although Robbin had told us multiple times that the Combat part of the exam will be done in an Ice Dungeon, some people still didn’t come prepared.


Looking at them, I could only sigh and shake my head.

Yesterday, I visited the Dark Auction to buy some equipment for the upcoming exam.

The Mage Academy permitted us to bring in our own Artifacts and items, which was very fortunate.

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Touching the band on my wrist, I opened its Status screen:

~ Coldness Band ~

[ Effect ]

Provides minor resistance to cold.


This was one of the Items I bought to give myself an advantage against the freezing temperatures of the Ice Dungeon.

The last time I was here, I vividly remember only wearing simple clothes that did little to protect me from the biting cold.

This time, however, I was more prepared.

Glancing around, I also noticed a few other students who, like me, had come equipped with various magical artifacts and accessories to combat the freezing conditions of the Ice Dungeon.


My eyes momentarily lingered on Katarina, a girl with blond hair, who held a longbow and wore a thick fur cloak.

Her ears were pierced with dangling silver earrings that glistened in the light of the snow.

It seems that she, too, had taken the necessary precautions for the icy environment.

Closing my eyes for a moment, I tried to recall everything I knew about her.


She was the eldest daughter of Carolina, an S+ Rank Awakener, who I had met in Helixia during the incident in the restaurant.

I had also fought Katarina during one of the combat classes and also lost...

I wonder if I can beat her now...

Unknowingly, my stare lingered on her a little longer than I intended, which caught her attention.

She glanced in my direction, her emerald eyes meeting mine briefly before I diverted my gaze feigning disinterest in her direction.

I could feel her gaze piercing through me, but I refused to acknowledge it.


The sound of clapping echoed through the room, drawing the attention of all the students.

"Today, we’ll be testing your combat ability in the challenging terrain of the Ice Dungeon"

Clapping his hands, Robbin announced with a tired tone. He really didn’t seem too enthusiastic about this whole thing.

"You have 12 hours to kill as many monsters as you can. The kill count will be counted by the Academy’s surveillance system, so there is no need to collect proof or evidence..."

Rubbing his hands together, Robbin’s face morphed into a smile as he continued.

"Fighting between each other is allowed, but killing is strictly prohibited."

A few grins spread across the group, however, I could only sigh at the potential chaos and mayhem that could ensue from allowing students to battle each other in addition to the monsters.

I wanted to be nowhere near that chaos.

"Upon defeating the other student you will steal their points, so choose your opponents wisely and strategize accordingly..."

Robbin’s grin widened before he clicked his fingers and dissolved into thin air.

"May the strongest survive and now, disperse!"

As the group of students absorbed Robbin’s instructions, a sense of anticipation filled the air.

The challenge had been set, and the promise of combat and competition hung palpably around them.

With a mental shake, I reminded myself of my plan. I had no intention of diving into the fray of student battles. My goal was clear - head to the spruce forest, where the elusive Yetis were known to inhabit. These formidable creatures would surely rack up a significant kill count, boosting my chances of success in this exam.


Amidst the shifting crowd, I started moving subtly, avoiding the more boisterous groups that were already strategizing and bickering. My steps took me away from the main gathering and toward the towering cliff that the spruce forest clung to, like a verdant tapestry woven against the icy rock.


The snow crunched beneath my boots, muffling my footsteps as I ventured deeper into the forest. The air grew colder, and a hushed serenity enveloped me, broken only by the occasional creak of snow-laden branches. My breath formed misty clouds in the frigid air as I continued, each step bringing me closer to my target.

Reasoning that Yetis were usually found in the heart of such forests, I treaded carefully, my senses attuned to any sign of movement or presence. The trees stood sentinel, their towering forms casting long shadows on the pristine snow. I could feel the weight of the moment, the gravity of the challenge ahead settling on my shoulders.

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Then, a subtle shift in the ambiance caught my attention. It was almost imperceptible, but my instincts flared to life. There, like a whisper in the wind, I sensed a trio of figures trailing me. My heart quickened, and I resisted the urge to glance over my shoulder.

Who were they, and why were they following me?

Maintaining my pace, I subtly altered my trajectory, veering slightly to the left. The footsteps behind me mirrored my movements, confirming my suspicion. These weren’t chance companions; they were intentionally tailing me. A mix of caution and curiosity gripped me. Were they allies, competitors, or something else entirely?

In the midst of the dense forest, I finally spotted a small clearing up ahead. The trees seemed to thin out, and a sense of openness beckoned. This would be an ideal spot to confront my pursuers, or at the very least, assess their intentions. With a controlled exhale, I quickened my steps, my mind racing with possibilities.

As I stepped into the clearing, I pivoted swiftly, coming face to face with the trio that had been tracking me. My eyes locked onto theirs, and a charged silence hung between us. Two boys and a girl, each adorned in their own unique attire, stared back at me.

"Well, well..."

The girl finally spoke, her voice carrying a note of amusement.

"Seems like we’ve been caught, guys."

The shorter of the boys scratched his head sheepishly, a lopsided grin tugging at his lips.

"Yeah, you’ve got us. Nice job."

I arched an eyebrow, my initial wariness giving way to a spark of intrigue.

"Caught? Following me, you mean?"

The taller boy, who had been at the rear of the trio, stepped forward, his gaze steady.

"Apologies for the secrecy, but we couldn’t help but notice your quick departure. Heading for the Yeti territory, are you?"

I nodded slowly, impressed by their deduction.

"And what’s your interest in all this?"

The girl’s smile widened, her emerald eyes glinting with a mixture of challenge and camaraderie.

"Surviving this exam, just like you. Maybe we’re better off doing it together."

A flicker of realization swept through me.

These fuckers were lying!

Using my ’Mana Perception’ I quickly deduced that all of them are F+ Rank, which is more than enough to get a good score in the exam.

"Scram... I don’t need any allies."

With a firm voice, I declared, refusing their offer and plunging forward on my own.

"Hey, wait up!"

One of the boys called out, his voice tinged with a mix of annoyance and anger.


Suddenly, something tore through the air and I whipped around to see a flash of movement.


I caught sight of a glint of metal before pain exploded in my shoulder.


Looking at the blood seeping through my shoulder, I lifted my eyes and glared at the trio, who all stared at me with grins.

"Fucking killer, does it hurt? You’ve killed Ella!"

The girl exclaimed, gritting her teeth with a twisted satisfaction.

However, I could only sigh.


Raising my hand, I clasped the dagger firmly, pulling it out of my shoulder without flinching.

"What is wrong with you people? I hadn’t killed her? Who even are you?"

I glanced at my wound, which was already starting to heal, thanks to the Regenerative Rune I had etched onto my jacket yesterday.

"Lying bastard!"

The shorter boy shouted aggressively, his face contorted with anger.

Before I could respond, he threw another dagger toward me, but I swiftly deflected it with a flick of my wrist, sending it into the snow.

"I suggest we resolve this conflict peacefully..."

Flexing my muscles, I spoke, however, the faces of the trio didn’t reflect any willingness to negotiate.

’Why does nobody listen?’

Muttering under my breath, I summoned my Authority and directed my Mana toward my feet.

"Last warning..."

I spoke, my voice firm and authoritative, carrying a hint of warning.


"Fuck you!"

The shortest boy spat out, pulling out another dozen daggers and launching them in my direction.

’I guess I’ll have to beat some sense into them.’

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