Extra’s Magic Chapter 178 Four Potions

Knock... Knock...

I woke up to the sound of someone knocking on my apartment door.


Groaning, I dragged myself out of the comfortable tangle of blankets.

Instinctively, I glanced at my wristwatch to check the time.

[ 03:47 ]

My eyes twitched as I processed how ridiculously early it was. Also, it was barely a few hours ago that we came home from the Combat Exam.

The person on the other side of the door, on the other hand, didn’t seem to care about my lack of sleep.

Knock... Knock...

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Reluctantly, I shuffled towards the door, my feet dragging heavily against the cold wooden floor.



Slowly opening the door, I peered out into the dimly lit hallway, my eyes struggling to adjust to the sudden change in light.

"Order Delivery"

Standing in front of me was a delivery person, holding a package with a bright smile on their face.

Within moments, my tiredness melted away and I quickly grabbed the box from the delivery person, shutting the door behind me.

Excitement bubbled within me as I held the package in my hands.

I didn’t expect the delivery to arrive so quickly since I placed the order after I came back from the Combat Exam.

Carefully, I tore open the packaging to reveal four vials of blue potion, shimmering in the soft glow of my apartment’s lights.

The Breakthrough Potions...


Whispering to myself, I gently picked up the box and carried it onto the wooden table in the middle of the room.

As I placed the box down, a mix of anticipation and nerves coursed through my veins.

These potions, although G Rank, cost me quite a lot of Arcons.

However, I was basically forced to buy them because of the upcoming week.

I had to raid the Shadow Dungeon and my core being an F+ Rank one, didn’t help at all.

I needed to at least reach E Rank before I could attempt to clear it and it seemed like these Breakthrough Potions were my best shot at achieving that.

The weight of the decision weighed heavily on me as I stared at those vials of blue liquid.

Click... 𝖋𝔯𝔢𝔢𝖜𝖊𝖇𝖓𝔬𝔳𝖊𝔩.𝖈𝖔𝖒

I picked up one of the vials, holding it up to the light to examine it closely. The intricate patterns on the glass seemed to dance, catching the light in mesmerizing ways.

These Breakthrough Potions were rumored to be a shortcut to power, a way to boost one’s abilities and push through barriers that seemed insurmountable. But they also came with risks - side effects that could even shatter your core.


But I knew the clock was ticking, and I didn’t have the luxury of time. The Shadow Dungeon held the Mana Art that could potentially boost my strength to new heights.

There was no way I was going to let such an opportunity slide.

Sighing, I uncorked the vial and raised it to my lips. I hesitated for a moment, thinking about the gamble I was about to take.

Was this the right choice?

Would it lead to the breakthrough we needed, or would it be a costly mistake?

"Why am I even scared? Just drink it you scaredy-cat!"

Cursing, I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and then I drank the potion in one gulp.

The taste was sharp and metallic, sending a shiver down my spine. It felt like liquid energy flowing through me, awakening every fiber of my being.

The excruciating pain surged through my core, a searing fire that threatened to consume me from within. It felt as if my very essence was being torn apart and stitched back together, all in the span of a heartbeat. The intensity of the pain was beyond anything I had ever experienced, and I clenched my teeth, refusing to let out a scream.


A tear managed to escape the corner of my eye, but I quickly brushed it away, not wanting to show weakness.

Enduring the pain, I focused on circulating the Mana that was now flooding my body, trying to harness its raw power. It was a delicate dance, a balance between embracing the energy and preventing it from overwhelming me completely.

"I’ve felt worse agony..."

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I whispered through gritted teeth, a hint of defiance in my voice. This was the price of power, the sacrifice for the chance to rise above my current limitations. The blue liquid worked its magic, pushing me beyond the boundaries I thought would take a few days to break down.


Slowly, I began to feel the Mana settling, becoming a part of me. It was as if I had unlocked a hidden reservoir of strength, a wellspring of potential that I never knew existed. The pain began to subside, replaced by a sense of exhilaration, of being alive in a way I had never imagined.

I stood there for what felt like an eternity, the world around me fading as I focused on the intricate patterns of energy swirling within. With each heartbeat, the power grew, merging seamlessly with my core, strengthening it, expanding it. I could feel the change, the transformation happening at a fundamental level.

A small smile tugged at my lips as I embraced the newfound power coursing through me. It was a dangerous gamble, but at that moment, it felt like the right choice.

My heart raced as I prepared to repeat the process with the other vials. The decision had been made, and now I was committed to seeing it through. I knew the risks, but I also knew the potential rewards. The taste of the first potion was still fresh in my mind, a reminder of the intense transformation I had just undergone.


I grabbed the second vial and uncorked it, bracing myself for the surge of energy and the searing pain that would follow. As the liquid touched my lips, I could feel the familiar sharpness, the metallic tang that signaled the beginning of the transformation.

The fire erupted once again within my core, but this time, I was ready. I welcomed the pain, knowing it was the path to greater strength.

"Keep going, don’t back down."

I whispered to myself, determination overriding the discomfort. I felt the Mana flood my body once more, and I channeled it, just as I had done before. It was a delicate dance, but this time, I was more in tune with the process. The pain still raged, but it was more manageable, more controlled.


As the second vial’s effects merged with my core, I could sense the changes occurring. It was as if the first vial had paved the way, and the second vial was building upon that foundation. The power was growing, expanding, and my core was adapting to the influx of energy. I felt the barriers weakening, the limitations I had once faced becoming less daunting.

After the third vial, the pain was less intense, a testament to the resilience of my core and the adaptability of my body. I could sense the transformation happening, the power surging through me, and a strange warmth spreading throughout. It was as if the energy had found a comfortable place within me.

My thoughts raced as I uncorked the final vial. This was it, the culmination of my decision, the moment when I would see the true impact of the Breakthrough Potions. I knew the risks, but I also believed in the potential. As the liquid flowed down my throat, I braced for the final surge, the final push to elevate my abilities.


The pain was more manageable this time, a dull ache compared to the earlier searing agony. I focused on channeling the energy, harnessing it for my own growth. It was a transformative experience, one that I would never forget. The power within me was greater than I had ever imagined, and I could feel it integrating seamlessly with my core.

And then, in a triumphant surge, it happened. The strange warmth that had been spreading throughout my body intensified, radiating from my core outward. I could feel it, the unmistakable sensation of leveling up. It was as if a barrier had been shattered, and I was now on a higher plane of existence.

A smirk spread across my face as I realized the truth. I had ranked up.


≈≈≈ Status ≈≈≈

Name: [ Aiden ]

Rank: [ E- ]

Strength: F+

Agility: E

Stamina E-

Mana: D-

Charm: E

<-- Skill -->

[ Sword Proficiency --> Rank E ]

A fundamental skill that enables the user to comprehend the principles of swordsmanship.

[ Book Worm --> Rank A ]

By delving into the pages of any book, one’s comprehension of the content is bound to increase by 15%.

[ Aura Blade --> Rank B ]

A skill that allows the user to use his Mana to form a blade that matches the power of his Sword Proficiency.

[ Rune Enchantment --> Rank C ]

This skill enables the user to inscribe simple tunes on objects. imbuing them with minor enhancements or enchantments.

<-- Weapon Style -->

[ Silent Shadow Style [ ★★ ] --> Apprentice Proficiency ]

A Sword Style that emphasizes stealth and deception, using subtle movements and misdirection to catch opponents off guard.

First Movement:

"Shadow Strike"

A Shadow can penetrate through almost anything, avoiding armor or other kinds of defense.

While in effect, the weapon will ignore all the defenses.


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