Extra’s Magic Chapter 202 Daughter And Mother


A girl sitting on a leather armchair let out a long sigh, her emerald eyes filled with slight boredom.

Many of the male train passengers were openly ogling her but she paid them little to no mind.

Some even tried to approach her, however, a single glance from her was enough to send them scurrying back to their seats like scared mice.

It wasn’t her strength that made them back down but the strange aura that surrounded her.

She was dangerous.

’Only a few stops left...’

Using her hand to brush the strands of her golden hair behind her ear, she muttered while looking out of the window, her gaze fixated on the passing landscape.

Katarina’s mind was preoccupied with thoughts, a lot of thoughts. More than a normal person should have.

However, who said that she was normal?

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Her aura already spoke volumes of her extraordinary nature.

A girl her age shouldn’t wield such a presence.

It could only be achieved through a lifetime or even a few. This made her even more mysterious, an enigma.


With a lazy gesture, she jerked her head toward the door as a tall, dark figure stepped onto the train.

For a second, her emerald eyes grew cold, however, the very next moment her face softened or rather became a calm mask of indifference.

She knew the being that stepped into the train or rather knew its kind.

It was not her first time encountering such a creature.

Although she was planning to take a break at least since she reached Helixia, it seemed that her plans were about to be disrupted.

’This didn’t happen in my previous attempts...’

Muttering something unintelligible under her breath, she stood up, garnering the attention of the people sitting in her carriage and began to trail the dark figure through the train.

The silhouette kept passing from carriage to carriage as if searching for a more secluded place.

Fortunately or not, it did find such a spot in the last carriage.


The being let out a sigh, a fog of mist, escaping its lips as if the temper of the air dropped.


However, its momentary peace was interrupted as a blond girl stalked into the carriage, striding and taking a seat before him.


Trying to appear as innocent as possible the being spoke, however, before it could react a dagger was drawn and pierced through its throat.


The being only had time for his eyes to widen before it fell to the ground, dark blood seeping out of his wound.

It didn’t take long for the entire corpse to turn into ashes, leaving only a Dark Core remaining.


However, Katarina was unaffected by the entire event, throwing her dagger back into her inventory and grabbing the Dark Core, which also found its spot in the Spatial Ring.

Yawning, she began to make her way toward her carriage when suddenly, the levitating train began to descend and a robotic voice echoed through the entire train.

[ Helixia ]

Instantly, Katarina went toward the doors and left the train, stepping onto the metal platform with grace.

"It never gets too old..."

Taking a deep breath, she giggled, attracting some attention but nevertheless, enjoying the view that opened up before her.

Helixia was the city where she was born, and where her mother was currently stationed.

Every single time she reattempted her life, she appeared in this same place.

It was a city that connected her attempts or rather lives.

A city of her origin.

"Where did she say she wanted to meet me?"

Scratching her cheek, Katarina began to walk toward the main street of the town, masking her Mana Signature unconsciously.

It was a habit she developed to stay unnoticed and out of trouble.

A very useful one.

Tap... Tap...

Katarina navigated the bustling streets with practiced ease, her senses sharp and alert.

Soon, she approached the building that seemed to be like a town hall of the city, however, she didn’t even hesitate to step inside.

"Oh, miss Katarina..."

A woman sitting behind the receptionist table, instantly rose from her seat, slightly bowing her head toward Katarina.

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"Your mother is currently in the training area, teaching the new recruits."

Thanking the woman for the information, Katarina spun around her heels, stepping into a long corridor that was adorned with medals, trophies and photographs of past heroes and distinguished fighters.

It was like a hallway of fame or rather the achievements of Katarina’s ancestors.

The achievements kept trailing until they reached a massive double door at the end of the corridor.

Clank... Clank...

Katarina could hear dull sounds of weapons clashing together and her eyes, enhanced with Mana, picked up the bright glimmers of Mana behind the door.


Entering the room, she took a second to adapt to the sudden light that blinded her.

As her vision cleared, Katarina found herself standing in the midst of a bustling training ground.

Arenas, training equipment, and fighters filled the room, each engaged in their own intense practice or sparring session.

Katarina’s eyes instantly shifted toward the back of the room where a massive area was left for mock battles and duels.

She also instantly noticed an abnormal amount of people surrounding the ring, their attention fixated on two fighters facing off against each other.

One of the combatants was a middle-aged man with a lush beard and a spear. His massive frame and bulging muscles indicated that he was a force to be reckoned with.

Katarina’s gaze sharpened as she observed the intensity and precision with which he wielded his weapon.

It was as if his spear’s movements were rehearsed and choreographed, each strike landing with calculated accuracy.

They also seemed to have a certain flow, always following a certain rhythm that showcased the man’s mastery of his craft.

Although, most of the time his attacks were blocked or even dodged, he managed to maintain a confident and composed demeanor, never faltering in his movements or losing his focus.

Katarina couldn’t help but be impressed by the man’s skills and level of expertise.

However, the man was lacking compared to his opponent and that was evident because of the small cuts and wounds that were slowly piling up on his body.

"React faster!"

On the other side of the ring stood a young woman in her late twenties.

She had long silver hair that cascaded down her back in a river of shimmering strands. Her face was delicate, with sharp features that seemed perfectly designed to frame the deep green of her eyes.

She wielded a silver sword that glinted in the light as she effortlessly parried and countered her opponent’s attacks.

Her name was Carolina and she was Katarina’s mother.


Suddenly the man took a sudden step forward thrusting his spear forward with incredible speed and precision.

The strike wasn’t aimed to kill but only to hurt an enemy.

This was only a spar, not a real battle.

Carolina effortlessly sidestepped the spear thrust, her silver sword a blur as it deftly blocked the attack, then twisted gracefully in her hand to disarm her opponent. The spear clattered to the ground, and the crowd of onlookers erupted in applause.

Despite the sweat glistening on her brow, Carolina maintained an air of calm confidence. She was a true master of her craft, and it showed in every precise movement.

The defeated man, gasping for breath, offered a respectful nod and extended a hand to Carolina.

"Good fight"

She accepted it graciously, helping him to his feet. It was evident that the spar had pushed both combatants to their limits, and they had the utmost respect for one another.

As the crowd began to disperse, Carolina’s eyes scanned the room. It didn’t take long for her to spot Katarina standing near the entrance, her emerald eyes fixed on the ongoing battle.

Carolina’s lips curled into a fond smile, and she made her way through the bustling training ground toward her daughter. When she reached Katarina, she didn’t say a word. Instead, she wrapped her arms around her daughter in a tight, warm embrace.


Katarina, caught off guard by the sudden affection, couldn’t help but growl softly in protest. It was a reflexive response to being pulled into such a tight hug. However, the sound only made Carolina laugh, her silver hair brushing against Katarina’s cheek as she chuckled.

"You always were a feisty one, weren’t you, my little wildcat?"

Carolina whispered into Katarina’s ear, her voice filled with maternal warmth and pride, while Katarina growled.

"You stink of sweat."

This immediately made Carolina let go of her and playfully mock-offended.

"Let’s go to my office."

Gesturing Katarina to follow her, Katarina began to walk toward the right side of the training ground where metal doors stood.


Soon a lift arrived and the doors parted, allowing the mother and daughter duo to step inside.


While the elevator ascended, Carolina threw a mischievous glance at Katarina.

"Did you find a boyf-"


However, she wasn’t able to even finish her sentence before Katarina denied her.


The sound of someone clicking their tongue resounded across the small room.

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