Extra’s Magic Chapter 204 New Form

Chapter 204 New Form

Do I die?

Looking at the approaching Demon, I could feel my entire body aching from the brutal battle we had just endured.

I couldn’t even control my hands, barely being able to hold onto my sword.

Tap... Tap...

The Demon’s footsteps drew closer and closer with each passing moment until he was right before me.

"You are really tenacious..."

Grabbing me by my hair, the Demon lifted me off the ground, a wicked smile playing on his lips.

"You’ve already wasted a lot of my precious time."

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The next moment, I was launched toward the marble wall with a force so powerful that I felt some of my bones shatter upon impact.


I growled, feeling my entire body go numb for a second before the pain flooded back, reminding me that I was still very much alive.

"Why didn’t you listen? I said we needed to speak!"

The Demon appeared before me and grabbed me by my throat, smashed me to the ground, causing a thunderous crash.

"Are you ready to talk?"

Raising me to his eye level, the Demon growled.

However, my golden eyes were resolute.

Although I couldn’t move my body, I wasn’t willing to give in.

The Demon might have broken my body but my mind was unhindered.

"This fucker..."

Looking into my eyes, the Demon hissed, smashing me into the ground again and again.

Thud... Thud...

The Demon’s endless endurance made the process even more torturous since he never ran out of energy.

At one point, something in my body broke and my entire body went completely numb, blocking out all the pain.

Huff... Huff...

At some point, even the Demon’s breathing began to get rougher.

His crimson eyes glanced at me, a slight surprise evident in his eyes.

"Whoever you are... You seem to be really deep within"

He spoke while looking into my eyes.

However, it didn’t seem like he was speaking to me.

It was weird.

It’s as if he was trying to reach something within me.

"Let’s see how much longer you can hide..."

As the Demon continued his relentless assault, my world became a blur of pain and suffering. Each impact against the unforgiving ground or the unyielding wall sent shockwaves of agony coursing through my shattered body. My vision dimmed, and I could taste the metallic tang of blood in my mouth, but I clung to consciousness with grim determination.

The Demon’s strength seemed boundless, and his malevolent glee was palpable as he pummeled me again and again. It was as if he relished every bone he broke, every drop of blood he spilled. I couldn’t help but wonder why he hadn’t just ended me yet, instead opting for this prolonged torment.

My mind, though battered and beaten like the rest of me, remained my sanctuary. It was my last bastion of resistance, a fortress where I could retreat from the horrors unfolding in my broken body. With each blow, my thoughts grew clearer, and my resolve deepened. I knew I couldn’t give in, not now.

Amidst the chaos of the ongoing brutality, I found a fragment of clarity, a small ember of defiance that refused to be extinguished. I knew the Demon sought something within me, some secret or power that I possessed. I had to protect that secret at all costs, even if it meant enduring this unending torment.

"Come on... who are you!?"

The Demon’s taunts and threats washed over me like a distant tide, his words barely registering through the haze of pain. But his surprise was unmistakable, and it fueled my determination. If he thought he could break me, he was sorely mistaken. I would endure this torment until my very last breath, and I would protect whatever it was he sought to uncover.

Minutes turned into hours, or perhaps it was only moments – time lost all meaning as the Demon continued his merciless assault. My body was a grotesque canvas of bruises and blood, my limbs twisted at unnatural angles. My vision flickered like a dying candle, and the world grew darker with each passing second.

But still, I clung to life, to that ember of defiance deep within me. I couldn’t let go, not now. The Demon’s grip on my throat tightened, and I could feel the darkness closing in.


My thoughts began to race erratically until only one of them was left.

I need to survive.

After that, everything around me went black.

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Thud... Thud...

The Demon kept smashing the body of a frail human into the ground and walls.

The human was severely injured, his appearance mangled without recognition.

His entire body was covered with blood, his dark hair becoming the shade of crimson.

"Who are you!"

The Demon kept shouting while beating up the stiff body, an eerie smile spreading over his face.

He had fun, a lot of fun.

However, his goal was not to have joy in beating a helpless being.

He was trying to awaken the ’thing’ within him.

