Extra’s Magic Chapter 197 Second Floor


As the Lich’s skull finally separated from its corpse, my body collapsed to the floor.

Sweat was streaming down my temples and my mind throbbing with the intense pain that came with Mana depletion.

Luckily, I could simply endure this agony since my pain threshold was pushed to its limit by my reincarnation.

"What was that transformation?"

Brushing my dark bangs out of my eyes, I released a long sigh that was a mix of relief and frustration.

I felt relieved because I had slayed the Lich.

But at the same time, I felt frustrated because of Lich’s last stand.

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What was that armor he conjured?

Why wasn’t it introduced in the game?

It almost felt like my thoughts were closing in around me, intending to crush me with their teeth and claws, which were these unknown variables that kept appearing out of thin air.

"I hate this..."

Muttering to myself in the empty chamber, I slowly stood up to my feet, brushed the dust off my tattered cloak, and surveyed the aftermath of the battle.

The Skeleton of the Lich was still lying on the floor, its bones scattered and lifeless.

However, a gleam caught my eyes.

Amidst the bones, I spotted an azure gemstone glowing with an otherworldly light.

It was the key to the second floor of the spire.

Tap... Tap...

Approaching the carcass, I picked up the crystal, feeling Mana surge through my fingertips as I held it.

Azure light radiated from the crystal, engulfing the entire chamber in a mesmerizing yet blinding glow.

In a few moments, I found myself on the second floor of the spire.

The surroundings have changed completely as if I had stepped into a different world altogether.

While the first floor was some kind of underground cave, this time I found myself before a sprawling library, filled with shelves upon shelves of ancient books and manuscripts.

My eyes instantly fell on a creature that was at the corner of the room, hunched over a large desk, pouring over a dusty tome.

The monster was a grotesque mix of human and dragon features, with waxy skin and sharp claws that gripped the pages of the book.

However, its face was completely shrouded in shadows, hiding its facial features.


With a deep breath, I summoned my authority.

My fingers tightened around the hilt of my longsword, white-knuckled determination coursing through me. I knew I had to approach this enigmatic being cautiously. It could be a guardian, an ally, or a formidable adversary.

Slowly, I made my way toward the creature, my footsteps echoing softly in the library.

As I neared, the creature lifted its head from the book, its shadowy gaze turning toward me.


For a moment we stared at each other in an intense silence.

However, this didn’t last for long as the creature let out a low growl, revealing its razor-sharp teeth that were visible even through the veil of shadows.


Suddenly, a fire torrent whooshed from the creature’s mouth, engulfing the space between us in a blazing inferno.

Luckily, I was ready for the attack.

I kicked the ground with all my might, propelling myself above the flames, and executing a mid-air somersault to avoid getting caught in the fiery onslaught.

With grace and agility, I landed on the other side of the creature, slashing the creature with a swift strike of my blade.


Unfortunately, my strike only grazed the creature’s tough scales, producing a metallic clank instead of the satisfying thud I had hoped for.

Before I could retreat, the creature’s hand grabbed me by the neck and slammed me into the ground with a force that seemed to shake the very foundations of the library.


A groan escaped from my lips as all the air was forced from my lungs, leaving me momentarily breathless and disoriented.

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However, before I could react my body was lifted off the ground and thrown across the room like a ragdoll, crashing into a bookshelf with a thunderous impact.


Books and wood splintered upon impact, making a chaotic mess of scattered pages and debris.

Luckily, I hadn’t suffered any serious damage, quickly regaining my composure as I pushed myself up from the wreckage. 𝘧𝑟𝓮𝓮𝓌𝑒𝘣𝘯ℴ𝑣𝘦𝓵.𝒸ℴ𝑚

"Draconic Race..."

Looking toward the figure approaching, I growled.

These lots shouldn’t appear until the game has progressed to its later stages.

These Draconic humans were powerful beings that held strength and power far beyond that of an ordinary human.

However, one of such beings was currently before me.

Although the specimen was weakened, it still had more than enough power to give me a worthy fight.

Tap... Tap...

The creature advanced toward me with a sinister glint in its shadowy eyes. It seemed eager for a battle, its waxy skin glistening with malevolent anticipation. My grip on my longsword tightened as I braced myself for the impending clash.


With a primal roar, the Draconic creature lunged at me, its claws slashing through the air like deadly talons. I barely managed to parry its attack, the clash of our weapons sending sparks flying in all directions. The force behind its strike was incredible, and I struggled to hold my ground.

The library had become a battleground, ancient books and manuscripts scattered about as casualties of our fierce confrontation. I knew I couldn’t rely solely on brute force to defeat this creature. I needed strategy and precision.


Ducking under the creature’s next swing, I countered with a swift kick to its midsection, causing it to stagger back. It hissed in pain, and for the first time, I noticed a faint smoky aura emanating from its skin, indicating that it was wounded.

This was my chance.

With a burst of speed, I closed the distance between us and launched a flurry of strikes, aiming for the gaps in its tough scales. My sword sliced through the smoky aura, causing the creature to recoil in agony.

But it wasn’t done yet. With a sudden burst of energy, it unleashed another torrent of fire from its maw, forcing me to leap backward to avoid the scorching flames. The library’s shelves and books caught fire, casting eerie shadows in the chaos.

As the flames roared around us, I knew I had to end this battle quickly.

The library was being consumed by the inferno, and I would soon suffocate from the smoke.


I took a deep breath, trying to steady my pounding heart. The creature’s shadowy eyes locked onto me, and I could sense its determination to finish me off.

With a sudden burst of agility, I dodged its lunging strike, narrowly avoiding the razor-sharp claws that sought to rend me apart.

My heart raced as I realized that every movement had to be precise. One wrong step, and I’d be at the mercy of this monstrous foe.

The fiery chaos provided a flickering dance of light and shadows, casting a surreal backdrop to our fierce duel. The creature’s smoky aura continued to wane, but it fought back with a newfound ferocity.


I launched a series of quick strikes, aiming for its exposed flank. Each blow found its mark, and I could see the pain etched across its face, hidden beneath the shadowy veil.

But it was far from defeated.

With a roar that shook the remnants of the library, it unleashed another torrent of fire. I dove to the side, narrowly avoiding the searing flames that swept past me. The heat singed my cloak, and I knew I couldn’t keep dodging forever.

I needed a plan.

My eyes darted around the burning library, searching for anything that could aid me in this battle. And then I spotted it - a massive chandelier hanging from the ceiling, its chains already weakened by the flames.

I knew what I had to do.

With all the strength I could muster, I sprinted toward the chandelier, leaping onto a nearby table to gain extra height. The Draconic creature turned to face me, a wicked grin forming beneath the shadows.

But it was too late for it to react.

With a swift swing of my longsword, I severed the chandelier’s chains. It crashed down toward the creature, who managed to leap out of the way just in time. The impact sent shards of crystal and metal flying, and the creature let out a pained howl as it was struck by the debris.

Seizing the opportunity, I closed the distance once more. My blade struck true, slicing through the weakened smoky aura. The creature staggered, its waxy skin now marred with deep gashes.

Before it could retreat to a safe distance, I was already upon it, striking its side with a heavy punch that sent it flying into the burning bookshelves.


The impact of the creature crashing into the shelves echoed through the chamber, and a cloud of ashes and embers filled the air.

However, I was more than aware that this was not enough to end such a being.

This was a relative of dragons and I knew that such flames or my puny strength wasn’t enough to defeat this monstrous creature.


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