Extra’s Magic Chapter 195 First Floor

The transition was seamless as if the fabric of reality itself had bent to accommodate my journey.

The crystalline light enveloped me, a cocoon of energy that transported me from the heart of the storm to the first floor of the Shadow Spire.

As the light gradually faded, I found myself standing in a dimly lit chamber, the walls adorned with intricate patterns that seemed to pulse with a subtle, eerie energy.

The air was heavy with a sense of foreboding, and the room’s atmosphere was thick with ancient whispers.

"I’m on the first floor, am I not?"

Shadows flickered across the walls, casting elongated forms that danced in the periphery of my vision.

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I could feel their gaze upon me, like an unrelenting weight that bore down on my every move.

The Shadows, manifestations of the storm’s energy, had taken on a more defined and ominous presence here. Their forms were twisted and distorted, their movements a chaotic ballet of darkness.


Instinctively, I drew my Authority once again, the blade humming with readiness. My inner thoughts were a cascade of calculations, assessing the Shadows’ patterns and potential weaknesses.

Tap... Tap...

With each step I took, I provoked their attention, and as they lunged toward me, I met them with a swift and calculated strike. My blade cut through the darkness, dispersing their forms like smoke in the wind.

The Dance with the Shadows was a macabre symphony, a testament to my honed reflexes and the power of my Authority.

Each clash was a burst of energy, a moment of focused intensity that sent ripples through the chamber.

As I moved, I noticed that the Shadows weren’t just mindless entities; they seemed to react to my actions, adapting their movements in an attempt to outmaneuver me.

With each strike, I could feel the resonance of Mana coursing through me, as if the spire itself were feeding off the clash of forces. The Shadows fell one by one, their forms dissipating into nothingness, leaving behind a lingering sense of unease.

As the last Shadow dissipated, a profound silence settled over the chamber.

Huff... Huff...

My breath was steady, my heart beating in tandem with the echoes of the battle. The room was dimly lit by the soft glow of the patterns on the walls, and I took a moment to gather my thoughts, my senses still attuned to the residual energy that lingered in the air.

Moving forward, I crossed the chamber and entered the adjoining room. The transition was almost surreal as if I had stepped into a different realm altogether. The space was vast, the walls adorned with faded tapestries that depicted scenes of an ancient civilization. At the center of the room, atop a raised dais, sat a throne that exuded an aura of power and command.

Upon the throne sat a figure draped in a flowing black robe, its form skeletal and otherworldly. The eye sockets of the skull-like visage burned with crimson flames, casting an eerie glow that illuminated the room.

My instincts screamed that this was no ordinary being, its very presence seemed to command the shadows that danced around it.

A tense silence hung in the air, broken only by the crackling of the flames within the skeletal figure’s eye sockets. My hand tightened around the hilt of my Authority as I observed the being before me, ready for whatever challenge it might pose.

The atmosphere was charged with anticipation, each heartbeat echoing in the chamber. The being on the throne remained still, its flames flickering with an eerie intensity. I held its gaze, unyielding, my mind a maelstrom of determination and strategy. As if in response to my unwavering stance, the skeletal figure’s bony fingers curled slightly, and with a deliberate movement, it rose from the throne.

The air seemed to shiver as the figure straightened to its full height, its flowing black robe cascading around its skeletal form. It towered over me, a sentinel of darkness and power.

With a slow, deliberate motion, the skeletal figure raised a bony hand, its fingers curling into a beckoning gesture. As if responding to an unseen command, the shadows in the chamber began to stir once more, coalescing into forms that materialized around the figure.

These were not the chaotic Shadows I had battled earlier, but a more refined and focused manifestation of darkness.

The room seemed to tremble as the shadows converged, their tendrils intertwining and giving birth to a legion of forms that surrounded the skeletal figure. These shadows held a controlled chaos, their movements guided by the lich’s will.

The very air crackled with anticipation, and the room’s atmosphere seemed to shift as the shadows swirled around the lich. It raised its hand once more, and the shadows responded, extending towards me like serpentine tendrils, each one carrying a malevolent intent.