Minutes turned into hours, and the Demon’s blows seemed endless. The human’s body was a grotesque tableau of suffering, every inch of skin marred with bruises and blood. Limbs bent at unnatural angles, bones shattered beyond recognition, yet the human clung to life, defying the very laws of mortality.

But amid the chaos and brutality, the Demon sensed something stirring. It was a subtle shift, a tremor beneath the surface.

And then, in the midst of this relentless torment, a surge of energy erupted from the human’s body. It was a colossal release of Dark Mana, raw and unbridled, catching the Demon off guard. With a deafening roar, the force of the explosion threw the S Rank Demon backward, crashing through the marble wall with a thunderous impact.

The Demon’s crimson eyes widened in shock as he found himself momentarily disoriented, his malevolent smile wiped away. He struggled to regain his composure, shaking off the debris and dust that clung to his form. But there was something different now, something changed in the human’s eyes.

As the dust settled, the human’s body, though battered and broken, had a renewed vigor. The blood that had once flowed freely now seemed to coalesce, forming a protective barrier around his wounds. His limbs twitched, then straightened, bones snapping back into place with an unsettling, almost otherworldly, precision.


Suddenly, bat-like wings sprouted from his back, becoming even bigger than the ones of the S Rank Demon.

They were almost transparent and didn’t have any feathers, covering their surface.

Two horns also began to emerge from the human’s forehead.

The human stood tall, his golden eyes shining with an intensity that didn’t seem human.

"So... this is what you are!"

Chuckling the Demon the demon stood up and said.

He clenched his claws and his crimson eyes began to glow with a fiery intensity.


However, the being that was previously a human didn’t respond.

It only growled before launching itself toward the Demon.

As the transformed being, no longer just a frail human, launched itself toward the S Rank Demon, a palpable surge of power emanated from its form. The air crackled with dark energy as the being closed the distance in the blink of an eye, leaving a trail of afterimages in its wake. The Demon barely had time to react before a devastating impact rattled the very foundations of the chamber.


The Demon’s monstrous frame was sent hurtling backward once more, but this time it was not the aggressor. It crashed through the thick walls of the chamber, pulverizing the marble into rubble. The room quaked as the Demon’s body collided with the farthest wall, leaving an ominous crater in its wake.

For a moment, the chamber fell into an eerie silence, broken only by the labored breaths of the Demon as it struggled to regain its composure. Its once-confident crimson eyes were now filled with uncertainty and fear.

The transformed being, with bat-like wings, outstretched and horns glinting with malevolence, stalked forward, every step echoing with a chilling finality. It was as though a new entity had emerged from the shattered remains of the human, something ancient and formidable.


It had sought to awaken a hidden power, but it had unwittingly unleashed a cataclysmic force beyond its control.

"Show me how strong you are!"

As the being closed in, its golden eyes locked onto the fallen Demon with a predatory gleam. It raised its clawed hand, the fingers elongated into razor-sharp talons that glistened with a dark aura. In that moment, the Demon knew the depth of its folly.

With lightning speed, the being struck, slashing through the Demon’s form like a hot knife through butter. A spray of dark blood and ichor filled the air as the Demon’s limbs were severed, one by one. The agonized screams of the S Rank Demon echoed throughout the chamber, drowning out its earlier sadistic laughter.

The being didn’t relent; it was relentless in its assault, each strike more precise and devastating than the last. The Demon’s once-mighty form was reduced to a mangled, limbless husk, its monstrous strength rendered meaningless in the face of this overwhelming power.

And then, with a final, decisive blow, the being shattered the Demon’s chest, sending it crashing to the ground. It stood atop the fallen foe, triumphant and unyielding, a grotesque visage of power and vengeance.

The Demon, now a broken and defeated creature, could do nothing but gurgle blood and writhe in futile agony. Its crimson eyes once filled with malice and sadistic pleasure, now reflected only the depths of its suffering.

The being surveyed its handiwork, its golden eyes unflinching, unrelenting.


For a second, the entire ballroom went silent and then the Demon’s head was severed from its shoulders.

A Monster fought a Monster.

A powerful being defeated another powerful being.

A Demon killed a Demon.

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