Extra’s Magic Chapter 200 Realistic Nightmare

Chapter 200 Realistic Nightmare

Ding... Dong...

A loud sound of the bell ringing out from the marble church shattered the silence of the empty village.

The buildings were shrouded in a strange fog, shadows that clung to the cobblestone streets and whispered secrets.

The sound of the bell reverberated through the empty streets, seeming to awaken something in the darkness.

It was at this time, I realized I was reliving the nightmare I once had.

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The shadows grew thicker, almost like a solid presence, and a horrible, sickly-sweet smell of decay filled the air.


Out of the shadows stumbled a woman, tears in her eyes. Her skin was very pale, and she had deep scratches and bite marks all over her body.

Strangely, there was no blood.


The woman moved closer to a church, but the shadows seemed to follow her every step. She was weak and collapsed near the church gate, praying desperately for God’s mercy.

"Please, God, have mercy!"

But there was no answer, just her ragged breath and the eerie silence of the empty town.

One of the shadows started to take shape, becoming a terrifying figure with pale skin, huge horns, and massive bat-like wings. It came closer to the woman, who froze in fear.

The creature had cold, intelligent eyes and sharp teeth, and it brought a freezing chill and a stronger smell of decay with it.

The creature got closer, towering over the woman. Its wings rustled, and its claws were ready.

"G... God, have m-"

Before she could finish her prayer, the creature moved incredibly fast, slashing through the air and beheading her with one swift motion.


Her head rolled away, and the creature showed no emotion. It was like this act meant nothing to it.


A distant cry caught the creature’s attention, and it moved into a nearby house that was barricaded to keep out the horrors of the night.

The room was filled with old furniture and cobwebs. The creature’s gaze landed on a cradle with intricate carvings. Something was moving beneath the blanket.


Approaching the cradle, the creature pulled back the blanket to reveal a newborn baby. The infant stared at the creature with innocent eyes, breathing gently.

For a moment, the demon and the child locked eyes, their silent communication lingering in the air. The demon’s golden eyes shimmered in the dark, casting an eerie light on the fragile baby before it.

I was somehow also seeing the scene unfold before my eyes, unable to tear my gaze away from the horrors that were unfolding.

The demon, its wings casting long shadows over the cradle, leaned down with a chilling deliberation. The infant’s eyes widened as it felt the presence drawing nearer, sensing an otherworldly menace.

The baby’s heartbeat quickened, and a tiny whimper escaped its lips. It was as if the innocent child understood the impending danger, even if it couldn’t comprehend it fully.

The demon’s sharp fangs glinted in the dim light, and with a slow, deliberate movement, it lowered its monstrous head towards the baby’s chest. The air grew colder, and a trail of frost formed where the demon’s breath touched the infant’s skin.

The baby’s cries grew louder, a heart-wrenching wail that reverberated through the room. Tears welled up in its innocent eyes, and it kicked its tiny legs in a feeble attempt to escape the impending horror.

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But then, with a swift and deliberate motion, the demon’s fangs descended onto the baby’s chest. There was a sickening crunch as the sharp teeth pierced the delicate flesh, and the room filled with the heart-wrenching screams of the infant.

Blood welled up around the demon’s mouth, staining its pale lips crimson. The baby’s cries intensified, a symphony of pain and terror that echoed through the abandoned village.

The demon didn’t show any sign of remorse or hesitation now. It continued to feed on the baby’s innocence, its eyes glinting with a malevolent hunger. The room was filled with the sound of the infant’s agony, a horrifying lullaby that seemed to seal the village’s fate.

As I watched this gruesome scene unfold before my eyes, a sense of helplessness washed over me.

’What the fuck is happening?’

Looking at the scene I cursed, trying to understand the unimaginable horror that was taking place.

The demon’s chilling disregard for the infant’s screams sent shivers down my spine, and I couldn’t fathom the depths of the horror that had engulfed the village.

