Extra’s Magic Chapter 192 Shadow Illusions

Stepping through the portal was like being caught in the embrace of an abyss, a swirl of darkness that enveloped my senses. My heart raced, a mix of excitement and trepidation washing over me as I entered this unknown realm. The transition was disorienting, a vertigo-inducing shift that left me momentarily breathless.

The world I emerged into was unlike anything I had ever encountered. Above, the moon hung in the sky, its silvery light muted by the presence of an ongoing lunar eclipse. The very air seemed to pulse with an eerie energy, and the shadows that danced across the landscape took on a life of their own. It was as if the shadows were sentient, moving with a fluid grace that defied explanation.

As I looked around, I could see countless shadowy beings darting back and forth, their forms shifting and changing as they moved. Some seemed to be engaged in tasks that were beyond my comprehension, while others simply wandered in a chaotic dance. It was a mesmerizing sight, both captivating and unsettling.

The lunar eclipse cast a deep red hue over the world, bathing everything in a surreal, crimson glow. The shadows, as if drawn by an unseen force, seemed to congregate around the ruins of a massive city that stretched out before me. The civilization was a sprawling maze, its structures rising like jagged spires into the horizon, an endless expanse of architectural wonder and decay.

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Each building seemed to tell a story of a forgotten past, a history shrouded in mystery. The pathways were labyrinthine, twisting and turning in ways that defied logic. I could sense the weight of ages in the air, a heavy silence broken only by the occasional rustle of the shadows and the distant echo of something indistinct.

I stepped cautiously onto a cracked cobblestone path, my boots making a soft crunching sound against the uneven ground. The shadows played tricks on my perception, the edges of my vision constantly shifting and morphing. I tightened my grip on my Authority, the blade feeling reassuringly solid in my hand.

Tap... Tap...

My every footfall echoed through the ruins, a reminder of my solitude in this enigmatic realm. As I walked deeper into the city, I couldn’t shake the feeling that I was being watched, that unseen eyes followed my every move. The sense of being both alone and observed was unnerving, and I found myself instinctively glancing over my shoulder.

The structures around me were a mix of grandeur and decay, their facades adorned with intricate carvings and symbols that hinted at a past steeped in arcane knowledge. Yet, time had not been kind to this place. Vines crept up walls, and stones lay scattered, evidence of the inevitable march of time.

As I ventured deeper, the labyrinthine paths seemed to blur together, creating a sense of disorientation. Every twist and turn led to more questions and more mysteries. It was easy to lose track of time in this place, the concept of day and night becoming irrelevant as the shadows danced in perpetual twilight.

The echoes of my footsteps seemed to awaken the city around me, and as I continued my exploration, I could hear faint whispers carried by the wind. They were unintelligible, their words lost to time, but the eerie quality of the sound sent a shiver down my spine.

The ruins stretched out endlessly, a sprawling tapestry of forgotten history. The city seemed to have no bounds, its pathways extending into infinity. It was both a testament to the grandeur of a bygone era and a haunting reminder of its eventual decline.

"I should take this route..."

Digging into my Memory, I tried to recall the path I had walked hundreds of times within the game.

However, the game and the reality were a bit different.

"Shouldn’t I turn left here?"

Walking into a dead end, I felt a sense of unease. Either the buildings had shifted or my memory had failed me.

However, I knew I had a very good memory...

"Something’s wrong..."

Narrowing my eyes, I reached out for the wall of the house that was blocking my path to feel its cold stonework.

However, I couldn’t feel anything solid.


A small smile appeared on my face.

Shadows were known to be able to hide secrets and create illusions, playing tricks on the eyes.

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I should’ve figured this out sooner...

As I continued to navigate the twisting paths of the city, a nagging feeling of unease gnawed at the edges of my mind. The shifting illusions and the whispers carried by the wind seemed to conspire against my understanding of this place. The shadows played tricks, and my instincts told me that I was far from alone.

Step by step, I moved cautiously, my senses on high alert. The very ground beneath me felt uncertain as if it could shift at any moment. Then, as if in response to my growing tension, the shadows began to detach from the buildings. They slithered down the walls, merging together to form grotesque, shadowy figures that took on nightmarish shapes.

My heart raced as the shadowy monsters crept toward me, their forms twisting and contorting in unnatural ways. I could feel the adrenaline surging through my veins, a mix of fear and determination urging me to stand my ground. The blade in my hand felt heavier, its weight a reassuring reminder of the Authority that I wielded.


Without hesitation, I shifted into a defensive stance, my eyes locked onto the approaching horde. The crimson glow of the lunar eclipse illuminated the scene, casting an eerie light on the shadowy figures. I could see their twisted forms more clearly now – elongated limbs, jagged edges, and eyes that glowed with an otherworldly malevolence.


As the first of the shadowy monsters lunged at me, I sidestepped with practiced precision. The clash was sudden and intense, my blade meeting its shadowy form with a resounding clash. The impact sent ripples through the darkness, and I could feel the reverberations of their unnatural existence against my weapon.

The battle unfolded in a chaotic dance, each clash of steel against shadow accompanied by a burst of energy that crackled through the air. The monsters moved with an eerie fluidity, their forms shifting and reforming as if the very fabric of reality was bending to their will. It was a struggle against the unknown, a clash between the tangible and the intangible.


I parried a strike from one of the monsters, the force of the blow reverberating through my arms. Gritting my teeth, I countered with a swift slash that cut through the shadowy form. It dissipated into tendrils of darkness before reforming a few feet away, undeterred by the damage inflicted.

The battle was a dance of precision and anticipation. Each movement was calculated, every strike aimed at disrupting the cohesion of the shadowy creatures. But they were relentless, their attacks coming from all angles, their forms shifting and twisting to confound my senses.


Ducking under a sweeping tendril of darkness, I spun on my heel, delivering a sweeping arc that dispersed several of the monsters at once. But they were adapting, learning from each engagement.

As I fought, I could see their tactics evolving, their movements becoming more coordinated, more strategic.

’I need to end this...’

A surge of frustration mingled with my determination. I couldn’t afford to let these creatures overwhelm me. I needed to find a way to break through their defenses, to exploit their vulnerabilities. With renewed focus, I launched into a flurry of strikes, each blow timed to disrupt their cohesion.

In the midst of the battle, a thought flashed through my mind – the memory of a game strategy, a move that had worked against a similar adversary. I channeled that memory, that experience, into my strikes. My blade glowed with a faint light as I executed the maneuver, a swift and precise sequence that cut through the shadowy monsters with unprecedented efficiency.

One by one, the creatures dissolved into tendrils of darkness, their malevolent forms fading into nothingness. The air crackled with residual energy, and I stood amidst the dissipating shadows, chest heaving, senses heightened. The battle had been intense, a clash of realities, but I had prevailed.

As the echoes of the battle faded, I surveyed the area, my gaze sweeping over the now-still and silent ruins. The shadows that had once danced with eerie grace were now subdued, no longer animated by the malevolent force that had brought them to life. The lunar eclipse still cast its crimson glow, but the world felt different now as if the balance had shifted.

I took a deep breath, the adrenaline beginning to ebb away. The city still held countless mysteries, its history and secrets waiting to be uncovered. As I looked out over the sprawling ruins, I couldn’t help but feel a mix of excitement and trepidation for what lay ahead in this enigmatic realm.

However, I forced myself to focus.

Although I had killed some shadows that amounted to F Rank awakeners, there were more powerful creatures in this Dungeon...

A lot more powerful...

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