Without hesitation, I channeled Mana into my Authority, feeling the energy resonate with my body.

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The shadows lunged, but I was ready. With a swift movement, I swung my blade in an arc, a burst of golden light emanating from its edge. The blade sliced through the tendrils, dispersing them into fragments of darkness that dissipated into the air.

But the lich was not deterred. It raised its other hand, and arcane symbols glowed in the air before it. A surge of shadows erupted from the ground, converging into a dark cyclone that hurtled toward me. I could sense the malevolent energy within, a force that sought to engulf me in its depths.


I leaped, propelling myself off the ground with a burst of mana. The cyclone of shadows grazed my heels, and I twisted in mid-air, landing with a controlled roll. The cyclone dissipated upon impact, but the room had grown darker, the very essence of the shadows enhanced by the lich’s incantations.

The lich’s eye sockets blazed brighter, and it began to chant an incarnation, its fingers drawing incarnate patterns in the air. From the floor, shadows coiled and writhed, forming into tendrils that shot toward me with startling speed.


I moved with a dancer’s grace, evading the tendrils with calculated steps and well-timed leaps. Each movement was precise, a testament to the hours of training that had honed my reflexes. The room had become a battleground of light and darkness, my blade slashing through the air as I deflected the lich’s attacks.

The lich’s bones cracking echoed throughout the room, a chilling sound that sent shivers down my spine.

It reminded me of bloodcurdling laughter.

Suddenly, the shadows beneath my feet stirred, coalescing into a pool of darkness. With a thought, I commanded the energy within my blade to surge forth, sending a slash of concentrated Mana toward the pool.

The collision was spectacular, a burst of energy that illuminated the chamber in a blinding flash.

But when the light subsided, the lich was nowhere to be seen. Its form had dissipated into mere wisps of shadows, its presence elusive and enigmatic. The room had grown eerily silent, the residual echoes of battle fading into the darkness.

I stood vigilant, my senses attuned to the slightest movement. And then, from behind, I sensed a surge of mana. I turned, my blade ready, just in time to intercept a barrage of shadowy projectiles that hurtled toward me.

The lich had reappeared, its form shifting and flickering as if it were a mirage.

Our battle intensified, each clash of magic and steel sending shockwaves through the chamber. The lich’s attacks were a symphony of darkness, each spell more intricate and unpredictable than the last. Shadows writhed and danced, converging into tendrils that sought to ensnare me.

With each clash, I felt the strain of the battle and the toll it was taking on my body and mind. But I refused to yield, pushing myself to the limits of my abilities.

My blade glowed with energy, and I channeled mana into it, imbuing each strike with the power to pierce through the lich’s defenses.

In the end, I even began using Timekeeper’s stopwatch to keep up with the lich’s astonishingly fast movements and spells.

Although the time around me slowed down, the projectiles and shadows the Lich kept creating and casting moved with unprecedented speed and precision.


The lich unleashed another wave of shadowy projectiles, each one a deadly shard of darkness. I stepped into a fluid dance of evasion, my body a blur of motion as I deftly weaved between the projectiles.

And then, in a heartbeat, I saw an opening. The lich’s incantation was at its zenith, its attention fixed on the spell it was weaving. With a surge of determination, I leaped forward, my blade trailing a streak of brilliance.


The blade connected.

There was a resounding clash as my Authority met the lich’s form. The impact sent shockwaves through the chamber, and for a moment, time seemed to hold its breath.

The lich’s skeletal visage contorted with surprise, its eye sockets widening as the golden light of my blade surged through its form. The energy carved through the shadows that comprised its being, an eruption of power that shattered its defenses.


With a bone-chilling howl, the lich’s form quaked and then, in an explosion of darkness, it was thrown back. The skeletal figure tumbled through the air, its robes billowing as it crashed against the chamber’s obsidian walls.

A cacophony of echoes filled the air as the lich’s form collided with the stone, and for a moment, the room was a symphony of chaos.

The lich struggled to rise, its form flickering and unstable. Shadows writhed and clung to its skeletal frame, a last-ditch effort to reform itself.

It was down.

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