The baby’s cries pierced the eerie silence of the room, a stark reminder of the innocence being devoured by the malevolent creature. The demon’s eyes remained fixed on the child, its hunger unquenched by the torment it inflicted.

With each excruciating moment that passed, the demon continued its gruesome feast, carving into the baby’s tender flesh with unnerving precision. The room seemed to grow colder with each bite as if the very air had turned against the helpless infant.

The child’s cries grew weaker, its tiny body writhing in agony as the demon fed upon it. The scent of blood and decay hung heavily in the air, suffocating any remaining semblance of hope.

I couldn’t understand how such evil could exist, how something so monstrous could roam freely, unburdened by guilt or remorse. My heart ached for the innocent life being extinguished before my eyes, and a deep sense of despair settled within me.

And then, as if the demon’s hunger knew no bounds, it began to carve into its own chest, ripping off pieces of flesh with its razor-sharp claws. The demon’s chest resisted its own claws, but it persisted with an unholy determination.

The room was filled with grotesque sounds - the tearing of flesh, the infant’s feeble cries, and the demon’s low, guttural growls. It was a horrifying spectacle, a nightmare made flesh, and I felt an overwhelming urge to intervene, to stop this abomination from continuing its gruesome feast.

But I was paralyzed, a helpless observer in this macabre theater of horror. The demon seemed impervious to the child’s suffering, lost in its own insatiable appetite for pain and despair.

As the demon continued its gruesome act, the room grew colder and darker, as if the very essence of evil had taken root in that forsaken place.

The room seemed to close in around me, the air heavy with the stench of death and decay. I couldn’t tear my gaze away from the horrific tableau unfolding before me. The demon’s insatiable hunger for pain and despair knew no bounds, and I felt a growing sense of dread.

As the demon continued to carve into its own chest, the room grew even colder, and malevolent darkness seemed to seep from the shadows. The infant’s cries had dwindled to weak, pitiful whimpers, a mere echo of the agony it had endured.

I couldn’t comprehend the demon’s grotesque actions. What drove it to such unspeakable acts?

And then, with a sudden and shocking twist, the demon’s eyes glinted with a strange determination.


It let out a guttural growl that reverberated through the room, and in a macabre display of self-mutilation, it pushed its clawed hand into its wide-open chest.

I gasped, unable to believe what I was witnessing. The demon’s hand disappeared into its own chest cavity, and its face contorted with a mixture of pain and determination. With a gruesome squelching sound, it grasped something within itself, something that glowed with an eerie, crimson light.

My heart pounded in my chest as I watched in horror. What could the demon be retrieving from its own chest? And why did it do so with such a malevolent intent?

With a final, desperate effort, the demon pulled its hand free, clutching a pulsating, crimson organ in its grasp - the heart. The room seemed to pulse with the sinister rhythm of the organ as it continued to beat in the demon’s hand.

And then, in an act that defied all reason and sanity, the demon turned its attention back to the suffering infant. Its eyes locked onto the baby’s tiny chest, and a sinister glint filled its malevolent gaze.

Without hesitation, the demon brought its grotesque prize closer to the baby’s chest, its cold, bony fingers wrapping around the fragile flesh. The infant’s eyes widened in terror as it sensed the impending horror, its feeble cries reaching a crescendo.

With a strange and eerie determination, the demon pushed the crimson heart into the baby’s chest cavity. The room seemed to pulse with dark energy as the grotesque ritual unfolded before my eyes.

The infant’s cries were silenced abruptly, replaced by a low, otherworldly growl that seemed to emanate from deep within the baby’s tiny form. The demon’s eyes glowed with a malevolent satisfaction as it watched the ritual’s completion.

I couldn’t comprehend the implications of what I had just witnessed. The demon had transferred its own heart into the innocent infant, binding their fates together in some unholy union. What sinister purpose lay behind this gruesome act?

As the room grew colder and darker, the demon’s form began to fade into the shadows, its presence slowly dissipating. It left behind only a sense of malevolence and despair that seemed to hang in the air like a lingering curse.

’What is happening?’

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